grave-keeping note

48. Soup Basin No. 78

48. Soup Basin No. 78

The second master stood up and stretched out his hand to ask me. I looked at Na Wan.

"Second master, I can take care of it."


The second master's domineering power came up again. I can only look at thatwan.

"Can't you even afford a woman's home?"

The second master is angry.

"Second Master, it's not a matter of who is not at home."

"Okay, you wait."

The second master left angrily.

"What should I do?"

"If he has to, give it to him! It's not that thing."

It seems that there is nothing she can do. She just doesn't want me to embarrass her.

No one mentioned this matter again, and the second master didn't come again. I know he is definitely not finished.

Three days later, I got 2.4 million. Na Wan and I went to the villa area and paid the money. We got the key. The villa area was a one-stop villa, and Na Wan and I lived in on the same day.

That day, the second master called me and asked me to go back to Xinla City.

I see thatwan.

"In the future, if you don't look at me and do whatever you want, I won't be angry."

That said to me with a smile.

I went to Xinla City and entered the second master's room.

"You must give it to me. I don't want to take that thing. That thing is a disaster. The Blackwater people have always wanted this thing. I know that Wan can control the Blackwater people now and dare not bother you, but can you guarantee that in three or five years, they will not trouble you?"

The second master was right, and I gave his skin jade hand to the second master.

I came out of Xinla City that day and felt that everything was relaxed. I returned to the villa and fell asleep on the sofa. I picked her up. She didn't open her eyes and hugged my neck tightly. I took her to bed, covered her with a quilt, and came out.

I'm standing in front of the window smoking. I don't know what to do next. I'm sure I can't leave Xinla City, because I'm a new person.

I didn't go to bed until midnight.

When I got up in the morning, Na Wan cooked breakfast for me. I told her to go out for a walk and go south. Na Wan agreed.

The next day, when I left, I called the second master. He obviously didn't want me to go out. I knew that the second master was old and had a support in his heart.

In fact, I just want to leave here and stay for a period of time. For the rest of my life, I dare not think that it is a painful thing to be a gravekeeper and guard the water mausoleum for a lifetime like the second master. It is a painful thing to be trustworthy and righteous, which is the price I paid for my life.

We went to Hangzhou. I like this city. Northerners are actually uncomfortable when they come to the south. It's humid and hot, which is completely different from the north. But I like here, the canal, the endless canal, flowing like life.

On the third day in Hangzhou, we actually met Li Fu. We followed Li Fu. He came to the south and didn't know what to do. At No. 78 Tangpen Lane, Nanjing Street, Li Fu went in.

When he came out, two hours later, he went to the station and didn't know what he was doing here.

In the evening, Na Wan and I were in the hotel, and I asked Na Wan.

"What is this boy doing here?"

"There must be something wrong. This wizard is very evil and has handed over a lot of people."

"Why don't we go and have a look?"

That Wan thought for a moment and agreed.

The next day, at more than nine o'clock, we knocked on the wooden door. An old lady in her sixties opened the door, with white hair and spoke Shanghai dialect. I couldn't understand it, and Na Wan couldn't understand it. When we shook our heads, she spoke Mandarin, Shanghai Mandarin.

"Who are you looking for?"

"We are Li Fu's friends. Come and see you."

The old man looked good and let us in. I put down my things and looked at the room. There was a picture of Li Fu when he was young on the table. I was stunned. It seems that Li Fu and this old lady have not been friends for a day and a half.

"Li Fu just left yesterday, you..."

The old lady is a little suspicious.

"We came together. We had something to do yesterday and didn't come. He went back first and agreed to come to see you today. Didn't he tell you?"

"I didn't mention this matter, and I, an old lady, don't have anything to see."

We were talking when Li Fu came in. He was stunned when he saw my Wan.

"Why are you here?"

"Let's take a look at the aunt."

Li Fu's performance was actually very normal. He was scared when he saw Na Wan before, but this time he was not afraid. I didn't expect that he called the old lady his mother, but it's definitely not his mother, which can be seen.

That day, Li Fu invited us out for dinner and told us about it. The old lady and the old man are from Shanghai. When they went to the north to play, they were robbed. He gave them money to return to Shanghai. He was only 22 years old that year.

Since the beginning of the year, the old lady and the old man asked him to go to Shanghai once a year. If he didn't go, they would not come, so he recognized his godfather and godmother. The old man left early, and he came twice a year.

"What are you doing here this time?"

"Look at my godmother!"

Li Fu obviously didn't tell the truth.

"I don't think that's the case. You must have something to do."

"That's the least popular thing for you. You ask a reason for everything."

"Li Fu, although our friends have had indisputable disputes for so many years, they have not affected our feelings too much. I think it's good for you to stay away from the Blackwater people. You can't get anything from there. You have to realize this."

"How many years do I live than you? You know that you don't need to teach me this. We all have our own pursuits, so we don't have to persuade anyone. If you can be friends, you can do it. If you can't do it, you can go."

Li Fu is very confident today, and Na Wan has never spoken.

When Na Wan stood up, Li Fu also jumped up.

"Li Fu, there are a lot of accounts, and I have to settle with you..."

At this point, Li Fu has run to the door. Then Wan sat down, and Li Fu had no trace.

"This boy is quite strange today, so calm."

"It must be something, but we don't have to worry about it. If he is with the Blackwater man, there is nothing good to eat."

After staying in Hangzhou for a week, Na Wan and I went back.

The day after I went back, Ji Xiao gently called me and asked me to go there. I knew it was a child's matter, and I was always worried about it.

I entered the room and saw the child wrapped in both hands. I was stunned.

"What's wrong?"

Ji Xiao gently pulled me aside and whispered to me.

"The child bit his hand and didn't know the pain."

I panicked, and it seemed that what the child had lost was pain.

"Tell him not to bite his hand."

"He can't control it, just wants to bite. I'm worried about the future..."

I have a terrible headache, which is the result of my sins. I called the second master. After reading it, the second master asked me about the situation, and I told him about it. The second master didn't scold me, sighed and shook his head.

"Watch it carefully! There is no other way."

I hired a babysitter to watch the child. When we were about to leave, Gong Xiaogang came back. He saw that my second master and I were unhappy.

"You shouldn't come again."

I understand the meaning of Gong Xiaogang's words.

"I'm here to see the children. I don't mean anything else."

Gong Xiaogang is still studying the culture of the Blackwater people. He is very stubborn.

That day, after the second master and I left Ji Xiaoqing's home, the second master did not say a word and returned to Xinla City. I went back to the villa and told Wan about the child.

"That's all. There's no other way."

"Can you find that soul and think of a way?"

"No, there's nothing we can do."

That Wan was very sure, and I didn't say anything more. Some things are irreversible. I know that I was in a bad mood that day. In fact, I didn't expect such a thing to happen. It seems that some things can't be done randomly.

That Wan sat in the living room in white pajamas in the middle of the night. When I got up at night, I was shocked. That Wan was motionless. She should have heard me coming out, and I didn't call her. Maybe she had something on her mind.

The next day, Na Wan and I went to the tomb. We stood in line and lined up. Now everything here is not that one. All the entrances that can enter the tomb are sealed, and there is only one entrance.

When we went in, a policeman looked at me and obviously recognized me. He nodded at me and I turned back.

We went into the tomb, and Na Wan told me.

"There are many organs in that organ room that they don't understand. There are police guarding them. Obviously, they also know the importance of here. The tomb is not safe now. Some organs are going to be demolished. They have not been demolished, which may be very troublesome."

I don't know why Na Wan told me these things. We turned around in the tomb. Almost all the valuable cultural relics here have been replaced with imitations. Some can be seen at a glance, and some can't be seen. The Wan stopped in front of a room, which was a flag coffin, a tall flag coffin with flying eaves.

That whispered.

"This is the ancestral coffin of that family. In fact, it is not here. It should be in the upper room. I moved here. The flag coffin in the upper hall is just a coffin of a boy."

"Why did you do this?"

"I don't think the ancestral coffin has been opened. There is something in it, so I moved here. They can still make the coffin in the hall the ancestral coffin."


Na Wan smiled and didn't say anything. The tomb was already full of cameras, and we would be seen in our every move. When we came out of the tomb, we saw Zuo Fair standing outside, followed by two experts.

"Left fairness."

I whispered, and thatwan said.

"I saw it."

When we got to the exit, we were stopped by Zuo Fair.

"Little gravekeeper, what do you think after reading it?"

"I miss your mother."

I said this, and then he looked at me, covered his mouth and smiled.

Left fairness will be anxious.

"Little gravekeeper, don't go too much."

"It's you who are too much. That tomb has today, and you also have credit. You are a bastard who digs other people's graves and steals other people's things."

"You don't understand culture."

I really can't say anything about such a person. I pulled that Wan to leave, and Zuo Ping was in front of me.

"What are you doing?"

"The tomb is open, but there are many problems in it. The mayor asked me to deal with it, but there are some things I can't deal with. I want you to help me."

"Left Fair, you are really thick-skinned. If there is a cannon, I'm afraid you can't even hit a point."

"You can say anything. I want to ask you to help me with this matter. Of course, it will be beneficial."

"Left Fair, how much did you get here?"


"What's wrong with me? Can you see who is standing next to me?

Zuogong ping will naturally know Na Wan. Na Wan wears the kind of hat that can cover her face. After I finished speaking, she took off her hat. Zuogong ping jumped three meters away and said to Na Wan with her palms.


Zuo Ping's move confused me and Na Wan, and it took me a long time to understand.

"Left Fair, you are really a strange person."

That Wan couldn't help laughing.

I don't know to what extent Zuogong ping II has reached, and I don't know who taught him this trick. He saw that Wan did not respond, but also looked at his hand and muttered.

"Why doesn't it work?"

"Who taught you?"

"Li Fu."

Na Wan and I really couldn't help it. Li Fu was bad for Zuogong ping, which made Zuogong ping look embarrassed.

"Ouch, don't be embarrassed here. You can believe what three-year-olds don't believe."

Na Wan and I left.

"Left fairness is a little careless."

That Wan said.

"This is stupid. I heard that he is a doctoral supervisor and a professor in 18 universities, including 10 abroad."

"He is a cultural business, but he can't do this."

I went to Yin Village with Nawan.