grave-keeping note

61. Easy ghost position

61. Easy ghost position

The second master said to Yiren.

"What conditions can you offer?"

The second master stared at the two easy-looking people.

"A hundred years later, you can get a ability in that world that may make you comfortable."

"A hundred years later? I have arranged this matter, and I don't think it's worth it.

"It seems that you understand what you want?"

"A bone on your body."

A person's face has changed a lot.


The two easy people suddenly look a little different.


The second master ran away first. He ran five meters before I realized it, and a tall man rushed out.

After all, the second master was old. He didn't run 50 meters, so I caught up with him.

Li Fu also ran over at this time. He ignored us and ran to those two rooms.

The second master turned around and ran back. Before the two easy people came out, Li Fu stood at the door.

The second master and I stood behind, and the two people looked at Li Fu. Their eyes were horrible, absolutely horrible, and even desperate.

"Wizard Li, if you want to enter Shuiling and get something, we can help you."

Li Fu didn't say anything and saw that he was a little hesitant. It was Li Fu's dream to enter Shuiling, and it was Li Fu's extravagant hope to get the thing in Shuiling.

"I'm a gravekeeper, can you enter the water mausoleum?"

"Of course, we can stay in this world for 20 years at most. It's easy for us to go back, enter Shuiling, get things, and come back again. It's only 20 years in a day in that world."

20 a day, but I should have stayed below for one day, not 20 years.

I asked the second master in a low voice.

"They have different methods of easy calculation, ghost calculation."

The second master looked at Li Fu. He really hesitated. He suddenly stepped back a few steps and gave way out of the door.

The second master kicked him, and Li Fu almost lay down. After he stood firm, he looked back at the second master. His eyes were evil, and I knew that something bad was going to happen.

Li Fu really gave way to the door, pointed to the second master, and turned around and walked away.

I'm thinking about something bad. I'm going to pull Li Fu. The second master stared at me.

Yi Ren came out, and the expression was a little proud.

The second master laughed, and I was shocked, and he laughed at any time.

The police rushed in and they knew that something had happened here.

When the police saw us, they didn't get close and were far away. They already knew that there would be nothing good where the second master appeared. Only one policeman, who seemed to have just started work, rushed over with a baton.

"What's going on? What's the matter?"

I closed my eyes, maybe it's not appropriate to watch it below.

I heard the cry and opened my eyes. The policeman had fallen to the ground. After a while, his face twisted, and then his face was deformed, ferocious and terrible.

The second master took a look, and his expression was painful.

"What's going on?"

"The yin qi rushes to the face."

The two Yiren were more proud. They walked to the second master, pushed away the second master, and walked forward. Before taking ten steps, the two Yiren stopped. I was stunned for a moment.

An easy man turned around and pointed to the second master and said.

"You play yin."

Then he fell to the ground and slowly broke up, stunned by the police.

The second master walked over, picked up two bones, and went to the room over there. I didn't follow him. He came out and had three more bones in his hand.

After he came out and looked at me, I followed, looked at the police who fell on the ground, and slowly recovered.

The second master and I came out and asked the second master.

"How could they do that?"

"They underestimated me. The gravekeeper has been guarding for a lifetime and can still deal with two Yi people. This is called Yi, which specializes in treating tomb robbers like Li Fu."

I didn't understand until this time, but I didn't know what it meant when the second master called Li Fu.

The second master returned to Xinla City and entered his room. I returned to my room. I felt very tired and went to bed early.

In the middle of the night, I smelled the pure fragrance again and got up. I didn't see anything until the pure fragrance faded, and I continued to sleep.

When I got up in the morning, the second master stringed five bones together and asked me to put them on the hand bowl and told me not to take them off at any time.

I don't know what it means, ask the second master.

"What's the use of this?"

"You have said too much."

The second master won't hurt me, just if you don't know.

My five friends came back seven days later. I went to see them. They didn't seem to know anything about going to Xinla City. I didn't say that they seem to have forgotten what happened during this period.

I invited them to dinner that day and kept talking about happy things. They didn't know those things at all.

It's good to do this.

Li Fu called me, and he scolded the second master for not being a thing.

I went to Li Fu's house. When he saw me and scolded the second master, it seemed that he didn't go to Chengshuiling, and he was really uncomfortable.

"Li Fu, you didn't do this right. Is it a little bit like that to exchange with Yiren?"

Which one? From my point of view, you are you."

"Unfortunately, you are too smart. Will the second master let them enter the mausoleum?"

"Old and immortal."

"Actually, you can change the ghost position and enter the mausoleum."

"Then your second master broke me up. Will I be a ghost at that time? Don't think about it."

Li Fu probably knew the second master's technique for a long time, so he never dared to take this risk.

It seems that Li Fu knows too much.

"Your second master of Shuiling has been closed, and you will know from the appearance of the water. The lake is as calm as stagnated water. It can only be opened a hundred years later. It seems that I have no life in my life. My wild son doesn't want to learn these things from me. That's good."

Li Fu mentioned whether his wild son was real or fake, only Li Fu knew.

That day, Li Fu drank too much and cried and laughed. In fact, Li Fu is very bitter. He has done a lot of things in his life, but he has lost more. The tomb robbers are very evil. Looking at him, they feel that the yin is everywhere. The most evil thing is that Li Fu's body is also cold in summer. Maybe the yin is too heavy. He always drills into the tomb when he has nothing to do.

I came out of Li Fu's house and went to the Zha family compound. I think that Wan should stay in one place.

There are still many tourists in the courtyard. I shook my head and entered the small building.

It didn't calm down until two o'clock in the middle of the night. I went to Zha's compound and jumped over the back wall.

When I entered Na Wan's room, I didn't feel anything. It seemed that Na Wan didn't come to this place. She was too popular.

When I went to the compound and went in, I almost didn't scare me to death. The five Nade knelt there, all white. Let me go. What kind of evil game is this?

"What are you doing?"

"I'm recruiting ghosts!"

"Your eighth uncle, are you sick?"

Na Wu Nade stood up and said.

"I don't know what happened during this period. I always dreamed of the coffin. There was a man in the coffin. I opened it and couldn't see his face clearly. However, it is indeed a person.

I jivered after listening to it. It was really strange.

"Where do you live now?"

"Viewing Park."

The viewing park is a high-end community, which is originally a cemetery. However, not many people know about it. The cemetery turned out to be the cemetery of the big landlord Liu Dafu's family, which was later built into this viewing garden community.

I followed the Wu Nade to the community where he lived and took a look in front of the building where he lived. I horrped.

The first floor, the front and rear gardens, and a basement.

When I entered the room, I felt very cold. It was not normal cold, but gloomy.

After sitting for a while, the wind passed by.

"You invite Li Fu tomorrow. There must be something here."

"Can it work? How evil that wizard is.

"Of course."

"I'm surprised that since this month, I've been dreaming of the same dream, constantly dreaming, and let me go to that compound, kneel there with filial piety, and say what curse. I don't understand that curse. However, I also remembered it over and over again in my dream.

I turned my head to look at Wu Nade, and his face was pale.

"What curse?"

The five virtues will be read to me.

I didn't understand, but the wind suddenly became strong, and the door closed with a bang, which scared me to jump up.

"I see you call Li Fu right away."

The phone was made, but it didn't get through.

"I'll invite Wizard Li early tomorrow morning."

When I returned to Xinla City, I felt that it was strange. I always had the same dream, and that curse, and the wind was blowing everywhere at a thought. It was really strange.

The next day, I went out early. I went to the Wunade, but Li Fu didn't come.

Nanade said that he came after nine o'clock and asked me to prepare some incense and burn paper.

Li Fu came and saw me. He stared at me and said.

"What do you belong to? Nothing will fall on you."

I ignored him.

After hearing this, Li Fu stood up and said.

"I thought what the hell entered the room. This is not an ordinary thing. I can't do it."

Li Fu is leaving.

"Li Fu, you always stand up."

After saying that, I looked at the five Nade, but he didn't understand what it meant.

"Wizard Li is a great wizard. Can I help you for nothing?"

The Wu Nade hesitated for a moment, stood up, and took out something from a large vase. It turned out to be a bone. Li Fu took a look and smiled, which was insidious.

After Li Fu sat down, he began to calculate, muttering something and couldn't understand a word.

Ten minutes later, Li Fu said.

"Dig, just dig this."

The five Nade was stunned.

"Find someone to dig."

Nagon found workers in the market, began to dig, drilled the ground, and dug. Two meters later, the three workers stopped and said.

"I dug something up."

"You can go."

Li Fu let the workers go, and the five Nade gave some money.


"What else can I have, coffin?"

I'll go. There is a coffin under the building that Wu Nade bought. Who lives here and who is not unlucky?

Nanade was shocked to know that it was a coffin, and he was so angry that he wanted to find the property.

Li Fu stopped and said.

"It's not necessarily a good thing. You two go down, clean it up, and then open the coffin."

I stared at Li Fu, and the five Nade said.

"Oc, don't go down. It's not a big place. Just be alone."

Li Fu was relaxed, sitting there watching TV and drinking tea.