grave-keeping note

22. Bright line

22. Bright line

The security guard left and we stood up.

Li Fu looked at the temple and said.

"The temple hides evil spirit. When you see that animal, it doesn't look scary, and you don't know what animal it is."

"It's strange that there is nothing else here except those offerings."

Nan Na Nade stood far away. I called him, and he shook his head to show that he couldn't come.

"What should I do?"

"Go in and have a look. This small temple is not small."

"I didn't drill. That half of the room almost killed me."

Li Fu got in. He went in for a long time and drilled a bit of ashes.

"No fart."

"What does this bright line mean to lead us here?"

"I don't know. Let's talk about it later."

We left the tomb, and I went back to the villa and told Nawan about it.

That Wan didn't say anything for a long time.

I didn't ask, she was probably thinking about something. For a long time, she stood up, walked to the bay window and looked out.

"That's a coffin line, which can lead you into the coffin. It's a very evil line. If you enter the coffin, you will die, **."

I jiggled, thanks to not finding the coffin, otherwise I wouldn't be able to go in.

"How could that happen?"

"There were no such things in the tomb. Probably there were too many bones, which gave birth to evilness. There are always some unexplained phenomena. Stay away from the coffin line."

"I know."

In fact, this matter is not over. A week later, a coffin line appeared in the room, which was bright and even a little dazzling. Na Wan went out that day and never came back. I waited for Na Wan, and the coffin line kept moving around the room. I didn't see it.

Na Wan came back at dawn and looked very tired. After she came in, the coffin line disappeared.

I'm a little strange. Thatwan came in and the coffin line disappeared. Is it because of dawn? I don't know.

Na Wan went to bed and rested. I sat on the sofa and watched TV.

I don't know what to do next, follow the second master as a gravekeeper, or go away from home with Na Wan and live a two-person life? Na Wan has never mentioned this matter. I'm afraid no one wants to mention it. When I leave, the second master will definitely be unhappy and want to stay. No one can stand this endless strange thing. I'm also worried that if anything happens to Na Wan, I'm afraid it will really end.

Na Wan got up in the afternoon. We went around the garden of the community and came back.

Li Fu called me and asked me to go to Tulun City and said that he had found something new. I told him not to go. He said don't regret it. I looked at thewan.

Na Wan said with a smile.

"You can do whatever you want. Don't look at me. I support you, no matter what."

When I went to Tulun City, Li Fu fought with a man, half a catty to eight taels. The people next to him were cheering for the excitement.

I went there, and Li Fu shouted.

"Help me."

I stood aside and asked.

"What's going on?"

"This boy steals other people's things and is still so arrogant."

As soon as I heard it, there was an electric cannon. The boy fell to the ground, and I went up and kicked it.

Li Fu followed.

We stopped, and the boy ran away.

We entered Tulun City.

"Where is the new thing you mentioned?"

Li Fu pointed to the flag on the drum tower and said.

"Look, isn't that something new?"

I scolded Li Fu in my heart. I turned around and was about to leave. Li Fu stopped me and said.

"I'm kidding! I want to drink with you, but it's boring without me."

I was so angry that I had nothing to say and struggled to leave. Li Fu begged me, so I had to go.

The stewed fish with sauerkraut, Li Fu whispered when we were drinking.

"There is really something new. I have been staring at him for three days. Today, I changed to a day shift and night shift. He always takes things out and doesn't know where he takes them out."

I was stunned for a moment. The management of Tulun City was very strict. How he got it out was a strange thing.

At night, we hid in Tulun City until the door closed, and the lights in the security room were also turned off. The security guard also came out and looked around. No one went north, where there was a point platform, a tall point platform.

He walked on the stage, raised his left hand and shouted, startling me and Li Fu.

"MD, this boy is quite a general and a little crazy."

I said.

"No, you watch."

After a while, a person appeared and looked at the weak. I rubbed my eyes, but I was still weak, as if I hadn't taken a good picture.

"What's going on?"

"That's not a human, it's an illusory and unreal existence."

The illusory man actually took the things, went to the stage, handed them over to the security guard, and then left. I don't know why it was gone. It seems that it came from somewhere and from somewhere.

The security guard took something into the security room.

This is really strange.

"What did I say? He gets off work early tomorrow morning, and we will follow him."

We all went home. At five o'clock the next morning, we stayed in the distance and looked at Tulun City.

The security guard got off work and went to the station with a bag. We followed. After getting on the bus, the boy sat down and closed his eyes. I looked at it and didn't close it at all. I would look at the people around me from time to time, which showed that he was very vigilant and nervous.

He got off the bus at Qinghe Station. This is the new area, all of which are high-rise buildings. He entered Qinghe Community.

Qinghe Community is the largest community in the city. There are mixed people, and most of the outsiders live here.

The security guard walked for ten minutes and entered Building 42. His boy appeared on the balcony on the 16th floor. We saw this boy.

"Tomorrow this boy is on the night shift. Let's do it."

Li Fu and I went home separately.

As soon as I entered the room, Na Wan hugged me. I was stunned, and I also hugged her. Na Wan was actually okay. I hugged her and turned around.

"Don't turn around, I'm dizzy."

I put down thewan said.

"Finally succeeded."

Thewan blushed and nodded.

That night, the coffin line appeared, and Na Wan saw it with me.

"What's going on?"

I asked Na Wan.

"Maybe I brought it here. I have always protected the tomb. This kind of thing will follow people who are familiar with it like puppies."

"That won't be dangerous, will it?"

"The coffin line is evil, and the coffin line is broken. This is to be done."

"I'll do it."

"You can't, and I can't, Li Fuxing."

When it comes to Li Fu, I know that this boy may not be able to do such a job. He basically does dangerous things step by step, even if he does it, he is sure to do it.

"Tomorrow I will talk to Li Fu to see if he is willing to."

The next night, Li Fu and I met in Qinghe Community. On the 16th floor, Li Fu stood in front of the door and opened the door after less than a minute. I know that Li Fu has encountered any kind of lock for tomb robbery. For him, such a lock is equivalent to no lock.

However, Li Fu has a principle that there is nothing special and will not enter any door. Even if there are tens of millions in it, he will not enter.

After we went in, Li Fu locked the door. Today, Li Fu was strange. In this case, he never closed the door and kept the seams.

Two bedrooms and one living room. We looked at the room and couldn't find anything. Li Fu began to turn over. The boy lived alone. The things were very simple. After a while, they were finished. Li Fu came out and looked at me sitting on the sofa and said.

"I didn't find it. I found it all."

I patted the sofa and said.

"I didn't find it here."

Li Fu quickly removed the sofa and didn't find anything.

"This boy is smart to play. I have never met him. He can hide things so that I can't find them."

"Can't you count it? Calculate it."

"Do you think that thing is the finale? This thing can't be used. It's a long-lived life.

Li Fu sat on the sofa and ate fruit.

"Don't eat other people's food indiscriminately, and people will find out."

"Actually, when you come in, you don't move anything. When he comes back, he will also find a stranger coming in. That's a feeling. Don't you feel this way?"

Li Fu is right. When strangers come in, you will feel a kind of uneasiness, even a smell.

I stood up and looked at the wall. There was a stack next door, and there was a half-meter wall difference. I patted it, and it was really empty.

Li Fu stood up, entered the wall cabinet, took off his clothes in the wall cabinet, and there was a door that opened the door. The contents made Li Fu and Li Fu stunned.

There are hundreds of antiques in it, which look very good.

"This boy is too greedy. This piece has to be worth hundreds of thousands of yuan. If he stops, no one can find it. Even if someone knows that he has lost something in the future, he will not find him."

"There's something wrong. Those things in Tulun City are all counted. Although more than 100 things are not big, they are not small. If you lose so many things, you will find them immediately if you lose one."

"That's where nothing has been found in Tulun City."

"This is very possible."

Li Fu and I didn't move these things after we left the Qinghe community.

"We need to find out the virtual people."

When we were eating and drinking in a restaurant, I mentioned the bright line. I asked Li Fu to break the coffin and cut the line. He was stunned.

"It's useless to give me any money. I won't go."

I didn't expect Li Fu to refuse so emptively. If there is no danger, or if it is not too dangerous, and he can do it completely, he will put forward conditions, and it is acceptable conditions. It seems that it is definitely not so easy to refuse at once.

"This is very troublesome."

I told you about the bright line, or coffin line, when I arrived at my villa.

Li Fu stared at me for a long time.

"She can deal with it by herself."

"If we can handle it, do I still need to tell you? Na Wan said that only you can do it."

Li Fu hesitated, and he said for a long time.

"Let's wait until this is over."

This is the only way, please buy and sell.

We entered Tulun City in the middle of the night, and the security guard came out again. It seemed to be bold.

He stood on the platform and shouted again.

The virtual man came out vaguely again.

"Come with me."

We went around. It was dark and the platform was still high. We went there, but the security guard didn't find it.

After the virtual man got off the stage, Li Fu leaned over. His hand was so fast that a black line was tied to the virtual man's calf.

We hid on the other side, and the security guard went back.

The black line in Li Fu's hand has been moving.