grave-keeping note

23. Blood pit

23. Blood pit

A mass of black lines stopped when they were about to be gone.

Li Fu whispered.

"You look at the black line. I can't see it clearly. Follow the black line."

Li Fu and I walked west to the west of Tulun City, where the prisoners were punished at that time. There is a strange law in Tulun City. Bloodleting, the severity of the fundamental crime, how much blood is released, and the felony is basically the blood on the body. No one knows how much blood there is in the blood pit. At the bottom of the black pit, the black one is dry blood. This place is very bloody. When you approach, there is a smell of blood and prickly nose.

Although the blood in the blood pit has been dry for hundreds of years and thousands of years, it still has a strong smell of blood. This blood pit has not been opened to the outside world, and I don't know why.

The black line went to the blood pit.

Li Fu and I slowly walked forward and really went to the door of the blood pit. The old-fashioned lock in front of the door was locked. Li Fu went over for a while, opened the lock and pushed the door half. I went in, and Li Fu followed and gently closed the door.

This is a large yard with two houses, which are probably for execution. In the middle of the yard, there is a blood pit. Directly above the blood pit, there is a table more than one person high. There is a cross on the table, which binds criminals. Under the cross, there is a small ditch that goes straight to the blood pit, which should be the blood pit. After the prisoner's blood is released, the blood will flow down the blood ditch into the blood pit.

Thinking about this punishment in those years, I couldn't help trembling, as if I was tied to it.

Li Fu saw me trembling, and he was nervous.

"What's wrong?"

"It's okay."

Li Fu probably knows that I think too much.

The black line actually went down the blood pit, and then it was gone.

Li Fu looked at it for a long time and didn't see it clearly.

"In the blood pit."

Li Fu trebled and almost fell into the blood pit. I grabbed him. He shivered and broke out in a cold sweat.

"What should I do?"

"You can't go down rashly now. We'll stay here tomorrow and see how it came out."

Li Fu finished speaking and turned around and left. I followed him. He said when he was about to reach the door.

"I almost forgot to break the black line and put it away."

After I put away the black line, we left Tulun City.

I went back to the villa, Na Wan was already asleep, and I slept on the sofa.

When I got up in the morning, Na Wan looked at me and said.

"Why do you smell blood?"

I was stunned, pulled up my clothes and smelled them, but I didn't smell them.


Nan is a little unhappy.

"What are you busy with these days?"

I don't think I can hide it, so I will talk about it.

"Then pay attention."

Na Wan didn't say anything else.

"Did the bright line appear?"

"It appeared, but nothing happened for the time being."

"Li Fu said, let me help him finish this, and he broke the coffin and cut the line."

That nodded gently, as if there was something on his mind, and I didn't ask much.

The second master called and asked me to go to Xinla City.

When I passed by, a new old man passed away, wearing a coffin and died without a disease.

The coffin was carried to the ancestral tomb of Yin Village, and I came back.

Na Wan is not at home, and I didn't call her. She has her own business and can't always bother her.

At almost ten o'clock, that Wan came back.

I took her hand and looked at her.

"You always look at me like this. What's good about me?"

"Beautiful, so beautiful."

Nan blushed and said.

"I'm so sorry, we can't do that yet."

"It's okay."

That Wan leaned against my shoulder.

At 12 o'clock, Li Fu called and told me to go to Tulun City.

Tulun City didn't calm down until this time. Li Fu and I went into the nightclub and sat there drinking beer.

"What's wrong with that virtual man?"

I asked Li Fu.

"Blood man, I guess it's doing a deal with the security guard."

"Is that a real person?"

"It's only half, what it needs to become a real person. We don't look empty."

"After that, is there any difference between him and us?"

"Of course, it's different. It's just a person in another sense. Its existence is dangerous, bloody and cruel."

"Isn't that a disaster?"

"Yes, nothing wrong."

At one o'clock, we entered Tulun City.

When we arrived at the courtyard of the blood pit, Li Fu hid in a corner, and I hid in another corner. In this position, we could see the situation inside the blood pit. I'm worried that we will be discovered by virtual people.

At almost two o'clock, Li Fu suddenly shouted, which scared me so much that I almost didn't pee. When I looked over there, there was one more person. It was the second master.

I didn't expect the second master to come. We don't know when he came in. Maybe he was too focused on the blood pit.

Li Fu and the second master whispered something.

Suddenly, there was a "huddle" sound, and the blood solidified in the puddle actually melted. Then, a head appeared. It was the virtual man. He climbed up, shook the blood on his body, and then walked out.

I was stunned. It was so scary that the blood turned out to be red, and the smell of blood was so strong that it was choking.

Li Fu and the second master were also motionless and probably shocked.

After the virtual man went out, my cat waist went to Li Fu's place.

"Second Master, why are you here?"

"Look at the fun."

"What should I do?"

I asked Li Fu.

"In the blood pit, the blood in the blood pit will not solidify until he comes back."

"Go down?"

This is just a joke.

I didn't talk, and the second master didn't say anything. They all looked at Li Fu.

"I'll go down."

Li Fu stared at us. He walked to the blood pit, took off his clothes and jumped down. The blood splashed. Li Fu swam twice and pricked it down. The second master and I watched, one minute, two minutes, three minutes...

It has been five minutes, but Li Fu hasn't come up yet.

"Second master, nothing will happen, right?"

"Do you think a person like Li Fu will play with his life? He will be fine. If he can be sure that it is dangerous, he won't go down.

I think so, but recently I found that Li Fu has changed, which seems to be a little desperate.

The virtual man appeared, and the second master and I hid in the corner.

After the virtual man went down to the blood pit, the blood solidified in an instant. The second master and I stood by the blood pit.

"Li Fu is finished this time."

I said.

"That's not necessarily true."

The second master has always thought so.

"What should I do?"

"Stay here. Go out, lock the door, and jump in from the wall."

When I came back, the second master sat in the corner and fell asleep, and I shook my head.

Li Fu did not come out until dawn.

Look at the blood pit again, it seems that nothing has happened, black blood.

"What should I do?"

"Stay, I don't know what will happen today."

A day passed and nothing happened. At nine o'clock in the evening, I wanted to go out to get some food, but someone jumped in from the wall. It was the security guard who couldn't see us. It was too dark. He squatted there for a long time, then walked to the blood pit, took out a bottle of blood from his bag, poured it in, and then left.

After the security guard went out, the second master said.

"This is the transaction."

"What kind of blood is that?"

"It should be human blood."

"human blood?"

I walked to the blood pit and looked down. The blood was bright red and flowed down a small hole. After a while, the blood disappeared.

"I can't determine whether it's human blood."

"No need to conclude, it's human blood."

"He won't draw his own blood, will he?"

I mean the security guard.

"Then his blood has long been gone, such a big bottle, so many small pots, and every day."

"Then where did he get so much blood?"

"I'm not sure about this. I'm afraid it's not that simple."

It was until two o'clock in the middle of the night, and there was another sound of blood. The virtual man came out and went out.

I ran to the edge of the blood pit and watched. Suddenly, Li Fu came out and was so scared that I almost didn't wake up. I pulled Li Fu up. He was covered with blood. After shaking, he hid in the corner.

"What's going on?"

"There is a blood coffin below, a coffin made of blood. In addition to this blood coffin, there is also a tomb, half of the size of Tulun City, all of which are blood coffins, but unlike that blood coffin, it is half the size of a coffin. The big blood coffin is inside. There are a lot of antiques there, and tens of thousands of them are always there. It's the first time I've seen them. I guess they are the coffins of the soldiers of Tulun City. Those things, with the marks of Jurchens, are probably robbed.

After Li Fu finished speaking, the second master and I were also stunned. No one expected that there would be such a big tomb under Tulun City.

"Li Fu, can't you smell the tomb?"

"That's, but it was covered by blood. I didn't smell it. It's a pity that I didn't know it for so many years."

I looked at Li Fu, and he actually held something in his hand.

"What are you holding?"

The second master stared at Li Fu.

"Nothing, just bring out a small thing to play."

Li Fu spoke easily. However, it can be seen that he is nervous.

"Take it out."

Like the second master's order, Li Fu reluctantly unfolded his hand. After he unfolded his hand, the second master and I were stunned. It turned out to be a bead, red and shining.

"Blood beads?"

The second master actually knows each other. He reached out to get it, and Li Fu withdrew his hand and grabbed it.

"I'm just looking at it. This blood bead has been nourished with blood for thousands of years. It's definitely a good thing."

"Look, don't stretch your hand."

I want to laugh as soon as I hear this.

The second master stared at Li Fu and stood up and said.

"Let's go."

This is obviously to me.

My second master and I jumped out of the wall, and Li Fu followed.

After we came out, the second master left first.

"Li Fu, when will you do what you promised me?"

"Isn't this over yet?"


"This blood bead is raised from blood, and it is a false life. If this thing is gone, it will die."

"It's dead and it's over. What else do you want?"

"I don't want the things in the grave, but I have to get the security things."

"Don't be too greedy."

"Comb robbers will go crazy when they don't get things."

Li Fu's eyes are red.

No one thought that the next day, Li Fu called me and shouted.

"Come on, I'm in the ancient city, come and save me."

I was stunned and went to the ancient city. This ancient city is extremely popular. Li Fu ran in front of me, and I didn't see anyone chasing me. Is this boy evil?

Li Fu saw me and called me.

"That thing is chasing me. If you see him, you will immediately open blood, no matter what blood it is, pour it behind me."

I went to the restaurant and got half a basin of chicken blood. After catching up with Li Fu and splashing behind him, the virtual man suddenly appeared and stopped.

Li Fu stood, stuck out his tongue and gasped.

"What should I do?"

"Do you use chicken blood?"

"Yes, I have no place to make blood for you."

"This boy is really unlucky. This chicken blood must be the blood of the black chicken."

Li Fu entered the restaurant and opened the most pot of chicken blood. When he poured it on it, the virtual man slowly disappeared and could not see anything. The blood on the ground was a large pool, which was obviously virtual blood.

"I asked you to chase me, but this time you can only become a chicken."

"It's gone?"

"It's gone."

After Li Fu and I left the ancient city, he went home and I went back to the villa. On the way, I called the police and said that the security guard had stolen a lot of Sanxia Dong at his house.

An hour later, Li Fu called and scolded me for being an asshole.

"There are a lot of them in that tomb. You can get them yourself."

"The entrance of the blood tomb is in the blood pit. Once the virtual person dies, the blood will not melt. Do you want me to dig the blood pit?