grave-keeping note

38. Coffin

38. Coffin

The second master said.

"P out this coffin."

The second master and I carried out the coffin on it, which was not very heavy, probably because the coffin was too narrow.

The white coffin is exposed, all white. Such a white coffin is rare. It is generally dark or red, or it is its true color.

The white coffin was exposed. The second master did not use it. The coffin was not covered, but was just buckled. The two sides were closed and there were two copper buckles. The copper buckles were in the wood and were not exposed, obviously for the convenience of falling into the coffin.

The second master looked at it for a long time and said.

"Open it and have a look."

I'm afraid when I look at the white coffin. This kind of thing is not fixed, and I don't know what will happen. Therefore, the coffin is not touched randomly. If it is light, it will be unlucky, and if it is serious, it will be fatal.

I put my hand on the buckle and gently pulled it away, and then I hid aside and looked at the second master.

The second master stared at me. In my heart, it was useless for you to stare. My task has been completed, and the rest is yours.

The second master hesitated for a moment and stretched out his hand to open the coffin. The moment the second master opened it, he trembling. I slowly walked over, and I was also shocked. The bones were all crushed and put in it, which was a bit like a photo. It seemed that this was made like this after death.

Look at this body, it should be a soldier. It can be seen from the clothes that the weapon is on the left.

"I'm right. These are soldiers. What are these soldiers put here to guard? Look at the coffins that stick to the wall are no different from these coffins. Except for the color, this white coffin is in the middle, and there is nothing special to open, but since it is white, look at the clothes, it should be a Officials seem to be the kind of commanders.

I looked at it for a long time, and the second master was right. There was nothing special about these coffins, but this white coffin was an official like a thousand captains.

The second master walked over to the coffin stuck to the wall. As soon as he stretched out his hand, the coffin fell down and almost didn't hit the second master.

The second master shouted in horror. I went to take a look. It was probably too long and not sticky. The coffin came down, and I went to buckle it. After opening it, because it had just fallen, the bones inside were messy, but from the clothes, it was a soldier.

The second master sat aside and looked at these coffins. I think it's a little abnormal, especially the white coffin, which is extremely uncomfortable.

I went to the white coffin again and opened the coffin to see the bone. I always felt very strange, especially the left hand bone. I always felt that something was wrong. I pulled my clothes up and broke them at once. It seemed that it was too long.

After I took off my sleeve, I shivered and there were two hand bones, plus three hand bones on the right.

"Second Master, come and have a look."

The second master stood up and came to have a look.

"Three hands, this is recorded in history. The three-handed captain, a brave and good fighter, the enemy was so scared that he turned around and ran away when he saw his three hands. They all said that his third hand was haunted and was a ghost hand. I don't know how many people killed by this hand."

The second master actually knew that he picked up the hand bone with only four fingers, which was born, bigger than the other two hand bones and looked very strong.

The second master took the bone of his hand, walked aside for a while, and then put it in front of him to watch.

I sat and looked at this hand bone. It was absolutely strange that a man had three arms. If he got into a fight, it would be old and cheaper.

Suddenly, the hand bone actually moved. It was my fingers. I thought I was dazzled. When I looked again, the four fingers were moving, but the second master did not move.

"Sure enough, it's a ghost hand. Death is life, life is death."

The second master's eyes glowed strangely.

I didn't move. The hand slowly began to move and crawled to the coffin. The second master still didn't move. He just watched the ghost hand crawling. The ghost hand arrived at the coffin. After a while, he moved. At the bottom layer of the coffin, he knocked, kept knocking, and regularly. The second master stood up, walked there, and the ghost hand stopped.

I'll go there, said the second master.

"Carry down the coffin on it."

The second master and I carried down the coffin on it until the last coffin, which was knocked by the ghost hand.


I opened the copper buckle and slowly opened the coffin. It turned out to be a door. There was a door in the coffin, a handle, a copper handle, and a round one. I took a look at the second master and went to pull the copper handle, the second master said.

"Don't move, we stand aside."

I took a step back and didn't know what the second master meant. Looking at the ghost hand, he looked a little excited and moved in a mess. After a long time, he calmed down and climbed to the copper hand. Unexpectedly, he picked up the ring and buttoned it up, which was very rhythmic.

That was the sound of knocking on the door. Suddenly, the door opened. I trembling, and the ghost hand got in at once, and there was no shadow.

"What's going on?"

"Entrance, go in."

It's simply too weird. The second master and I went in with our bags on our backs. A long downward passage was very narrow, which made people feel extremely depressed.

Three minutes later, a large copper platform appeared at the corner. The copper platform was three or four meters high and four or five meters in diameter. The second master and I did not move and stood there to watch.

There is a copper face on this big copper platform, a palm-sized copper face, piled up one by one, three or four meters high. The expression of each face is different, and each look is different.

I slowly went straight, and it turned out to be a copper face for a week. I looked closely and couldn't help trembling. When you looked closely at each face, you found that it was strange and fierce.

The second master came over and looked at it for a while and said.

"10,000 faces, 10,000 faces, the expression of each face is different, and the eyes of each face are different."

"What does this mean?"

"This is a mechanism. Although that's the case, each face has different expressions and different eyes. In fact, there is the same expression, which is the only way to break the mechanism."

"We won't move it?"

"We're in. You can look back."

I looked back and saw that the mouth that came in was no longer there.

"Since you have come in, there is no way back. Wanfai and the ton-top organ is the same fierce as that Wanjinsha, so we should be careful. Now don't move around, don't touch the organ, and observe it carefully. Maybe there is a way to break the organ. This method is what I said. From 10,000 faces, find The same one."

This is simply nonsense. Ten thousand faces, find two identical faces. This is almost too difficult. At least you have to remember the expressions of ten thousand faces before you can find the same.

"I think this is difficult."

The second master didn't say anything and stood aside and looked at his face. I didn't believe that he could find it. Anyway, I won't bother, not to mention that the mechanism of ten thousand faces is very dangerous.

If you don't do it well, you will lose your life here. It doesn't make sense.

I found a safe place to sit down and smoke. The second master turned around and stopped for an hour and shook his head.

"I can't remember. I'm confused."

"If it had been that simple, I'm afraid this opportunity would have been broken long ago."

"Don't be idle, look for it."

I have to stand up. In fact, if I look for it, it's just a matter of time. It will take about a day, two days, three days... or even longer. I circled around my face, circled again and again, and soon I was confused. Seeing that each face was the same, I stood still.

"Second master, I can't."

"Think of a way."

"Take the marker!"

The second master hesitated for a moment and brought the marker.

"But I'll tell you in advance that it's easy to touch the mechanism."

I don't have a marker. In this case, what else should I draw?

I sat and looked at the ten thousand face tower, and it made people's eyes dazzle. I closed my eyes, and those faces kept spinning in my mind. I felt a little disgusting.

"Second Master, what will happen if you touch the opportunity?"

"I don't know. If you want to know, try it."

He always says this. What I hate most is this sentence. Can I try to say it again? I ignore the second master.

The second master stood up and began to turn again. He looked at this face for a while, and then looked at that face, just to find it out. The second master's eyes were dazzled and shook his head.

"It's really evil."

I stood up again, picked up the marker, and began to look for it. Suddenly, I was confused. The face I had made a mark was changing, and my expression was changing. I was dumbfounded, but I had finished all the painting, and there were only two left. Their expressions were changing, and it was useless.

"Second Master, their faces are changing."

The second master was stunned. He came to see that it was really changing. There was nothing wrong with it.

"It's over. Don't look for it. It's impossible to find it."

"What should I do?"

"Anyway, there is a way. Sit there and don't move."

As soon as I sat down, I heard a sound. I was excited. Isn't it the opening of ten thousand faces? Looking at it again, it turned out to be a ghost hand. I had to crawl this way. I don't know where it was just now.

The appearance of the ghost hand made the second master panic.

"Catch it, grab it."

I don't know why the second master was like this. The second master's voice was changing, and I was also afraid. I jumped up and jumped to the ghost's hand. If I didn't jump on it, the second master and I began to catch it. Ten minutes later, the second master said.

"Don't catch it. You can't catch it. It's obviously playing us."

"What are you afraid of?"

"If this ghost hand is in chaos and does move the mechanism, we will die. It doesn't matter."

At this time, I realized the danger. The ghost hand was still smacking. Unexpectedly, it was two meters in front of me and the second master, moving, and the four fingers were happy. I was so angry that I wanted to crush it with one foot.

However, I can't catch it at all.

The second master and I ignored the ghost's hand, and it also stopped and did not move. After a while, it moved and crawled over to Wan's face. The second master stared at it. I knew he was very nervous.

I was also very nervous. This ghost hand actually climbed to the Wanface Tower and crawled around. I didn't know what he was doing.

"Second Master, what does it want to do?"

"I don't know. I'm crawling around. I have to climb out sooner or later. Get ready to die!"

Facing death is a kind of fear, extreme fear, and it is slowly expanding until it makes people have a mental breakdown. The second master stood up and walked towards Wan's face. I followed him, and the ghost hand was still crawling.

"I think it's looking for the same face."

"I think so."

The ghost hand stopped, lit a face, and then climbed to another place and clicked another face. The second master and I saw that God was exactly the same. Although they were changing and sometimes different, there was a change in the end.

Without ghost hands, it is impossible for us to find these two identical faces, saying that there are tens of thousands of faces, but each face has eight changes. I can see that there are eight changes, that is, 80,000 faces, which is impossible for people to remember at all.

"Take off the copper face and be careful."

The second master and I took down a face and put it together. Sure enough, a changed face was the same.

The ghost hand climbed down and climbed to the corner, which was very quiet.

"What should we do next?"

"Let's go to one side first."

The second master looked at the two faces, and they were still changing.

Suddenly, the second master suddenly looked back and then did not move. His expression was stunned.