grave-keeping note

58. Shadow swallow

58. Shadow swallow

My second master and I sat against the wall without talking, as if waiting for death. I don't know what death should be like.

Li Fu finally appeared, and I expressed my condolences to his eighth uncle.

He looked at my second master and felt extremely unhappy. However, he endured, and I was most convinced of him. If it were a person, he would have run away long ago. It can be seen that Li Fu is looking forward to seeing something. He has to enter the mausoleum.

The second master ignored Li Fu. By this time, he still ignored him.

I stood up and said.

"Are you in?"

Li Fu "hummed" and sat aside to light a cigarette. It seemed that he was very tired.

He smokes and observes us all the time. It seemed that he wanted to see something. Li Fu laughed badly, and I knew what he had found.

"This black fish bead is good. The coffin of black fish bone can really come up with it. I don't know how much time it will take to build such a coffin."

Li Fu said this just to tell the second master that he knew everything.

I don't know if Li Fu can see it, our shadow is gone.

I glanced at the shadow on the shed and did not move. I perched there, motionless.

"Second master, don't hold on. It doesn't mean much. My conditions need to be increased. Two things are up to me."

"Two things are fine, but you can't choose. This is my bottom line."

Li Fu hesitated for a moment.


Li Fu stood up and looked at the ceiling.

"Shadow, life is invisible."

Li Fu walked to the second master, pulled the second master up, and turned around the second master.

"I didn't expect that your mausoleum guard would also attract this unclean thing. You must owe something terrible."

"You talk too much."

The second master is not happy.

"I'm not unhappy. You're not happy."

When Li Fu said this, the second master lost his temper. At this time, he asked Li Fu for it. Li Fu is not qualified. If he really gets angry, it is that he can't run out. He dares to strangle himself to death. He is such a hot guy.

Li Fu made fun of the second master, but the second master didn't say anything.

He said enough, pushed the second master to the wall and stood, and then called me.

"You also come and stand facing the wall. I will enter your bodies and pull out the shadow later. It may be uncomfortable at that time, but you can't mess around. If I can't get out, we will die together."

Li Fu said it was scary. When he entered our bodies, it might be a kind of witchcraft. Such a person is really terrible.

I felt uncomfortable, nauseous and dizzy, as if I was going to die of illness.

I still held on. Hearing Li Fu shouting, I was relieved. The second master and I were powerless and sat down against the wall, and we saw our own shadow again.

Li Fu looked up at the shadow on the shed and said.

"When I came, he didn't dare to come down. My wizard is still a little useful sometimes."

This is for the second master, which means that without Ling Xin, he can still help us without leaving him.

Li Fu went to the supply station and reached out to get the black fish beads. After we got them, we smelled the fishy smell and became bigger and bigger.

"Don't always hold that thing in your hand. It will melt away. That's a pity."

The second master said.

Li Fu threw the black fish beads back into the bowl.

"What a broken thing? It's still young and old, and it's disgusting to hold it in your mouth."

The second master didn't say anything, and the fishy smell was getting heavier and heavier. The second master stood up and walked to the supply platform. The black fish beads turned into water, emitting a fishy smell.

"It's a pity, it's a pity."

The second master muttered.

"Open the black fish bone coffin."

Li Fu said.

"Then open it!"

The second master looked at Li Fu after saying that.

"Do you think I can't open it? When I came in, I understood that this kind of tomb coffin is polished from black fish bones. This black fish bone has a characteristic that it can live after three years of death. It is not that the black fish bone can still grow after three years of death. The black fish bone coffin has been completed. Within three years, the black fish bones have been growing, and the cracks have grown well and formed an adult body. The method is opened, but look at the shadow. If the shadow shines on the black fish bone coffin, the black fish bone coffin will crack.

I don't know this, and the second master doesn't know. From his expression, it can be seen that Li Fu is very proud. I'm surprised how Li Fu knows this. I don't know how many such things he has experienced in his life.

"I will lead the shadow down for a moment, and you two will hide aside. The shadow will be angry and follow you two."

The second master and I leaned aside, and no one wanted to get into this shadow again.

Li Fu jumped and jumped under the shadow, sweating all over.

"Let me go, he ignored me."

"Are you okay?"

The second master is a little impatient.

"No, you can come."

Li Fu actually lost his temper. The second master was out of electricity and stopped talking. He knew that he couldn't do it. This is really a specialty in art. The second master is a tomb guard. The Li wizard used the guise of a wizard to do tomb robbery. He is a thief. Their family is full of thieves. This can't be said to Li Fu. If he can kill people, he doesn't like it the most. Others say that he is a thief, not to mention his whole family.

Li Fu threw something on the shed, and the shadow finally moved, like the wind, running for Li Fu. Li Fu stretched out his hand and grabbed the shadow. I was surprised that the shadow could be caught. Li Fu grabbed the shadow and fell down. The shadow came down honestly.

After the shadow covered the main coffin, the main coffin really slowly cracked and cracked from the middle. We leaned over and there were bones inside. The clothes were kept completely. Looking at the clothes and accessories, it was definitely not ordinary people. It was extremely luxurious. This is a woman's coffin.

Li Fu reached out and took down a pendant hanging on his clothes and looked at it for a long time.

"It's a good thing, but in the mausoleum, this is not a good thing."

Li Fu threw the pendant back. Obviously, this little thing was meaningless to him at this time, which showed people's greed.

The second master looked at the bones and didn't say anything. In fact, he looked at the whole coffin and wanted to find the entrance.

"Pur up the skull."

I don't know whether it's right or Li Fu. I didn't move. It's better to touch this kind of thing less. It's so evil.

Li Fu looked at me and said.

"What about you!"

This guy knows that the second master asked me to take the skull.

I reached out to get the skull. As soon as the second master waved his hand, I stopped.

"Don't move. It's not right."

Li Fu and I don't know what's wrong.

The second master put his hand under the skull and touched it. I don't know what to touch. It won't be a treasure! Because I heard from the second master that the skull has pillow gold, which is done by rich people. The pillow gold is not gold, but that he is very valuable. The ancients valued gold.

The second master touched it for a long time, but it didn't seem to touch anything. The second master didn't take it out.

"After a while, gently pick up the skull and be gentle. Don't touch my hand."

I shivered. It seems that the second master has touched something. His hands are working hard, because the tendons in his hands have been stiffened.

Li Fu stood aside and said.

"What did you touch?"

"You don't know after seeing it."

I gently picked up the skull, and the second master actually pressed three buttons. I was stunned for a moment. It seemed that it was a mechanism.

"How many of these three buttons do you think I can release?"

This is a multiple-choice question, and it's a multiple choice, which is a little deadly, Li Fu looked at the second master and said.

"You'd better press it like this and don't let go of any of them."

The second master scolded Li Fu angrily, but he didn't dare to move.

"Second Master, these three buttons are really not easy to handle. What's the difference between these three buttons?"

"There's no difference. I can't feel it."

The second master is not angry.

I hid aside, lit a cigarette, and looked at Li Fu and said.

"Wizard Li, how many do you think we should let go?"

"Now it's not to release a few, but which one to release. I think there should be a sequence, and all of them should be released."

This is not what you feel. If you are wrong, your life will be gone.

Li Fu stood beside the second master and looked a little excited. The second master was unlucky. He would feel comfortable. He didn't care what happened later.

"Let go of any one there and see what's going on."

The second master looked at me and said.

"That's the only way, by fate."

"Damn it, are you really killing yourself? I really don't know how you got here alive.

What Li Fu said made our second master feel ashamed.

Second master, he released a button for a long time and had no reaction.

"Maybe it's just a fake and scary."

As soon as Li Fu finished saying this, he screamed. He covered his thighs and screamed, bleeding out. I didn't see how he came back. I ran over.

"What's wrong?"

"It's the middle organ."

I looked at Li Fu's leg, and there was a fish bone on it. The fish bone was big enough, like a knife. It seemed to be shot from somewhere.

"What should I do?"

"Black fish bone, poisonous."

Li Fu took out a knife, pulled out the fish bone, and then went down and screamed.

After I finished dressing Li Fu, the second master turned around and said.

"For nothing, the black fish bone will not die at that time. It will take at least three days. In these three days, you will feel like being cut out by a knife every day. If the black fish bone is stuck on your body, you will pull it out in a second, which is useless. This is his characteristic."

Li Fu was dumbfounded.

"Second master, please help me. I don't want to die."

"It's late."

The second master ignored Li Fu and thought about which button to release.

I walked over.

"Second master, I think we'd better put the skull back."

"At this time, do you think it's possible?"

I think the second master is too evil to continue. This time it is a black fish bone, a black fish bone like a knife. What will it be next time? No one knows.

The second master released another button. I was so nervous that I was about to pee. Li Fu was just in pain now and couldn't take care of anything. He shouted for a moment and was very busy.

There are calls, strange calls.

"The cry of the black fish."

After the second master finished speaking, he looked around and was very nervous.

I also listened to the sound that the black fish bone coffins placed against the wall came from.

"Second Master, it was sent here."

"Li Fu, hold on, open the coffin, hurry up."

Li Fu stood up and sweated through his clothes. It seemed that Li Fu really hurt a lot. He drew the shadow down and covered it on a coffin. The coffin cracked. It was not a dead body. It turned out to be a black fish. There was a black fish in the whole coffin. The black fish actually filled the coffin. There was no way to grow any longer. The live fish had been in such a big coffin for hundreds of years.

The second master told me that the black fish bone coffin is a breathing coffin, so the black fish survived.

"Second master, it's a live black fish. What should I do?"

"Kill him, hurry up."

I took out a knife from the second master's bag and stabbed it. The black fish's cry was louder and louder. The blood of the black fish turned out to be black, and the water in the whole coffin turned into ink.

The black fish died and stopped screaming. I don't know what will happen.

"Don't worry, the black fish is killed. If it doesn't die, the black fish will emit a gas, black, confusing, and make people's consciousness follow him."

I didn't expect that this black fish would be so evil.

"I let go of the last one, which may be troublesome."

The second master let go when he spoke, and he jumped away at once.

There is no response, it is still.