grave-keeping note

10. Entangled living coffin

10. Entangled living coffin

The sound behind me sounded, but it didn't ring again. Who will open the lid of the coffin behind me? Then cover it again. I suddenly turned around, and there was no one, nothing.

I stood still and watched. Maybe the man was hiding behind a living coffin.

However, I waited for a long time. There was no one. If it were not human, what would it be?

I stood there and analyzed that the position where the sound came out should be facing me, absolutely. I walked slowly. When I was still a meter away from the living coffin, I was ready to reach out and open the lid of the coffin. Maybe the person was hiding in it.

I was about to reach out when the coffin lid suddenly opened. I said, "Damn!" With a sudden retreat, he fell there. I saw that the black vine of the living coffin actually opened the lid of the coffin. It was not a human. I was relieved. Then, every living coffin was like this. Opened, closed, and three or 400 coffins were like this. It was like a concert. After a while, I turned my head covered. I blocked my ears until the living coffin stopped the concert. .

All this is very strange. What on earth are these living coffins doing? What does this mean? My cold sweat is coming down. They will never give you a concert. Looking at the opening and closing, there must be something wrong with it.

I don't understand that those black vines actually calmed down and shrank.

This silence is often the beginning of evil, just like the wind comes and the rain behind it.

I watched and waited, and I couldn't do anything at this time.

Suddenly, the black vine became active again, dancing like a major festival.

They stretched out to a living coffin in the south and wrapped it up. What does this mean? What are they going to do?

I looked nervously and didn't move. I couldn't understand. I wouldn't move. The consequences were very serious. It was really strange. These living coffins and live black vines made people puzzled.

They actually lifted the living coffin, then slowly moved it to the middle, put it in the middle, and then shrank it up. Quiet, still quiet for no reason.

The living coffin placed in the middle is no different from other living coffins. The plain coffin is the same living coffin.

I walked over slowly and walked around, and nothing went wrong. I'm going to open this living coffin. Maybe this is giving me a way, or a dead end. Anyway, it's either dead or alive. Life is probably the same. People can face life calmly, but they can't face death calmly.

Life and death are life.

I put my hand on the lid of the coffin and didn't lift it immediately. I looked around to see if there was any movement. If the black vine came out, I would give up, but no, it was still quiet, or dead.

I can hear my rapid heartbeat.

I slowly exerted my strength in my hand. The living coffin opened the seams and I couldn't see it inside. I slowly staggered and saw it. My God, the entangled corpse, the most evil kind of burial style. This entangled corpse is surrounded by four bones. I sweated. I'm afraid I will have bad luck in my life when I encounter such a thing. If you If you can escape alive.

I know that I encountered the most evil thing this time. I'm afraid I can't escape. Ai Xinjue Luo Mei wants to save me. Maybe it's just a lie. She is probably looking forward to my death.

I thought of Aixinjuemei, but I actually knew Na Wan. At this time, I remembered how did she know? I always think of some fatal problems after the event, which is fatal, which is called the backfire.

Entangled corpses are the most strange burial style and the most evil. When these people are alive, all the tendons must be broken, all the bones must be broken, and they have to be alive and then entangled together. I don't know why they did this and what the purpose of this is.

Li Fu, when we were eating sauerkraut fish together, he told me that he had met once in Xi'an, the cemetery. He told me that this is an evil burial method, which is a burial method for those who are deeply guilty. People who open such a coffin will basically be entangled by evil, and can live for three or five days.

Entanglement, two people entanglement, three entanglement, up to four people entanglement, what I met was the top evil entanglement.

I put the lid on the living coffin, and I know it's useless.

I sat aside and looked at the living coffin, but found my head. The four corpses are entangled and strange. The painful appearance may be seen. They want to break free, but they hug each other tightly. This is probably like love, painful and lingering like tears.

I don't know what will happen, and I don't know how to solve it.

Suddenly, the living coffin sank slowly. I was excited, stood up and walked over. He did not stop, and also sank little by little. Everything was so quiet, there was no sound and silence.

I think this is a strange beginning. I go up with a kick. Sometimes, I can't control myself, especially when there is nothing I can do, I choose this kind of violence. The second master despises this kind of person the most. He said that's called incompetence, and I have always been incompetent.

After the living coffin fell to the coffin cover parallel to the ground, it stopped.

I lean back and stay away from the coffin.

Suddenly, the coffin cover of the living coffin collapsed. The force was quite strong and rushed to the ceiling. Then the coffin lid broke into countless small pieces and scattered everywhere. One piece hit me in the face, and blood suddenly came out.

Evil, extremely evil.

I covered my face, didn't move, looked at it, and still looked at it. Up to now, I have nothing I can do.

Deadness, death and death, makes people stand up, fall down, and stand up again, tossing the hair to the point of madness.

I was watching, and there was a movement in the living coffin behind me. I jumped away, and the cover of the living coffin behind me was pulled up by the black vine and moved to the top of the entangled living coffin and covered it.

What does this mean? I don't know, I still don't move.

The living coffin still collapsed and broke. I covered my head and didn't hurt me. I suddenly understood that this entangled living coffin is probably opposite to other living coffins. This is a competition, which is very beneficial to me.

The living coffin cover keeps moving, and every time it collapses. They insist. It seems to be a battle of life and death.

I can see the evil of entangling the corpse. No wonder Li Fu's face twisted when he mentioned the entanglement that day. It seems that he has experienced a very terrible thing.

Later, when I mentioned this, Li Fu was unhappy and turned around and left.

If it goes on like this, I'm afraid that these coffins will not be covered. I'll go over and look at the entangled corpses. Isn't it just the entangled bones? What's so scary? I came, jumped into the coffin, took the corpse out and threw it outside. After I threw it out, I was shocked that the corpse was not broken. This is a bone. Without tendons, it naturally dispersed, but they held it tightly. When I looked closely, the corpse actually clasped the bones tightly together, like an upper buckle ring. I was shocked. No wonder Li Fu was afraid.

This kind of buckle corpse actually has this kind of buckle, which is dead but not rotten, rotten but not scattered. If you encounter such bones, you will encounter evil things. As for what it is, I don't know.

I'm afraid it's not that easy to have four corpses together this time. I came out of the living coffin, and my second strength was getting bigger and bigger. When I picked it up, I fell, and I kept falling. It seemed that it was getting tighter and tighter.

When I was so tired that I was about to lie down, I stopped. I looked at the corpse and shook my head.

I sat on one side and smoked. Suddenly, the corpse jumped up. I almost peed. A taller jumped up. After the corpse stood up, the black vine came out and wrapped him up. The more it was, the more it was, just like me. The difference was that they got tighter and more they almost wanted to strangle the corpse.

I can't see the entangled body anymore. I was entangled by black vine, layer by layer, layer, I think it's all right.

But I was wrong, but in an instant, there was a loud noise, and the black vines were broken into sections, and they were never connected again.

I know that it's my turn. I can't imagine whether it's broken or tragic death.

Sure enough, the entangled corpse came over and turned around. I could see the different expressions of the four bones, some with their mouths open and some with their teeth straight. Anyway, they were extremely ugly and scary expressions, which showed that they were extremely painful when they died.

I hid. It seems that I can't hide in the first year of junior high school.

I went to his eighth uncle. This time it was very miserable. If Li Fu was there, he would chase Li Fu. He was evil. These evil spirits all like evil spirits.

In the end, I was forced to a dead corner and didn't move. I went up and kicked it. I thought I could kick it down, but no. My foot was almost broken, and I worked too hard.

I jumped with one foot in pain, and the corpse still moved and got closer and closer.

"Prick something into the heart."

I was excited. It was the voice of Aixinjue Luomei. She really came to help me.

I turned over my pocket, found a knife, opened the knife, pierced it, wrapped the body, and then slowly softened down. It dispersed, and I took a long breath.

"Thank you."

There was no reply, and Ai Xinjue Luo Mei did not reply.

Those living coffins began to play music again. Those with coffin lids are "cracked". Without coffin lids, the coffins jump up. I'll strangle them. If people see them outside, they will be half scared to death, and they will be mentally ill.

After everything stopped, I looked for the entrance, but there was no. What a strange thing.

I sat down to rest, scared, touched my crotch, and didn't pee.

Half an hour later, the black vines stretched out, some of which were half broken. They wrapped up the broken bones and then put them down. They didn't know what they were doing.

It's really evil.

I suddenly saw what shape it was, and I can't see it yet, but it's definitely what it's doing. Isn't it painting? That's pissed off.

The black vine shrank and hid, and I saw that it was a bone door. I laughed secretly in my heart, which made me like a pig.

These live coffins are not good. When they treated the entangled coffin, they were with me and the same team. When they killed the entangled coffin, they were all together and actually set me a bone door.

If you don't know, thank you! You helped them. They helped you. Entering through this bone gate is the entrance. That is indeed an entrance and will also reach the heart of the mausoleum. This is not fake. However, bone doors can't be walked. I have seen many doors, including stone, wood, iron and plastic. I have never seen doors made with bones.

The second master told me that the bone door can't enter. It belongs to the Yin-door. After entering, you will see what you can't usually see. Are you scared? You are as nervous as thick as your waist, and you will encounter problems that you don't have an equation to solve.

There is no solution to this question.

I stood up and looked at this bone. It was quite beautiful. The four corpses could set up such a beautiful door. I walked around, and the living coffins cheered again. Maybe I would celebrate my death!