grave-keeping note

11. The sound of bone hum

11. The sound of bone hum

I suddenly shouted and calmed down, and then I laughed. I felt a little nervous. I criticized these live coffins.

"You hurt me, and I will make you look good."

I feel that I'm nervous. In this way, anyone's nerves will come out.

I looked at the bone door. The bone door was a little evil. There were two small doors on both sides. I felt that I should enter through the small door, but I couldn't find a reason to enter through the small door, and I couldn't find the reason. I hesitated. Anyway, I couldn't stay here anyway.

I was hesitating. The black vine pushed me behind me, and I rushed to the door, and then there was a jubilant voice. I stabbed his eight uncle 10 million times.

I entered the bone door and was calculated like this.

After the bone door entered, there were standing gatekeepers on both sides, and all the bone shelves stood there with a unified expression.

I figured out that everything is boneless, and the bone door must have been destroyed.

I can only rush forward and enter the four halls. From the passage, you can see the bottom from the passage. One hall and one hall can go to the last hall. This is the mausoleum. In front of the mausoleum, there is a coffin with a tall flag-filled coffin, which is full of publicity, and the whole hall is all black.

Twenty-four coffins, red and gold, and black flag hanging like a forest.

I walked to the steps. After going up, it was the threshold of the hall. One person was high. This is the threshold for ghosts. At such a height, ghosts can't enter. Hanging jade on the threshold to avoid ghosts, this is strange. Originally, this was a ghost world, but I didn't expect to use this trick to stop ghosts.

I climbed over and found that the three floors of the hall led to the upstairs on both sides of the hall, with stacked bones on both sides, falling together, one layer by layer, a total of three floors. These are all extremely evil swings, which seem to be almost to the heart of the mausoleum.

I stood here and didn't go upstairs. I didn't want to get too much trouble. I went straight to the last hall and ran to the second hall. Unexpectedly, I was stuck here.

After I climbed over the ghost threshold and thought about it, I heard a sound from upstairs.

I stopped and wanted to go upstairs to have a look. I hesitated for a moment and gave up. Just as I was about to leave, the sound sounded again. The strange sound was not heard. It was intermittent, like a musical instrument, but unlike an instrument, no instrument made such a sound.

I still went upstairs. The stairs were made of wood, and there was a dagger sound. I tried to keep my feet as light as possible, but it was still there.

When I went upstairs, I shivered and saw a skeleton sitting on a chair, blowing something. I shivered, and the bones were made of bones. It was not easy to make bones. It's the bones of an 18-year-old girl, and they are virgins. To take bones is alive and pubic bones.

The bone hum stopped after I came up. This kind of bone hum is attractive. It seems that no one can withstand this kind of **. When you hear this music, you feel that you see a beautiful and beautiful one. I can't refuse. I can't refuse.

If the bone buzz attracts you, there will be something to attract you.

The whole room is full of height, but it is extremely luxurious.

I stood there and didn't move. I think I should turn around and go downstairs. I did this, and the bone buzzed again, which was different from last time. I was stunned, turned around and went back, as if I had a hernia.

After I went up, the bone was gone. The one sitting on the chair was placed on the table. I slowly walked over, picked up the bone hum and took a look. It was too exquisite. I guess it was made by a professional musical instrument.

I tried the sound, which is exquisite. I went downstairs with a bone hum, such a good thing, collection.

What I was worried about didn't happen. Maybe it was a gift to me. Sometimes I went to this level, and there was nothing I could do.

Who can live in the world?

I went to the apse with bones, and the luxury of the apse surprised me even more. On a small stone nail, there was a delicate dragon pattern carved. In such a large place, a dragon was also carved.

The four floors of the apse, but they are all locked. The jade lock should be opened as soon as it is smashed, but I didn't give up. It was simply a too delicate lock. It was a guard beast on it. I looked at it for a long time and shook my head. I didn't expect to see such a luxurious thing in my life.

I sat down on a chair on the first floor and looked around. It felt gloomy. This kind of building in ancient times gave people a gloomy feeling, but I like this gloomy feeling and has a special feeling.

I suddenly wanted to play with a bone buzz. I have learned the flute for a period of time. This bone buzz is similar to the principle of the flute.

I blew it up, and it turned out to be "Wedding Clothes". I strangled it and scared myself. I want to change it, but I didn't change it. I like Wedding Dress, and I may be familiar with this song. When I was still at that home, I liked to blow the flute and blew the old man downstairs into the hospital. After being discharged from the hospital, he said that he would never return to this community. He said that he didn't want to live after listening to it.

When "Wedding Clothes" blew halfway, the sound of footsteps came from upstairs. I was shocked and stopped, and the footsteps also stopped. I was alone, and the footsteps sounded.

I don't go upstairs, and I don't want to break the lock, so I sit there and blow it.

"Don't blow it. If you blow it again, you will be blown to death."

The upstairs shouted from the window. As soon as I heard the second master's movement, I went there. This guy came here and didn't die yet. What a disaster!

I don't know how he went upstairs. I'm still blowing. When the second master appeared at the door, I knew that he had climbed down from the window and stared at me.

"What are you doing with this bone hum? Don't you want to live?"

"This has nothing to do with you."

I ignored the second master, and he turned around and went out.

Actually, I'm also very scared. Who knows what will blow out?

I stopped, put the bones in my bag, and prepared to climb from the window to the second floor. At this time, Li Fu also appeared. He stood between the two halls and looked at me.

I stood there and looked at Li Fu. He slowly came over and stopped two meters away from me.

"You'd better not blow that bone hum."

"Li Fu, this has nothing to do with you. What do you have nothing to do with you."

I climbed to the second floor from the window and almost didn't load it down.

When I went up to the second floor, I looked. This house was a man's house, which should be said to be a human. The Qiong tree in the middle was a symbol, and the four dragons on the wall were very domineering.

Behind the shadow wall is the reception room. Seeing that you meet important guests, ancient people are particular about it. A guest has to be divided into a priority. No wonder there are so many etiquette.

These structures have special features, dark rooms, which are not available in general structures.

The dark room is located on the south side of the shadow wall, a square door, which I think is quite interesting. The door in the past was not locked, which is a little strange, which makes me more careful.

I opened the door, and a damp air rushed up. It seemed that there had been no ventilation for a long time. When I looked in, it was a step. The dark room should be downstairs.

I went in, went down the steps, and folded back and forth a few times. I don't know. It should be a dark room under the first floor.

General darkrooms will hide treasures, and I also hope so. If you want to hide treasures here, it is not an ordinary treasure. The Qiongshu in the hall are priceless treasures, and he casually puts them in that position.

I went down to the hall. There were tables and chairs in the middle of the hall, and there were lattice cabinets on the surrounding walls, which surprised me and surprised me.

There are dolls, drums, galaka, cloth bags, thread flowers...

These are all things that children play with. I'm really surprised that there are such a big basement with these messy things. I don't understand what this means.

I turned around. In addition to these things, there are also things that have been used normally. I think this is a memorial room that stores things that someone has used since childhood to death.

After turning around, I didn't find any other doors or anything like that. I was a little disappointed to leave. At the moment I turned around, I was stunned. I stood there and turned around for a long time. I actually found that the doll's eyes blinked. I was sure I didn't have any eyes.

I turned around and looked at the doll. He didn't blink again. I slowly walked over and took the doll down. I looked at it for a long time. It was a very ordinary doll, but the handwork was really exquisite.

I put the doll back. When he was about to leave, he blinked his eyes again. I was stunned. I looked at the doll's eyes, just like the eyes of a real person. I took off the doll again and touched the doll's eyes with my hand. He actually closed it, like a human, afraid of touching his eyes. It's too evil to throw the doll on the ground.

I think I should open here. Things like dolls are more terrible and evil than bones.

I left the dark room and went back to the second floor and went up to the third floor.

The stairs made a "dagger" sound. When I got to the entrance of the stairs, I trembling. There was a door, a hollowed-out fancy door, which was pasted with paper, and I slowly leaned over.

The hollow pattern is really evil. There are countless hands. Without meat, bone knots may be clearly seen. Countless hands, stretched out angrily, seem to want to grab something and make such a door, which is simply evil.

I looked closer and took a closer look. I saw that there were real hand bones and countless hand bones. I jiggled. I thought there should be something unpredictable in this room.

I hesitated for a moment, soaked the pasted paper with foam, and broke the paper. Looking through the small hole, I "squeaked" my voice. I went to his eighth uncle's. What I saw was a heart, which was grabbed by my hand.

I almost fell down the stairs, and my legs were shaking. The worst thing was that my heart was still beating.

I heard a sound. I looked back and was shocked again. It was Li Fu.

"What are you doing?"

I was so loud that I shocked Li Fu.

"Don't do anything. I'll advise you not to go from time to time. You've played too much. You blew the bone hum. You took the doll. Look at it. I hope you can stop."

"Li Fu, you are really interesting. We go our separate ways. No one cares who. What kind of heart are you doing?"

"Let's say so! Anyway, we are one. If you make an accident, we can't get into the heart of Lingxin, so this matter is related to us.

Li Fu's words made me happy. This is a good thing. No matter how much trouble I get, you have to clean up this mess for me like your parents.

"I don't like to hear this. I'm myself. What am I going to do? It has nothing to do with you. Get out."

Li Fu shook his head and left. I was going to leave here, but Li Fu said so, and I didn't leave.

I approached the door again and looked at how the door was opened. After looking at it for a long time, I finally understood that the hand had formed a door lock, and the two bones intertwined and pulled the two doors.

I tried to remove the hand bones, but they couldn't move. They were so fastened.