grave-keeping note

17. Witch

17. Witch

I saw one side of the coffin, like a movie, one by one, which made me absolutely unbelievable.

I saw the second master holding a child and smiling with a woman, and the child was me, and the second master called the child his son. I didn't believe it was true at all. I was confused at that time and wanted to escape as soon as possible. This was simply a made-up story, which made my heart collapse. , it's over at once.

After I climbed up the pool, I was in a daze and my eyes were straight. I couldn't figure out if this was true? The second master didn't say that what he saw must be different from mine. So is Li Fu. What this coffin makes you see. You are the most painful place in life. You will collapse and die in your heart.

I looked at the second master, and his eyes made him a little hairy. How could this happen?

"What did you see?"

The second master asked me.

"Your eighth uncle."

The second master became angry as soon as he heard it. He came up and called me. Li Fu opened his words.

"He is abnormal now."

I'm thinking, if this is true, then the second master is my father, but why did he abandon me? I don't know, my head is extremely messy.

I slowly recovered and woke up a lot. I realized that it was just an illusion. This is the head of the coffin, that is, after making people collapse first, I can't pass this level and can't enter the heart of the mausoleum. If so, I won't be afraid of anything from him.

I stood up and said.

"Second Master, how to open the coffin?"

"Look closely at the dragon map. The dragon does not stop changing. Nine dragons. When these nine dragons will gather together, the dragon will be on all sides. When they gather on one side, they will turn around a ball and take down the ball. There is a hole in the coffin cover, which is the same size as this ball. If they enter, the ball will sink. Go to the bottom of the coffin, and the head of the coffin will open.

It turned out that the second master understood all this. I was stunned for a moment and didn't have much experience as the second master. I think Li Fu probably understood, otherwise he would not have gone down.

This makes me feel like a pig.

"I'll go down."

The second master and Li Fu were stunned for a moment. Obviously, they didn't expect that I would go down again.

Actually, I think of the coffin very simply. I just want you to play this again, which is also fake.

I went down and stood in that position, waiting for Jiulong to meet and the ball to appear, but I didn't expect that when the last dragon was about to come over, when the ball was about to appear, a picture appeared on the coffin again.

I was stunned. That was Wan. That Wan's face was bloody and very miserable. She hid in front of a coffin. It was dead. The picture kept repeating. I told myself that it was fake and did not exist. That Wan would not die.

The ninth dragon came over, and the ball came out. The picture did not disappear, but changed the picture. It turned out to be the scene when Master Yan's death. That's true. It's true. It's really the scene when Master Bricks death, which is not bad at all.

Then, the gentle picture appeared again, which told me that everything was real and real...

I finished at once, tears flowed out, and my spirit reached an extreme.

The second master called me by the pool.

"Hatch that ball, everything will change..."

Yes, I can change and don't let Wan die. I grabbed the ball and put it in the hole on the cover of the coffin. I got into the pool, and the head of the coffin didn't change. My heart was extremely uncomfortable and a little tranceed. If that Wan really...

I grabbed my hair and released it for a long time. None of this is true.

The head of the coffin still did not respond, I think the second master.

"Don't worry, it will take a few hours.

"Second Master, tell me, what's going on?"

The second master must know what's going on. He didn't answer me, but looked at Li Fu. Li Fu didn't say anything and lowered his head.

"Can you tell me?"

"Actually, there is nothing."

Li Fu said.


"Just tell him."

The second master said.

"Then I will say that the picture on the head of this coffin is real, will happen, and it has happened, not fake."

"Pull the TMD's hemp."

It's true that I would like him at all. When I looked at the second master, he turned out to be my father. How could this be possible? I don't believe it. The second master looked at me and stared at him, and he asked in panic.

"What did you see?"

"I will never say it."

The second master shook his head.

"The painting is now true. This is the witch who left the witch in his body in the coffin after the death of the great wizard, just like the relic. After 50 years of the wizard, such a witch will appear in his body. The wizard with witches will no longer practice. Because he has reached a top and everything is empty, he has nothing to ask for. Every wizard wants to reach this level, but no wizard will live for too long. Witchcraft is a loss of life, so there is almost no witchcraft that can have a witch.

"This witch..."

I looked at Li Fu and said.

"When a witch approaches, a picture will appear. He can infer what happened in the first 50 years and the next 50 years, and it's all like that, you know."

"I don't believe it. There is no such evil thing."

"Actually, this happened 50 years ago. Experts also analyzed this situation and got the witch. The witch is so big that it is now stored in an open museum. Of course, we can't see it. The result given by the expert is that the witch can enter your brain within a certain distance and see what happened in your previous life. After all the things are integrated, you will know what happens later and what happens when you die. You all know that this wave is a very strange wave. What kind of wave it is? I haven't studied it yet.

I was stunned. I always thought it was a fake image. It seemed to be true. This witch wave was so powerful. I trembling when I looked at Li Fu again. The wizard was evil.

I stood up and walked aside. Stay away from Li Fu. He must have no witch. He has no 50 years of witch, so he must be gone. However, the wizard's witch scared me of Li Fu. Evil is really evil.

The more this shaman wizard looks at it, the more it scares me.

The second master and Li Fu sat together and didn't know what to talk about. I closed my eyes and thought that the second master and Na Wan. If the second master's thing really happened, then he was your father. I would not admit it, and I wouldn't say it.

Thatwan happened later, which is a prediction. Is it possible that it will really happen? I don't know. If so, how can it be changed? This can definitely be changed. A person's life is unpredictable, not a fixed number.

My name is Li Fu, and he is here.

"What's the matter?"

"Can you change what happened later?"

"No, this is fate. There is something in fate. You can't push it. There is nothing in life. You can't ask for it."

"I think it can change."


Li Fu didn't give me a positive answer, maybe he didn't know either.

Three people, one sitting in a corner, are thinking about their own affairs. I don't know what the second master and Li Fu saw. They are so scared that they will definitely not be better than me.

I think they will not say these things like me. These things can't be said, not something that can be broken.

A few hours later, the head of the coffin suddenly changed, and the color became darker and darker, like the color of deep sea water. We all stood up, and the second master came over and whispered to me.

"Don't move first. Li Fu will move. Let's see what happens."

I didn't say anything. Li Fu looked this way and turned his head to look at the coffin.

The lid of the coffin head really rose. Unexpectedly, it was pushed up by water and did not stop until it was more than two meters high. Li Fu didn't move. He looked at me and the second master. It seemed that he had also made up his mind and looked at me and the second master.

I didn't expect that Li Fu was not in a hurry. It seemed that he was also aware of the danger, extreme danger, or the picture of the coffin scared him.

The second master said.

"Patience, he won't be so patient."

My second master and I sat down and looked at Li Fu.

Li Fu really couldn't stand it. He slowly walked to the pool, hesitated a few times, and really went down. He walked to the head of the coffin and looked in. There was no response for a long time. I don't know what he saw.

He looked up at us and waved us over.

"Don't go there. I'll go and have a look. Maybe it's a set."

After the second master went into the water, he also looked at it for a long time. It was a stunned expression. Then he looked at me and knew that it was all right. I went down, took a look and was stunned. There was a mermaid in the water coffin. Half of the fish body, the upper body is a woman, very beautiful, not rotten, soaked in water, and still maintaining the original state, which makes me very strange.

Li Fu put his hand in and went to the mermaid's mouth. The second master looked at Li Fu and did not stop him. Li Fu's hand stopped at the mermaid's mouth. He hesitated for a moment and actually withdrew his hand and looked at the second master.

I don't know what he means

The second master smiled evilly and stretched out his hand to pull up the lower body of the mermaid. It turned out to be fake. This is completely a person. This woman is very beautiful. Why did she get a fake mermaid?

I look at the second master.

"I guess I wanted to be a mermaid before my life."

The second master said.

"However, she hasn't decayed yet. It's been hundreds of years. Even if she is soaked in water for a day, she will be soaked."

"Didn't you see that Li Fu wanted to reach this person's mouth?"

I saw that he was going to take something.

I put my hand in. Li Fu wanted to stop me, but was stopped by the second master. I opened the man's mouth and there was a finger-sized cabbage. I was stunned. It was a transparent cabbage. I took it out and smelled fishy, but it was very slippery. I don't know what it is.

"What is this?"

"Sea bones, the bones of the sea, are extremely rare in the deep sea of 10,000 meters. This kind of bone can keep anything from decaying for thousands of years."

I didn't expect that such a big thing would keep people's bodies from decaying for thousands of years.

Li Fu suddenly stretched out his hand. I dodged. The second master smiled and didn't say anything. I don't know what that meant. I think Li Fu has red eyes and has begun to grab it.

Looking at the water coffin, there was no other burial except the body. This is a strange thing. Is Li Fu going crazy? He is too disappointed. This is something he didn't expect.

I didn't expect this to be like this, but this sea bone is also strange. I really don't know how people got this sea bone in the trench under 10,000 meters hundreds of meters ago, and they know that it has this effect.

I put the sea bone in my pocket, and Li Fu kept watching. I guess this boy might start and steal the sea bone. He probably thought that when he died, he would be like this corpse in his mouth. His current tomb is probably missing this thing.

Suddenly, I shouted and almost fainted me. The body in the water coffin actually...