grave-keeping note

18. Three turning points

18. Three turning points

I didn't expect anything to happen.

The body in the water coffin suddenly feathered, slowly decomposed like a feather, melted away, and floated on the water in the coffin. I took two steps back. I didn't expect this to happen. In just a few minutes, there was only a bone shelf left.

I broke out in a cold sweat. The second master didn't say anything and turned around and walked to the pool. I knew there was something wrong. I followed the second master, but Li Fu didn't move. He stood there and didn't know what he was thinking.

I think this is a little strange.

Suddenly, the water coffin exploded, and the water exploded to the roof, making a loud sound. Li Fu was blown up and hit the wall. I ran over, and Li Fu fainted. I called for a long time before he woke up.

"I fell to death."

Li Fu screamed in pain, at least he didn't fall down.

The second master shook his head, walked to the corner and looked at the other water coffins in the pool. I knew that it was not over.

Li Fu is much more honest this time, far away from the pool. What I didn't expect most was that those water coffins were folded and getting higher and higher, all the way to the roof. I don't know what that means.

The water coffin should be transparent, but you can't see it inside, which is definitely a strange thing.

"Second Master, what's going to happen?"

"I don't know, I'm afraid it won't be a good thing."

We looked at the water coffins and suddenly exploded. All the water coffins were broken, and then the water in the pool gushed out. The water coffin completely disappeared and disappeared. I stood up and looked into the water. There was no water coffin. There was indeed no water coffin. I looked at the second master. He had already stood up and leaned against the corner, with his hands supporting the wall. I didn't know what he was going to do. I knew something bad was going to happen.

Li Fu also learned from the second master. I think it's a little ridiculous. If you know what happened, just do it.

However, I'm also nervous and don't know what will happen.

The sudden disappearance of the water coffin makes everyone nervous. That's definitely not a good thing to disappear. Maybe something terrible is coming. The second master was nervous, and Li Fu was also nervous, which made me nervous.

The water in the pool is slowly decreasing. I don't know what the consequences will be after the water in the pool is gone.

The water in the pool went down from slow to fast, and finally disappeared. I went to see a big hole in the pool. The water went down from that hole. The big hole was as terrible as a big mouth.

I didn't go down to see it. Second Master and Li Fu also came to have a look.

"I think it should go down from here."

Li Fu said.

"Whoever says it will go down first. Legally, whoever claims it will prove it."

Li Fu looked at the second master. He probably wanted to arrest the second master and throw him down, but he didn't dare. He looked at me. I don't think it's a good thing to bully a person like this. I've been kind since I was a child, that is, what people say, and finally developed into tac.

Li Fu and I went down, and the second master scolded me, which probably meant that I was short-sighted.

Li's hole has no bottom. I'll go. At a glance, I'm afraid. I'm just afraid of such a hole, well, and bottomless things. Li Fu looked at me and said.

"Prepare the rope, I'll go down."

I asked the second master to take down the rope and tie it to Li Fu's body, and then threw the other end to the second master and asked him to find a place to tie it. There was no local department at all, but to pull it. I pulled it with the second master. Li Fu looked at me and said.

"Brother, I know you won't be afraid of me, but the old man is hard to say."

I understand what he meant by saying. I remember the days when I ate sauerkraut fish with Li Fu in Tulun City. In fact, I fell in love with sauerkraut fish, and I also fell in love with this friend.

Naturally, I won't do the villain's business.

"Don't worry."

Li Fu went down and told me that I couldn't rest assured that the second master and I were of the same mind, but Li Fu chose to go down. If he didn't go down, the second master would also force him to go down.

The rope was put down little by little and loosened. Li Fu shook the rope, and we were about to pull it up. That was a sign of danger.

I didn't expect that Li Fu was quite heavy. He didn't have much meat, but in fact, he didn't have a lot of meat.

The rope is getting less and less, and Li Fu hasn't finished yet.

"We should let go and kill this boy. Anyway, it's almost to Lingxin."

"Second Master, you are always malicious. It's not good."

"Li Fu is not a good thing. He is not a good person who digs tombs and steals tombs."

The second master has always thought so, so he has never had a good face or a good means for Li Fu.

"Isn't it a little villain to let go at this time?"

"You are too inexperienced. He is a villain. The way to deal with a villain is the way to deal with a villain."

I don't know what the theory is, but it makes sense.

"I'm friends with him, and I won't let go."

In the end, I told the second master like this.

Actually, I don't want to do this. I don't think Li Fu is that bad. Anyway, Li Fu just did something wrong in tomb robbery. In other aspects, he is still a man and a friend's righteousness, so I won't agree to this matter.

The rope has come to an end, and Li Fu has not yet come to the end.

"It's not our fault."

Li Fu did not shake the rope, indicating that there was no danger, but he didn't know that the rope was over and why we stopped.

"Let's let go!"

The second master said this again.

"Second master, if you do this, you will never be my second master."

I'm really angry. If the second master does this, it will be a little too evil.

The second master said.

"That's easy to pull."

We pull up. In fact, it is very difficult to pull up.

We only pulled one-third, and we had no strength, the second master said.

"We can't pull him up."

I know that I tried my best. I tied the rope to my waist. Anyway, your second master let go and I fell down. The second master looked at me and scolded me angrily.

"One tendon, a second."

The second master really can't hold it. After all, I'm in my 70s, and I'm also moving to the edge of the cave. I know that if it goes on like this, I will fall. Originally, Li Fu can't die, so I have to smash it to death.

I untied the rope.

"We can't hold it anymore. Is that true?"

My second master, I know, I want to find a balance in my heart.

"Yes, we are sure we didn't let go, but did our best. We really tried our best."

"Well, let's put the rope at the mouth of the well. If it's not deep from the bottom of the cave, he may be fine."

The second master agreed. We got the rope to the shortest, and then let go. I lay down by the cave and listened to the movement. For a long time, I heard Li Fu's scream.

"It's over, second master, Li Fu must have fallen miserably."

The second master didn't say anything and smiled evilly. I was angry. Why is this man like this?

"What should I do?"

"Anyway, I won't go on like this."

The second master looked at a place. It was a wall. There was nothing on the wall, and he couldn't see anything.

The second master said it for half a day.

"I found one thing. When the water coffin suddenly disappeared, the wall was not completely wet, but some places were wet, some parts were dry, forming 16 points, and I remembered these 16 points."

When Li Futi came down, he didn't say anything. What does this mean? The second master is too evil.

The second master took the brush and drew all the 16 points. I looked at the 16 points and couldn't see any connection or what shape it was.

"Second Master, you have seen it for a long time. Li Fu proposed to go down. Why do you still let him go down?"

"That was proposed by himself. I didn't let him go down, or his method was simpler, but he didn't expect the result."

I didn't tell the second master anymore. I can't say anything to him.

The second master looked at 16 points and said.

"These 16 points have appeared in the tomb. This is the division point, 16 points. The division point is that they cannot be added together, but subtracted. The distribution of these 16 points, the 16 points of the tomb are 16 main coffins. Their main coffins are not in the main coffin room, but in the ordinary coffin room, which is easy to protect. The main coffin, and I don't know what these 16 points mean.

"Why do you like to use 16 o'clock in the mausoleum?"

"Six formed, which is a base point of the mausoleum. Sixteen formed into a ghost shape and soul shape, which means to leave reincarnment as soon as possible!"

After the second master finished speaking and looked around, I went to a farther corner to see that if 16 o'clock was a distribution, it should have a complete relationship with this coffin room.

I sat there and didn't see it. I was about to fall asleep. When I narrowed my eyes, it scared me. I strangled it. When I narrowed my eyes, three points were actually different from other points, turning and rotating.

I didn't move. The second master came to sit down and rolled a cigarette and handed it to me.

"Re refreshed, it's not the time to fall asleep at this time. Li Fu doesn't know what's going on below?"

The second master's words stunned me. He is like this, evil and righteous, which is unbearable.

I don't know how to evaluate the second master.

I stood up and took a sip of the old drought, and my head was booming. I have never been used to this old drought. I slowed down for a moment and went to the sixteen points. I found the three points, which were in the west. I looked at those three points and felt a little strange. The second master kept looking at me.

I still didn't see anything. I went back and sat down, squinted, and they rotated at a fast pace.

"The second master narrowed his eyes."

The second master turned his head to look at me and then narrowed his eyes. He jumped up and startled me.

"What are you doing?"

The second master said with a smile.

"Three turning points, the mausoleum meets three turning points, which proves that there are only three living people in this mausoleum, and the three people have to take three different roads and then enter the heart of the mausoleum."

"Isn't it so evil?"

"If four people come in, it's a turning point, and this is not wrong."

I didn't think it would happen. The second master went there at 16 o'clock, held down the turning point with his hand, and didn't let go for a long time. I strangle it, and the hole under the pool disappeared. It seems that the second master is the point of Li Fu.

He pressed another point and said to me.

"In a moment, there will be an entrance. If you go in first, we will meet again. At that time, I will be careful and go out alive. I don't have many days left. I'm in my 70s, and Xinla City has to rely on you."

This is a little unlucky.

"What did you say? We can all go out well."

The second master smiled. The first time I saw the second master's serious smile, I couldn't stand it. I was more used to his improperness.

The second master pressed that point. I didn't expect that the second master fell down. I strangled it. He left first. I went to his eighth uncle. Who knows if the second master was lying to me.

I had to press the remaining point by myself. I looked at my feet and didn't fall down. I was shocked. When the second master fell down, he shouted.

After clicking for a while, I strangled it. My life is really good. The wall I face actually opened a door, and there is a spacious passage inside. It's good. It feels great.

I went in, and the passage was like a road, and it was the kind of ten rows of lanes.