grave-keeping note

19. Stone embroidery

19. Stone embroidery

Walking through the passage of more than 100 meters is to go down, steps, hundreds of steps. When I walked halfway, I almost peed. I remembered what the second master said. In our normal life, there are no 100 steps, only 99, which will not be 100. This is an unlucky number, and it is full of hundreds of steps. And in the mausoleum, hundreds of people died.

I stood there and didn't move. I felt that it should be a hundred steps. I didn't finish walking. In addition, I hope I miscalculated, or mathematics is not this algorithm, but these are useless. It's exactly 100. I counted three times. There's nothing wrong, whole hundred.

I sat down and didn't want to go anymore. It's okay to stop. I can't turn back. Go down. That's death.

The second master told me that you can feel the 100 steps at a glance, but I'm so proud that I'm glad that I didn't fall like Li Fu and the second master.

It seems that nothing should go too smoothly at first.

I can't sit here all the time. It's not the way to turn back. If I don't look back, I will die faster. I can only go on. I have no choice but to go up. Sometimes I have no choice in life. No matter what, you have to go on.

It's nothing to have these strange situations in the mausoleum. In such a large mausoleum, the settings are one after another, one after another, and they may die at which close.

I went down. When I took the last step, I hesitated. There was no road ahead, only a few meters away. I don't know what this means. If there is no entrance to enter, I don't need to go down. By walking these 100 steps, I can avoid a disaster, but there is no way back. I look back. Look, everything feels so terrible.

In the end, I went on. This is the most difficult step in my life. I don't know how many steps I have to take every day. Even on the road of life, I have never been so hesitant to take such a step, although I have regretted and suffered. However, it was not so difficult. After going down, I felt that I was weak. I observed and found a place to sit down. I didn't know what would happen.

After sitting for a few minutes, I felt strange, and I knew that sooner or later I should come.

I didn't move. There was a sound of sand flowing. I got nervous. It was the sound of sand flowing. Up to now, the organs that have appeared in Shuiling have generally been dominated by another form, which is completely different from other tombs. There seem to be very few real entity organs, but there are, but they also use another strange form.

The sound of sand flowing, I thought of Wansha overturning the roof, which has been found in other tombs, and many tombs like to use this. After a person enters the mausoleum, he will enter a mausoleum. This mausoleum is empty and is the only way. There will be a 10,000-ton column on the door. When you open it, the door will be opened. After entering, the door will be closed. You don't want to open this door. It's better to open the wall, but this is impossible. Yes. After entering, 10,000 tons of sand will be sprayed out of thousands of small holes, and eventually you will be buried in it.

This is what the second master told me. He once saw and found several bodies in the sand. Maybe what I met this time would be 10,000 tons of sand. This way to die is not a good way to die.

The flow of sand is getting faster and faster, and the sound is getting faster and faster. This is starting the degree of quicksand and making preparations. I panicked, but knowing that it was difficult to escape this time, I was relieved. I wanted to smoke, but there was no smoke. I sat there in a daze, and my head was in a mess, thinking about it.

The sound of sand stopped, and with a "squeak", I trembling and looked at the other side of the sound. Unexpectedly, a door opened. I was stunned. Will it be 10,000 tons of sand when I enter this door? I'm not sure.

I stood up, walked to the door, and looked in. The door was not big, and I had to bend down to enter. Inside was a shadow wall, and I couldn't see inside, which made me hesitate. If I went in, this is a 10,000-ton top door, then I would have no chance to come out. However, now I have no way back. This is the most terrible thing. After thinking about it, you still go in. When you have no choice, even if you are facing death in front of you, you have to choose, and you also want to go in.

I went in and passed the shadow wall. I strangled it. There was a transparent hourglass in front of me, the size of a person. This is an ancient timer, but now the sand on it has come down. It seems that the timing is over.

When I was thinking about what would happen, the hourglass slowly turned and the timer started again. The door closed at once, and I broke down in a cold sweat. I calculated that it would take about 20 minutes for all the sand in the hourglass to leak out. This start is to let me finish something in 20 minutes.

In this mausoleum, in addition to this big hourglass, there is also a stone statue in the east corner, and there is nothing but this stone statue.

I walked over and looked at the stone statue, which seemed to be related to a certain person, but the more anxious I was, the more I couldn't remember whose avatar it was. I must have seen it. This is not wrong, but I can't remember it.

I can't easily touch this avatar. Maybe everything will happen the moment I pick him up. That's irreversible. The second master also said that in the mausoleum, don't touch anything. If you don't touch it before you understand, the consequences will make you lose your life.

I went to other places to relax and put my memory back in my head, but every time I look at the hourglass, I can't. The sand is not leaking very fast. I just feel very fast. Such things are always like this, just like exams. I always feel that the time is short and the same time. If you wait for someone, you will feel very long. This is a short and long rule.

I looked around in a hurry, hoping to find something. Except for the stone wall, I patted and hit it. It didn't work. I know what the final choice would be? I just remember who this avatar is. If you don't want to come, then I can only move the stone statue. Maybe there will be a turnaround, but there is almost no turning point. There is no choice. Perhaps, moving the stone statue will be a process of accelerating death.

The sand in the hourglass is only a little. I came to the stone statue again, took a deep breath and closed my eyes, but there was a messy thing in front of me, like a movie, but there was no memory of the stone statue. It seems that this memory is in the depths of memory. If you want to turn it up, I'm afraid it will take more time, one day, two days... or even a month or two months.

There is nothing I can do about it. I look back at the hourglass. There is only one-third of the sand, and the time is only six or seven minutes. I began to think about whether to move the stone statue, because I really can't remember it. I'm also sure that I don't want to come, or I'm just familiar with it. I don't have the impression of this statue in my memory.

I stood still, and the sound of quicksand sounded like my life flowing away from my body. It was very fast. Some people said that when people die, it would be like this feeling. Some people felt like being emptied, some people felt empty, and I feel like empty now.

I looked at the hourglass again. There was very little sand, and maybe it would flow empty in an instant. I suddenly lifted the stone statue and looked back at the hourglass. I stopped.

I know this, I'll move early!

I put the stone statue aside. The stone platform with the stone statue is not big and leaning against the corner, but it is a little strange that there is dragon embroidery, a kind of stone embroidery on the stone platform. I have never seen this kind of thing since I entered the mausoleum. Stone embroidery is an extremely strange temptation. The method is similar to Xiang embroidery and Su embroidery, which is extremely complex and delicate. What's more, it is embroidered on stone, which is found in Chinese legend. However, no one has seen the stone embroidered as thread, and it is unknown how they made the stone the same as the thread.

I look at this stone embroidery, it's so beautiful.

It is a scene of shaman dance. The stone platform is not big, and it is embroidered with such a large scene. I am also very strange that such stone embroidery should appear in a more formal or gorgeous place. He actually appears on this stone platform, and there is a stone statue in a corner. Will stone embroidery be very developed at that time? Isn't it inconspicuous? I don't think so. If it is so developed, at least this kind of cultural relics should be found, but up to now, there is no such thing in China, and no stone embroidery has been found. It has only appeared in some books in legend, and those patterns have been measured.

I think this is an unreasonable design. I carefully look at the scene of this shaman dance with wizards, dancers, guardians... This should be a formal, not a folk shaman dance scene.

In the end, I saw the flaw. This kind of shaman dance has a magic pole, which is several meters long and has a grass plate containing meat or cereals for crows to eat. The crow is a kind of totem full of people. Legend has it that the crow saved Lao Nu and formed a totem. However, the grass plate on this divine pole is not these things. I looked carefully and realized that it was a skull. I trembling. This is a human sacrifice. I don't know who this person's skull is. Such a human sacrifice wizard will not do it easily. It's evil.

I stretched out my hand to get the skull and actually picked it up. There was a peanut size, which was so exquisite that I didn't even think about how the embroidered thing could be taken down.

I heard the sound of the flowing sand. I jumped up and strangled it. My hand was too short, and the sand flowed in an instant. I thought it was over. Dead quietness makes people go crazy.

Suddenly, the hourglass came across. At this time, I saw that under the hourglass, there was a small pit, a pit, similar to the skull in my hand. I am so careful now. I learned it from the second master. A detail determines your life and death. This is what the second master said. I also know and have experienced nothing. Count such things.

I looked at the skull in my hand, walked slowly, pressed it, and the stone platform was staggered. A cave. At the moment the stone platform was staggered, the sand spewed out and made a sand whistle. The speed should be very fast. The sand hit my face, and I felt it was broken. I fell down at once, and then I climbed into the hole and used my hands and feet. At this time, there was no dignity. Like a dog, I climbed over and the stone platform was closed. I know that I escaped the disaster. Maybe I'm too lucky.

The hole here can't stand up. You can only crawl out and crawl out. You can live without dying here.

I climbed forward, and after more than ten meters, I suddenly became cheerful. Behind the darkness, there will always be a dawn.

A large pit, more than 30 meters long, with two small ropes on it, which should be able to bear the weight of people. Two ropes, the pit can't see the bottom. I don't know what kind of mechanism it is. If you wrap your clothes in your hand and climb over, it's not impossible, but it's only more than 30 meters.

But what scares me is that I don't know what will be under this deep pit. The animals, insects and so on living in the mausoleum are very poisonous. Some insects the size of the grave will be finished immediately after a bite, so I'm still worried that there will be something below. In.

When I hesitate, there is a sound, a strange voice.