The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 964 Human World, Panshan Secret Collection


The first monk to step on the ladder first and came to the front of Tongtianmen, crossed towards Tongtianmen, and then felt an inexplicable force coming.

This power is very powerful, but it is not turbulent. It looks very gentle, like a drizzle moistening things silently, moistening his motogami little by little. In the end, it makes him willing to make his motogami become one with it. At this moment, he obviously felt that his long-stuck cultivation barrier, such as when spring returned to the earth, and the cracked ice on the paper, accompanied by countless crackling sounds, completely collapsed, and the mana rose.

However, he was not happy about it. Because, with the growth of mana, he also understands a situation, that is, now he no longer belongs to him, but more belongs to the world of the infinite golden fairy world.

"How could I become a subordinate of another family like this?"

At this moment, because of the change of things, it was too abrupt, so he was not prepared at all. For such a situation, he neither looked too angry nor too calm, but a kind of confusion and a kind of confusion.

This kind of confusion makes him indifferent even if he is in the fairyland, facing the endless aura spontaneously surging towards the [body], as if he is unconscious.

Soon, another person appeared beside him. He also knows this person, and his cultivation is also stronger than him, but even so, the man was also surpassed by him and fell behind. Because his reaction was a little faster. After this person appeared, his expression was exactly the same as his expression.

It looks like this. At that time, his mood. Much better. The head also turned to life. "It seems that such an unlucky thing. I'm not the only one, but all the monks who enter the fairyland through this ladder. It's inevitable! In this case, it seems that I don't have a chance to regain my autonomy. After all. Now this infinite golden fairyland. It should be ownerless, otherwise, it will not have called us newcomers.

I can't delay any longer. I hurried to find the treasure of the infinite golden fairy. Only by getting the control of the infinite golden fairy world can I really be free. Even, achieve a great power!"

This is what I read. Without any hesitation, that is, time, the monk urged his mana to reach its peak state. With a shake, he turned into a stream of light and broke through the air.

At the moment when the light turned away, the second monk who crossed over also came to his senses and happened to see such a scene. In an instant, he figured out what was going on. At present, there is no more hesitation, and the light is quickly turned away.

Next, three, four, five,...



This mountain is not tall, and the highest peak is only a hundred feet high. It is more of a low hill, but it stretches very wide, thousands of miles, like a big dragon lying here. The name of Panshan is also derived from this.

At this moment, the desolate mountain was interrupted, and thousands of monks gathered at the foot of an unknown hill. These monks, belonging to countless forces, are listed layer by layer according to their strength, from the inside out. ~~Book Network - update first release~~ In the innermost layer, there are only three people, but it is closely different from other levels. The distance between the second layer and them is more than 100 feet, which fully highlights the status of these three people.

The status of these three people is really unusual, and they are all golden immortals. Two of them can be regarded as Zhong Yuan's old friends. They are Dongyang Zhenjun and Lie Que Zhenjun. The rest of the golden fairy is a master in the scattered flow. The Taoist name is Piao Lingzi, and he has created his own Tianya Gu Lun Sword and Sihai Piao Ling Sword, which is famous in Nantian!

So many monks, especially the three golden immortals, are here for no reason. The reason is very simple, that is, here, a treasure was found.

This treasure was not very eye-catching, but with the attack of the forbidden barrier, it became more and more extraordinary. After the three golden immortals came one after another, the attack simply stopped. Because they haven't banned the protection yet, and they have figured it out! It can be imagined that it is difficult.

Zhong Yuan is also here, among the most peripheral monks. The reason why he came here is even simpler. Because this secret place is the treasure that he shot with the mirror of the three worlds when he was in the Qingming space, which really belongs to the treasure opened up by the infinite golden fairy. He didn't expect the current situation.

In his opinion, no one who seeks treasure in such an ordinary mound will come here. However, things in the world are so wonderful, but such an inconspicuous place is discovered and spread out, attracting the attention of countless people.

Although Zhong Yuan showed the simplest and easiest path through the three worlds mirror, he did not dare to use it in the eyes of the public. The reason is very simple. The prohibition here is arranged by a high-level golden fairy like Wuji Jinxian, but he is not sure that he can do it unconsciously as he did in the fairyland before.

If the masters here are only those immortals on the top, or even half-step golden immortals, Zhong Yuan is still confident to break through. However, in the face of the three golden fairies, he did not dare to try. This is not a timidity, but a wise choice after judging the situation. Because, in such a situation, the price of failure is death, and there is no second way.

Of course, Zhong Yuan will not wait here stupidly, waiting for these golden fairies to take away the best things inside after planning them, and take away the little things he doesn't want in a hurry. He is waiting now because he has expectations.

On the way here, Zhong Yuan, like in the heavenly court in the north, kept spreading the news of the fairyland. He believed that soon, the monks here would know, or some people had already learned, but they were still waiting and hesitating. After all, the protection of this treasure is so powerful that even the three golden immortals are together. In this situation, there are ten **, representing a shocking secret.

However, he believes that as time goes by, there will definitely be fewer monks here. Because the setting of Wuji Jinxian in this place is very deceitful. I believe that it is enough to deceive many people. If Jin Xian will also leave because of this, it will be the most perfect for Zhong Yuan.

However, he did not dare to give his hope to this completely. He also made the worst plan. If it really didn't work, he also decided to take a risk at the right time!


"Flying Taoist friend, what do you think of this treasure?" Suddenly, Dongyang Zhenjun of Yanshenzong opened his mouth and asked Piaoling Zhenjun.

"This, Dongyang Taoist friend should ask the missing Taoist friend. He holds the Dayan Mirror in his hand and can communicate with the Dayan Mirror at any time. He should be much better at cracking this forbidden way than I do!" The real king is the way of time.

When Lie Que Zhen heard this, he shook his head and said, "Above this road, it's still the deepest Taoist brother. Let's talk about it first!" Both of us, more of us rely on external things. It may be a little inaccurate!"

Hearing this, Piao Ling Zhenjun no longer refused and said to himself, "Empty, illusion, this secret collection, is a fake treasure, but this is just my personal opinion, not necessarily accurate."

"My induction, so is it!" As soon as this statement fell, followed closely, Dongyang Zhenjun also said.

At that time, the eyes of Piao Ling Zhenjun and Dongyang Zhenjun both looked at Lie Que Zhenjun. Seeing this, Lie Quezhen also smiled bitterly and nodded.

"In this case, the two Taoist brothers think that we still need to verify it. Does it take time? You know, it has been two days since the news of the manifestation of the fairyland came out. Although Debao is still such a person, he will not be the only one who has something to gain!" Piao Ling Zhenjun said again at this time.

"Of course, two days is nothing. I don't believe that anyone has a big chance to hide the real infinite golden fairy in such a short time! This secret is the most valuable place we have found. I'm really unwilling to see the situation with my own eyes!" When Lie Quezhen heard this, he said in time, "If you can't wait, you can leave first!"

"In a few days, I can't afford to delay. It took such a long time. If I can't be sure of the result, even if I go to the fairyland, I'm afraid it's hard to calm down!" Dongyang Zhenjun also said.

"Good!" Piao Ling Zhenjun stroked his palm and said, "It seems that the opinions of you and I are the same, so let's work together to open the secret here!"


"No problem!"

After Lie Que Zhenjun and Dongyang Zhenjun nodded separately, they began to shout the monks behind him and fought together to attack the secret collection.

Although these monks belong to different categories, the three golden fairies have to choose one for their own interests. Naturally, the magic road is first-class, choose the lack of the real king, the fairy road is first-class, choose the Dongyang real king, and the scattered, choose the drifting real king.

Under the order of the three people, at that time, thousands of monks present took action and attacked the treasure. However, unlike the situation of attacking other treasure places, there is a law here, and the attack also has a twelve-point focus. Therefore, the effect is very fast. In just a moment, a forbidden barrier is broken.

Next, two, three, four,...

Just like this, almost another two days have passed, and finally, the last barrier was broken.