The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 965 The real king of drifting, destroy the dust and break the barrier

The fragmentation of this barrier made the eyes of all people, including the three golden immortals, shine in an instant. However, a voice that followed made everyone's hearts fall to the bottom of the valley in an instant.

"Ha, ha, ha,... No matter who you are, open the secret, it means that you are all people with certain skills, but it's still early to get my treasure! I have set up a total of 17 fake collections. If you have enough patience, try your best to find them!

In the eighteenth treasure, there is my complete inheritance, this inheritance, first release~~ Even my direct disciples can't get it, so continue to work hard!"

As the sound dissipated, the treasure also appeared completely in front of everyone. Here is an unusually vast palace, magnificent, carved beams and columns.

Pearl, jade, jade, agate, glass, ... and so on. It can be said that this is the most dream palace of the emperor of the mortal world. However, none of these things are useful to practitioners. Not to mention these monks who have become immortals, most of them are ordinary monks who can see the things in front of them like dung.

Seeing this, everyone's heart, which had already been disappointed to the bottom of the valley, sank more and more.

"Damn it, isn't it just a high-end golden fairy? An inheritance, how can there be so many famous halls, when we are very rare? At this moment, Dongyang Zhenjun, the most hot-tempered, couldn't help but say coldly in his heart.

When he smelled this, Piao Ling Zhenjun smiled and said, "It's normal for Brother Dongyang Dao not to care, but I still care very much. Who let me be a loose repair! Since there is no value here, I won't delay any longer. I have to hurry to the fairyland. You two, goodbye!"

After saying that, Piao Ling Zhenjun nodded to the scattered monks again as a congratification, and then he no longer delayed. As soon as he shook his body, he turned into a breeze and disappeared.

Seeing this, Lie Que Zhenjun also smiled and said, "Brother Dongyang, I won't waste time. Let's leave!"

"What's the saying goodbye? You're going to the fairyland. Don't I go?" Dongyang Zhenjundao.

"I think if we don't have such a big goal, we'd better stay together as little as possible! After all, if it is a small treasure, it is rare for us to distribute it!" While talking, Lie Que Zhenjun did not wait for Dongyang Zhenjun to answer, so he controlled the sword light and tore the void and ran away.

Immediately after that, Dongyang Zhenjun also broke the void and went away.

Seeing this, the rest of the monks, look at me, I look at you, most of them dispersed. However, there are still some people who do not give up and feel that even the judgment of the golden fairies may not be true. Therefore, more than a hundred people rushed into the palace, scanned here, sensed there, looked at this, moved that, and wanted to find a little surprise. However, after all, he still got nothing.

So, these people, with the passage of time, also left one by one. For the many pearls and jade here, no one was interested in taking them away, so they abandoned them in the wilderness.

In the process of exploration and departure, no one of them found that one of the monks disappeared quietly.


Piao Ling Zhenjun incarnated into the breeze. Halfway through, he suddenly became fierce. In an instant, the void collapsed and poured into it. Entering the mixed world.

"This end, the other end, the lonely journey of the world, the same end!"

In this mixed world, Piao Ling Zhenjun shouted loudly, and a four-foot-long sword on his back suddenly came out of the sheath and turned into a streamer, stretching across the void to infinity.

He was not in a hurry, and Shi Shiran stepped on the streamer. At that time, at the end of the streamer, abruptly appeared a figure of a real king. Then, the figure here dissipated as if it were illusory, while the other part condensed in an instant.

At this time, the real king of Piaoling split the void with his bare hands, the void cracked, and he took a step and came out. The place of appearance is exactly the foot of Panshan, where it was just stood. In front of him is the magnificent palace. However, at this moment, there is no one here.

Seeing this situation, there was a proud smile on the face of Piao Ling Zhenjun. Dongyang, lack, I'm afraid none of you can imagine that this so-called fake treasure is the real treasure! Wuji senior, your means are really wonderful. If it is virtual, it is true. However, you didn't expect that among your three strange elixirs, the most mysterious Heguangtongchen elixir was inherited by me. Your method is useless to me!

It seems that I am what you call a predestined person. Your treasure should be given by me!"

While talking, Piao Ling Zhenjun came forward. At the same time, there was a bottle of elixir in his hand. On the medicine bottle, there were three small words - dust-killing elixir!

Dust-killing elixir is one of the most widely circulated elixirs in the spiritual fairyland. Its utility is very simple. As the name is its name, it destroys the mortal spirit in the monk [body], thus making it easier for the monk to be promoted to immortals. It is also because of this that among the local monks in the Lingkong Fairyland, the existence of the immortal level is everywhere. However, it is extremely rare to reach the proportion of the middle stage of the immortals. Because, before this most important level, there is a lack of experience.

For a long time, dust-killing elixir has such a useful effect. However, no one knows that this dust elixir is also the nemesis of the infinite golden fairy and the light dust elixir.

Heguang Tongchen elixir, as the name implies, is to cover up the edge and cover up an object and even a mountain and river into the most common existence.

Wuji Jinxian has created three Qidan in his life. Among them, only Wuji Jindan is the most famous, and few people know the other two, even the names. Piao Ling Zhenjun, if he hadn't accidentally got the elixir of the same dust elixir, he wouldn't have known it.

After stepping into the magnificent hall, Piao Ling Zhenjun opened the medicine bottle containing the dust-killing elixir. Immediately, an invisible and intangible but real inexplicable machine escaped and scattered in all directions.

At this moment, the mood of the real king can't help but be a little stirred. Because the lifelong inheritance of a high-level golden fairy may appear in front of him the next moment.

It's only a moment, abruptly, right in front of the hall, on a piece of jade, [in the middle] a gem eye decorated with a dragon pattern, flashing a little light.

Although the luminance is very slight, it makes Piao Ling Zhenjun very happy, because it is the unique breath of the magic weapon.