The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 1777 Dragon Pile, Lock Wukong

"Little doll, if you want to fight against my grandson, you have to practice for thousands of years!" After defeating the Buddha, the Monkey King shouted loudly, and the golden stick waved again.

It is still ancient and ordinary, and the magic power is still not obvious.

However, when he personally faced this stick, Zhong Yuan just realized that what he saw in the appearance was just a little bit of the real power of this stick.

The moment when the battle defeated the Buddha Sun Wukong's golden stick erected in the sky, it seemed that he had become the master of this world. Heaven and earth were born and destroyed, and the world was changing, all in his mind. At the moment of smashing, what Zhong Yuan saw was not a stick, but the whole world.

Zhong Yuan was isolated. He seemed to be a sinner in this world who had been rejected by the whole world, so he had to be punished by the whole world - erased!

The invisible momentum is almost to invade the spirit of Zhong Yuan, let him give up fighting, give up resistance, and wait to die. However, in the end, Zhong Yuan's will was firm enough to survive such a real attack. The frightened magic gun became faster and faster and stabbed.


A loud sound shook the nine-day brother, the sky broke, and the chaotic atmosphere flowed like a waterfall; the sea roared, and the giant * lifted a thousand weights; it was soaring, roaring everywhere, and the place where it passed was full of rubble.

Under one blow, Zhong Yuan was instantly bombarded and flew out more than a thousand feet. In his body, the unparalleled qi and blood were shaking and toss, as if they were about to surge out. However, under the combing of Zhong Yuan's mind, it finally calmed down.

His arms were sore and his internal body was shaking, but Zhong Yuan was not dissatisfied at all. On the contrary, his heart was full of excitement. Because I didn't really get hurt when I defeated the Buddha Sun Wukong head-on.

Without injury, it means that he is still likely to complete the task assigned by the God of War. At that time, his body was shocked, and Jin Peng's wings moved again, and the frightening gun stabbed down again.

This time, Zhong Yuan really has a background in his heart, and his momentum is even better, like a long rainbow, wanting to penetrate the day!

At the beginning of the confrontation, it was much better to defeat the Buddha and the Monkey King than Zhong Yuan. His figure, but the void fell by about three feet, and he stood firmly.

However, different people have different mentality. In this case, in the view of the victory over the Buddha and the Monkey King, it is a complete shame. Because, for him, a little person like Zhong Yuan should be able to be killed with one stick. Now, it's almost equal to himself. How can he bear it?

At that time, the victory of the Buddha and the Monkey King did not hesitate to give up the suppression of part of the flesh and blood witchcraft, and once again improved his own strength. He rotated the golden stick and smashed it towards Zhong Yuan.


Another shocking noise, the waves rolled over, like a tide of the ocean, sweeping in all directions.

This time, Zhong Yuan stepped back ten feet away. However, Zhong Yuan, you are not forced to fly away. A considerable part of this is his active retreat.

Because, during the confrontation, he sensed the surge of power on the golden stick of the Buddha and the Monkey King. He is not very clear about what happened to the victory over the Buddha and the Monkey King, but he is very clear about one thing. That is, the state of defeating the Buddha and the Monkey King is not very good. The more powerful he is now, the more powerful he is, which shows that there may be more problems later. Therefore, there was only one strategy for Zhong Yuan's early battle, that is, to delay the time of the battle.

"Bang, Bang, Bang, Bang,..."

Zhong Yuan's delay is different from ordinary people.

Ordinary monks, delaying time is to avoid the void as much as possible, while Zhong Yuan is a hard connection again and again, not dodge once. It's not that he has a tendency to find abuse, but he knows very well that if not, the means of defeating the Buddha and Sun Wukong by fighting is likely to turn into his use of procrastination to completely eliminate the hidden dangers in his body. At that time, the unlucky one will be Zhong Yuan.

Zhong Yuan fought with the Buddha Sun Wukong, which was extremely fierce. The aftermath swept in all directions, making the sea-knowledge space of the sky fragmented and unsighted. Except for some limited places, with strong prohibitions and intact, the rest is almost the same as the ruins.

Soon, the two of them fought for nearly half an hour.

In the past half an hour, Zhong Yuan himself did not know that the strength in his body had dried up several times. If it hadn't been for the magic of the power and the transformation from the heart, in addition, he still had these countless recovery elixirs and elixirs on his body. I'm afraid that if he didn't survive until the Monkey King's internal trouble broke out, he would die.

At this time, Zhong Yuan just realized that not everyone can call the word God of War! Its combat strength is unfathomable and terrible!

However, such a high-intensity battle is also of great benefit to Zhong Yuan. In the enlightenment of the hell of flesh and blood, the various methods of fighting that he understood are gradually integrated into one furnace, and there is a tendency to sublimate again. It can be said that after this war, Zhong Yuan will usher in a new blowout in both cultivation and combat strength.

With such a wonderful future, Zhong Yuan is naturally trying his best to fight.

The body is tired, the arms are sore, the organs are weak, and the spirit is depressed,... Wait, wait, these situations have never happened since Zhong Yuan's meaning of achievement. However, in such a battle, he experienced all of them, and he was also free to carry out an alternative battle with these states.

Gradually, another half an hour passed.

Zhong Yuan sweated like pulp, and his whole body was like washing. Whether it was his body or spirit, he almost reached a limit. Although, he also has his own medicine to supplement and restore. However, devouring has become a difficulty for him.

It doesn't mean that Zhong Yuan doesn't even have the ability to put these elixirs in his mouth. However, in the process of constantly swallowing, refining, swallowing and refining, he felt disgusted by these elixirs.

In the past, he had not done it like this, but compared with the amount swallowed this time, it was a little witch. This disgusting feeling even affects the effect of elixir refining. It is ten times more effective, and in the end, it is only 20% or 30%.

In this way, Zhong Yuan had to continue to swallow more elixirs, which was accompanied by a greater sense of disgust.

This is a vicious circle, but there is no solution. Because the golden stick waved by the Buddha and the Monkey King brought him the threat of death! Compared with death, it is obvious that it is more disgusting.

Therefore, Zhong Yuan can only persist and keep persisting.


Another shocking shock sounded, and Zhong Yuan flew backwards again. In the void, he retreated tens of thousands of feet away.

At this moment, Zhong Yuan's spirit was shocked at that time. Because he obviously felt that the power of fighting to defeat the Buddha Sun Wukong had declined to a considerable extent.

This moment is Zhong Yuan's dream and has been looking forward to for a long time, so it is ** very. However, in order to prevent mistakes, he made a confirmation. Because he is very clear that his own counterattack opportunity, iron, only once, can't be neglected at all, otherwise, the ending may not be so wonderful!

This time, Zhong Yuan was rare and took the initiative to attack.


Another huge earthquake, and Zhong Yuan was bombarded tens of thousands of feet again. Compared with the previous one, there are much more. However, he was not disappointed at all. On the contrary, his heart was full of joy.

Because Zhong Yuan has been sure that his feeling is not wrong. This blow, although the strength of the fight to defeat the Buddha and Sun Wukong, has been strengthened, it is quite limited, and there is no immediate effect before, suppressing his will to resist.

The power of defeating the Buddha and the Monkey King is obviously more than that. In this situation, it can only be explained that the hidden danger in his body broke out again, and he was unable to control himself, holding most of his strength.

"The opportunity has finally come!" At this moment, even Zhong Yuan couldn't help but be very excited, and his body trembled with excitement.

However, at this moment, Zhong Yuan's spirit was surprisingly clear and calm, as if he had entered the realm of emptiness. Zhong Yuan waved the scary magic gun with both hands and met the golden stick. At the same time, his all his body was opened and twisted into countless cyclones, dense, endless elixirs and elixirs, which appeared out of thin air and were swallowed up by it.

Then, above Zhong Yuan's head, the spirit of heaven opened, the divine light burst out, and the sound of the sky sang. Then, a big tree rose slowly, extremely fast, turned into a towering giant tree, straight through the sky.

There is no doubt that this towering giant tree is the strongest treasure in Zhong Yuan's body - the magic tree!

The magic tree suddenly shook. Standing in time, on the branches, buds appeared, soaring rapidly, opening up a golden flower the size of a bowl.

That flower, no more, no less, just three thousand!

The three-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thous

In such a situation, it's too late to say. In fact, it's just a moment. Seeing such a strange appearance, he fought to defeat the Buddha Sun Wukong and instinctively felt that it was wrong. At that time, he had to gather his strength again to suppress Zhong Yuan.

However, at this moment, the three thousand fruits are like three thousand meteors, flying down. In the middle of the way, it turned into three thousand wooden stakes with three gold rings.

It is the dragon pile.

Three thousand dragon piles, all of them took action, like lightning. In a moment, they fell on the battle to defeat the Buddha Sun Wukong, and gave it to the lock to death. RS