The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 1778 Witchhood, Humanity

Dunlong Pile, fighting to defeat the Buddha Sun Wukong naturally knew, however, did not expect that this Buddha's most precious treasure would appear in Zhong Yuan's hands in such a strange way, and as soon as it appeared, there were so many.

Dunlong pile is famous for its speed, the best magic weapon for knocking sticks and patting bricks.

If the battle to defeat the Buddha Sun Wukong is exhausted, it is absolutely no problem to stop it with the Ruyi pearl fruit condensed by his own family. However, at this moment, Ruyizhu turned into a golden stick and was confronting Zhong Yun's frightened gun.

At this moment, the victory over the Buddha and the Monkey King couldn't help but waver. Is it really right for me to fight with Taoist fruit as a treasure?

In the heart of the battle to defeat the Buddha and the Monkey King, the speed of the three thousand escapes of dragon piles has not slowed down at all. In an instant, it fell on him and gave it to the forbidden death. What I saw was full of golden rings, and I could hardly see anyone.

At this point, the victory over the Buddha and the Monkey King immediately pulled out of the wavering of his mind and struggled to find a solution.

At this moment, the mana in the body of the Buddha Sun Wukong is already locked to death, and it is difficult to mobilize at all. Therefore, he can only struggle with the natural power of one of the four monkeys in the world.

The unique blood secret technique, the rise, the potential explodes, and the battle defeats the Buddha and the Monkey King, bursts out with infinite golden light. Open it for me!"

"Bun, Bun, Bun,..."

In response to the roar of defeating the Buddha Sun Wukong, a series of explosions sounded. Every explosion represents the brokenness of a dragon pile.

At this time, Zhong Yuan naturally did not neglect at all. He rose up his whole body and waved a frightening magic gun. When he was close to him, he stabbed on the jade pillow hole behind the head of the fight against the Buddha and the Monkey King.


Like hitting the gold and iron, it made a huge sound, a Thunderbolt spark, and it rushed around.

At this moment, the victory over the Buddha Sun Wukong was like a lightning strike, and his whole body trembled. In his mind, endless sad howls sounded, almost filling his mind. Even if he defeats the Buddha and the Monkey King, he can't help but lose his mind. At present, the body collapses and breaks the dragon pile, which is a pause.

Zhong Yuan did not pause at all. After one blow, and then another shot, the target was still the jade pillow hole.

"Dang, Dang, Dang,..."

It was like a big bell bursting. In an instant, Zhong Yuan walked on the jade pillow hole where he defeated the Buddha and the Monkey King and stabbed 18 shots. Huge power, sad howl, body and spirit, under the double impact, finally, the defeat of the Buddha Sun Wukong couldn't bear it and fainted abruptly.

Zhong Yuan knows that although the victory over the Buddha Sun Wukong looks bold and crazy, he seems to be a rather reckless person, but as a monkey, his nature is quite cunning. In order to ensure that he did not mean to pretend to be dizzy, in order to make a counterattack and win in defeat, Zhong Yuan paused. After returning his breath, he rudely knocked on his jade pillow hole again and knocked dozens of notes fiercely.

Rao Shi defeated the Buddha Sun Wukong's natural stone body, a hundred alchemy body, under the crazy bombardment of Zhong Yuan's life and death, he couldn't help but become red and bulged a big bag.

While tapping, Zhong Yuan's spirit is highly concentrated, carefully sensing the change of the breath of defeating the Buddha Sun Wukong. Confirm that after he really fainted, he no longer delayed time, that is, time came forward and sensed the situation in his body.

This induction is to find that the body of the Buddha and the Monkey King is freely witching at a speed visible to the naked eye. In fact, Zhong Yuan has already guessed something about this situation. However, because it was a matter of life and death, Zhong Yuan did not dare to be sure, but another method prepared by himself was not used.

At the moment, it is the best time to use it!

At that time, Zhong Yuan did not hesitate at all and urged the magic tree again.

At the beginning of the time, the magic tree once again reappeared the scene of three thousand divine flowers blooming and three thousand divine fruits, and the speed was faster. After the three thousand divine fruits were formed, time roared down again and rushed towards the body that defeated the Buddha and the Monkey King.

This time, these three thousand divine fruits did not turn into dragon piles, but into a direct size, similar to the existence of seeds.

This kind of child is the magic power of Zhong Yuan's temporary performance. His effect is very simple, that is, to increase and strengthen the effect of Xingtian's great witch spirit, so that the speed of transforming other people's bodies into big witches is several times faster. Because the effect is simple, it can be said that there is almost no possibility of using Tao in other places except at this time. Therefore, Zhong Yuan didn't even bother to take his name.

However, this unnamed magic power is extraordinary. One line rushed into the body of the Buddha Sun Wukong, that is, time, the speed of the battle to defeat the Buddha Sun Wukong's flesh and blood body to transform the body of the big witch is more than three times faster.

There are many long dreams at night. Zhong Yuan also took action at the same time and pointed out to help the smash the Buddha Sun Wukong's own instinctive resistance to spirituality, making the transformation speed of the body of the great witch faster.

Almost, about half an hour later, the immortal golden body that defeated the Buddha and the Monkey King completely disappeared. Instead, it is the body of a big witch similar to the God of War.

Half an hour, it doesn't sound like much, but for Zhong Yuan, it's also like a year. Because he has to beware of defeating the Buddha and the Monkey King all the time. Because the horror of defeating the Buddha and the Monkey King is well known, and his dizziness time will certainly not be long.

During this period, Zhong Yuan took action eight times again, knocking on the jade pillow hole that defeated the Buddha Sun Wukong to maintain his coma. Unfortunately, there is only one place where Zhong Yuan strikes, so there is only one big bulge. Otherwise, no one will say that there is no Buddha phase in defeating the Buddha Sun Wukong, only the monkey phase. Because that kind of Shen Yun is unique to Buddhism!

After Zhong Yuan completed the task assigned to him by the God of War Xingtian, he couldn't help breathing a long sigh of relief and relaxed his highly tense spirit.

"It's finally done! After handing over the Monkey King to Xing Tian, I will pay him back! Next, between me and Xing Tian, there is nothing to do with each other. Zhong Yuan sighed in his heart.

It is said that human debt is the most difficult to repay, but at this moment, Zhong Yuan really realized it. Therefore, at this moment, Zhong Yuan's mood is extremely relaxed. RS