T-type hero legend

46. Conditions for temporary changes

Old K's problem is actually very simple:

1. What does he need to do?

2. What will he get?

3. Is there any danger in the process? What is the degree of danger? How to ensure that his life is not threatened?

4. Where will he go after the matter is over?

He did not make any requirements such as asking the other party to introduce in detail what the new era plan is, nor did he directly shout that the other party was trying to put himself in danger. In his view, one of the prerequisites for the negotiation is that it is stupid for both sides to put themselves into their whole plan on a basically the same level of position.

His current situation is actually quite delicate, just like a hired mercenary. While the other party is afraid of his strength, he does not care too much about himself. Under such a premise, you must first ensure your own interests as much as possible, and then take that as a basic condition, and then strive for as much as possible to benefit you, so as to guide the whole event in the direction you want.

At present, he does not expect to squeeze into their core at once and grasp key secrets; let alone occupy a position that can compete with the other party in the protection of interests, after all, this requires the corresponding value of force to be backed up. He only wants to live with peace of mind under the other party's eyes. As long as this can be ensured, the other party's vigilance will naturally slowly decline after a long time, and then it is possible to wait for the opportunity that really belongs to him.

When he was young, he also liked to open his mouth when he had a certain advantage, but unless the other party was also stupid, once he was seen through, not only could the conditions not be raised, but he would also be turned over and used by the other party, so he gradually learned a more cautious and practical way of negotiation. The conditions that can ensure yourself without making the other party unacceptable and have to find a way to overthrow it are really good conditions.

It turns out that regardless of the degree of economic development of social science, the choices that different organisms will make may not be different in the face of benefits.

The star general was obviously very surprised that he would raise such a question and thought about it for a while before slowly answering: "Please wait a moment. Some things will involve core secrets. I need to discuss with everyone whether it is appropriate to disclose it to you on the premise that you have not promised to join."

The other party will give such an answer is also beyond Lao K's expectation, which may also show that in a highly developed civilization, pretending to evolve more decently than this kind of thing?

Anyway, in line with the idea of blocking the water and covering the earth, old K calmly stood in the conference room waiting for the stars to negotiate, and by the way, he looked around the strange decorations in the conference room. The light group prophet does not seem to play an important role in the whole plan. He also stays in the conference room to accompany Lao K in a daze, and acts as an explanation when Lao K studies something unsucceively, or reminds Lao K when he is about to make trouble.

The waiting time is very long. The sky above Glilang outside the window has gradually changed from white to dark gray, which means that the night of the planet has come, that is to say, Lao K and the others have been waiting in this conference room for a long time.

Such a long wait is a test for the negotiator's body and mind. If you are not determined, you will definitely be shaken during this period, and you will feel that your previous request is too much, which will cause the other party to be unhappy.

Unfortunately, what is waiting here is old K who doesn't even have a body. Not to mention that there is no psychological pressure, even the situation that may have caused stress such as thirst, hunger and internal urgency, does not exist. Before the star sent someone to invite him, he was trying to get some sleep, but unfortunately, there was no electromagnetic field specially equipped for the energy body in the conference room, and it was not comfortable to sleep at all.

The room Lao K was brought into this time is much more formal than the previous conference room. It looks like a room of more than 100 square meters. There are many charts on the playback rack in the middle, and there is a circle of three-dimensional projection seats around the playback rack. It seems that many people in different locations are meeting here.

When I saw Lao K go in, all eyes focused on him. Old K is now quite sensitive to the energy of mental waves. He is stared at by so many different creatures at the same time and suddenly feels great pressure. In particular, several creatures looked at him with great interest, as if they were watching today's dinner.

The prophet did not come with him, but stayed in the conference room to wait for him. This made him feel isolated, and he could only try to keep calm and not let himself show his timidity.

The star's voice sounded: "This is our guest today, Li Kai from the seventh universe, that is, the star of Lota-Taslow."

The name Li Kai made Lao K completely out of the situation for a moment, and then he suddenly remembered that it seemed to be his own name.

"Can you please not call me by that name? Just call me old K." This name has never been used since he graduated from junior high school, and the surname "Li" from his disappointing father was also abandoned by him.

"Why? Isn't your family Li quite a significant family among human beings on earth? A jellyfish face cast a curious look at him.

"He doesn't know, does he?" The pyramid-shaped creature next to the jellyfish guessed, "He should not have thought of resurrected in his descendants after death."

The ribbon creature coiled aside interrupted: "He probably didn't know that he had descendants, did he? Earthlings are really chaotic and unprincipled creatures. After saying that, it made a series of strange monosyllables, as if laughing, so more than half of the creatures in the whole hall began to make strange sounds.

Old K felt very angry, but before he could attack, the star general said, "Well, don't forget the basic manners." This sentence was relatively serious, and soon there were no creatures that continued to laugh. Only then did Xing generals begin to answer Lao K's questions at the beginning.

Lao K listened a little absent-mindedly. Just now, this group of monsters laughed at him collectively, and finally stopped laughing after being said by the star general, but no one apologized. This has made him clearly feel what kind of classification he belongs to in the hearts of these alien monsters.

So I'm afraid that the "answer" based on this classification will not be too satisfactory. In this case, if he still wants to take the initiative, he must put forward the conditions that the other party is interested in. This is a little difficult. After all, the other party is countless times more advanced than himself.

While thinking and listening to the other party's so-called answer, Lao K found that the other party was still fooling around the theme of "creating a new world", and the substantive content was still point-to-point and unclear. He suddenly remembered what Lilith had said to him, and a bold idea came out.

"Is there any benefit if I provide some clues that may be helpful to the research?"

Old K's proposal was obviously beyond the expectation of most of the creatures here. Xing will ask him with an undisguised suspicion: "Huh? For example?

"For example, the results of Earth people's research on this field." What Lao K said was calm, and it was completely impossible to see that he actually knew nothing about the specific content.

Whispers suddenly filled the whole room, and the tone of the star became serious: "You mean that there are already people doing such research in your universe? It's impossible. Don't try to fool us."

"I'm telling the truth. As for whether to choose to believe me, this is your right."

Old K's performance is indispensable. Experience tells him that at this time, the more indifferent he is, the more likely his opponent is to be suspicious and the easier it is to be deceived.

Sure enough, Xing will be silent for a while and directly asked the other creatures present: "What do you think?"

This is obviously an old man who is used to shirking responsibility. No wonder he can become the project leader. Old K complained silently and kept silent, allowing these alien monsters to argue.

His attitude was obviously a clear hint, and another monster with a jellyfish face finally couldn't help asking him, "Can you prove what you said?"

"Isn't this kind of research a toy that can be brought around and seen at any time, and do you think it is possible to make it clear immediately in language alone? Besides, if I say it when you don't have any promises, who will I ask for my own guarantee?


Waiting for Xing General's words, Lao K smiled and said, "I'm not very satisfied with your previous answer to my question, but I'm willing to make a deal. How about we talk about it in private first?"


The second update has been completed

Looking for, deserted, miserable and miserable... Days without the list~~~~~~~~~~~~~~