treasure hunter

Chapter 4: Strange Stone Temple

I circled around this stone house. This stone house looks much bigger than I thought. At least it covers an area of one or two mu, and there are broken boulders and some broken walls everywhere on the ground. The ground exudes the smell of corruption of dead branches and rotten leaves, and there is no artificial trace at all. It seems that no one has come here for many years.

I walked around to the front, but I didn't find the monkey. I was shocked and worried that the monkey had entered the stone house. I don't know how many years the stone house has been standing here. It looks like a strong structure, but after so many years of rain, it is a little shaky on the surface. I was worried that something would happen to the monkey, so I quickly walked into this strange and mysterious stone house.

As soon as I walked in, a strong smell of corruption came over. I couldn't help covering my nose and carefully looking at the terrain inside with a flashlight. The place I live in is the entrance of the stone house. There is a stone step extending down. It is too dark, and the light of the flashlight is too straight to see everything here clearly. In addition, the smell of corruption makes people dizzy. I quickly shouted, "Monkey, monkey, are you in there?"

I really didn't want to get one step closer. After all, the terrain here is very strange to me. The monkey is not outside and must have gone in. Although I am a little annoyed why he didn't wait for me to come back, in the face of such a complex terrain at this time, in case the three people do hide here, the monkey alone is afraid It's really bad luck, so I shouted at the monkey, hoping to hear some echoes.

But to my disappointment, no one in it gave me a reply, and I was even more worried, as if there were no living creatures here except me. I couldn't help but feel an indescribable sadness in my heart. Has the monkey really been killed? I thought for a moment, and then shook my head and denied my idea. With the monkey's skills, even if I was killed, I would never be silent, and he still had a gun in his hand. The two sides would definitely make a sound. I didn't hear anything just now, so I think the monkey must be huddled somewhere.

Thinking of this, I have been relieved a lot for the monkey. Then he looked around carefully with a flashlight and didn't find anything abnormal. Then he walked down the stone steps. Maybe the monkey was deliberately hiding with himself. The boy always likes to joke so much. I comforted myself like this and picked up the machine gun in my hand, aligning the muzzle with the beam of the flashlight in case something suddenly happened.

When my footsteps carefully walked down about a meter, I had already touched the fallen leaves, which blew in along the open door and piled up a thick layer. Coupled with years of rain watering, the smell of corruption became stronger and stronger. I don't know if this smell is harmful to the human body, but I'm sure that the monkey must have entered here, because I found the unique mark he left on the wall on one side.

The monkey must have found something special, so he entered the stone room without waiting for me. Thinking of this, I became even more worried. There are three people on the other side, each of whom has a guy in his hand, and no matter how powerful the monkey is, he is just a person. Two fists are hard to beat four hands. You must find him as soon as possible, just in case. I thought of this and strode on those corrupt fallen leaves.

"Puff!" With a sound, my whole left leg almost fell into my knee. These fallen leaves contained a lot of moisture, and the fluffy leaves could not bear the weight of the next person at all, so I was trapped so much at once. I struggled to pull my legs out of the rotten leaves and looked at the legs, which were stained with some black insects. I know that this kind of worm is called locusts and likes to suck human blood. For the damp and wet places here, I really don't know how they grow up, but fortunately I wear trousers, although this kind of military clothes are not It is waterproof, but it is more effective for this kind of mollusc that likes to suck human blood.

I tied the end of my trousers tightly, and then walked down boldly. The silent and dark stone room seems to have entered another space. There is no light in the darkness, and you can't even feel the flow of air. However, the strong smell of corruption in the air felt a little dizzy. I observed the road ahead with a flashlight and walked carefully. The corrupt fallen leaves soon walked away. It seemed that there was a big pool-like thing under my feet, and the fallen leaves gradually became shallow after walking about five meters ahead, and I was very nervous and relaxed a lot.

On the shore, although there were still some dead leaves under my feet, it was just nothing to move. At this time, I began to observe the stone room carefully to find the monkey. The monkey still has no news. First, I talked about shaking off the shaves stuck to the legs of my trousers, then loosened the legs of the tied trousers and carefully observed the stone room with a flashlight. The stone room was not very large, which was very different from the outside. The area seemed to be no more than 400 square meters at most. As soon as the flashlight was shining, it was very clear.

Just now, I was anxious to find the monkey. For a moment, I didn't pay attention to where it was. Now that there is no monkey here, I can't help but wonder. This looks like a temple or something. However, because of years of disrepair, the stone statue placed in the middle has fallen to the ground, and the head of the stone statue has been torn apart. I can't tell which immortal it is. I don't know it from the shape of the body.

Because of the flashlight, I always felt a lot of dark shadows floating around. I shouted a few monkeys loudly, but I still found nothing. I didn't find anything, let alone see the monkey's figure. This makes me even more strange. If the monkey didn't come in, why did he leave a mark in front of the stone gate? This puzzled me. I thought for a moment. Although the monkey is sometimes more impulsive, after all, he is not the kind of reckless person. There must be his reason to leave a mark, and I believe that he must have come in.

Thinking of this, I then began to check the light of the flashlight around the stone room. Finally, I found the mark left by the monkey on the foot of the fallen statue. I looked at the direction indicated by the mark, and it turned out to be behind the stone statue. I shine a flashlight. There is almost nothing behind the stone statue except the stone wall. What does this mean? I don't understand, but according to my years of experience in marching, there must be a tunnel or a secret door here. Otherwise, the monkey would not have left such an indication mark for itself.

I lit a flashlight on the ground behind the stone statue again. Sure enough, there was a dark hole in the ground. There are some gravel on the edge of the hole, some of which seem to have just broken and some of them have been around for some years. Maybe it's because I've been paying attention to the wall just now, so I ignored this hole. I quickly walked over and illuminated it with a flashlight. I found that there were still some slabs at the entrance of the cave that had not been fully opened, and the slabs were all embedded in the surface, which looked as inconspicuous as an ordinary floor.

A trace of cool and bone-piercing cold air was stolen from the dark hole. It seems that the ventilation effect of this hole is quite good. At least fresh air can be breathed. In this stone room, there is a smell of decay and mold everywhere, which is a headache. I thought for a while, then checked the equipment I was carrying, and then climbed down the passage. As soon as my feet fell to the ground, the taxi felt refreshed, and the damp and cold air cheered me up.

I lit it with a flashlight. Behind me was a dead end, and only the road ahead was paved with huge blue stones to the ground. The road is covered with a lot of moss, and the road seems to be so deep that even my flashlight can't shine to the end. Maybe because of my eyesight, I can't see the end. Thinking of this, I took out the infrared thermal telescope and carefully surveyed every place where there might be a heat source, but unfortunately, the telescope was dark and nothing was found, as if this was a dead world.

I put away the telescope and walked down the tunnel. I don't know where this is, let alone what era this secret is left behind, and whether there will be any danger here, but the monkey is in it, I must find him, which is the only reason to enter this secret now.

When I walked inside, my mood became worse and worse, because I couldn't feel any life except the humid air inside. I don't know how far I have gone. This secret passage is slanting downward. I'm afraid it has passed through the surface water layer, because when I passed by some places, I found that some places have begun to seep water, and the surface is very shiny. Maybe this is one of the reasons why the air is humid.

I was walking. Suddenly, when I came to the corner, I just wanted to walk along the corner. Suddenly, I felt that a danger was quietly approaching me. My feeling would never go wrong. It was an instinctive reaction. Similarly, it was also a physical function that I had exercised between life and death for so many years. It is more appropriate to say that it is an instinctive response of human beings rather than a special function.

I quickly shone with my flashlight towards the place where I felt dangerous. It didn't matter, and the sweat that had disappeared from me immediately gushed out. I saw a huge gecko-like animal lying not far in front of me, with a pair of cold eyes staring at me. Under him, he was still throwing a backpack scatteredly. The things scattered in the backpack suddenly made me angry, because I recognized those things, especially one of them, that was the monkey. The satellite locator on the body.