treasure hunter

Chapter 5: Round-nosed Giant Lizard

I know this super-large gecko-like animal, called the round-nosed giant lizard. Generally, what we see is generally very small, the largest is only two meters, but the giant lizard in front of me is more than four meters, which is more than twice as big as we usually see. I don't know what it eats here and can grow so big. The man.

And when he was in the army, he often heard that the Tujia people in Yunnan were attacked by such a big guy. He was very grumpy, especially this animal was still carnivorous. Relatively speaking, in the face of this cold-blooded and inhuman animal, it was better for me to face the three bandits directly.

Looking at this super-large round-nosed lizard, I was motionless, and the flashlight shone on this guy, hoping that he would not move. Although I have a gun in my hand, now I shoot the dragon, and the sound of the gun can easily startle the three bandits. And looking at the ground, there is nothing but the backpack left by the monkey. I can conclude that the monkey must have escaped the attack of this big guy and has entered the depths of the passage.

And shooting in such a place is not without worries. The surroundings are basically made of huge blue stones. If you shoot, it is likely to produce jumps. At that time, the bullets will not have eyes. In case I kill this huge guy and I am also shot through the chest, it will not be very big.

At this time, the huge fork tongue in the depths kept exploring the air, as if it wanted to attack. My body was also slowly crawling towards me. I retreated around the corner and pulled out the saber I had been carrying with me from the scabbard on my leg. This saber has been with me for several years, about a foot long and triangular. Usually, I cherish it very much, because this is my first military thorn when I was a soldier.

Looking at the big guy slowly turn around and facing me, I suddenly shine the flashlight in his eyes, hoping to temporarily blind it with the help of the strong light of the flashlight, so that I can take the opportunity to stab this military thorn into the big guy's head. Although this giant lizard is a national first-class protected animal, I don't I believe that I will deliberately protect it, because if I do that, I will probably be buried in its mouth.

Just as I shone the light of the flashlight into the eyes of the dragon, suddenly, the big guy seemed to be angry. I rushed over with a swaying body and suddenly. At the same time, I opened my mouth and bit my waist. I was shocked. I didn't expect this guy to be so grumpy, and he acted very quickly. In this place where I couldn't see, I couldn't see clearly just with the light of a flashlight in my hand, let alone want to fight.

In a hurry, I quickly retreated back. At the same time, he handed the flashlight to his left hand, holding a military thorn in his right hand and jumped violently. The passage was so narrow that only one person could pass through, so I pedaled my legs on both sides of the wall and stabbed the right army towards the dragon rushing over. With a bang, my army stabbed into the dragon's nose fiercely. It was a pity that due to insufficient light, this thorn was stabbed diagonally and did not cause a fatal blow to the dragon.

Because the force of the giant lizard rushed over so much that I was hit by it, my feet, which had been unsteadily, were knocked out by the giant lizard and fell out at least two meters away and fell heavily to the ground. This time I fell lightly, but fortunately, the backpack on my back cushioned for me, but that's it, and my waist almost broke. At this time, the giant lizard seemed to have been angered by me, and a big opening was pierced by me, and red blood flowed out.

With a "hic" sound, the giant lizard was in unbearable pain, and its long tail suddenly pulled towards me. I suddenly turned around and got up, regardless of the pain all over my body. I jumped violently, and my legs were tightly stuck on the walls on both sides according to the posture just now. The giant lizard The tail pulled fiercely from my feet and heard a crackle. I looked down and saw a white mark on the wall, which was left by the huge tail of the giant lizard.

I took a secret breath. If I didn't react in time just now, I'm afraid I won't break my bones at once? But at this time, I also smiled secretly. My military thorn has fallen down, and there is only a flashlight in my hand. I don't believe that only such a flashlight can compete with this huge round-nosed lizard.

The walls on both sides of me are covered with moss due to disrepair and moist air. I'm gradually sliding down. If I don't find a way quickly, once I fall down, the one will continue to rush to me as fast as possible to remove me. Thinking of this, I gritted my teeth and pulled out a pistol from my right thigh. It seems that I have to risk it. Once the bandits are alarmed, it should not be my responsibility.

I looked at it with a flashlight. The giant lizard was under my body at this time, looking at me with its big mouth open. I was cruel and pointed the gun in my hand at the giant lizard under me. As soon as he was about to shoot, he saw a dark shadow rushing over and stabbed at the head of the giant lizard. The giant lizard was caught off guard by the sudden attack. He turned around and turned his whole body over and pressed the shadow under him.

I have understood that the person who came is the monkey. At this time, the monkey held my military thorn in his hand and stabbed at the head of the giant lizard. The giant lizard was also shaking its body and opening its mouth to bite the monkey. Seeing this, it was impossible to shoot, which easily hurt the monkey, so I had to jump off the stone wall and then lay on the back of the dragon. A stream of fishy and smelly mucus almost covered my face.

I didn't care much. I took down the machine gun on my back and hit the giant lizard's head with the butt. Two times, I didn't even know where the flashlight was lost at this time. The surroundings were all dark, and only the giant lizard under me was still struggling. The monkey and I tried our best to greet the big guy with the weapon in our hands. After a long time, the super-sized giant lizard finally lay on The ground is no longer motionless.

At this time, the monkey and I gasped heavily, and I had no strength all over, and the monkey also leaned against the stone wall to rest at this time. It took a long time for the two of us to recover. I saw that the monkey didn't say anything. I turned around and found the flashlight and pressed the door, but the flashlight didn't even light up. It is likely that it broke when fighting with the dragon just now.

Suddenly, a beam of light lit up, which opened my heart a lot, and I saw a flashlight shining white in the monkey's hand. At this time, the monkey's body and face were full of blood. Looking at myself, it's also full of blood, and there is an unbearable smell, which seems to be the disgusting mucus smell on the giant lizard just now. I smiled at the monkey and sat together.

"What's wrong with you, boy? Why did you run in silently? I said with some blame. The monkey whispered, "I just heard something inside. I was afraid that the suspect would run away, so I came in in a hurry." I nodded and looked at the dark corner and said, "How's it now? Have you found them?" The monkey nodded and said with a bad face, "I found it. They are indeed here, but..."

"What's wrong?" I looked at the monkey's expression and found that something was wrong with him, so I quickly asked. The monkey looked at me at this time, with a trace of fear in his eyes and said, "I found their bodies alone." The body?" I frowned and said, "Did they kill each other?" The monkey shook his head and said, "No, I guess the body was killed by something, and the death was very miserable."

"What? What the hell is going on?" I asked anxiously. The monkey shook his head and said, "After I saw you go to observe the terrain area, I suddenly heard something that seemed to be moving inside. I saw that you couldn't come back for a while, so I left a mark and went in alone. Then I found these three people. I followed them all the way, and I left you a mark on the way, when I I also met this guy when I got to this place.

The monkey pointed to the dead round-nosed lizard on the ground and continued, "I was in a hurry to support my hands and feet, but I lost my backpack when I went there." I smiled and said, "You are really a monkey. What happened later?" The monkey continued, "Later, I didn't know. When I walked for about ten minutes, I found the body. The other two didn't know where they had gone, leaving only one body, but looking at the clothes and so on, like a horse, they were not the master."

"Then why did you come back? Why don't you continue to track it?" I asked in a puzzled way. A trace of fear appeared in the monkey's eyes and said, "The man died strangely, and all the internal organs of his body have disappeared, leaving only an empty shelf. I checked the wound and broke my stomach with a sharp weapon. I was worried that the other two people had also been killed, so I came back to tell you first. I was worried that you would come out. That's why I came back quickly."

I nodded gently and said, "As you say, you and I have met this giant lizard, and the three people passed here safely. Haven't they met the giant lizard?" The monkey nodded and said, "I don't think so, because I found a big hole when I passed by on the wall. It should be the exit of the giant lizard. They may not have encountered it, but it happened that I met you."

I nodded, and the monkey's explanation is still reasonable, but how did the horse die and why was his internal organs taken away? After thinking for a while, I stood up and said, "Well, let's go and have a look first. Anyway, we have to catch the remaining two people. Otherwise, tonight's action will not be completely successful."