treasure hunter

Chapter 11: Preliminary Exploration of Panyang Lake

Chapter 11: Preliminary Exploration of Panyang Lake

I don't know when I fell asleep in a daze. I only knew that there seemed to be a woman lying in a cold crystal coffin in my sleep, looking quiet and indifferent, as if she had fallen asleep. But when I walked into her, I found that this woman was extremely beautiful and suffocating. I even had a feeling that the feeling was so strong, but I couldn't say what it was, but when I looked carefully, I found that the woman lying in the crystal coffin opened her eyes and was staring at me with a pair of big eyes. I suddenly woke up and looked outside. It was already dawn.

I turned over from ** and found that I didn't know where the stick had gone. He quickly sat up and got out of bed. At this time, the door opened and the magic stick came in from the outside. He looked at me and smiled and said, "Get up. Hurry up. It's all waiting for you outside." I blushed. I haven't got up so late since I joined the army. Maybe it's because I went to bed too late last night. Then I washed my face and brushed my teeth. After everything was ready, I went downstairs with the magic stick.

Michiko and others were already waiting for me downstairs at this time. Then we had breakfast together. Michiko took a car. After we got in the car, we set out for the old temple. No one said anything along the way. Strangely, the two bodyguards around Michiko didn't seem to follow today, and I didn't bother to ask. The car walked all the way to the old temple in Panyang Lake.

After getting off the car, I looked around. Before I came, I fantasized about the environment of the water of the master's temple, but after getting off the car, it made me very disappointed. Because this place is very desolate, there is only a large mountain-like mound not far away, with weeds on it, and it seems that some buildings can be faintly seen. There are waters around, and even the shore is overgrown with weeds. Only one or two boats on the water in the distance slide on the lake, which looks very barren. Cool.

The taxi has turned back at this time. Only five of us stood in the wind, but it seemed very comfortable to face the damp wind. At this time, Michiko took out her mobile phone and made a phone call. Because the communication was in Japanese, I didn't understand what she was saying at all. But in a short time, a seemingly ordinary ship came towards us, and there were six people on board. Because the lake is calm today, the ship is not very swayed.

When the ship docked, the boatman jumped down, fixed the still shaking hull, and then said to us, "Ha ha, several people, get on the boat!" I looked at the boatman. Obviously, the boatman was hired by them from the local area. He was dressed in coarse cloth and blushed. At a glance, he knew that he had been a boatman who had been crawling in the water for many years.

The stick and I looked at each other, and the stick nodded to me. Then we got on the boat in turn, and then the ship sailed towards the center of the river. The ship is not big. The motor of the ship is very loud. You can hear that the speed of the motor is very high. After we got on the boat, we found that five people had already been on the ship except for four of us. Together with the ship owner, a total of 11 people were passing on the ship.

The boat has a lot of water, so although the motor is loud, the speed of the ship is not fast. I saw Michiko talking to one of the people who came to meet him, and all of them were in Japanese, and we couldn't understand a word. After a short time, Michiko came to me and sat next to me and said, "Mr. Wenlong, all of us will go down in a moment. If you think it is necessary, you can leave someone to watch the boat. What do you think?"

I was stunned and said, "It doesn't matter. Do what you want. Our people don't care." Michiko nodded and thought for a moment and said, "I don't think we need to leave people on the boat anymore. All the people on my side will also go into the water. If the people on your side also want to go into the water, we will go down together, and we have given the boat owner enough money. I don't think he will leave us alone."

I nodded and smiled, and then stood up and walked towards the boat owner. Because we sit on a small bench on the boat, it is relatively convenient to move. At this time, the boat owner was sitting at the stern, controlling the direction of the motor. When he saw me coming, he smiled at me and said loudly to me, "Is there something wrong with this comrade? If you have nothing to do, just do it. Don't fall into the water when the boat shakes.

I nodded and smiled, and then put the small bench next to the boat owner and asked, "Old comrade, I don't know if the waterway here is good!" The boat owner controlled the motor with one hand and shook the other hand and said, "It's not easy to walk. This water is the master's forbidden area. Now we can walk while the master is asleep. If the master wakes up and gets angry, none of us will want to live!"

"Hehe, isn't it? Is it that scary? I think the weather is so good, it should be nothing. I said with a smile. The boat owner shook his head and showed a trace of fear in his eyes and said, "Young man, don't say that. The master temple here is very evil. Look, the sky is clear now. Maybe it will rain heavily and windy in a moment. It's evil when the wind blows. Thousands of tons of big boats can be blown down and sinking in a flash. Go."

I was stunned and said, "No way? Even at sea, it can't be windy when it rains, right? Besides, as I really want to tell you, why do many people come here to fish?" I looked at the boats not far ahead and said. The boat owner shook his head and smiled bitterly, "Those boats are all driven by young people. They don't believe in that evil, and there is really nothing they can do for a living. There are too few boats here. Although they can hit fish, they are also playing with their lives."

I nodded and didn't speak, because from the owner of the ship, I felt a little superstitious and didn't seem to be credible. Randomly, I returned to the cabin with the stool. For a short time, I saw that the magic stick also walked towards the boat owner with a small stool, and then chatted with the boat owner. Because the sound of the boat's motor was loud, it was not too difficult for me to figure out what they were talking about, but I was sure that the boat owner had a happy chat with the god stick.

After traveling for more than an hour, the boat sailed to a lake that was not wide. On the left was a continuous mountain, and on the right was a hill that was neither high or short. And the more you get to this place, the fewer boats you will be. When you get to this direction, you can hardly see a ship. The boat owner docked the boat on the edge of a cliff on the left. There was a rope on the cliff, and an iron brave at the other end of the rope was tightly embedded in the stone. It looked very strong. It seemed that this was also the place where the boat family once docked.

After docking the ship, Michiko said to me, "Okay, let's change our clothes now." After saying that, she went to the other end of the cabin, opened the lid of the cabin, and took out a few sets of diving clothes from it. I looked inside. There were also several oxygen cylinders inside, which were dedicated to diving and should look good.

Michiko asked the boat owner to pull a curtain and changed the number of wetsuit under the cover of the curtain. Then we changed them all one by one. I have to say that Michiko, who changed into a wetsuit, has a more prominent figure. Judging from the eager eyes of the Japanese who followed, I know what they are thinking. But I didn't think much about it. Then I changed my clothes and came to the deck.

Michiko stood on the deck and told me some essentials of diving. I had received training in this field when I was in the special forces, so I am not unfamiliar with diving. Then I said a few words to the doctor and the monkey, and the magic stick waved his hand to me and said, "When I go into the water to touch things, you don't know where you are. Let others learn your little knowledge." I smiled and didn't say anything.

Monkeys are no stranger to diving, because he has also received training in this field, including underwater escape and other training subjects when he was in the army. Doctors also have diving experience, so it's not a big problem. After everything was fully equipped, the five Japanese each carried waterproof backpacks and some equipment. After making various underwater gestures, we went into the water.

Just after going into the water, the visibility of the water in front of me is not very high. Michiko was the first to go into the water, so I swam in her direction. I have to say that the water here is not very cold and comfortable. Then I followed Michiko closely and looked back. None of them followed. I gestured to them to ask them to follow quickly. Then I looked back at Michiko beside me to follow up.

Soon, Michiko and I had dived into more than ten meters of water. When we got here, the pressure of the water was very high, which made people feel chest tight, but it was not obvious. The visibility is lower, only about two or three meters. Michiko and I have turned on the water flashlight we carried with us, shining on the water in front of us, and occasionally mailed some big fish from our side. After seeing the beam of our flashlight, we will escape without a trace in an instant.

Michiko made a gesture to me, which meant to disperse and look for traces. I also gestured to the people behind me, and then parted with Michiko and swam to another place, but more than a dozen of us looked for more than half an hour, and there were only 20 minutes left to see the available oxygen. Then look at others, and Looking for it, it doesn't seem to find any trace. I looked at the monkey, and suddenly, I saw the monkey swimming over a boulder, revealing something white from the boulder, like a woman's white hair.

Collection and red tickets, none of them are missing!