treasure hunter

Chapter 12: Underwater Fighting

Chapter 12: Underwater Fighting

I was shocked. All kinds of terrible legends of Panyang Lake made my scalp explode. If the monkey encountered any danger, I would definitely save him regardless of my life. When I didn't think much about it, I swam hard towards the monkey. As I swam, I gestured to the monkey, indicating that it was dangerous, hoping that he could see it, but no matter how anxious I was, the monkey didn't look back and swam straight towards the boulder.

I gestured to the monkey in such a panic. Except for the monkey, almost everyone else saw it. When the magic stick and the doctor saw me so flustered in the water, they quickly swam towards me. As he swam, he gestured to me and asked me what was wrong. I pointed to the monkeys in front of me and gestured to them, meaning that the monkeys were in danger. But when the magic stick and the doctor saw me so nervous, they swam towards the monkey with me, and the magic stick had already held a dagger in his hand. Even the doctor took out a scalpel, and the three of them swam hard towards the monkey.

When we approached the monkey, the magic stick came forward and pulled the monkey's leg. The monkey was alert. Looking back, it was the three of us. Then I pointed to them at the boulder not far from the monkey. At this time, there was no object like white hair. The three of us slowly approached the boulder, especially the magic stick, with a trace of fierceness in our eyes.

But at this time, the four of us searched for a long time and found nothing. I was a little puzzled. Couldn't my eyes be dazzled just now? Then look at the oxygen meter, there are only ten minutes left. It seems that I have to give up this search. Then I motioned them to go up first and wait until they go up. The stick nodded, handed me the dagger in his hand, and then went upstream with the doctor and the monkey.

Then I found several other men and asked them to go up. They didn't have much oxygen left, so it seemed that they had to go up and talk about it later. Then I followed around to find Michiko, but I couldn't find it for a long time. With the increasing consumption of oxygen, I had to go up first. Maybe she was already on the boat. Thinking of this, I hurried upstream.

Luckily, the boat owner didn't leave us. They pulled me on the boat. I gasped heavily. Then the magic stick asked, "What on earth did you see under the water just now? Why did I see your face change at that time? I gave him the dagger and then said, "I saw a big white thing, like human hair." What?" After hearing this, the god stick's face suddenly stiffened and said, "You mean you saw white hair under the water?" I nodded and looked at the magic stick and asked, "What's wrong?"

The magic stick thought for a while and said, "It doesn't look good. I heard people who often touch things at the bottom of the water say that anything white in the water is very evil. The one you see may be a water spirit." Water? What is it? I asked something that I didn't understand. The magic stick looked at me, and then looked at the others and said, "Actually, the water is a zombie in the water, which specializes in pulling people into the water. It is a zombie turned by the person who drowned in the water."

"What?" I was shocked. If it's on land, we naturally don't have to worry. After all, there are so many people, even if there are zombies, there is no need to be afraid. I think I solved one myself. Zombies are not such a terrible thing on TV. But it's different in the water. Not to mention that the zombie in the water does not need to breathe oxygen, ordinary people will greatly reduce their actions when they get to the bottom of the water. Even if the water doesn't work, as long as it drags a person back, he will soon drown because of oxygen.

"It seems that we should forget our action this time. I can't guarantee that we can deal with such a thing in the water." The stick said worriedly. At this moment, one of the Japanese came over and said something to me. I didn't understand a word, but when I looked around, I suddenly found that one person was missing. What about Michiko? What, she didn't come up, did she?" I asked, and the monkey shook his head and said, "No, we haven't seen her."

I looked at the waterproof watch. It has been more than ten minutes. Presumably her oxygen is about to run out. At the bottom of the water, oxygen is life. Thinking of this, I wiped a water stain on my face and said, "Come on, change an oxygen bottle for me. I'll go down to find her." After saying that, I quickly opened the cabin and took out an oxygen bottle from it. At this time, I looked at it, and there were only two spare oxygen cylinders full of oxygen. As soon as I changed it, I saw a lot of bubbles in the water not far away. Shocked, it seemed that Michiko was indeed in danger underwater. I didn't say anything. I grabbed the dagger from the magic stick and jumped into the water.

I struggled to swim in the water for a short time, and the energy reduction in the water was getting worse and worse. I vaguely found that there seemed to be something like a white silkworm cocoon wrapped in Michiko swimming towards the dark place in the water not far ahead. But the speed is not very fast. I took a deep breath of oxygen and swam over. To be honest, the strong resistance and pressure in the water were about to squeeze my chest, but I still held back my breath and soon caught up with Michiko.

At this time, Michiko struggled in a panic, and the water flashlight in her hand hit the white silkworm cocoon material entangled in her leg in panic. I rushed forward and quickly cut off all the white hair-like things wrapped around her legs with the dagger in my hand, and then motioned her to leave quickly. I came to break it. Michiko nodded. At this time, her oxygen was insufficient, and she quickly swam to the water with her legs.

At this time, I looked nervously at the white-haired thing and held the dagger in my hand tightly. As I expected, the hair-like white substance quickly swam towards me after losing the prey of Michiko. I held my breath and dealt with it carefully. Suddenly, I saw that this hair-like thing suddenly spread out and almost quickly surrounded my whole body. At the same time, I saw a sharp mouth in the middle of the hair.

What the hell is this? I thought to myself, but I couldn't care so much at this time. Seeing that these white-like things were about to wrap me, I waved the dagger in my hand and cut off a lot of hair. Strangely, this kind of thing is not a hair, but something similar to tentacles. It feels slippery in my hand. A feeling of crispness.

I immediately made sure that this was not a water croach at all, but something that had never been seen before, and it seemed to be a kind of creature in water. After confirming that it was not a zombie in the water at all, my confidence immediately increased, held the dagger in my hand, and then swam towards this thing.

After approaching, I stabbed the dagger in my hand into the middle of this thing. Under a thorn, a ** similar to a yellow substance suddenly appeared in the water. I don't care about it, and I randomly quit several daggers. This thing gradually stopped moving, and then its hair-like tentacles slowly stopped moving. The whole body floated like a balloon towards the water.

I can see that this thing must be dead. It seems that there should be nothing to do for the time being. I simply went upstream to the surface of the water. After this, I have no strength all over my body now. Look at the oxygen, there are still a lot of them, and they just floated up slowly. But the more I swim up, the more I feel that I don't have any strength. In the end, I don't know what's going on. I can't use any strength all over my body, so I can only let my body float in the water.

Just when I felt that I was about to die, suddenly, a black figure came to me. I barely opened my eyes and saw that the eye of the magic stick was full of concern, and I felt that my body was slowly rising to the surface of the water. In a long time, a burst of dazzling sunlight made me unable to open my eyes, and then I heard a loud voice, and then I was carried to the ship.

"Brother Long, Brother Long, what's wrong with you?" The monkey shouted loudly. I looked at everyone with my eyes open, but I couldn't exert any strength all over my body, as if I had lost my feeling. Soon came over, helped me with my pulse, then turned over my eyelids, and lay on my chest and stopped my heartbeat for a while. Then he said in my ear, "It doesn't matter. You are probably poisoned, but this toxin is not so strong that it can't endanger your life, but you can't move for the time being. You are paralyzed all over. Look This is a neurotoxin. You'd better take more rest.

I blinked my eyes. It seemed that today's salvage was impossible, because the oxygen tank was almost run out. In one, Michiko and I were affected by neurotoxin. It seemed that we might not be able to move today, so we had to stop today's salvage. Then the boat owner drove the boat to the shore. , headed back to the place where we boarded the ship. When I arrived at the shore, my body was already a little aware. Michiko was able to walk around by being supported at this time. Then I was carried a monkey and a magic stick, and then we returned to the small hotel.

After returning to the hotel, I was placed in a separate room. Michiko's action has nothing to do with it at this time, and my consciousness is slowly recovering. Then in the evening, Michiko came into my room with some rice. I looked at Michiko smiling gently, and then slowly sat up from **. Michiko took two steps and put her white and delicate hand on my chest and said, "Let's lie down obediently. I'll feed you."

Red ticket! Red ticket! Red ticket! Red ticket! Collect, collect, collect, collect!