treasure hunter

Chapter 21: The Terrible Second-floor Cabin

As soon as my words fell, I heard two gunshots in the cabin, "Bang..." It is very clear in this quiet space. Everyone stood up. Seeing the monkey, the magic stick and the three doctors coming towards me quickly, Michiko and I also stood up.

"Wen Long, it seems that something has happened inside. Shall we go and have a look!" The stick said in a low voice. I looked at Michiko, and a trace of panic flashed in her eyes at this time. I nodded and said, "Okay, go in and have a look, but you can't all go in in case of accidents." The stick nodded, and the doctor stood up at this time and said, "I'll go in first and have a look. If I haven't come out, don't go in. Hurry up and find the way and go first."

I shook my head and said, "I'd better go. You wait here. If I haven't come out within an hour, you can leave quickly. It seems that this damn place is really not so peaceful." After saying that, I turned around and left, but I was caught by a pair of powerful big hands. I turned around and it was a magic stick.

At this time, the stick said heavily in one eye, "I think I'll go with you. After all, I'm much more familiar with this situation than you." As soon as I wanted to say something, I saw the monkey come up and said, "Brother Long, don't say anything. Let's go together. Don't always leave me. I won't listen to you this time." Looking at the look of these people, I know that even if I go down alone, they will follow up, so I have to nod and say, "Okay, but everyone must be careful and don't be careless."

Several people nodded, and then followed me to the entrance on the second floor. The straight down entrance is black at this time, and there is no light. Because the LED lights brought by the Japanese were completely on the deck at that time, the second floor was not lit. Now I don't know what's going on with the line surface. If I want to clean up all the lights laid on the toluene and then get the generator down, it must be too late, so I decided to go down and have a look first.

Then I ordered the monkey and the doctor to put away all the lights on the deck and find a way to get them down. The stick and Michiko and I went down first. Although the monkey was a little reluctant, we went to clean them up with the doctor. I turned on the flashlight. Now is not the time to save light, so each of the three people is equipped with a flashlight. I walked in the front, and three people walked through and walked down.

This warship actually looks no different from other warships. In particular, this kind of ladder is welded with a thin steel plate and metal such as iron pipe. Although it has been decades, the paint applied on it has the effect of preventing oxidation, so it is not rusty, and there is the sound of a rattle when stepping on it. I don't know why, it suddenly reminds me of the first one. The shadow that appeared on the ship.

"Miss Michiko, did your people also get on that ship when the magic stick and I were exploring the first ship?" I asked in a low voice. Michiko pondered for a moment, and I stared ahead. At this time, I didn't know her face, but I didn't expect Michiko to say, "No, I've been with three other people. I didn't find anyone on the boat except when I changed my clothes." I nodded and didn't say anything. If what Michiko said is true, I believe that there should be someone else here besides us, and the biggest possibility is the other two missing Japanese.

The second floor of this ship is not deep, with only a dozen steps, and about three meters high from toluene. We quickly went down to the second floor, but strangely, the second floor was obvious and the place was not large. Most of them were some emergency equipment and some places filled with weapons and ammunition. Of course, there are some rooms here, but they all say dangerous, please don't approach. I think it should be a place like an ammunition depot.

The three of us walked quietly here, leaving footsteps every step. At the same time, in this dusty place, I carefully searched for the footprints of the three Japanese, hoping to find them and see what happened. At this moment, I heard a bang and another gunshot.

I am not unfamiliar with the sound of gunfire, and based on years of experience, I can tell how far it is. If it is a relatively familiar gun, I can tell what kind of gun it is and how powerful it is according to the sound. But unfortunately, I am not very familiar with this kind of gunfire, but I know that this is definitely a pistol, and it should be very powerful.

The three of us quickly ran towards the place where the gunfire came. Because I ran in the front, I could clearly see a door with a flashlight that was only a dozen meters in front of us. It was a kind of door unique to this kind of ship. It was very heavy and completely made of modern steel. Just when I was still two or three meters away from rushing into the door, the door suddenly moved silently.

I suddenly stood still, as if there was a terrible machine going to happen in front of me, and I dared not take another step forward. Michiko and the magic stick, who didn't know the situation, bumped into me one after another. At this time, the door had been closed with a bang, and I heard a sound of metal friction from the door, which should be locked.

"What's the matter? Why don't you leave?" The stick asked behind me, and I shook my head and said, "I feel the danger. It's in this door." The magic stick then went up, looked at the door carefully, and then gently pushed it with his right hand and said, "It seems that it is locked. This kind of door is an automatic door. As long as it is closed, it will be automatically locked. If there is no key or someone opens it from it, we can't get in at all."

"What should I do? The three of them are still inside. Michiko was a little anxious at this time. I looked at Michiko and said, "What's the use of being in a hurry now? We can't get in at all, and I tell you the truth, this door closes automatically, and I don't have time to go in at all." What? Do you think this door closes automatically? The magic stick said strangely at this time, and I nodded,

At this time, there was silence around, and everyone knew what I had just said. It was impossible for the three people to close the door, and there were two shots from inside. It seemed that something terrible must have happened inside, otherwise the three people would not have shot to alarm the outside. People, but if those three people are really killed, what is inside? And it is impossible for such a heavy door to be closed so quickly with the strength of a person alone. What terrible power can you really get to this ship? Where are the two soldiers of Nasi? Did it just disappear out of thin air?

At this moment, I heard a rapid footsteps behind me. I looked back and saw that it was the monkey and the doctor. At this time, the monkey was holding the generator, and the doctor was walking towards us with a large handful of LED lights in his hand. I looked at the two people panting and knew that they had heard the gunshot just now. They were worried that something would happen to us, so they came here in such a hurry.

Then I said a few words to them to help them hang up all the lights, then connected them to the generator and looked around the lights, which made my originally depressed mood much better. How to open this door? I asked, in fact, I didn't hope that anyone could answer me. After all, this door is simply too strange. So far, no one knows whether the three Japanese are still or are unknown, let alone if we go in, just like them. If you die in it as well.

I didn't dare to think about it any more. I looked back at the rest of the people: "What do you want to say?" I want to hear your opinions now." The monkey looked at me and said, "Brother Long, you can do what you want. I'll listen to you." Without saying anything, it seems that if I make any decision, I will definitely obey or agree without hesitation. All that's left is the magic stick and Michiko.

"What do you want to do, Wenlong?" The stick said. I nodded and said, "In my opinion, this ship is definitely not something we can touch. Maybe there is something terrible waiting for us. Even if we go in, we may not be able to come out alive, so I suggest that we'd better find a way out."

As soon as I finished my words, I saw that Michiko's face changed and said, "No, I firmly disagree. My three partners are still in it. If I leave like this, I may never see them again in my life, so I beg you, please stay, at least help me save them, and then I Let's find a way out of this cave together, okay?"

I looked at Michiko's appearance and shook my head gently and said, "Michiko, it's not that I don't want to help you, but you know that the lives of my brothers are also very valuable. In fact, to tell you the truth, in my opinion, the lives of these friends are even more important than mine. Since I brought them here, I must If you want to find a way to let them out, it seems that something unexpected will happen after entering this door, so I can't use their lives to help you, and in my eyes, the lives of you Japanese are worthless at all.

After my words, I looked at the monkey and others and found that they were all looking at me with a smile. I knew that this look was full of trust and care. Then I waved my hand and said, "Miss Michiko, I hope you can go with us." As soon as I finished my words, I met Michiko's eyes very wide at this time. Looking at other people, they also looked behind me with incredible eyes of clothes, as if there was something behind me. I turned around sullenly and found that the thick iron door that was tightly closed and locked did not know. When was it quietly opened?

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