treasure hunter

Chapter 22: The Marauded Treasure

All of us are looking at this black hole like a hellish door. It was quietly opened, and under the eyes of all of us, making everyone present feel a trace of horror. When did it open? I looked at the door in disbelief and asked.

"No, I don't know. Maybe, maybe he didn't close it." The monkey stood behind me and whispered, and I obviously felt fear in his voice. It's so fucking evil. This place is even worse than the mother's ancient tomb. The magic stick immediately said. Michiko looked at me with a pale face at this time. I could see that she was very scared, but she didn't say anything.

"Do we still want to go in?" The doctor said calmly at this time. In fact, sometimes I admire doctors for looking at everything with a scientific attitude. Even if they encounter such a strange thing, they are so calm. I took a breath and looked at the four people behind me and said, "I went in by myself, just turning around from the inside. If the Japanese are still alive, I will get them out. In case of death, I will come out quickly. None of you should follow me this time."

"No, it's too dangerous. I'll follow you in." At this time, the magic stick stood up and pulled my arm and said. As soon as I wanted to talk, I saw that the doctor and the monkey were already preparing to get generators and LED lights. It seemed that they were going to fly in to have a look. I didn't say anything. Even if I said it, it was impossible to stop them. I knew that brotherhood had gained the upper hand at this time, and they couldn't let me take risks alone.

"Well, let's go in together, but it's agreed that no one can casually do anything in the hole later." I seem to have foresee something, so be sure to say it in advance. Everyone answered me in silence. Then the magic stick and I looked at the door, shining from the inside with a flashlight, and found that it was dark, as if it was shrouded in thick fog, and the brightness of the flashlight was not enough to shine far.

Then I nodded to the magic stick, and the two walked in gently. Before taking them in, I asked Michiko to stay outside to help the monkey and the doctor sort out things. After all, we didn't know what was an unknown danger inside. When I walked in with the magic stick, I suddenly felt a cold breath coming to my face, as if someone had turned on the air conditioner in front of us. It was very cold. I couldn't help but have a layer of fine goose bumps on the stick.

"Wen Long, you must be careful. I don't know what the mother is in it." The magic stick whispered to me. I nodded and knew that the experience of the magic stick was much richer than mine, so naturally I had to be careful. The light of the flashlight shines less than three meters. We can only see what is in front of us. Inside seems to be a very large space. I think it should be a room like a combat conference room. Of course, there should also be a staircase leading to three floors, which is the rest cabin for all crew members.

God stick and I walked into the conference room gently and found that there seemed to be horrible corpses everywhere, full of white bones, which looked explosive, and there seemed to be an extremely horrible smell in the air. Most of these corpses were Japanese, judging from the clothes they were wearing. Come out. The magic stick and I had to step on these bones and walk forward.

I roughly estimated that there are at least hundreds of bones here, and it is incredible that there are so many bones in this 1200-square-meter conference room. It seems that those Japanese basically died here. No wonder there is no dead man on the deck outside. The magic stick said at this time. I nodded and saw that what happened here was too strange, but we couldn't accept it. I believe that if it hadn't been for an ordinary person like us, I'm afraid I would have had a mental breakdown by now.

I carefully observed around as I walked with the god stick. Suddenly, my foot stepped on a hard object. I looked down. This was an officer-style gun from World War II. The pistol looked very delicate, but it was a little rusty on the surface. It was a barge gun. This gun was generally equipped with Japanese officers at that time. I bent down and picked it up and checked it carefully. I didn't have a gun. It's strange, and then I nodded. It seems that this gun can still be used, but it still needs to be maintained. In case you really shoot, it may explode. After all, it hasn't been used for decades, and no one dares to say anything.

I checked the bullets and found that there were only three in them. It seems that these Japanese also die in the same way, suicide! I looked at the gun and the white bone around me, and then stood up and said to the magic stick and said, "There must be similar arms in this ship that have not been opened. We must find a way to find it. After finding it, we will naturally become much more courageous. Even if we encounter some sudden situations, we can completely deal with it."

The magic stick nodded, and then the two of us began to move forward again. As soon as we walked a few, we saw something shining not far ahead, which was illuminated by our flashlight, emitting a kind of treasure. Come on, it must be somewhere. I whispered to the god. The magic stick nodded and said, "Be careful, don't look for someone else's way." I nodded and walked towards that place.

Before I got close, I found that this was not an ambiguous thing, but a large number of boxes placed randomly. Some boxes were opened, some were not opened, and those pearls were sent from these boxes. The god stick and I looked at the jewelry, gold and silver in front of us and suddenly had a sincere illusion, as if these things were not wealth, but a devil that seduced countless lives.

The magic stick squatted down, picked up something that looked like a gold brick, weighed it in his hand, and then stood up and said to me, "It seems that these things should be the gold, silver and jewelry that little Japan took from our country in an attempt to transport them back to Japan, but now it seems that something must have happened here, let The ship and all the Japanese on board died cleanly. Even those who accidentally entered can't be spared. This ship must be strange.

I didn't say anything and looked for the crystal coffin they said from here. After all, it is full of gold and silver jewelry. I don't believe that these gold and silver jewelry will jump up and kill people, so the only thing that can be explained is that the crystal coffin is doing something strange. And according to the log found from the deceased, there should be a location secret in the coffin. Only by unlocking this secret can we have a chance to escape from this damn place.

But I looked for a while and didn't find the coffin. It seems that Hill himself didn't put the coffin here. Suddenly, the surroundings lit up. I knew that it should be the monkeys who brought generators and LED lights in. Maybe it was because they were so distracted that they didn't even notice them coming in.

"Brother Long, have you found anything?" At this time, the monkey ran over and asked. I shook my head. When the monkey saw the gold, silver and jewelry in front of him, his eyes were a little straight. Looking at him just about to bend down to get something, I patted his head hard and said, "What did I say outside? I can't touch the things here with one finger. Have you forget?" Seeing that I was angry, the monkey had to throw a piece of gold brick on the ground and said, "I'm sorry, Brother Long, I just got up on a whim and forgot."

I didn't say anything later. I looked around. Although I was not sure whether the crystal coffin was in this place or not, I still hoped to find it. Suddenly, I found that a skeleton was sitting in a chair not far from us. He had no skin and skin. It seemed that he must have been very painful when he was alive, but there was a very delicate Browning pistol on the ground of his right hand. I knew very well that this kind of pistol was only some senior Japanese officers*, at that time, That's a symbol of identity, and there is a hole in the skeleton, which seems to have been pierced by this pistol.

I was stunned for a moment and then thought that this skeleton might be Michiko's grandfather, because only as a captain can he be equipped with this kind of pistol. I almost walked over and then turned out a diary from him. There is no blood stain on it, but there are also some places that have been eroded by human oil and stuck together.

I gently opened the log and saw that everything written on it was in Japanese, and I couldn't understand a word. Then I looked at Michiko, who was still in a daze there, quickly walked over, gently pushed her, and put the log in her hand and said, "This thing should have been left by your grandfather. There are a lot of useful things recorded. You'd better translate them quickly in order to prevent accidents.

"What? Have you found my grandfather's bones? Michiko looked at me incredulously. I nodded and pointed to the white bone not far in front of me and said, "It should be that white bone." Michiko took a look at the bone from afar, and then seemed to think of something. She quickly opened the diary. Then, her eyes turned red and tears fell down. Then she quickly walked to the body, speaking Japanese, and then she seemed to say something with a runny nose and tears.

I looked at the four people who were still looking for the crystal coffin and found that there was no legendary crystal coffin around. However, our light is dim and does not illuminate all places. I guess the crystal coffin is probably hidden in an unknown corner.

After a while, Michiko came to me and said, "Thank you, Mr. Wenlong, for letting me find my grandfather's bones. If we can go out, I will definitely tell you that my grandfather's bones will be sent back to Japan for burial. Similarly, I will fulfill my promise!"

needs collection and recommendation. I hope everyone will enthusiastically support it. Caigua will thank you as always!