treasure hunter

Chapter 27: Giant Flush Toilet

"You really regard Panyang Lake as your toilet. You can pump as much water as you want. If it can listen to you, I will kowtow to you and let you be the eldest brother!" The stick said with a sneer. I smiled and just wanted to speak. The doctor stood up and smiled and said, "There is nothing impossible, but before that, we must find a way to predict all kinds of dangers. Otherwise, this place is full of rocks. Even if we meet anywhere, we can't stand it, not to mention Wenlong's injuries."

I nodded and thought for a moment and said, "Well, since we think this method is workable, let's find a few life jackets first. There are so many ships here, I don't believe that there are no life jackets on it. After finding life jackets, we will settle down in a relatively high place. Once it rains or encounter that day In the situation, we should jump down and go out along the current. As soon as my words fell, the magic stick smiled. At this time, the monkey didn't believe it and said, "Brother Long, can this work? I always feel so mysterious."

I smiled and said, "That's definitely right. If it doesn't work, I'll be thinking of another way, and now the weather is officially changeable, and we have been here for a total of three days, and it has rained twice. I guess this place should be easier to escape than other places, so we Let's get the life jackets as soon as possible. Let's go as soon as the time is ripe.

"That's true." The stick said with a sneer. I smiled and walked to him and said, "Well, since you don't believe it, I'll draw you a picture to tell you why I'm so confident that I can go out." After saying that, he picked up a stone from the ground, made a large circle on the rock, and then spent a curved cylinder shape according to the principle of the toilet. After everything was drawn, he began to explain.

"This big circle is the pool we are in now, and this curved cylindrical thing is the passage we want to enter. If I guess correctly, the one connecting this circle outside should be Panyang Lake." So what can happen?" The monkey interrupted me and asked.

I smiled and said, "From here, every time there is a strong wind and wave on Panyang Lake, this exit should be opened, and a large amount of water will pour in, forming a relatively large toilet-like thing, which will roll in all the ships passing through this place in the form of pumping water, and then pouring in. A large amount of water is not in harmony with the horizontal line outside, and then the extra water will flow back from the entrance. Let's take this opportunity to go out along these backwaters.

"I think it's good, but our water industry doesn't know how long your bend is. We can't even find oxygen cylinders now. Even if there are on those ships, I believe that after so many years, I must have run away long ago. Without oxygen, if we can't hold on halfway, we won't suffothe. I would rather be a starving ghost than a water ghost. The stick still disagreed.

I nodded and looked at the others and said, "What about you? What do you think?" The monkey first said, "As long as Brother Long says it's okay, I'll follow you." At this time, the doctor also said, "I have no problem. Instead of waiting to die here, it's better to have a try. Maybe we can really succeed, and then we can go out. If you are afraid of death, how about finding a way to send you an oxygen bottle after we go out?"

Seeing that everyone agreed, the magic stick opened his mouth, and then waved his hand impatiently: "I know that all of you are not the masters of peace. All right, I will risk my life to accompany the gentleman. At worst, I will die." I smiled and then looked at Michiko and said, "If you are not sure about my plan, you can wait here. In case something happens to us, you are trying to get out. If we go out, I will find a way to come in again to send you some yang or something, and then go out."

Michiko shook her head, bit her lips and said, "I'm with you." I nodded, looked at my watch and said, "Well, let's go to the boat to find some life jackets separately. If not, even foam is OK." Several people nodded, and I also stood up. The monkey grabbed me and said, "Brother Long, don't go. The three of us can just go. You are injured. Take more rest. Michiko will be here to accompany you."

I nodded, and then the magic stick, the doctor and the monkey stood up and walked towards the cave. I looked at Michiko beside me and smiled gently and said, "Although you didn't complete the task this time, you found your grandfather's bones after all, which is also a satisfactory journey." Michiko nodded, came to me, helped me sit down and said, "Yes, if my father knew that I had found my father's bones and brought them back to Japan for burial, he would be very happy."

I nodded and looked at the cold lake and waterway: "Actually, you came all the way here, a girl, it's really a little difficult for you, but I can see that you like this job very much, but what I want to tell you is that if it is not necessary in the future, don't do this kind of work again. After all, this kind of job is not suitable for girls, and it is very risky. Maybe they will die.

Michiko smiled, picked up a stone and threw it into the water. She fell into the water and splashed a piece of water and said, "It seems that you still care about me. In this case, I will listen to you. When I return to China, I will quit this job and come to China to find you." I, I don't mean that, I mean..." I'm a little anxious. After all, if what Michiko said is true, then I can't stand it. If my old man knows that I have found a Japanese wife, he must break my leg. He has been playing with Japanese devils with a gun for half his life.

Seeing me like this, Michiko blushed and said, "What's wrong? You really don't want me to come to you?" I was stunned and then shook my head and said, "That's not what I mean, I mean..." Before I finished speaking, Michiko had already said, "Isn't that all right? When I come to you, even if I come to work for you, even if I am a small bartender in your bar, not to mention that I can bart wine, which will definitely surprise you.

I just wanted to refuse, but Michiko looked very quiet at this time. She went to the box containing her grandfather's bones, stroked it and said gently, "Grandpa, I hope you can bless us to go out safely, and then you can return to your hometown and be buried on Japanese land." I didn't say any more, but quietly watched Michiko's tears gently slide down on her fair face.

After a while, three people came back with a few life jackets, each with three or five water mirrors in their hands. It seemed that the workmanship was very good. After putting these things on the anti-theft ground, the doctor said, "It seems that we are going to find a hole where it is. As long as we know where the hole is, we can go out. Let's take turns to look for it in the water for a while."

I nodded, and everyone rested for a while. First of all, the doctor went into the water. After all, I didn't know what was going on underwater, so I asked him to put on the wetsuit we changed, and then found some rotten wood from the outside and caught fire. After all, the water in the pool was very cold, and people's questions were lost. Come on, I will definitely be unbearable from the cold after going a while. These are all from my wild survival experience. If I don't warm up in time, it's easy to get sick.

In this way, the doctor first went into the water. After looking for a long time in the water, he went ashore and said happily, "I found it, and the exit is very big. It's a little incredible. Almost there are exits under the pool, but it seems to be very deep. As the magic stick said, it is difficult for us to swim out in one breath."

I nodded and asked some questions about underwater. The doctor answered my questions. Then I thought for a moment and said, "It should not be difficult for us to swim out, but generally speaking, we must try to stay as far away from the hole as possible when swimming out. After all, we don't know what this kind of toilet-style pumping is. Do it several times, so once you go out, you must choose to leave the hole as soon as possible to prevent yourself from being involved again.

The doctor nodded and thought for a while and said, "Well, let's divide it into three groups, because I checked and found that there was an exit four meters away from here, but this kind of exit is a kind of horn. I didn't go outside again because I didn't have enough breath, and I'm worried that I won't come back. So I only swam halfway, but I don't know whether the mouth outside is big or small. If it is also the horn mouth outside, it is naturally the best, but if the outside mouth gets smaller and smaller, the water we are hit too much, and it is inevitable that we will hit some protruding rocks, and we are likely to be injured at that time.

I nodded and thought for a moment and said, "I'd better go down and have a look first. I received special training in this field when I was in the army. If not, let's talk about it." As soon as I stood up, the monkey stopped me and said, "Brother Long, I'd better go. I've also been trained in this field. The water quality is no worse than you. Besides, if I can swim there as much as possible. It's best if I can swim out. If I can't get out, I'll find a way when I come back."

I nodded and gently patted the monkey on the shoulder and said, "You must be careful and don't resist. After all, no one can guarantee the situation outside. Don't be a hero. If you really can't do it, come back. After all, with so many people, we can definitely come up with a solution." The monkey nodded and smiled, "Don't worry, Brother Long, I'll be back soon. Just wait for the good news."

Collection and red tickets are indispensable!