treasure hunter

Chapter 28: Escape from the Cave

Watching the monkey go into the water, I can take a breath. As a scout, the monkey is naturally very familiar with this kind of thing, so I'm not very worried. At this time, the doctor's lips were purple and trembling all over. He was sitting by the fire to keep warm. I looked at the magic stick and said, "God stick, you will worship me as the eldest brother when we go out. That's what you said." The stick looked at me, and a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes and said, "I know, don't always say this, but we are still in the cave so far."

I smiled and didn't say anything. I waited quietly for a long time before the monkey came ashore and gasped heavily. I saw that his eyes were covered with blood, which should be caused by long-term hypoxia. I quickly stood up and helped him to the fire to do it well. The monkey said tremblingly while warming up: "Dragon Brother, I, I saw the situation inside. I waved my hand and said, "You can take a break first and wait until you get over."

The monkey nodded, and after a while, he knew that the monkey's body was warm, and then said, "Brother Long, I saw the following situation. In fact, it was not as complicated as we thought. I dived through the huge channel, where there were a lot of boulders piled up in the U-shaped bend of the channel, and there were these Some of the stones are very sharp and covered with a lot of sand. I think it's dangerous for us to get there from this place.

I nodded and let the monkey draw everything he saw on the stone, and then looked at the huge U-shaped channel and thought about how to get out. After thinking for a long time, he stood up and said, "If you don't go into the tiger's den, you can't be a tiger. Since we can enter this passageway, we can enter the water in turn. At that time, everyone must adjust their swimming posture as much as possible. I believe that since we can enter safely, we will be safe. Go out all."

"Then when shall we leave?" Michiko asked at the same time. I thought for a moment and said, "It seems that there should be a big weather change in the next few days. We should also prepare for going out as soon as possible. After all, this opportunity is not common." The magic stick looked at me and said, "I said Wenlong, when will you be able to control it?" How do you know that there will be strong wind and heavy rain these days? I smiled and pointed to the pool and said, "I don't know if you have noticed. There have been some bubbles in this pool in the past hour or two. These are the evidence, as evidence of the heavy rain."

"Okay, let's have a look then." The stick said reluctantly. I smiled and then said to the monkey and the doctor, "You two will find a place closer to the exit later, and then build a small platform that can hold the five of us on the rock. Remember, the platform doesn't have to be too big, as long as we can stand on it. At that time, we should be able to avoid it. A large amount of water poured in. When the water receded, we should be able to jump out with the speed of the water and the speed of our own swimming.

The two nodded, and then the magic stick stood up and said, "Okay, you have a wound in your arm. Don't worry about this little thing. Building a platform from the cliff is my specialty. You can wait and see." After saying that, he waved his hand to the monkey and the doctor and said, "You two come with me. Let's find some materials first, and then go with me to build a platform." I stood up with a smile, patted the stick on the shoulder and said, "Be careful!" The stick smiled gently and said, "Don't worry, it's like building a platform on the cliff when you used to work, so you don't have to worry about it."

It took about four hours, and three people have built the platform. Several of us came to the stage. This platform is about seven meters high from the water surface. I think it should be possible. The platform built by the magic stick is very stable, using steel pipes with arms and thin. These The steel pipes were all removed from some sunken ships and put some better wooden boards. I guess there is no problem for some of us to play bungee jumping on it.

You can't make a fire on the platform, so I suggest you go down and wait. After all, if there is a fire source, several of us can resist some cold. In this way, after about ten hours, we have turned off all the flashlights. After all, we must save power at this time. Once we don't have power, it will be difficult for us to go out. Then we began to rest back to back. I found some blankets and other things. Although these things have been placed here for decades, some things are made of fiber. Although the skin is a little itchy, it is better than nothing.

To be honest, we haven't eaten for two days and only drank some water, but we are still a little hungry. In addition, everyone has been under a great mental and physical load and has been exhausted for a long time. During this sleep, I slept to death. I didn't even dream. This sleep is very sweet. I don't know. After a while, I felt that there seemed to be some loud noise in my ear. Then I opened my eyes and didn't know when the goods had been extinguished. At this time, the cave looked very damp, and the rumble came from the outside.

"Come on, wake up, hurry up!" Because I was leaning against Michiko, Michiko woke up first, and then I woke up several other people. Listening to the huge roar, the monkey first asked, "Brother Long, is it starting to be windy outside?" I nodded and said, "It should be, let's get ready on the platform as soon as possible." As soon as my words fell, everyone had turned on the flashlight and saw that the pool began to become very turbid and there was a faint phenomenon of rising water.

"Come on, go up. It's too late." I urged loudly. Several people put on their backpacks, rushed into the water one by one, and quickly swam under the platform. I let everyone get on the platform one after another. Michiko was the last one to go up. When I grabbed the iron bar inserted across the rock wall, suddenly the doctor made a loud noise. Then, I felt a lot of water gushing out under me and began to push my body back. Go, almost my whole body was soaked in water, and the water level rose almost faster than I imagined. One arm was injured and I couldn't force it at all, so I had to grab the iron bar with one hand, but it was impossible to climb on the platform.

Several people shouted anxiously on it. At this time, I was also a little anxious. A large amount of water under me poured in. In less than a minute, the water level had reached my neck. At this time, as long as I let go, I would soon be washed away by a large amount of water pouring in. I waited hard. Several people above shouted, and even the monkey wanted to jump down to save me. I grabbed the iron bar with one hand, and the other injured hand waved to them. I knew that at this speed of water, I would soon reach the position of the second iron bar, and then I would grab it with this injured arm. As long as it takes a second, I can turn my hand down. At that time, as long as the iron bar is strong enough, I can adjust it according to the rising speed of the water.

Sure enough, the water rose very fast. I endured the severe pain on my arm and grabbed the top iron bar hard. Soon, I poked my head out of the rapidly rising water, took a deep breath, and waved my hand at them to show that I was fine. Several people were relieved when they saw me like this. Using this method, I finally got to the platform. Although I was on the platform, I found that what I had expected was not very accurate, because the water was still rising and there was no intention of stopping.

Several of us were very surprised. The water level is seven or eight meters in this huge cave, which means that the amount of water is amazing. If we go back, the water will flow very fast. In case we can't control our bodies, it is easy to collide our bodies on the rocks and even cause serious injuries.

I looked at the water level coldly. At this time, we have grabbed the rock spit out from the rock wall, and the water level below has also risen to the waist. If we let go, we will definitely be washed away. At that time, not only will we not be able to go back, but we are likely to die in this cave. Shit, this water is so damn big that it has risen to such a high level. When will we let go? The stick said loudly.

At this time, I looked at the water calmly. The water had not stopped. It had risen to the waist, but the upward trend had dropped. I said in a low voice, "Wait a little longer. When it comes to our neck, we will let go. Even if we rush out, it won't be far away." At this time, everyone looked nervously at the rising water level. After about ten minutes, the rising water level began to slowly decline. The god stick said, "How's it now? Can you let go?"

I shook my head and said, "No, wait a minute, the water level is falling slowly now. It must have blocked the passage with a lot of sand and stones just now. At this time, not only can't get out, but it is also likely to hit the rock. Let's go down when the water level drops quickly."

Who knew that as soon as my words fell, I suddenly heard a loud noise, as if something huge had come to life. When we shone with a flashlight, we saw that the Kobe Maru had rushed towards us through the trend of rising water level. The loud noise just now hit the rock, and I suddenly became loud. Shocking, if we are hit by this ship, none of us can run, and we will all die here. Seeing that this ship is still 100 meters away from us, I shouted, "Everyone breathe deeply and get into the water!"

After I finished speaking, I took a deep breath of air, then let go of my hand and slammed towards the water. Several other people saw me go into the water and scrambled into the water one by one. Several people opened the flashlight in their hands and swam towards the way out of the water according to the predetermined route. At this time, although the water was falling The speed was relatively slow, but we still saved a lot of strength along the current and swam towards the mouth of the cave. At this time, I felt that the water above my head suddenly made a huge roar. Then, many stones began to fall down. It seemed that the Kobe Maru had hit the mountain wall.

Collection and red tickets, there's nothing you can do, don't think I'm a long time!