treasure hunter

Chapter 8: The Highest Peak of Mangshan

I barely stood up and looked at the python rushing towards me, and a fishy smell came to my nose. I know that this big guy must be immortal with me today. My anger also came up. I raised the knife in my hand and cut it against the open mouth of the python. I heard a thump. The huge stinky jaw of the python was cut by me. The blood was suddenly seen on me. I saw that the huge jaw of the python was almost cut off by me with a knife, only a little bit. Now the giant The python only had its upper jaw, but its lower jaw drooped to the ground, and blood kept flowing, dyeing a large area red.

Although I cut off the jaw of the python, the huge impact hit me and was almost knocked off. I took a few steps back and finally fell to the ground. The huge pain in my chest made me sweat the size of beans on my head. I resisted the huge pain in my chest and stood up. At this time, the python kept rolling on the ground and looked very painful. I walked over and raised the knife in my hand. At this time, the python could not do any harm to me. After looking at three or four knives, it ended its life.

I sat on the ground gasping and simply didn't receive any internal injuries. This was also fortunate. Looking at the python lying on the ground, I sang and stood up to look at it. The python was much bigger than I thought. Although there was a fight just now, because the mountain was dark, I could only shine a flashlight on its head, but when I looked at it again, I couldn't help taking a breath of cold air.

This python is more than seven meters long, and the thickest place is like a bucket. I believe that it can easily swallow a person. It seems that the two young people are not telling lies. If people who go up the mountain to collect medicine encounter such a huge thing, I guess they will definitely die in the mouth of the python, but fortunately I have a knife in my hand and myself I have also practiced kung fu, otherwise, I can't withstand the blow of this guy's great power at all.

I rested for a long time and looked at the time. It was already 1:30 in the middle of the night. Hurry up and walk towards the hole. Because I have been far away from the mouth of the cave just now, and these people have been tired for a day, and it is impossible to hear any fighting sound. When I walked into the cave, I found that these people seemed to be snoring the most, one louder than the other, especially Boss Long, who snored like thunder.

I couldn't help shaking my head, went to the monkey and gently pushed him. Although the monkey had almost worn out the original habits of life in the army in urban life, after all, there was still some vigilance. I pushed him. He quickly sat up and rubbed his sleepy eyes. When he saw me all over my body When it was blood, I couldn't help shouting out.

"Brother Long! What's wrong with you? Where is the injury? Let me have a look? Who the hell is it? I ruined you!" After saying that, the monkey got up from his sleeping bag, found his bag, pulled out a knife and went out to find someone desperately, and his eyes were red. I quickly stopped him and said, "It's okay. This blood is a python. What are you shouting about?" That said, other people have already woken up.

Everyone crawled out of the sleeping bag and was shocked to see that I was covered with blood. Then I told the matter and put on a dress. They were sure that I was not injured, so everyone was relieved. Then I took them to the body of the python, and everyone looked at the python in shock. Look at me again, everyone looks incredible. The magic stick came over and smacked his tongue, "Wenlong, it seems that I can't call you the eldest brother. Such a big python has been solved by you. Now I doubt whether you are a human or not."

"Fuck you, the dog can't spit ivory out." The monkey saw that my feet were a little unnatural when I walked. He knew that I was injured when fighting with the python and asked the doctor to check it. The doctor shook his head and said, "It's okay. It's just a soft tissue contusion. It will be okay to take a break. But don't do any strenuous exercise before that, or it will cause ligaments. It's troublesome to pull. I nodded. The monkey looked at the body of the python and did not relieve his hatred at all. He raised the knife in his hand and cut it fiercely on the python until his flesh and blood were blurred.

I looked at the monkey covered with blood and smiled, "Ok, monkey, go and change your clothes quickly. We will eat snake meat tomorrow morning." Everyone cut down a few pieces of the python's body and moved it into the cave. I don't think it's okay. Then they told the monkey several times before they got into the sleeping bag and fell asleep. They slept until dawn and slept very comfortably.

I opened my eyes and found that the people in the cave had got up one after another. I also quickly got out of the sleeping bag. As the big guys began to wash together, my body was much better today, and there was no pain in my chest. It seemed that I had recovered well this night, but there was still some faint pain in my ankles, but It shouldn't be a big deal.

At this time, the doctor came over and looked at me and asked me about my physical condition. I answered the current situation of the body truthfully. The doctor nodded with satisfaction and said, "There should be nothing serious, but you still need to pay more attention to avoid straining the ligament." I nodded, and then Boss Long and Fang Yi came over. Boss Long stretched out his thumb and said, "Good brother Wenlong, I really didn't expect you to get rid of such a big python. To be honest, I really didn't believe that Wu Song used to fight tigers, but today I saw it, awesome! What a cow!"

Fang Yi stood aside and said, "Yes, look at your muscles, I said, at first glance, I usually practice kung fu. This python is really unlucky. If you touch me, I must be regarded as a snack by this python." I smiled and didn't say anything. After all, this time we came out to look for treasure. I didn't want to waste too much time on this matter. I simply stood up. At this time, the monkey had already finished the snake meat test, and then I asked everyone to eat quickly and eat it so that we could hurry up.

After everything was full, everyone packed up and began to hurry. The god stick asked Zhao Bo, the highest mountain here, and Zhao Bo, a mountain far ahead, said, "It's that mountain. That mountain is called the fierce pit stone. It's the highest peak here, but we have to work hard to walk there. If we are lucky, we should be able to get there today."

The magic stick nodded, turned around and said to me, "Wenlong, we must rush to the pit stone, because we can observe the whole picture of the whole Mangshan area there. As the saying goes, standing high and looking far away, I must observe. If it's best to see a little doorway. If you can't see it, I guess this trip is white. It's hard."

I thought about it and nodded, because the magic stick used to be a famous tomb robber in Taoism, and it is very good at looking at the mountains. If you can really see a little clue on the highest mountain, you may find the place of the treasure. Then I discussed with Boss Long and Fang Yi. Yin and Yangzhi didn't say anything. It seemed that he also agreed with the divine stick and simply walked towards the highest peak.

We were lucky this time. We walked most of the day. After all, Boss Wang and Fang Yi were not used to walking on mountain roads. In addition, their feet were full of blisters yesterday, and since I killed the python last night, they also found this deep mountain forest. It's not safe, so I just insisted on walking forward, and no one said anything bitter.

We have walked a lot until it was dark, and we also met a lot of people during the journey. Some came to travel, and some people from the mountains came in to collect medicine. Anyway, I finally found a narrow cave after ten o'clock. As soon as several people entered the cave, the sky had completely sunk. The suppressed air made people breathe heavily, and it seemed that there would be a heavy rain in a moment.

Monkey and others wanted to take turns to be on duty for a vigil, but tonight the monkey didn't let me be on duty. He insisted on letting me rest. I had no choice but get into the sleeping bag and start resting. Until midnight, the heavy rain finally fell. The heavy rain in the mountains was very heavy. The thunder kept roaring and I couldn't sleep at all. I simply sat up and chatted with the big guys until the rain stopped.

After getting up early in the morning, the big guys ate something and had to walk to the pit today anyway. However, Li Huai and Zhao Bo stopped us, because it rained in the middle of the night. This morning, the sun will definitely fog up, and after the fog, the direction of the mountain is not clear at all, so we can only rest for a while until the sun rises and evaporates all the fog before leaving, and it can also make it slippery by the way. Dry the rocks, otherwise it will be easy to be in danger.

I walked out of the narrow cave. After all, I always felt a little depressed in the cave. When I reached the top of this peak, I saw white fog rising in the vast mountains, some places even covered forests, and some places were green in the depths. The whole person seemed to be in a fairyland on earth, and the whole mountain was a divine fairyland.

At this time, footsteps came from behind me. Looking back, I saw Lao Li's head following me. After he climbed the mountain wind, he was stunned for a long time before saying, "Why is this place so beautiful? It's really good. No wonder my ancestor Li Zicheng wants all the babies are hidden here." I smiled and said, "Lao Li, is there anything wrong with coming up to me?"

Lao Li was stunned, and then his face was a little rosy and said, "There's something wrong, but I seem to remember the last two sentences to tell you." I smiled and said, "Really? I'm afraid you haven't forgotten at all?" When Lao Li heard what I said, he said for a long time before he said, "Well, I won't quarrel with you anymore. If you want to listen, just listen to me. If you don't want to hear me, just leave." I quickly stopped him and said, "Speak, I'm listening." Lao Li thought for a moment and said, "The last two sentences left by the ancestors are, walk a hundred steps slowly, three kilns of gold."

Again, a red ticket collection is indispensable!