treasure hunter

Chapter 9: The Natural Disaster of Lao Li

I listened to Lao Li's words and connected all four sentences: Shi Yanchong, three bridges, a hundred steps slowly, and three kilns of gold. Literally, the meaning of these words is obvious, that is, there are three bridges in a place called Shiyanchong. If you walk 100 steps forward along these three bridges, you can find the treasures buried by Li Zicheng.

But are these words really that simple? I don't really believe it. Let alone Li Huai and Zhao Bo, who have lived in Mangshan since childhood, have never heard of such a place as Shiyanchong, let alone three bridges. Without these iconic buildings or places, where did they come from? It's really a big deal. It seems that it really takes some effort to find Li Zicheng's treasure.

Although I said so, I still patted Lao Li on the shoulder and said, "Okay, since you have remembered it, it's best." Lao Li sighed gently and sat next to me. Because it had just rained last night, the grass on the ground was still stained with dew. I saw him sit down and sit on the mountain with him. Lao Li shook his head with a wry smile and said, "Actually, if it weren't for the children at home, I wouldn't have told the whereabouts of these treasures!" "

I never knew why Lao Li's treasure map was sold to Long Tianyang. Although Long Tianyang only said that Lao Li's family had a sick son, I didn't know what was going on. Now when I saw him say it first, I was happy to be a listener, and then asked, "Lao Li, what's wrong with the family? Do you want to sell the pale pictures left by your ancestors?

Lao Li sighed again, took out a pack of inferior cigarettes, pulled out one from it and handed it to me. I shook my head. Lao Li stuffed the cigarette into his mouth and lit it. Then he took a deep breath and spit out the long smoke, which smelled a little choking. Lao Li said at this time, "It's also unlucky to say. I originally had a wife who was in good health and saved me a son and a daughter. Originally, I had a good life, but last year my wife died of a strange disease, and there was only one son and one daughter left."

Speaking of this, Lao Li's eyes were a little red. I knew that it must have aroused his sadness and didn't say anything. I continued to listen to him. Old Li smoked two puffs of cigarettes and continued to say, "After my wife died, I didn't feel anything at that time. After all, I still have a son and a daughter. The boss is 20 years old and is not married, and the girl is also I'm eighteen years old. I just entered high school. I have to find a way to get these two children into a family and a career before I can rest assured, but who can imagine..."

After Lao Li's words, tears finally fell, but he did not cry. He just wiped his tears casually and smoked two puffs of cigarettes with a bitter smile. I saw that he was a little excited, because when he smoked, his hand holding the cigarette kept shaking. Then Lao Li continued to say, "The boss is a construction worker. When he went to work, the car loaded with cement fell from which tower while he was under construction one day and hit him on the head. After being rescued, he became a vegetative man.

I was shocked. I didn't expect that the son of the old Li's son had become a vegetable. No wonder the old Li's son usually didn't say a word. After a long time, he was under too much pressure in his heart, so he became silent. Lao Li continued to say, "The girl originally went to school in the city and studied very well, but she had stomach cancer. The family had nowhere to find the money to treat her brother. Her relatives had borrowed all six family members and even sold the house, but this girl got this disease. Isn't it killing me? I don't have money to treat her? Ah?"

When Mr. Li said this, tears began to fall down. I looked at Mr. Li, who couldn't cry and felt sad. To be honest, stomach cancer, as far as I know, can be treated. Vegetable people can recover if they are treated properly, but these two diseases need to A large amount of medical expenses is undoubtedly a huge amount of money for a family that is not rich. Now I understand the situation of Lao Li. It seems that this old man is really not easy.

Then I patted him on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, Lao Li, this time we are acquaintances and friends. Since we are friends, I know you will definitely help you if you have difficulties. No matter whether you can find the treasure this time, whether Boss Long gives you the money or not, put it aside first. How much money your son and daughter can come to me then. Although I am not a rich man, at least I can help you. Don't worry!"

Old Li nodded, stopped sobbing, and then held my hand and said, "Thank you, big brother. My old Li will repay you even if he is a cow and a horse in his next life." I shook my head and smiled, "Don't say that. I didn't expect you to repay me. Your daughter and your son's medical expenses are on me. Don't worry."

Old Li nodded, and then I gently patted him on the shoulder without saying anything. After a while, I heard the monkey say loudly behind us, "Brother Long, you let me look for most of the day and stay here for a long time? You are really elegant." I looked back at the monkey and said, "What's wrong? What's the matter?" The monkey went to the top of the mountain, looked at the clouds one after another, turned his head and said, "No wonder you're coming here. I can't see it's really good." Then he said to Mr. Li, "Mr. Li, what's wrong with your eyes? It's not crying, is it? The man didn't shed tears. What sad happened? Tell me, I may still be able to help you.

I saw the monkey talking with a hippie smile. I was worried that Lao Li's world would feel cold, so I quickly said to the monkey, "Stay here. You have everything. Look at your monkey." Hearing me scold him, the monkey looked back at me and knew that his joke just now was a little heavy. He quickly smiled at Lao Li and said, "I'm sorry, Lao Li. I don't know what's going on. I'm really sorry." Lao Li waved his hand and said with a wry smile, "It's okay. Just now, the wind was a little strong and his eyes went into the sand."

I shook my head, turned to the monkey and said, "Monkey, how much money do you have?" The monkey was stunned and then replied, "If my wife is added, there should be still six or seven million. What's wrong with Brother Long? Do you want to use it?" I nodded and said, "I don't need that much. I'll get a million first after I go back, and then I'm taking some from the magic stick and the doctor. I'm giving out some myself. It should be almost enough."

The monkey asked with some understanding, "What's wrong, Brother Long? Is there something wrong? Tell me if you have anything to do. I can give you all my money, and I'm not in a hurry to use the money. I shook my head and then told him about Lao Li's story. The monkey then frowned and asked Lao Li's, "Your son is now a vegetable. Should he be in the hospital?" Then why doesn't the construction unit care?"

Lao Li'er sighed and said, "The boss of the construction unit gave 300,000 yuan, saying it was private, but so far, only 100,000 yuan has been given. 100,000 yuan is not enough in the hospital at all. The rescue fee alone has cost more than 50,000 yuan. Now it costs seven or 8,000 yuan a day to be hospitalized. I'll go I asked him for it, but the boss said that he had no money. Once again, I was anxious and had to get the money, but the boss paid several people and threw me out of their company. He also said that he would kill me if I came again. Poor my girl. She had a stomachache all day long and had to take care of her brother.

After listening to Lao Li's words, the monkey said coldly, "When this thing is over, I'll ask you for it. I'd like to see how many heads this boss has. If he doesn't give it to him, I will make him a vegetable. At that time, like him, I won't give him money and let him give it to me."

After listening to the monkey's words, I shook my head and said, "Many things may not be solved normally. Some people regard money as their lives and always ignore other people's life and death, but this kind of person should teach him a lesson, but at present, the most important solution is to solve the medical expenses for Lao Li's son and daughter. In this way, Lao Li, you If you trust me, you can give me your map, and then I will give you a bank card with some money in it, about 400,000 yuan. You can take the money to treat your son and daughter first, wait until we find you except Mangshan, and then tell you the news. What do you think?

Old Li looked at me for a long time, and then shook his head and said, "No, although my old Li is confused, he always has to finish this matter with Boss Long. Even if he lives with my Old Li. This time, if Boss Long wants to give me one million, I will promise to come out and help him find him. He has given him 20,000 yuan. With a deposit of yuan, I can't just leave like this. The monkey looked a little ugly. Just as soon as he was about to speak, I stopped the monkey and gave him a wink to stop talking.

At this time, Lao Li'er stood up and went back to the cave. The monkey looked at his back and said to me, "Look at him. Why don't you believe us? Is he afraid that we will covet his broken treasure map? What a joke." I shook my head and said, "It can't be blamed on him. Anyone is the same at this time. If I take his treasure map and don't give him money, he won't have any guarantee to make money, and a son and a daughter will die. Would you believe that a person is less than a few days?"

The monkey nodded and then asked, "So Mr. Li believes that Long Tianyang can give him a million? I can see that Long Tianyang is not the kind of greedy person, but this is more than the chance that Long Tianyang will give him money once he can't find the treasure? It doesn't matter to us. Even if Long Tianyang doesn't give us money, we won't lose anything, but what about this old man Li? He didn't think about it himself.

I smiled and said, "Long Tianyang is still good. At least he doesn't have that kind of copper smell, but since I said I would help him, I must help him. When I go back, it doesn't matter if Long Tianyang gives him money. If you don't give him money, let's make some for him. After all, this old man is too difficult."