treasure hunter

Chapter 10: Treasure? Tomb?

After listening to my words, the monkey nodded. At this time, the sun had risen and the fog all over the mountains began to gradually dissipate. I heard someone shouting under the mountain. I poked my head out and saw that the magic stick was letting us down. It seemed that the big guy was packing up and leaving. Then the monkey and I came down from the mountain and returned to the cave and began to pack up.

After another day of rushing, we finally came to the pit stone. Looking at the towering peaks, I felt that everyone began to become small. I usually like mountains very much and have a special love for mountains. Seeing such a mountain straight into the cloud peak really makes people feel sad, as if all of a sudden all the heart knots can be opened.

We rested at the foot of the mountain for a while, and then began to climb the mountain. Li Huai and Zhao Bo began to introduce the pit stone to us. It is said that during the Three Kingdoms period, a big earthquake cracked the mountain gate, causing the north and south caves to open. Sun Xiu, the emperor of the State of Wu, thought it was an auspicious omen, so the fierce pit was later changed to Tianmen Mountain, so now this Tujia people are called the fierce pit stone, and the official name is Tianmen Mountain. .

When we climbed halfway up the mountain, we saw that a mountain next to it was very beautiful. It looked like a huge toad nestling on the mountain. Looking at other stones, some of them were also very similar toads. I looked carefully and found that there were countless large and small stones here. It was the first time I had seen so many such toad stones. It's more than 20 meters high, which is really a spectacle.

We enjoyed the unique scenery all the way, which is full of strange rocks and dense vegetation. It is simply a paradise for primitive forests and a rare forest landscape. At the peak, everyone and I stood at the top, as if bordering the sky. At this time, the sun was setting, and several people stood on the top of the mountain at sunset. It seemed that they were also tourists. When they saw us coming up, several people immediately cheered. It seemed that they were also very excited to climb the mountain.

The magic stick stood at the highest point and looked down at the mountains. After a while, a yin and yang following the magic stick pointed out that the two people didn't know what they were talking about. Monkey and others and others rested and looked at the beautiful scenery. We felt really good.

About half an hour later, the magic stick and yin and yang fingers came back. Yin and Yang pointed to Long Tianyang's side, and the three people didn't know what they were talking about. Only the magic stick came over and said with a smile on their faces, "It seems that we really have a way to come here." I quickly asked, "What? What did you find?"

The magic stick smiled and said, "Come on, come with me." Then I followed the magic stick to a boulder. The magic stick pointed to the ups and downs of the mountains in the distance and said, "Look at the shape of these peaks?" When I raised my eyes and looked at it, I saw the ups and downs of the mountains, like the back of a dragon, coupled with the afterglow of the sunset, as if I were in a fairyland. I looked carefully for a while and said, "These huge peaks are like the back of a dragon, but they don't look like that. If you have to say something like, I think it should be a lotus flower."

"That's right, it's a lotus flower!" The god stick said excitedly, "You see, these mountains rise and fall one after another. It seems to be a huge lotus naturally formed here. If we have a thousand-mile eyes, we can see clearly. There are many pools under these peaks, as if the lotus seeds in the lotus are dotted on the earth. It seems that Li Zicheng was also It's a feng shui person."

I was a little confused by the words of the magic stick and quickly asked, "What's the matter?" You know, nature's creation is very magical, not to mention this kind of landscape here. I heard that there is also a stone pit, which is said to have been washed away by water. That pit is said to be several kilometers in size. This is the magic of the real Creator.

The stick smiled and said, "You only know one and don't know the other. This geographical situation is called Junlian in Fengshui. This terrain is very suitable for burying men, and this man should have been a powerful person before his death, and according to my estimation, if there is really an ancient tomb in this place, it should be the lotus below. In the middle, that is, in the middle of all the distributed lakes and rivers, because many rivers seem to be defending the lotus lake in the middle, which is also called the stars holding the moon, which is a good feng shui treasure.

I looked at the stick with some suspicion and said, "Even if what you said is true, we are not here to rob the tomb." The magic stick shook his head and said to me, "This is not necessarily true. How do you know that Li Zicheng did not hide the treasure in the best place of feng shui? And according to my observation, only the largest lake in the middle can bury men, and the rest of the place can only bury women. If it is the opposite, it will cause yin and yang to be unsmooth and become a fierce place, but you have to go down to see how to know.

"God stick, don't tell me that we are coming to rob the tomb this time. If that's the case, I'll go down the mountain now." I said coldly to the god stick. The magic stick shook his head and said, "To be honest, I don't know, but according to my observation, there should be no problem. This place should be an excellent treasure of feng shui. Since it is a treasure, of course, there will be treasures, but we don't know whether it is Li Zicheng's treasure or tomb or not. It's still the same sentence. We won't know until we go down to check it. Tao.

I nodded, and it seemed that it could only be like this. I was a little unwilling, and then said to the magic stick, "If we go down and find the tomb, we must not take anything at will. After all, the tomb is different from the treasure, at least in a different meaning. If you let me know who moves the things in the tomb at will Xi, I won't agree. This is my lowest bottom line.

The magic stick nodded and said, "Don't worry, after you have said that even if there are gold and silver mountains in it, my magic stick will not take anything." I nodded and said, "Actually, I'm not a dead brain. After all, after many years, the treasure has been without a master, and the tombs are different. It's against heaven and earth to steal tombs at will. After all, this is a sinister thing, so we can't steal tombs anyway." The stick nodded without saying anything, and I was too lazy to say anything. Then I walked down the rock and came to Long Tianyang.

"Boss Long, I must have told you that this is probably a tomb, not a buried treasure. If we really want to find it, I hope we can make an agreement. If the following is really a tomb below, I hope that the people on Boss Long's side will not move the things in the tomb. Of course, neither do my people? It will move. Of course there is no problem if it is a treasure. I said to Long Tianyang without hesitation.

Long Tianyang thought for a while, nodded with a smile and nodded and said, "Don't worry, Wenlong, I don't want this to be a tomb. As for the underworld weapons in the tomb, I won't move my finger. After all, we'd better be careful about some things. Who knows if there will be zombies or other things in it? I really moved the treasure in the tomb. , won't the dead people there turn against us? Besides, I know that this is against nature.

I nodded and smiled at Long Tianyang. It seems that Long Tianyang is not a bad person. Although he is eager for money, he must also prefer to collect rather than really want to steal tombs. Since everyone said it, I naturally had no problem. Then the magic stick looked carefully at the direction of the mountain, and then went down the mountain with satisfaction. Our big guys are going to stay in the hotel outside tonight. After all, after two days, everyone's health is already exhausted. Before it is completely dark, we will go down the mountain. Go.

After a long trek, we finally arrived at the Mangshan Hotel at about 10 p.m. At this time, a three-star hotel, surrounded by mountains, looked pleasant and very nice. In this way, we checked into the hotel. Of course, for convenience, the rooms opened by Longtianyang were all single. At this time, there were not many tourists, so we also easily checked into the hotel.

All of us discussed tomorrow's itinerary in Long Tianyang's room. The final plan is to find the biggest lake wave first, and then go down to have a look. If anything is found, everyone will go in and have a look. Li Huai and Zhao Bo are left to let them see things, while the magic stick and yin and yang will explore the way tomorrow. After all, we can't bring a lot of things underwater, so we will take a day off in the hotel tomorrow and start looking for them after Long Tianyang prepares diving tools.

After everything was discussed, we went to rest one after another. Long Tianyang sent people to buy some diving tools. After resting in the hotel for a whole day, we began to set out. This time, we only brought some diving equipment and underwater lighting tools. Of course, there were also some self-defense knives and so on. We don't know what the situation is underwater, but we have to prevent it before it happens.

At night, everything was ready, and the god stick and yin and yang also came back. Looking at their satisfied expressions, it seemed that they were very satisfied with the results of the visit. When they gathered in Long Tianyang's room at night, they were very happy to talk about the results of today's day's exploration, and then began to talk, especially the magic stick, talking about themselves like a fairy. After a while, they went up the mountain and went to the water, as if he were an omnipotent hero.

The next morning, we entered the mountain according to the scheduled plan, followed the two guides, the divine stick and the yin and yang fingers, and we walked towards the depths of the mountain. Almost all the roads taken this time are reckless forests, and there is basically no road. Only the magic stick and yin and yang pointed to open the road in front of them.

We walked slowly forward. After walking for about half a day, our clothes had been cut through a lot of holes by the thorns along the way. Although this, no one proposed to give up. When we came out of the valley, a huge lake suddenly appeared in front of us, which was like a gem. In the middle of the mountains, it looks beautiful.

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