treasure hunter

Chapter 14: shi mirror

The monkey jumped off the shoulder of the yin and yang finger and came to the magic stick and asked, "What else are you doing now?" The magic stick waved his hand and said, "Now take a break. Look at me." After saying that, he waved his hand to let us all retreat. It seemed that he was worried that there were also some organs and other devices behind the stone gate. Then we all retreated. The body of the magic stick was the tallest here, more than 1.9 meters, so he could touch the stick inserted by the monkey in the crack of the stone with only a slight jump.

Then I saw the magic stick grabbing the stick and pulling it down hard, and the stone door was gently lifted up. Then the magic stick turned the stainless steel stick deeper, and with another force, the whole stone door was lifted up, but at this time, the sound of banging behind the stone gate was endless. More than a dozen seemed to have shot out the hard crossbows just now, and shot straight through the stone door to the stone wall behind us. The rain of arrows shot four It took five seconds to stop. It seems that the anti-theft measures here are really insidious. If you don't pay attention, won't you be shot into a honeycomb by these crossbows behind this stone gate?

At this time, everyone and I sweated. If it hadn't been for the magic stick here, maybe all of us would have been eight years old at this time. After these crossbows were shot, the stone gate has been pried open, and then with a bang, and the stone gate completely fell down. It seems that the stone gate is pressed in an upper and lower chute. As long as it is lifted high enough, it can fall off the chute. Unexpectedly, the wisdom of the ancients is really powerful.

We didn't have time to sigh. The magic stick wiped the sweat on our heads and said, "Well, there should be nothing behind the door. This time you can go in boldly, but according to now, I'm afraid there are many organs inside. Don't touch it after you go in, otherwise we can't get out of each of us." Everyone nodded, and then the magic stick was the first to go up, and then walked in front with a one-meter-long stainless steel pipe. We also passed through the stone gate one after another.

Behind the stone gate is a corridor. The corridor is about three meters high and about two meters wide. The ground is paved with stone slabs, which looks very smooth. On both sides are carved stone walls, which look very smooth. Although there is no marble as smooth as a mirror, for that era, such a passage can be carved out. It's not easy. It turned out that the stone door we came in was a stone wall like a vent. The stone door was on the stone wall. At first, I thought the passage inside was only about 1.5 meters wide.

I can't figure it out. According to reason, when Wu Sangui presented the customs, Li Zicheng was defeated at that time. When the Qing Dynasty entered the customs, Li Zicheng fled in a hurry. Although he robbed everything in the palace of the Ming Dynasty, he also lost power after all, but why did he still have the ability to dug such a cave? There is only one possibility that this cave has been opened a long time ago, or this channel is not opened by Li Zicheng at all.

As we were walking forward, we saw the magic stick walking in front suddenly raise its hand to signal us to stop. I quickly stepped forward and asked, "What's wrong?" The magic stick pointed not far ahead. When I shined it with a flashlight, I saw about a dozen white bones lying on the floor not far from the front passage, which looked horizontal and very irregular.

"How can there be so many skeletons?" I asked with some surprise. The god stick shook his head and said, "I don't know. The clothes of those people and boats are obviously not modern people. In my opinion, they should be mountain people at the end of the Ming Dynasty and the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, because their clothes obviously have the prototype of the Qing Dynasty, but they still retain a large part of the legacy of the Ming Dynasty. It seems that these people should be the ones who helped Li in those years. Those mountain people who have become their own treasures.

"You mean there is really treasure here?" I looked at the magic stick and asked. The stick nodded and said, "It seems that it should be good now, and the organs outside have not failed. I judge that we should be the first people to arrive here, but these people died strangely and don't know how they died." I took a closer look at it with a flashlight. The magic stick is right. These people are really strange, and their posture should still be kept at the moment before death, according to my judgment. These people must have struggled before they died. Looking at their bones at this time, it must be very painful to die.

At this time, the doctor had also stood at the front and looked at them, and then walked towards several bodies. Just as I was about to stop him, the magic stick shook his head and said, "Look at these bodies, doctors are better than us." I nodded. Indeed, the doctor is better than all of us. I looked back and saw that except for monkeys and yin and yang fingers, the other people looked a little pale. After all, they must be surprised to see so many bones at once.

After the examination for a while, the doctor stood up and shouted to us, "Come here. There is no danger. These people died of poison." First, we were stunned, and then walked quickly. We saw that the clothes on the chest of seven or eight bones had been lifted by the doctor, with completely blackened ribs extending along the spine to the crotch bone. Looking at the posture, these dozen bodies must be very painful before they die.

At this time, the doctor said, "These dozen bodies should be adult men. As for the reason why they were poisoned, we still don't know." The magic stick sneered and said, "O OK, doctor, what's the reason? Do you still need to ask? It must be that these people were photographed by Li Zicheng to repair the treasure cave. After the treasure cave was repaired, he was worried that these people would reveal the secret and then poison them to death.

The doctor shrugged his shoulders and said nothing. In his opinion, he must not make a conclusion before it was investigated. Then we continued to walk forward. After walking for about ten minutes, a large grotto appeared in front of us. At this time, a stone room with many murals around the stone room looked very beautiful and bright as new. There are many pottery and some bronzes in the corners of these stone chambers, which look rusty and lifeless.

My favorite is these ancient murals. I rushed to look at them, but the more I looked at them, the more I became frightened. Did we come to the wrong place? Because the content of the murals above is not at all with the Ming Dynasty at all. In my opinion, it should be at least the murals of the Tang Dynasty, because I have seen some tombs of the Tang Dynasty. The murals in it are not only exquisite, but also have the characteristics of the times, that is, the women of the Tang Dynasty are very rich, and the murals in it are all of this kind. Wind.

"Damn it, is there any mistake? Can't we go to hell? This is obviously the painting style of the Tang Dynasty, but the bones I just saw outside are obviously from the late Ming and early Qing dynasties. At least the clothes can't be wrong. Did those bodies travel from the Ming Dynasty to the Tang Dynasty and then repair tombs for others? The stick shouted that everyone understood what he meant. It seemed that we were indeed confused by a historical mystery.

Everyone is confused. How can there be Ming people in the tombs of the Tang Dynasty, and there are more than a dozen people? Is there a mistake in history? Or have we not learned our knowledge? Even so, Yin and Yangzhi and the magic stick are both tomb robbers. They have entered many ancient tombs, but even the two of them are now confused. Are we really going to hell?

Everyone couldn't figure it out, and then the monkey suddenly snapbed his finger and said, "God stick, do you think there is a possibility that we all ignore it? Do you think there are only a few people outside who can build such a big tomb? It's impossible. I guess Li Zicheng found the tomb, then found these villagers to move his treasures in, and then poisoned these people. I guess that's it. Isn't there such an idiom called "What's a nest?"

"It's the dove occupying the magpie's nest!" The doctor added. The monkey nodded and said, "Yes, yes, that's what it means." The magic stick and yin and yang fingers look at each other, and now it seems that this is the only way to explain. The unprecedented prosperity of the Tang Dynasty also created the glory of the mausoleum, especially the opening of the mountain as a mausoleum became a fashion at that time. Although this tomb is not big, it is indeed not small, and looking at the content of these murals, this person should still have some status in the Tang Dynasty, so reasoning in this direction is not bad.

As we were arguing about whether this was the mausoleum of the Tang Dynasty or the treasure cave of the Ming Dynasty, Fang Yi ran to several people with a smile on his face and said, "What do you think I found?" When we looked at Fang Yi, we saw Fang Yi holding a bronze mirror in both hands. The workmanship of this bronze mirror was not only depicting various sea beasts and mythical mythical beasts, but also engraved with a picture of yin and yang gossip in the center, and even some Taoist scriptures on it, which made people couldn't help marvel at the skills of the ancient people. Sure enough, it was A rare bronze mirror.

But the magic stick and yin and yang pointed out that their faces did change greatly after seeing the bronze mirror. The two looked at each other, and there was a trace of fear in their eyes. Yin and Yang, who didn't say much, said loudly at this time, "Where did you get this mirror?" Fang Yi saw that Yin and Yang's face was very ugly, and then pointed to the dark place and said, "What's wrong with the coffin?"

At this time, without saying a word, he walked to Fang Yi and starved Fang Yi's big mouth. The mouth was very heavy. Five red fingerprints immediately appeared on Fang Yi's face, and blood flowed from the corners of his mouth. I quickly stopped the magic stick and said, "What are you doing? What are you crazy about? At this time, the magic stick looked extremely ugly and shouted loudly, "I told you, no one should move the things inside. This boy just doesn't listen. Do you know what this bronze mirror is? This is a corpse mirror used to suppress zombies. Do you want the zombies to bite us?" At this time, Fang Yi's face was pale. Just then, suddenly there was a muffled sound from the dark cave

Collection and red tickets.