treasure hunter

Chapter 15: Zombie

Just as the magic stick was teaching Fang Yi, he heard a crash in the darkness not far away. It's like someone hitting a wood with their head. Everyone's faces became unnatural in an instant. The magic stick and yin and yang pointed out that the two immediately opened their backpacks and took out a rope each. The god stick shouted, "Come on, help us tie that guy first and don't let it out." As soon as the words fell, Fang Yi's legs began to tremble at this time.

I quickly put my backpack on the ground, then pulled out the knife more than a foot long, winked at the monkey and the doctor, and ran to the place where the sound came from the magic stick and yin and yang. Before running two or three meters, I saw a huge coffin in front of me. The coffin was extremely exquisite and there were many carved flowers swimming on it, but at this time, we were no longer in the mood to study the coffin. I saw the magic stick running in the front, shaking the rope away while running.

"Cover!" The magic stick shouted at me loudly. I grabbed the end of the rope and quickly ran towards the coffin. At this time, this coffin is placed in a black coffin**, and there is nothing around it. Only such a lonely coffin** has this huge coffin. The coffin was placed horizontally in the coffin**, and there was no movement in it at this time. Just above this coffin, there is a clear circular print, which seems to be the place inlaid with the corpse mirror.

God stick and others tied the coffin with seven hands and eight feet. Only after seeing that the coffin was full of dense ropes, we were relieved. At this time, everyone took a breath and then sat in the coffin** to rest. At this time, I heard a thump in the coffin, and the sound of another impact. Everyone stood up, raised their hearts to their throats, and looked carefully at the exquisite and gorgeous coffin.

Dong, Dong! As the impact became more and more dense, the exquisite coffin also began to shake. It seemed that the zombies inside finally couldn't stand the loneliness and were coming out. We have tied the coffin tightly, and if the zombie can still rush out of it, we will be unlucky enough.

Everyone held their breath and looked at the coffin. After a while, the coffin stopped making a crashing sound. All of us breathed, and it seemed that the zombie inside had given up the struggle. But all of us have ignored a problem, that is, although the rope is very strong, the coffin has become rotten and can't stand the toss of zombies after hundreds of years of dormitory.

Sure enough, when we all relaxed our vigilance, we heard a click. I went with a flashlight along the place where the sound was made, and I saw the arm that had been full of red hair sticking out of the coffin, and the black nails were half a foot long. Shit, I'm out!" I shouted, and then the magic stick and yin and yang fingers looked at that arm. It's red hair. It doesn't matter. The magic stick tells everyone.

Although, I didn't see a trace of relaxation in his eyes. In fact, I'm also puzzled that I have encountered zombies and monkeys more than once. We met them when we were in Yunnan. But that time, he had a gun in his hand, and when he met a zombie, there was also a large mountain Xiao. Although he escaped by chance, he also experienced it after all. He was much calmer than Fang Yi and several people.

At this time, the coffin has been expanded a lot by the red-haired zomb, and several ropes on it have fallen off. Then the zombies hit again with another violent impact. The red-haired zomb completely smashed the huge coffin and came out of it. I looked at the zombie carefully and saw that it was covered with an inch-long red hair from head to toe, and a red rope tied to its feet. It should be a corpse rope, wearing a set of ancient clothes. I'm not an archaeologist, and I don't know what era he is from.

At this time, the zombie was covered with rope. After the coffin was broken, the rope tied to the coffin was put on the zombie. The zombie looked horrible, his face seemed to have been cut by a knife, with dark brown skin, his nose was basically left with a bridge of his nose, and his long hair flew up with its jumping movements.

"Now that zombies have come out, be careful. Zombies only bite people with heavy yang. As long as everyone works together, we can clean up this red-haired zombie in a moment." The magic stick said loudly. At this time, the doctor and the monkey pointed to four people surrounding the zombie, especially the doctor. They were very interested in the appearance of this zombie and said to me, "Wen Long, how did the zombie form? I didn't believe you heard about zombies before, but I finally saw them today.

I shook my head helplessly and said, "I don't know how zombies were formed, but you must be careful. Zombies are strong and must not be caught." As soon as my words fell, I saw this zombie rushing towards me, and I quickly hid aside. At this time, I found that the zombie's strength and movements were very fast, but his reaction was very slow. When I hid aside, the zombie did not seem to react and continued to jump forward twice.

I sneered and said, "This thing is too slow. Just cut it with a knife to see if you can remove it." After I finished speaking, I first rushed up and slashed the zombie's neck with the machete in my hand. The zombie neither dodged nor dodged, and I cut it firmly on its neck.

"Puff!" With a sound, the knife cut on it as if it had cut into tattered leather, without any strength. I was shocked and quickly hid aside. Who knew that the doctor followed me closely at this time. I just dodged, and the zombie also rushed at me. Although I dodged, the doctor did not dodge and was hugged by the zombie.

"together!" Seeing that the doctor was hugged by the zombies, the stick shouted to several other people. Then he also ran over quickly with a machete and stabbed hard at the head of the zombie. With a sound, the machete and machete zombie's head seemed to be on a stone, and they couldn't cut in at all. Seeing this situation, I quickly swept my legs, hoping that the zombie would let go of the doctor.

"Bum!" When I kicked the zombie, a great pain came over. The zombie's leg bone was really hard enough. If I hadn't kept three points of strength, I'm afraid my leg bones would have been broken now. I'll come!" Yin and Yangzhi, who had not spoken for a long time, said loudly at this time, and then he rushed up with an arrow step, put his hands on the zombie's shoulder and gently, as if he had jumped a horse. Yin and Yang fingers actually rode on the zombie.

saw the yin and yang fingers stand up the hand with only one middle finger, then gently bite the middle finger with their mouth, and then shout, and the middle finger actually inserted into the zombie's head. Everyone and I were shocked. It seems that this yin and yang finger is really two things. Then he jumped off the zombie and shouted, "Don't let go!" As soon as the words fell, the zombie immediately let go of the doctor and fell to the ground.

Everyone was stunned by the hand of yin and yang, especially the magic stick. They walked to the yin and yang fingers and gently patted him on the shoulder and said, "I really can't see that you still have such two tricks." Yin and Yang smiled and didn't say anything, and then I quickly helped the doctor up from the ground.

The doctor patted the dust on his body and said, "I really can't believe that zombies really exist." Looking at his excited face, I couldn't help shaking my head. If I had known that it would have been better to let the zombie hug him for a while. Hearing the doctor's words, the magic stick snorted coldly, "I said doctor, no matter what, it's the yin and yang who saved you. If you don't thank him and go to study zombies, I'm really convinced."

"Thank you." The doctor also knew that he was a little embarrassed, so he quickly pointed to Yin and Yang. Yin and Yang pointed to wave his hand, and then said to the god stick, "Now it seems that this place should be an ancient tomb, and Li Zicheng should have brought treasures here in those years, but this zombie can't explain why there are zombies in such a good feng shui?"

The god stick thought for a moment and said, "Now it seems that the origin of this zombie should have something to do with this ancient tomb. You see that it is wearing the clothes of the Tang Dynasty, so there is only one possibility, that is, the owner of the tomb found the zombie and buried it with him in order to let the zombie guard the tomb for him. But so far, we haven't seen the body of the owner of the tomb. It must have been hidden.

Fang Yi and Long Tianyang have been watching us fight against the zombies just now. Now that the zombies have been solved, they simply come to us. Only Lao Li is still standing far away at the entrance of the corridor, motionless, and his eyes are full of panic. I heard Long Tianyang say, "We are here to find treasures this time, but we are not here to steal tombs, so I hope everyone can find the treasure. As for whose mausoleum it is here, can we study it then?"

I agree with Long Tianyang very much and quickly pointed to the magic stick and Yinyang: "Boss Long is right. I think we'd better find a way to find the treasure first." As soon as I finished my words, I heard a strange voice not far away, as if someone was grinding their teeth. I looked at several other people, and it seemed that they all heard it.

"What's the sound?" I asked softly, and then looked at the place where the sound was made, and I saw that the zombie who had fallen at this time stood up again. Not only that, but this time the zombie seemed to have changed, because I felt that he was now molting like a snake.