treasure hunter

Chapter 27: Water Monster

When everyone was talking on a huge stone, they heard a plop, as if something had jumped into the water. At this time, several people were almost turning into frightened birds. Hearing this sound, the monkey first stood up and held a machete in his hand and said, "What was the sound just now?" I'm also a little surprised. What is it? Is it a stone? Or something else?

"Look!" At this time, the doctor stood up and lit a flashlight into the water. It seemed that a huge fish creature was swimming towards us. Everyone stood up. The halo in the water looks very big, and the river is more than ten meters wide and very deep. We were all shocked. We didn't expect that there would be such a big creature in this dark water. What does it live on? Will it attack us?

"Wang!" With a sound, a huge creature climbed up a rock not far from us. At this time, we saw clearly that it was a huge crocodile-like animal with a tail, five or six meters long. What the hell is this?" The monkey looked at the monster in surprise. The monster had some scruples about the light of the flashlight in our hands. Seeing us shining at it, it opened its mouth and demonstrated to us, opening its huge mouth half a meter, making a silky sound.

"This is a salamado, a super-sized salamado!" The doctor said in surprise at this time. I turned my head and looked at him and asked, "The salamb? What is it? The doctor shook his head with a wry smile and said, "This animal is called a salamand. Originally, it was not big, but I don't know what's in the underground river. Unexpectedly, the salamad here can grow so big. Everyone must be careful. This thing is very cruel. It's a carnivorous. Such a big salamad must eat people. Everyone should be careful."

Everyone nodded. At this time, there was a plop, as if another salamb entered the water, and then there was the sound of three or four salamps entering the water. The doctor's face changed greatly at this time, and we were also a little surprised. How can there be so many big salams here? Is this the old nest of salams?

I looked around worriedly. In a long time, I saw five or six salamutans crawling on these boulders and a few in the water. These salamans stared at us, as if they were waiting for someone or waiting for us to go into the water. At this time, the doctor looked at the salamands and said coldly, "Guys, now it seems that these things are competing with us. You must be careful not to let these animals take advantage of them, or we will all have to be eaten by these things."

As soon as he finished his words, he heard the monkey pointing to the water in the distance and said, "Come on, look, these beasts are not competing with us, they are waiting for their boss." Everyone looked in the direction pointed by the monkey and saw a huge water pattern swimming towards us. When we looked at the water pattern, we couldn't help taking a breath of cold air. This salamant must be the largest here, at least more than ten meters long.

Everyone's faces are a little ugly at this time. Those poisonous mages were already scary enough. Now, there are so many salamans. It's okay to say that they are small, but each of these salams is the size of a crocodile, especially the last one. It seems that it's not enough for him to stuff his teeth. Let's They all think it's really unlucky today.

"Ready, these things are cold-blooded animals, and it's not a joke to be bitten by them." The doctor shouted. In fact, he doesn't need to say this, even a fool can see it now. I looked at the salams coldly and shouted to the several people behind me: "Now that all the equipment has been lost, I can only use a machete to scrap these salams. Let's find a way to bring them ashore. We can't beat them in the water."

Everyone didn't say anything, and it seemed that they agreed with me. At this time, the sound of the water became louder and louder, and the largest salamour king was getting closer and closer to us. Back off, back off and bring those things up." I shouted, and several people retreated. Although this huge stone is big, after all, we account for nearly one-third at once. If there is a big guy coming up, I really don't know if I can fight them in such a small place.

At this time, I heard the sound of swimming water getting louder and louder. I couldn't help walking to the edge to see where the big guy was. But who knew, looking at it again with a flashlight, there was nothing on the water, and even the ripples were gone. Everyone stood in the middle to prevent this guy from making a sudden attack!" I said loudly. But as soon as the words fell, a huge sound of water sounded from behind me. Dr. Hula heard everyone shouting and running towards me.

When I looked back, I saw a huge long mouth leaking out of the water, with a man in his huge mouth. Yes, Long Tianyang, who was not officially unable to react. I shouted, rushed up with an arrow step, raised the machete in my hand, and cut it into the mouth of the giant. I heard a "poof". The machete cut on the nose of the huge object and was suddenly bounced up very high. Because of my great strength, although I didn't get this big guy cut, it hurt. He opened his mouth and vomited Long Tianyang again.

But Long Tianyang slipped into the water at this time. I hurriedly called the monkey and asked him to save Long Tianyang. The monkey quickly rushed over with an arrow. The two of us easily lifted Long Tianyang up, but at this time, Long Tianyang was unconscious and seemed to faint.

The monkey and I quickly put him in the middle of the boulder and asked the doctor to rescue him. The doctor came over and patted his chest and did artificial respiration. After a while, Long Tianyang woke up. But his arm had been broken at this time, because the huge monster just bit his arm.

I breathed that as long as people don't die, everything can be saved. At this time, I heard a crash. The huge water monster climbed up the stone not far from us. It seemed that it was very dissatisfied with the blow just now. It looked at us with resentful eyes. I also shone with a flashlight. After the big guy climbed up the stone, there seemed to be a long tail immersed in the water, alone. The body is enough to shock us.

I saw that this big guy had something like two horns on his head, which looked extremely evil. His whole head was like a crocodile, and his teeth were staggered, sharp and dense, like a sharp dagger in his mouth. It looks chilling. The most terrible thing about this kind of thing is its huge body, which is about six meters long. If you add a huge head and a long tail, I'm afraid it will be no more than 14 or five meters long.

This is the first time I've seen such a big animal. I quickly asked the doctor, "What is this?" The doctor shook his head and said with a wry smile, "Do you really think I'm an encyclopedia? Where have I seen this kind of thing? I think this big guy is a replica of a crocodile. Let's just call him a super crocodile. Everyone looked at the doctor with contempt, and the monkey sneered, "Does your crocodile still have horns on its head?"

At this time, I saw this water monster looking at us, opening a meter-long blood basin and making a whistle-like cry. Then these salams lying on the boulder seemed to have received orders, ploping into the water and swam towards us.

"Damn it, it seems that it can't beat us alone. What should I do if it wants to come to the group attack?" At this time, the stick shouted. I looked at other places. Although this place is close to the river bank, there are also some gravel on the river bank, and it is only about half a meter away from the surface of the water. Behind it is a stone wall. In terms of spaciousness, it is not as good as the activity on this huge stone. Then I said to several people: "Don't worry, everyone Boss Long gathered in the middle. Remember, if those things dare to come up, they will be hacked to death. I'd like to see whether the machetes in our hands are powerful or those beasts are powerful.

This group of people can be said to have licked blood from their shoulders. Now at the critical moment of life and death, how can they accept defeat? Then several people surrounded the injured Long Tianyang and quietly waited for the salamants to swim over. Sure enough, as soon as we stood, a salamant had climbed up the boulder and slowly approached us. One came up, and then two or three salams also climbed up. It seemed that they were really going to play group attack.

A few salamans opened their mouths and approached us slowly on the boulder. I looked at the road of several people: "I'll deal with one first and see their strength. Don't move around here." After saying that, I rushed up with a machete in my hand towards a salambler closest to me.

I was surprised that I would jump directly and bite my leg with my mouth open. I quickly jumped and dodged the fatal attack, then landed on the salamb, raised the machete in my hand, and slashed at the head of the salamb. With a bang, the salamder's skin seemed to be very elastic. I cut it with a knife. The salam fell just ate a pain and didn't even break Peel.

"I don't believe that I can't kill you." I raised the machete in my hand again and stabbed the salambant under me. I heard a bang. The machete stabbed into the salamard's head. Then I shouted and pulled out the machete out. The salamad began to roll around on the boulder. I was worried that it would not die, so I came forward to make up for it with a few more knives. The salam ore turned over and fell into the water for a long time, and the bright red blood stained a large area of water and drifted along the river to the distance.