treasure hunter

Chapter 28: Dragon and Tiger Battle

After I killed the salamb, the salamb rolled into the water, floated with its white belly in a short time, and was washed down by the rapid river. Then I glanced at the other salamurs. Obviously, these salamurs seemed to have been scared and pulled out a little afraid to come forward. I shouted to several people, "It can't be cut into their bodies at all. It's like a spring. They must use thorns." Several people nodded and rushed to the rest of the salams, as if they had to take back the lost territory.

In a short time, I heard a burst of sharp slashing and thorns, and the huge salam more were solved. Then several people came over with blood, and everyone's faces were murderous, looking like demons coming out of the nine hells. After killing these salamurs, the monkey seemed to feel a little uncomfortable and was eager to try, "Brother Long, these things have just been enough for a warm-up exercise. Why don't we cut the big guy together?

I was stunned after listening to the monkey's words, and then patted him on the forehead and said, "You have a fever. That big guy is obviously not comparable to these salamant. Didn't you look at its mouth? As soon as you look up, the two of us can eat it. If you don't want to die, just stay here. Once the water goes into the water, it's not enough for us to plug our teeth together. When the monkey heard me say this, he had to shrug his shoulders, turn around and sit next to the pale Long Tianyang and stop talking.

At this moment, when the huge water monster saw that we had killed all its disciples and grandchildren, he shouted at us randomly and angrily, ploped into the water and swam towards us. I looked left and right worriedly, and then said, "Come on, hold on to Boss Long. Let's transfer. This big guy must be very powerful in the water. We can't beat him, but it's different when we get to the shore. Remember anyway, don't fall into the water." After saying that, let the magic stick carry Long Tianyang on his back, and several people quickly retreated along the stones towards the shore.

Several people went ashore, and the shore was only about one meter wide. The rest were all shoals, and behind them were stone walls. If we fight with that guy in this place, I'm afraid it would be us who would suffer in the end. After all, it was still too close to the water. I looked around and said, "Come on, let's go ahead and see if there is a wider place." Then we helped Long Tianyang and ran forward. It didn't take long, and I don't know how many circles I turned around. Suddenly, a super-large natural cave appeared in front of me. I saw that the cave was dark around, and there were also many colorful stalactites hanging overhead.

"Anyway, go first and have a look, doctor. You are responsible for helping Boss Long connect the broken bones first. Let's do other things." I shouted. The doctor nodded and helped Long Tianyang into the cave. The rest of me and I stayed at this cave. This cave is four or five meters away from the surface of the water at this time. Although there are potholes on the ground and many stones are very messy, compared with the big monster here, there should be a lot of chances of winning.

"Wang!" Doctor, on the river not far away, the huge monster emerged. Sure enough, it tracked us all the way. It seems that it really won't stop eating us. Never mind, if we don't kill it today, it seems that it will be difficult for us to go out. The huge water monster slowly climbed ashore. Although most of his body came up, the rest were still in the water. It seemed that they were observing whether we were threatening it. I sneered and said to the magic stick around me, "I didn't expect this big guy to still have the ability to think. It seems that he will live for a few more years?"

The magic stick nodded and said, "You're really right, but this guy is big, but the beast is a beast. Even if it is a little thoughtful, the guy in our hand is not vegetarian. As long as it catches up, I will waste it." Although the magic stick said so, no one thought that he could abolish this huge thing alone, even on the ground.

At this time, the monster, who had hesitated for a long time, seemed to finally make up his mind and slowly climbed up to the shore. Although it was a little slow, we were shocked again when observing the monster so closely. It is like being boiled in boiling water. There are many black blisters on its body. There are basically no eyes on the huge head. Only two protruding horns grow on the top of the head, just like a mythical dragon, but we know that this guy is definitely not a dragon, but an unknown animal.

Two rows of teeth like daggers grow disorderly in its mouth. I believe that as long as it bites, I'm afraid it is unlikely to escape. If I hadn't cut it on its nose at the beginning, I'm afraid that Long Tianyang would have become the food in this guy's stomach at this time.

"Everyone, be careful not to stand together, all scattered." I said to a few people. Then the yin and yang fingers and Lao Li'er occupied the left, and the monkey and the god stick stood on the right. I stood alone on the front of this guy and became an encirclement structure. Once this guy approached us, we will find a way to turn this guy over first, because this monster is generally thicker. Even if it can be cut, it is useless. The machete in our hand is at best just tickling for it. Only its abdomen is soft ribs. At this time, it is the basic common sense to deal with animals, so everyone came up with such a combat method.

I saw this big guy getting closer and closer to me. It seemed that his eyes were not very good. He looked left and right while walking. Only during the movement can he see the existence of the prey clearly. When I saw that it was only one meter away, I suddenly shouted, "Go!" Several people rushed down the mountain like a tiger and rushed towards the big guy. The big guy didn't seem to care at all, but suddenly opened his mouth and rushed at me, no less speed than in the water.

I felt a stench rushing towards me, and quickly took a step on the left side, and then rolled out. My huge mouth suddenly bit empty, and I heard a crash, and my upper and lower teeth were clenched together to make a loud sound. I immediately except for a cold sweat. It seems that if I was bitten by this guy just now, I would have to break my bones even if I don't die. The tendons are broken. I quickly got up, and several people had already fought with the monster.

I saw the machete in several people's hands greet the big guy, but it was undoubtedly bounced up by this guy's rough skin and fleshy. It couldn't hurt him at all, and it was even more impossible to turn it over. I rushed up and shook the man's eyes of the machete in my hand. The head suddenly dodged, and then the huge head hit me. I quickly jumped on and rode on the guy's neck. The big guy seemed to be crazy and wanted to throw it off.

I clamped the monster's neck tightly to prevent it from being thrown off its back, but because the monster's power was too strong, I had to hold the machete in my mouth and grab the two horns on the monster's head with both hands. At this time, the monster seemed to be even more crazy. Suddenly, with a force, his whole body turned upside down, trying to press me under his body. I quickly turned over and quickly came down from under him. The monster bit my left leg with its mouth wide open.

I was shocked. I didn't expect that the monster was lying on the ground and moving so quickly that it was impossible to avoid it. At this time, I saw a sudden figure rushing over and bumping me to one side. I took a closer look. It was the monkey, and then the two quickly stood up. The one that had been biting in my mouth didn't know where it had fallen at this time.

It seemed that I saw the opportunity. Almost at the moment when the monkey jumped out of me, the magic stick raised the machete in his hand and slashed at the monster's neck. With a bang, the machete almost disappeared, and the red blood almost sprayed out in an instant. Then, the magic stick seemed to be crazy, pulled back the machete in his hand and stabbed the monster's neck again. The monster was in pain, turned his huge body back, shook his head, and bit the magic stick.

When I saw this, I shouted, and then rushed to the monster. At the same time, I shouted to the monkey, "Come on, stone it with a stone." The monkey nodded, turned around and made a stone weighing 100 catties, and suddenly hit the monster's head. Then I heard a bang, and the stone hit the monster's head, making the monster seem to be confused. Then I jumped on the monster's neck, put my hand into the magic stick and cut the monster's wound, and smashed it as much as possible with my fist. At this time, the monster seemed to be crazy and opened my mouth to bite randomly, but after all, people's movements on the shore were far more agile than it.

Then I seemed to grab something and began to drag it hard. At this time, the monster turned its head and crawled towards the water. It seemed that it was seriously injured and wanted to return to the water, but we could not let it go back so easily. I quickly jumped off the monster and heard the monkey shout, "Brother Long, cut off its trachea first. Even if it comes back to the water, it will die sooner or later."

Caught the machete thrown by the monkey, I rushed to the monster again and hugged the monster's neck. Originally, the monster's jaw and neck had been injured, but now with a burst of sharp thorns, it seemed to be crazy in the water. When I turned around, I was surprised. I didn't expect this monster to be so Tenacious vitality, then one hand held its neck tightly, and the other hand held a machete, regardless of three, seven or twenty-one, a random stab.

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