treasure hunter

Chapter 2: The Return of Michiko

I drove aimlessly on the street and unconsciously came to the door of a clothing store. Looking at this relatively familiar store, I shook my head. This is the store opened by Lin Wanqing. I don't know how I arrived here unconsciously? Now that you're here, let's go in and walk.

I got out of the car and locked the door. I don't want the new car I just bought to be stolen by others. When I walked into the store, the two girls were busy with work. It seemed that Lin Wanqing was not there. It was still early. I didn't want to go back so early. I walked around the store and didn't find the clothes I was looking for.

Just as I was about to leave, Lin Wanqing pushed the door and came in. The two girls politely shouted at Sister Qing. At this time, I turned around and saw Lin Wanqing at a glance. Lin Wanqing also saw me and came over to me with a sweet smile. I have to say that Lin Wanqing is very good at dressing, at least he knows better than me. Today, she is wearing a very casual cotton T-shirt and jeans underneath. Although she looks casual, she has another kind of sunshine beauty, which makes people feel very comfortable.

"Why is Mr. Wenlong free to see the clothes today? Or did you come to find me on a special trip? Lin Wanqing came to me and said with a smile. I smiled gently and said, "I just want to see the clothes. As you know, I don't know anywhere else, so I came to you." Lin Wanqing nodded and said, "Then I'm really honored."

I waved my hand and didn't say anything, and then looked at the clothes here. I have to say that there are a little less men's clothing here. Most of them are women's clothing, and the decoration is elegant. At a glance, I know that it is very high-grade. It seems difficult to find the clothes I want here. Lin Wanqing also seemed to see that there were no clothes I like here. She smiled gently and said, "Mr. Wenlong, it seems that I don't have the clothes you want here."

I nodded with a smile and said shyly, "It's true. I want to find a dress that can match that car." After saying that, Lin Wanqing pointed to the Hummer outside and turned her head and smiled, "It seems that you have really come to the wrong place. Hummer H2 is a very good car. You should buy some camouflage clothes or cowboys. I really don't have the clothes you want to find here."

I nodded and said, "Well, I'm really sorry." Lin Wanqing smiled and said nothing. She always appeared in front of me in such an elegant posture, which made people look pleasant. I walked to the door and looked back at Lin Wanqing. At this time, she was looking at me with a smile on her face. I casually said, "Miss Lin, I don't know if you have time now." Lin Wanqing smiled and said, "What? What's the matter?"

"You know, I don't know much about clothes. I want to ask you to help me, so I want to ask you for help. Of course, if you don't have time, forget it." I said softly. Lin Wanqing thought for a moment and then nodded and said, "Well, there is nothing to do today. Since Mr. Wen Long has invited me, I can't refuse, so let me help you." After saying that, I walked to the service desk. At that time, her bag said a few more words to the two waiters, and then followed me out.

I opened the door for her, she got into the co-pilot of my Hummer, and I got into the car. After the car started, listening to the roar like a beast, I nodded with satisfaction, and then drove the car in the direction indicated by Lin Wanqing. We walked to a specialty store specializing in outdoor sports clothing.

However, what I didn't expect was that Lin Wanqing looked like a lady, and the price adjustment was really good. After a lot of tossing, I really returned with a full load. After putting more than a dozen clothes in the car and seeing that the time was almost time, I had dinner with Lin Wanqing, and then sent her to the store. Then I drove back to the bar.

At this time, it was already more than 8 p.m. Thinking about the scene when I was eating with Lin Wanqing just now, I didn't expect that it was really a little comfortable. After all, eating with beautiful women is delicious. As soon as I entered the bar door, I saw two monkeys and magic sticks coming and greeting them. They looked like they didn't know me, and their eyes were full of surprise. I didn't bother to pay attention to two people and went back to the office by myself.

I didn't expect these two people to follow in. I looked at their obscene appearance. I ignored them and went to the refrigerator to get a bottle of beer. The monkey looked up and down and said for a long time, "Okay, Brother Long, it's really awesome. What's the wind today? Look at your clothes. It's really amazing!"

I looked at the monkey like a pig brother and shook my head helplessly and said, "Okey, aren't you going out? Why don't you get out of here?" As soon as the monkey wanted to speak, the magic stick stood up and said with a smile, "I said Wenlong, you are the same. I heard that you bought a car, and it's still a Hummer. OK, as soon as you take action, you will be better than our two brothers. More than a million cars are driving. Now with this, there is a beautiful woman around you. Well, all, the monkey and I still Bet you won't pick up your sister. After a long time, you are much better than us! It's high-end as soon as it comes up. Look at this dress, who must have chosen it for you?

I saw that these two people seemed to have no fun. Just as I was about to talk, I saw Xiao Chen come in from the outside and said, "Brother Long, there is someone looking for you outside." I was stunned. Xiao Chen was my new employee. Hearing what he said, I put the beer in my hand on the table and said, "Who is looking for me?" Xiao Chen shook his head and said, "I don't know her. She's a woman. She's quite beautiful."

I nodded and said, "Let her in." Xiao Chen nodded and turned out. The monkey and the magic stick looked at each other. I saw two words from the seriousness of the two of them, that is, indity! I heard the magic stick smile and said, "I said Wenlong, we haven't been sticky enough together during the day, and we will come at night. I'm really convinced of you. Your progress is really fast enough!" I despised him. It seems that the monkey has been damaged by him, and now I am completely speechless about these two people.

As we were talking, we heard a slight knock on the door. All three of us looked at the door. When we saw this person, we were all stunned, not because the woman at the door was beautiful, but because we all knew each other, not anyone else, but Mei Zhizi who had been in trouble together in Panyang Lake.

Michiko is wearing a black evening dress today, and her white thighs are exposed along the cracks of the high skirt, which looks sexy and elegant. The long black hair is very soft on the shoulders, and the snow-white on the chest is a little impulsive. Wearing a pair of black high heels on the feet, it looks slender and intellectual. Seeing several of us looking at her like this, Michiko smiled softly and said, "What? Don't you know?"

The monkey first said, "Michiko, I really didn't expect it. I thought it was Brother Long's new girlfriend." I shook my head helplessly and said, "Monkey, don't talk nonsense. Miss Lin and I are just ordinary friends." At this time, the magic stick smiled and said, "Ordinary friends, have you ever seen men and women helping people buy clothes? Anyway, I don't have such an ordinary friend. I stared at the two helplessly and then asked, "Why did you come back?"

"What? It seems that you really don't welcome me back?" Michiko said with a bad face at this time. I quickly waved my hand and said, "No, I didn't mean that. I mean, why did you come back so soon? Didn't you want to bury your grandfather's bones with your father?" Michiko nodded and said, "Yes, everything has been arranged, so I came back. I said I would come back to find you. Have you forgotten?"

I coughed awkwardly twice, and then quickly let Michiko in. After all, it's not good to always stand at the door. Monkey and God Stick still have something to do. Although they are old friends, their affairs are still relatively "important", so after a few words with Michiko, the two left. I asked Michiko to sit on the sofa, and then handed him a bottle of beer and asked, "I'll be back so soon. I must have something to do here. ?"

"There's something wrong. The company took me here for the last expedition, and then I can retire directly." Michiko looked at me and whispered. I nodded and asked, "Oh? What's the task this time?" Michiko shook her head and said, "It's nothing. The company took pictures of me going to Tibet with some Americans. When I come back, I can completely retire and stay in China and don't plan to return to China."

"Why?" I asked in a puzzled way. Michiko blushed and said, "Because I think life in China is suitable for me, and I want to find a Chinese man." I was stunned, and then smiled and didn't say anything. In this way, there was inevitably some embarrassment in the air. Then I finally asked, "What are you doing in Tibet this time? Are you looking for any treasure again? As far as I know, there seems to be no treasure or anything in Tibet.

Michiko nodded and sighed gently. I don't know why she sighed, but she still said, "It's not because of some treasure, but because someone paid for our company to help. I heard that those people are American archaeologists who want to go to Tibet to find some monuments, but the ultimate purpose is legendary Shangri-La." Are you looking for Shangri-La? I looked at Michiko with a big head. Michiko nodded and said, "Yes, those Americans are like this, but anyway, this is my last task. When it is completed, I can do whatever I want to do."

Don't say anything else, red tickets and collections! It feels bad not to have a collection!