treasure hunter

Chapter 3: Michiko's mission

I looked at Michiko's appearance and shook my head gently and said, "Are you going alone this time?" Michiko shook his head with a smile and said, "Of course not. In addition to me, there are more than a dozen people. Because it is inevitable to find Shangri-La Americans this time, so many talents have been dispatched this time. Of course, I'm just a guide. After all, I am proficient in both English and Chinese, so the company will shoot me to do this. A job."

I nodded and whispered, "Well, let me know if there is any help." Michiko immediately nodded with a smile and said, "Of course, I won't be polite to you, that's why I came to you." I shook my head with a wry smile and said, "Well, it seems that you are not just here to catch up this time." Michiko glanced at me and said, "What's the matter? Don't you want to go with me?" I raised my hands and said, "Then how dare I say? Since you have opened your mouth, how can I refuse you? And I offered to help you, even if I'm unlucky."

Michiko said angrly, and then stood up and said, "Don't worry, of course I won't treat you badly this time, and I will stay in China after this incident is over. At that time, you can take me all over China!" I shrugged my shoulders and said, "You are more familiar than me in China. Do you need me to take you on a tour?" Michiko smiled and suddenly asked, "Yes, I just heard from the god stick and the monkey that you have a girlfriend now, right?"

I was stunned. I didn't expect her to ask this question and said with a dry smile, "Actually, I'm not a girlfriend, just an ordinary friend, and we have only met a few times, and we don't have any deep friendship. I don't want to say what they say." Michiko said, and then asked, "Isn't she beautiful? You are more beautiful than me." I was speechy for a moment. The woman's question was so sharp that I didn't know how to answer it for a moment.

Michiko smiled and didn't say anything when she saw that I didn't answer. Then she stood up and said, "Well, I'll go back to the hotel first. I have to wait for them these two days. Those Americans will fly directly to Guangzhou International Airport and then purchase some equipment from here before leaving. You don't have to worry about your equipment. Oh, by the way, except Are they going to go outside of you? I shook my head and said, "I won't let them go this time. After all, the bar can't always be unattended. I can go alone."

Michiko nodded and said, "Well, I'm much more relieved to have you by my side." I didn't say anything, and then Michiko looked at the time and said, "Well, let's not talk about it. I came to you this time just to tell you that I'm back, and I plan to stay here for a long time. I will have time to chat in the future. When I come back this time, I will come to your bar every night to support you." After saying that, he walked to the door with a light smile. After walking to the door, he suddenly turned his head and said, "Bless Wenlong, I forgot to tell you that I plan to open a clothing chain in China in the future, specializing in Japanese brand clothing. I hope you can also help me then."

After saying that, Michiko turned her head and went out. After listening to his words, I smiled bitterly. It seemed that this girl was really going to camp here. I saw him except us, and then went to the desk and sat down. I couldn't help comparing Michiko and Lin Wanqing.

Michiko is the kind of woman who is more enthusiastic and unrestrained. Of course, this kind of woman is also very dangerous. He will get what she wants at all costs, while Lin Wanqing is different. She should be more elegant and gentle. This kind of woman is generally not good at expressing her inner feelings. Love, but it has a kind of oriental beauty and even unique to China. Compared with it, I still prefer a woman with Chinese characteristics like Lin Wanqing.

After thinking for a while, she shook her head and smiled bitterly and said to herself, "What do you think? These two women are not easy to provoke. Michiko is enthusiastic, but after all, she is a Japanese woman. Even if she agrees, the old man at home will fall out with me. As for Lin Wanqing, she always feels that she is a tall. The high lady has a pure and clean temperament that people dare not face it. Maybe because of this, she has a feeling of respect for Lin Wanqing.

After sending off Michiko, I saw the doctor come to the office alone, took out a bottle of beer from the refrigerator, sniffed the air gently and said, "Why, is there a woman?" I nodded and told him about the arrival of Michiko. The doctor shook his head and smiled, "It seems that you are going to be busy again this time, but let me tell you the truth, Shangri-La is really not easy to find. There has been controversy about the existence of Shangri-La in history. This time, foreign experts want to verify whether there is any Shangri-La, you shouldn't have been in this muddy water.

I was stunned and asked, "What? Is it dangerous this time? The doctor nodded and then shook his head and said, "To be honest, I'm not sure whether it's dangerous or not. Among other things, Tibet's plateau reaction alone is unbearable. Not to mention anything else, there are too many mysterious places in Tibet, not only their mysterious cultural and spiritual beliefs, but also What I'm afraid of is their legends and some mysterious phenomena. This time I'd better call everyone to take care of them.

I shook my head with a smile and said, "No, I'm not looking for any treasure this time, but accompanying an investigation team into Tibet. At best, I can't even talk about exploration, so I think I can deal with it myself, and there should be no danger this time, so don't call me anymore. You are busy studying medicine now. , the magic stick and the monkey are busy picking up girls. I asked them to watch more bars when they have time. After all, it's not good to have no one in the bar.

The doctor nodded and said, "Okay, but contact us as soon as there is anything, and we will pick you up in Tibet as soon as possible." I nodded, and then said something for a while. It was almost time. After a long time, this boy came to change my car. Although I just picked up the car today, I still gave him the key. The doctor smiled with the key in his hand and gave me the key to his car and said, "You can drive first in the future. This car."

I nodded, and the doctor stood up to say goodbye. I didn't send him off. Looking at the time, it was still early before the close. I simply turned on the TV for a while and unconsciously fell asleep on the sofa. I don't know how long it took. I was woken up. I looked at Xiao Chen standing in front of me and handed over the key and said, "Boss, it's closed. We've cleaned up the store and went back first." I nodded, rubbed my sleepy eyes, sent them all out, then closed the bar door and continued to sleep in the office.

Early the next morning, I woke up and cleaned up. I walked out of the bar and looked at the traffic on the street, and then there were not many. Look at the watch. It's past five o'clock in the morning. Although it's autumn, the wind in the morning is not cold. I changed my sportswear and started morning exercise. Practicing 30 kilometers every day is my compulsory course. Of course, there are some morning exercises in this city at night, but I believe that 30 kilometers is not something that everyone can do.

As I was running, I suddenly saw a familiar figure on the highway not far in front of me, dressed in white sportswear and a long ponytail piercing behind my head, swinging around with the running movement, looking like a beautiful scenery of the city. Let me look around. This is already a famous rich area in Guangzhou. Most of the people living here are people with identity. Of course, the green belt resumes on both sides of the road are also perfect.

There are also many morning exercise people on both sides of the road, especially in some parks and fitness equipment, which is a paradise for some old men and women who do morning exercises. I ran over a few steps and caught up with the beautiful figure. Sure enough, it was her. Then he smiled and said, "Good morning, Miss Lin." This runner is Lin Wanqing. Lin Wanqing was also surprised to see me and smiled gently, "Why you? Why are you also running here?"

I nodded and smiled and said, "Yes, 30 kilometers a day is my compulsory course. How about you? Why do you run early? Lin Wanqing nodded and smiled, "I'm not as good as you. I only run thousands of meters a day at most." I smiled and didn't say anything, and then Lin Wanqing asked, "You have been a soldier." I nodded and said, "How do you know?" The two of us talked while running.

Lin Wanqing smiled and said, "Isn't this simple? Only soldiers say that exercise is a training exercise. I smiled and asked, "What? Do you live here?" Lin Wanqing nodded and pointed to a high-rise behind and said, "Yes, I live in that building." I nodded and said, "I really can't see that Miss Lin is quite rich." Lin Wanqing smiled and said nothing, and then asked me, "I still don't know what you do, and don't call Miss Lin and Miss Lin in the future. You'd better call me Wanqing. That's what my family calls me."

I nodded and said, "Well, Wanqing, I won't be polite. You can also call me by my name in the future, and don't call me sir or anything like that. To be honest, I'm not used to it." Lin Wanqing nodded. I saw a bench not far ahead and pointed to it, "Let's go and have a rest." Lin Wanqing nodded, and then the two ran to the bench and sat down. Lin Wanqing gently massaged her slender legs and said, "I haven't run like this for a long time. I'm really a little tired."

I smiled and said, "Really? In the past, when I built troops, I often ran like this, and usually trained with a load, but now it seems that I have regressed a lot. During this period of time, I have sweated without a load. If I go back to the army, I'm afraid I can't stand running 10 kilometers with 30 kilograms.

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