treasure hunter

Chapter 9: Devil's Ditch

As soon as we walked through the mountain pass, we saw a stone tablet about one meter high on the side of the valley with the words "No Entry" written in Tibetan and Chinese characters. Because Professor Taylor and his students did not notice the stone tablet at all, I just wanted to enter, I quickly stopped in front of them and taught Taylor. He said, "Professor, don't you think this place is a little strange?" Professor Taylor looked around and shook his head gently. I could see from his eyes that Professor Taylor was now in a state of excitement. It seemed that he, like his students, did not notice the existence of the stone tablet.

I pointed to the stone tablet that was about to collapse and said, "Professor Taylor, it seems that this stone tablet has been standing here for a long time. I don't need to explain to you what it says, right? In my opinion, this valley is a little unusual. It's not too late for us to find the locals to inquire before going in. After all, this is a place for Tibetans, and there are too many mysterious things in Tibet. For the safety of fighting, I think we'd better go back first.

Professor Taylor looked at me and the statue inside. Finally, he shook his head and said, "I think we'd better go in and have a look. It's the first time I've seen such a good statue and mural here. The things inside are of great research value. Let's go and have a look. I will restrain my students and let them Try not to touch anything in it, don't worry!" I shook my head. Somehow, the words that the old Lama Luo told me sounded in my mind. There are too many mysterious taboos here. Don't try to break in. That would be very dangerous.

Thinking of this, I still stood in front of Professor Taylor and said, "Professor Taylor, why don't we do this? You see that it's getting late today, or we'll go there early tomorrow morning. Now even if we can't finish reading it all. Once it gets dark, you know that in this deep mountains and wild forests, in case If you suffer something mysterious, I'm afraid that Zane can't afford to take responsibility. Early tomorrow morning, let's bring water and food, so that we can observe more clearly, can't we?

Prof Taylor's eyes were full of intolerance. He looked at the stone carvings inside and had to nod and said, "Okay, but please allow me to take some photos. When I go back in the evening, I will study it to see what era these statues were formed in. That's okay." I nodded and had to make way and ask him to take some photos. If this condition is not agreed, I'm afraid the old professor will really fight with me.

After taking some photos in Gukou, everyone and I returned to the village. By this time, many people in the village had gone home one after another. We came to the hotel, and several of them returned to their respective rooms. Of course, I was not idle. I came to the gate of the hotel alone and found my experience. Of course, it was also the owner of this hotel, Dawa. He was a local. He was very happy to see my arrival. He let me into the room, asked his wife help us get something to eat, and took a bottle of wine and sat at the table. Talk while eating.

After some conversation, Dawa told me that he was not from Shenshan, but since he came here 20 years ago, he has taken root here and opened this hotel. Although it has not yet become an official tourist resort and is not as famous as the Potala Palace in Lhasa, Dawa is very tall. Xing, because you can see many lamas and pilgrims here every day to serve them, make money, and help those pilgrims. Naturally, it is a matter of killing many birds with one stone.

I am also very gratified. Although Dawa is not a good talker, his enthusiasm still moved me. Not only that, the wine he took out is also a second pot in the mainland. It seems that Mr. Dawa thinks he is a good entertainer. I told him with a smile that our purpose of coming to this place was to find the legendary Kingdom of Shambhala, but Dawa smiled and said, "Actually, no one can tell whether the Kingdom of Shambhala really existed or not, but it is indeed a holy place of Buddhism. I hope you have this luck and can find it."

I toasted him with a glass of wine and then asked, "Why do I see the statues and murals around Shenshan being stolen so seriously?" Isn't there a relevant department to manage it? Dawa shook his head and said, "These thieves are really abominable. They specialize in stealing statues and will be punished sooner or later." I smiled and didn't say anything. Dawa continued, "Actually, the relevant departments have come down to us several times to promote these statues and murals, but no one listens to them. Those statues should be lost and continue to be lost. There is nothing we can do."

I frowned and said, "Didn't they shoot a person to manage these statues and murals?" Sava shook his head and said, "How do you care? Our place is short of food and drink. Who would like to come here? Isn't that suffering alive? Besides, no one knows how many years these things have passed, and it is not clear in what era they were built. In short, since some people want to get those things, they will lose them even if they look at them.

I completely agree with Dava's sentence. I'm not afraid of thieves, but I'm afraid that thieves will worry about something. As long as the thief remembers something, even if he is on guard, there will always be eye-catching in the end, and the thief will steal things. Of course, if you are not afraid of wasting a lot of human and financial resources to protect it, that's another It's the matter, but the sky is high here and the emperor is far away. Who will continue to work hard for the white tigers?

With that, Dawa and I became friends who talked about nothing. I saw that the time was almost time and casually asked, "But I saw that the statues and murals in a little inside the pass were not stolen. On the contrary, they were perfectly preserved. Why is that? And a sign prohibiting entry was set up on the edge of the mountain pass. Has it been guarded? Otherwise, how could that stone tablet be erected?

It's okay not to say it. As soon as my words fell, Dava's face immediately changed. He looked at the dark night sky outside, waved his hand, and his eyes were full of horror, "Did you go to that valley today?" I shook my head and said, "I didn't go in. I just circled around the mouth of the valley. Because I saw the words on the stone tablet, I knew that I couldn't go in and out casually, so I didn't go in." Sava breathed, "Fortunately, I didn't go in. Fortunately, I didn't go in."

When I saw him like this, I quickly asked, "What's going on inside?" Looking at your horrible expression, shouldn't there be a devil?" I said with a smile. Hearing what I said, Dava's relaxed expression became frightened again. It took a long time to nod and say, "You're really right. There is indeed a devil in it, and the devil inside is very powerful. As long as people go in, it is impossible to come out at all, and all of them will be killed and eaten by the devil inside."

I felt a little ridiculous looking at his frightened look, and then asked with a smile, "Isn't it as evil as you said? Where can I find the devil in this world? Besides, even if there is really a devil, this is the divine mountain. Can't the magic power of the divine mountain restrain a devil? After I finished speaking, I looked at Dawa, who kept shaking his head, as if he had something difficult to say. It makes people feel like laughing.

Dawa took a sip of wine, and then exhaled a breath of wine and said, "Actually, you don't believe it. Speaking of which, I was hungry and didn't believe it when I first came to this place, but after a few things, I completely believed that the world is not only the devil, but also the absolute world that was suppressed in that place. The most terrible devil." I looked at him solemnly, as if something had really happened.

Is that right? Can you tell me what has happened?" I looked at Sava with great interest and said. Unexpectedly, this man, who looked like an optimistic and cheerful man in his forties, had a sad cloud on his face and sighed for a long time, "Oh! In fact, it's okay to stop these. Since the Wenlong brothers want to hear it, I'll tell you, but you must remember that no matter what, don't go to that place. There is really a devil in that place.

I nodded and said, "Don't worry, Brother Dawa, I won't go to that place." Dawa nodded, lit a low-quality cigarette, pulled it out and gave me one. I shook my head and refused. Then he took a sip, and the smoke fluttered into the air, which also aroused the memory of this man in his forties.

"That was more than ten years ago. At that time, my small shop was just open and not many people came to stay, because there was no reform and opening up at that time, not even electric lights, and the business of my small shop was quite cold. But one day, two people came from other places and lived in my store. Originally, I thought they were also on a pilgrimage. At that time, there were not as many tourists as now, so I thought they were on a pilgrimage. Dawa seemed to recall a very painful thing and talked slowly.

I watched him stop and then asked, "What happened later?" Dawa smiled bitterly and said, "Later, they wanted to find a local guide and said that they were going to copy the statues in the ravine. Later, I thought that it was okay to copy those statues, so I casually agreed, so a few people went to the ravine. Later, who knew that they were not satisfied with the statues and said that they wanted to go inside. I also I promised them, but after coming to the devil ditch, they insisted on going in. Of course, I knew that there was a devil in the legend, but the two people refused to die, and gave me 100 yuan, asked me to take them in to have a look, said to go in and have a look, and then came out. I couldn't stand the 100 yuan at that time* *, I promised them."