treasure hunter

Chapter 10: Devil's Hill

"What happened later?" I asked softly. Dawa sighed again and his eyes jumped a few times and said, "Then I went in with them. But not long before, many snakes and scorpions appeared." Snakes and scorpions? I looked at Dava with some surprise and asked. Dawa nodded and said, "At that time, we were scared and wanted to run out, but it was like a maze, and we couldn't get out."

Dawa said this, threw the cigarette butt on the ground and pulled out another point. I saw the blue veins on his forehead, which seemed a little sad and scared. Dawa picked up the glass on the table and drank it. I looked at him and smiled gently and asked, "How did you get out later?" Dawa shook his head with a bitter smile and said, "I don't know how we got out. Anyway, we dare not stop, because as long as we stop, we will be caught up by those scorpions and snakes."

After smoking two cigarettes fiercely, Dava continued: "Later, I didn't know what was going on, so I came to the exit. At that time, it was the daytime. I always felt that something was wrong. Later, I learned that it was the devil calling us. When I ran out of it, there was only me and another person, in which one of them also died." How is that possible? Have you dispatched some kind of agency? Otherwise, how can there be so many snakes?" I asked quickly.

Dava shook his head and said, "I don't understand what mechanism is. In fact, it was okay at that time. It was because one of them had to get statues that so many snakes and scorpions were attracted." I nodded and suddenly realized, "You mean those two are here to steal the statue, right?" Dawa nodded and said, "Yes, those two people wanted to steal the statue, but as soon as they picked up the saw, so many snakes and scorpions appeared, chasing us all over the mountain."

I nodded. It seemed that things were not as weird as Dava said. It should be that the person who wanted to steal the statue wanted to do it and accidentally touched the hidden mechanism or other things inside, so the snakes or scorpions chased a few people, but now there is another problem, that is, that is Why don't the two people steal the statues outside, but have to get those statues from the inside? Are the statues inside very good? Still cherished?

I looked at Dava's eyes that seemed to be full of fear. I reached out and patted him on the shoulder and said, "It's okay. Don't worry. The so-called devil area is just a legend. If there is really a devil in the world, it will not appear near Shenshan. As for the snake or scorpion you mentioned. Yes, I guess it's the breeding period, so it appears on a large scale, but it happens that you have encountered it, so you feel that something is wrong.

Dawa shook his head with a wry smile and said, "If only things were really that simple." What? Is there anything else?" I asked. Dawa nodded and said, "After coming out of which mountain pass, I went back to the hotel with the rest of the person. As a result, I began to have nightmares that night. Later, the man also died. My wife saw that I was almost finished. She was anxious to invite a monk everywhere to help me. As a result, I asked a living Buddha to help me exorcise evil spirits, and then I recovered."

"Ask the Living Buddha to help you exorcise evil spirits?" I looked at Dawadao incredulously. Dawa nodded and said, "Yes, we thought it was okay, but we began to have a fever the next day. As a result, my wife sent us to the hospital for treatment. At that time, the hospital was very far away from us and there was no decent means of transportation. As a result, he rushed to the donkey car to take the two of us to the hospital and arrived at the hospital. After the hospital, the man died.

"There will always be a test result in the hospital, right?" I asked. Dawa nodded and said, "The doctor said that he died of wind and cold. At that time, wind cold was a serious disease, especially in places where we lack doctors and medicine. Only by going to the temple to ask for some medicine can it be cured. Later, I was dying. My wife went to the temple to ask for help. Finally, she was saved by the living Buddha. The living Buddha said that I was angry. Devil, help me do seven days of magic work, and then took my soul out of the devil's hand.

"Ha ha, I'm afraid those living Buddhas deliberately said so?" I smiled. Dava stared and shook his head and said, "It's impossible, absolutely impossible. The living Buddha is very respected here. It's impossible to lie, and he didn't ask for anything for me. After healing me, he warned me to do more good deeds in the future. Finally, after my illness was cured, the living Buddha never came to me again. ."

After listening to Dava's narrative, I smiled and said, "It seems that the living Buddha is really good to you. What's the name of that living Buddha? If I have time, I will ask him for advice. Dawa shook his head and said, "He is dead. I heard that he died on the third day after finishing the Dharma work with me. Now the living Buddha of the Lama Temple should be Luotai Living Buddha. This living Buddha is said to be powerful, and we have basically heard his name here."

"Luotai Living Buddha?" I was stunned for a moment. Dawa nodded and said, "Yes, it's Luotai Living Buddha, do you know?" I shook my head with a smile and said, "I don't know if the living Buddha I know is the same person as what you said. We met this afternoon. He said he would go on a pilgrimage to Shenshan." After listening to my words, Dava nodded and said, "It should be Luotai Living Buddha. Luotai Living Buddha comes to Shenshan for pilgrimage at this time of year. I didn't expect to be met by you. It seems that you are really lucky."

I smiled and didn't say anything, and then picked up the glass and said, "Okay, let's drink one first. Forget the previous unhappiness. Dawa nodded, also picked up the glass and took a sip. Then I added two mouthfuls of dishes to hold. I have to say that Dava's wife's craftsmanship is still good. These authentic Tibetan dishes are quite suitable for my appetite, but I am also planning on how to tell Professor Taylor tomorrow and ask them to try not to go to the col and listen to Da. If it's tile, it's really not very good. Among other things, so many snakes and scorpions alone make people feel a little wrong.

I was drinking happily with Dawa. At this time, I saw a man running in with a curtain outside the door. I looked back and saw the magic stick and Michiko hurried in, looking very bad. What's wrong with you two?" I asked strangely. Michiko said angrily, "Professor Taylor and his students are gone. I don't know where they have gone. I guess I went to that mountain pass."

"What?" I was shocked and quickly stood up and said, "When did you find them missing? How do you know they went to the Devil's Ditch? Hearing me go to the devil's ditch, Dawa fell down from the chair and said with fear, "Who, who went to the devil ditch!" Michiko stamped her feet and said, "I just went to talk to Professor Taylor about tomorrow's route, but there was no one in Professor Taylor's room for a long time. As a result, I went in and saw that there was no one. I found several of his students. There was only a note in Sierra's room, saying that they would go to the Devil's Ditch and return in a moment. Come on."

"Damn it! It's fucking nonsense, magic stick, bring your equipment and follow me to find them!" I said loudly to the god stick, and then turned to Michiko and said, "Just stay here. Don't go anywhere. Do you hear me?" Michiko shook his head and said, "No, I'm going to find them with you. After all, I'm responsible for bringing them out. I must find a way to find them back." I stared and said, "I let you stay. The devil's ditch is not as simple as you think."

Then as soon as I was about to rush in, I saw Dawa grabbing my arm and said, "Brother, Brother Wenlong, or you don't go. Wait until dawn to find them. The Devil's Ditch is so terrible during the day, not to mention that it's late in the night." I shook my head and said firmly, "No, since I have brought them here, I must be responsible for bringing them back safely, and they are all college students except for the immortal Professor Taylor. They also have parents and brothers, so I must bring them back as soon as possible."

After I said that, I turned my head and winced at the magic stick and nodded. The two quickly walked out of Dava's room and went straight to their respective rooms with their equipment. As soon as they reached the door, they saw Michiko looking at me firmly. She also carried a large equipment bag and seemed to follow us. I had to nod my head and said, "Then let's go." After saying that, the three people ran quickly towards the dark hill.

To be honest, there are no street lights in the city, and it is dark around. Since I came to Tibet, I haven't had a chance to take a good look at the night sky. Although the stars are all over the sky and meteors will be seen from time to time, the three of us are not in the mood to appreciate the beautiful night at this time. Moving towards the darkness, hoping to get there before they enter the Devil's Ditch and stop them.

"How long have they been gone?" I asked Michiko as I hurried my way. Michiko was already booing and gasping at this time and replied softly, "I don't know, but it's still hot when I touch the coffee cup in Sierra's room, and it should take no more than an hour."

I nodded and accelerated my legs. The magic stick asked strangely, "What's wrong with you? Why are you in such a hurry? Is there really a devil in that devil ditch? I shook my head and said, "I don't know. I just asked Boss Dava. He told me that he had accidentally broke into the Devil's Ditch when he was young, but he almost didn't die in it after that time. If he hadn't thought that the living Buddha had saved him, he would have died long ago." Lama Living Buddha?" The magic stick frowned and looked at me and asked. I nodded and said, "Yes, it's the master of the Luo Taila we met today."

needs collection and recommendation. I hope everyone can do it well. Just waste your 0ยท01 seconds to collect it, okay?