treasure hunter

Chapter 17: Start again

In this way, after about a week, under the care of the doctor, I have basically recovered. Although I can't exercise vigorously, I have moved freely. Then I found Michiko and discussed when to set out to find the legendary Shambhala. Michiko smiled and said to me, "Now Professor Taylor and they have been ready for a long time, and it's up to you to talk. During this period, the monkey and the doctor have been obedient to their people, and we can only wait for you to speak."

I smiled. The methods of these two people are indeed a little better, but this is also good. Each team must have a leader. If everyone's opinions are not unified, I'm afraid it will cause an irreparable situation at that time. Then I decided to leave the day after tomorrow, and no one was allowed to go out tomorrow and start preparing.

Because we don't know how long it will take to walk in the mountains, we must prepare more food. As for the water source, there is no need to worry about it. There are snowy mountains everywhere here, and the fresh water left from the mountains teases us to drink, so we only prepare some pots and seasonings.

Then I called the doctor, monkey and the magic stick to look for Luo Tai Lama in the village. After all, people are familiar with this area and want him to be our guide, but Luo Tai Lama has already entered the mountain and has not come back, so we have to give up. Then we bought some daily necessities in this village and prepared to go out. Send.

On the day of departure, Professor Taylor and his party seemed to be very interested. Because my legs were just right, the magic stick decided not to climb too much, because climbing mountains was a hard work, and I was worried that my legs could not stand it, so I had been looking for a gentle slope all the way. Looking at the small village farther and farther away from us, I sighed. I'm afraid it's unlikely that I want to forget this place in my life, because my life has been saved here once, which will leave me an indelible impression in my life.

After two hours of trekking, we finally walked into the interior of the mountain. It seemed that the mountains were continuous, and we could hardly distinguish any direction. Then I took out the north needle that I had prepared, looked at the direction, and then said to Professor Taylor, "Professor Taylor, after these days of research, have you found some clues of our Shambhala kingdom? At least you should know which direction we are going?"

Professor Taylor nodded and said, "According to my research these days, the Kingdom of Shambhala should be located on the southeast side, and the Gangdis Mountains are his gateway, but if we want to get there, I'm afraid we will have to go more than a few days." I nodded. It seems that it should not be wrong to go all the way to the southwest, but the southeast side is indeed a little remote. If there is really this place, I guess there should be great hope we have found.

Then he said to me: "The Kingdom of Shambhala is the most beautiful country in the world, and Buddhism says that the Kingdom of Shambhala is regarded as a paradise, saying that it is full of gold, and the mountains are full of gems. There are no sadness, no death, and is a real paradise. However, in my opinion, the Kingdom of Shambhala is a country that people imagine. Although there is a lot of evidence that this country has existed, after all, there can be no such a city on earth, so I estimate that this country has long perished.

I smiled and said, "Professor Taylor, let's not talk about anything else, let's talk about this mysterious kingdom of Shambhala, even if it's really? Is it true that we will not come back after seeing the Kingdom of Shambhala? I can't do it. Even if I really think their legend is so good, I will come back, because there are my friends and family here, and I can't stay there for a lifetime.

Professor Taylor smiled and said nothing, and then we continued to walk forward. There were originally seven people in the group, but now that doctors and monkeys have been added, that is, a person, slowly moving forward in front of the towering snowy mountains, we suddenly felt that we had become extremely small, just like these mountains They are all spiritual, looking down at us high, smiling and watching our group of people cross one mountain after another.

Gradually, we entered the real no man's land. It looks like it is surrounded by mountains. There are many clear water streams in many mountain streams and hills. Some converge into rivers, and some branches into streams. The scenery looks beautiful and makes people linger. Especially the fish here are very fat. We often catch them. Roasting and eating, it seems that the group is very happy.

After walking for four days in a row, we have basically walked out of the Gangdis Mountains, but the front is still surrounded by mountains. The higher peaks show that we must cross the snowy mountains to reach the other side, but this is not difficult for us. I saw that it was a little late, so I decided to climb to the mountainside first and try to climb over the mountain tomorrow. After all, this kind of snowy mountain is too high, and the lack of oxygen in the mountains is almost all the first experience for us. I don't know if we can carry it, but it's better to be careful, so I decided not to go straight to the highest place to climb over, but to bypass it.

That night, we stationed halfway up the mountain, because the weather was a little cold. Although it is still in October and not very cold, the place where we are stationed is estimated to be more than 4,000 meters above sea level, so we moved to basically below three or four degrees at night. Everyone and I are holding a hand stove for heating. There is also a tent for rest and warmth at night.

We didn't find a cave that looked like it for a long time, so we had to rest on a gentler hillside tonight. Then we set up a tent on the hillside, and the sky was basically completely dark. Several of us gathered together, saw some dead wood as firewood before going up the mountain, and then poured some fuel for life.

The fire oil of me and the magic stick has been used up in the devil's ditch, so there are only a few other people's fire oil left, but it's not bad. After a few days of travel, the magic stick has basically controlled these children, so now it's a pleasure to let them hand over some fire oil.


After that, I took out the iron pot carried by the magic stick all the way. After all, our regions are different, so sometimes our eating habits are different, so this time I brought two iron pots out, one is from these foreigners, and the other is for several of us. I asked the magic stick to make another fire to prepare for cooking. At this time, the day It has completely darkened.

I took out some fish and other things caught on the road. After washing them in the stream at the foot of the mountain, I put them into the pot and began to stew them. Some wild vegetables and other ingredients were added. In a short time, someone's fragrance came from the iron pot. Several people couldn't help moving their index fingers. I smiled and didn't say anything. Although there were not many fish in this pot, it was enough for the five of us to eat. After stewing these fish, I cooked some instant noodles and began to eat.

A few Americans beside us can no longer stand the fragrance on our side and want to eat a little, but none of us paid attention to them. After a long time, Sandy finally couldn't help eating delicious food** and ran over to talk for a while. No one here can understand English except Michiko and the doctor, so I had to stay low. He asked the doctor, "What is he talking about?" The doctor smiled, put a piece of fish in his mouth and chewed it a few times and said, "He wants to eat with us."

I smiled and said, "In this case, let's eat together. After all, this Sandy is not bad. Although he is a little dull, he is quite obedient and has not caused us any trouble along the way." The doctor nodded, then turned his head and said a bird to Sandy. Then Sandy was happy and quickly sat next to the doctor, but poor thing, he didn't know how to use chopsticks and wanted to eat with his hand, but he was embarrassed and didn't know where to do it.

I smiled and gave him half of the fish with my own hands. Sandy happily said "three grams of oil". I smiled and didn't say anything. Then Sandy returned to their camp. I didn't care, but the magic stick looked at him and said, "It's really a wolf. If you give me food, just leave." I smiled and said, "Oi, let's eat quickly. When we are full, we have to rest quickly. I always feel a little uncomfortable tonight."

The magic stick smiled and said, "I think you are scared in the devil's ditch. There is nothing peaceful here, not even a ghost, let alone anything else. I think I'd better drink some." Then the magic stick took out a bottle of Erguotou, which the doctor brought here this time. The divine stick took a sip of Erguotou, and I also took it and drank some. After all, on this kind of snowy mountain, heating is still very important.

After several people ate and drank enough, they quickly cleaned up the pot and stove, and then I asked the magic stick to watch the night first. After all, in this deep mountain forest, the vigil is still very important. God knows that there will be some terrible animals here to attack us, and this place does not seem very safe.

After that, it was not long, and everyone was almost cleaned up. I asked everyone to stay up for two hours, so that they could not only hold on until dawn, but also let people have a good rest. Then Professor Taylor and I went to rest first. Professor Taylor has never let him watch the night because he is old. After all, this job is not suitable for the elderly.

And I wanted to watch the night, but several people have been treating me as a patient and insisted on letting me rest. I had no choice but to promise them. After getting into the tent that had not been warmed by the hand stove, and drinking some wine, a kind of sleepiness suddenly swept over. Lying in the tent and fell asleep in a long time. Just as I was fragrant, I suddenly heard something unusual outside the tent.

Don't say anything, collect it, you need to collect it!