treasure hunter

Chapter 18: Snowman?

I was sleeping soundly and seemed to hear something outside. I quickly put on my shoes, opened the zipper of the tent and rushed out. The surroundings were dark, and there was no human figure. Only the firewood was still burning, and the firelight cooled the space about ten meters around, but there was no one at this time. The surroundings were very quiet, only the crackling sound of firewood burning.

I looked around with some doubt. It is reasonable that there should be someone to watch the night at this time, but what about the vigil? Why not? Did you run to sleep secretly?

Then I looked at my watch. It was past two o'clock in the evening, and there was a slight snoring in almost every tent, especially the tent of the magic stick. The snoring sound made people a little irritable.

Then I carefully checked each tent. When I walked to Sandy's tent, I found that Sandy was not in the tent at this time. His tent was open, and there was only a faint light from the hand warmer.

I got into the tent and found a flashlight, pinned the * to my waist, looked around, and then quickly walked down the mountain. Anyway, I found Sandy first.

But strangely, I looked around at the bottom of the mountain and found almost nothing. Then I returned to the camp and found that Sandy had not come back yet.

I walked for almost two hours. Now it's almost dawn. Now the fire in the camp is almost extinguished. Looking at other people's tents, everyone is sleeping soundly and doesn't feel abnormal at all.

Where can Sandy go? I was a little confused, and then circled around the camp and suddenly found that on a hillside not far from the camp, a few drops of bright red blood were extremely eye-catching on the white rocks.

"Oh, something must have happened to Sandy!" I was a little surprised.

Then he quickly returned to the camp and shouted, "Get up quickly, get up quickly." My voice was very obvious in this silent night. The first thing I realized was the monkey, followed by the Sino. The doctor and the magic stick also came out of the sleeping bag one after another. Finally, Robert and Haili came over lazily to meet, and the two seemed to have not woken up.

"What's wrong? What's the matter?" Michiko asked first.

I shook my head and said, "Is the last vigil Sandy? Who is responsible for waking him up?" I looked at these people and asked.

At this time, the doctor came over and looked at me with a doubtful look and said, "I woke him up and let him watch the night. What's wrong?"

I quickly asked, "What time was it?" The doctor thought for a moment, looked at the sky still in the dark and said, "It should be about one and a half."

I nodded and said, "If I guess correctly, something should have happened to Sandy. I suddenly felt something wrong after two o'clock and came out and found Sandy's tent in time and space. At that time, I went down the mountain to look for it, but I didn't find anything, but I found some blood stains on the hillside over there. It seems that it should be What kind of accident did you suffer? Please help me find it as soon as possible. No matter what happens, you must find Sandy.

Several Americans couldn't understand me. Only Professor Taylor's face changed after listening to my words, and he said with a little trembling, "What are you waiting for? Hurry up and look for it."

I nodded and asked several people to take the guys. I took them to the place where there was blood stains. Everyone checked and found that these blood stains went straight to the mountain. It is unknown how far it is.

Then I discussed with several people and left Sino and Serra to guard the luggage and tent.

Originally, I also wanted Professor Taylor to stay. After all, he was not suitable for snow mountain climbing, but Professor Taylor insisted that he must find Sandy. There was nothing we could do, so we had to promise him to let him follow.

Then we began to climb the mountain while looking for traces. The blood stains seem to extend upwards and do not mean to stop.

However, the more I walked, the more worried I began to worry about Sandy's safety, because the blood stains were not very obvious from the beginning, and now there are more and more. It can be imagined that Sandy must have suffered a very serious trauma, which caused the wound to continue to bleed. If so, after such a long time, I'm afraid he is already more evil. .

This snowy mountain is very high, and the higher the temperature, the lower it is. Because it is a little anxious to come out, we don't wear cold clothes.

Originally, I thought Sandy should be not far from nearby, but as it got higher and higher, Robert and Haili couldn't stand it. Professor Taylor said something in his ear. Professor Taylor was also a little helpless at this time, but his eyes were full of firmness. It seemed that he would never go without Sandy, so Robert had been explaining something. Although I don't understand English, I seem to know that Robert is very angry.

I have some doubts about Robert's true identity. In fact, I have doubted it from the beginning, because the momentum Robert has repeatedly shown is very different from others.

For example, Sandy and Serra have always respected Professor Taylor. Only this Robert seems to look down on Professor Taylor and often contradict him, and Professor Taylor is also very accommodating him. It seems that Robert is holding it in the palm of his hand and does not dare to say anything too much. It can be seen that This Robert must not be an ordinary person.

God stick and others didn't say anything. After all, this is their internal matter. Now the only purpose is to find a way to find Sandy as soon as possible. I don't want to die under my leadership, not to mention that once you are injured in this deep forest, I'm afraid there is no place for treatment, so you must find him as soon as possible. .

When the fish belly appeared in the air that day, we had climbed two-thirds of the snowy mountain. The cold wind here was cold and we were all wearing single clothes. This wind made me a little unbearable, let alone others.

And the magic stick carries the bottle of liquor at this time, and sometimes pours a bite or two to keep out the cold, but this is not a long-term way. After all, this is a snowy mountain, and we can't resist this cold wind at all. In addition, on such a high mountain, it is easy to lack oxygen, so I suggest taking a break and continue to look for it.

We rested for about ten minutes, then began to look for it, and then walked for about ten minutes. By this time, the sun had come out, and we suddenly felt much warmer on our bodies. At this time, the blood stains have also changed, because the blood stains at this time are no longer walking up, but walking towards the left side of the mountain, as if turning a 90-degree bend.

I squatted down and checked it carefully, and then said to Michiko, "Let's follow along the way. Do you think something seems to be wrong?"

Michiko nodded and said, "I also think there is something wrong. If these blood stains are really Sandy's, why did he come to such a high mountain? Can't he sleepwalk? And we have blood stains along the way. With such a large amount of blood loss, it is estimated that normal people have already bleeding too much and fainted. Why didn't Sandy stop for a moment?

I nodded and said, "Yes, so I speculate that Sandy must have encountered some danger, and now I guess he is dead. If it were him, he must have been being held or held by some huge animal, so he kept climbing up for a moment. It seems that Sandy has become The prey of animals.

Michiko was silent for a while and didn't say anything. At this time, the doctor came over and whispered in my ear, "I found something. Come and have a look."

I nodded, and then followed the doctor to a soft hillside not far from us. The doctor pointed to a few meters ahead and said, "At this time, there is a very strange footprint. Take a closer look."

I nodded and quickly walked over to check. I saw that there was a footprint on these soft lime. This footprint did not look clear, but it could distinguish the approximate shape.

This footprint is similar to human footprints, but it is much larger than that of ordinary people, at least three times as mine. I guess there are almost no people in the world who can have such a big footprint.

And this footprint is obviously barefoot, because the five toes are very obvious. It can be barefoot in such a cold environment, and it also has such a large footprint. It seems that this must be an unknown animal. Is it the legendary snowman?

In fact, there are many legends in the mysterious Tibet, the most mysterious of which is the Bigfoot, also known as the Himalayan Snowman. Because this unknown creature only has some hair and footprints as evidence, the scientific community has never determined whether this animal exists.

And this creature is also very strange. Basically, scientists around the world have spent a lot of money and material resources to find some clues, which looks very mysterious.

Is it really a snowman? I became a little suspicious, and then turned around and looked at the doctor and said, "What do you think it is? Is it really a snowman?"

The doctor then nodded and shook his head and said, "I don't know, but now it seems that this is the greatest possibility, but after all, the so-called snowman is just a legend, and it is not easy for us to make a conclusion now, but we'd better find Sandy first and then talk about other things."

I nodded. Indeed, this is not the time to study any snowman. The most important thing is to find Sandy first. After finding Sandy, everything will be solved. As for whether there is a snowman is something that scientists should care about, it seems a little unrealistic for me to care about this now.

Then the doctor and I quickly returned to the team, and then rushed to the place where there was blood. After walking for about an hour, the sun had completely risen in the sky. At the same time, we also found a cave about 100 meters away from us, and the blood stains went straight towards the cave.