treasure hunter

Chapter 21: Giant Spider

I fired three shots in a row, but I didn't dare to say that these three shots hit the target, because I just fired with my feelings. I don't even know whether I hit the target or not.

And the three shots were obviously very dynamic. In less than ten seconds, the monkey and the magic stick had already rushed out of the tent. The two were dressed neatly. It can be seen that the two men did not take off their clothes and sleep at all. It seemed that they were also very alert.

Then Sino and Michiko came out of the tent. Michiko said okay and ran towards me with a frightened face. As Sino walked, he was wearing shoes and holding a machete in his hand. He looked fierce. When he ran to me, all his clothes were dressed. I looked at Sino and came out of him in surprise. Up to now, he has put on his shoes and is ready for less than a minute. It seems that he has received the most professional training, otherwise he would not have reacted so quickly.

For a long time, Professor Taylor, Sierra, Robert and his girlfriend also climbed out of the sleeping bag. Several people were sleepy and looked not alert at all. I shook my head helplessly, and the monkey came over and said, "Brother Long, what's wrong? Did you find anything after shooting just now? At this time, the thin man was alert, and a pistol in his hand had not been relaxed, and he carefully observed around.

I shook my head and said, "I don't know. I just had a strong feeling, as if something was trying to attack us, but I preempted it. Now my feeling has disappeared. It seems that the guy has escaped or hid. Everyone must be careful." Then I walked towards the big tree.

The closer I got to the tree, the stronger my sense of crisis rose again. It seems that I just guessed correctly. The unknown guy should be on this tree, and he should not have left yet. I winked at the monkey and asked him to come over. Then I asked the doctor, the magic stick and Sino to guard the big tree in three directions, surrounded by triangles. Then I whispered to the monkey, "That guy should be on this tree. I shoot. You watch for me. Once you find anything, no If you want to kill him, you'd better let him go, so that we may not find Sandy.

The monkey nodded, and then I told the magic stick and the doctor that the doctor translated my words to Sino. At this time, suddenly, I heard a sound in the canopy, and then my strong sense of danger rose again and shouted to several people, "Come on, step back!" As soon as my words fell, I don't know why Cino suddenly fainted almost in an instant. Before he could react, then he saw a huge dark thing jump down from the canopy and rush towards Sino, the big man.

After I saw this thing, I was shocked. It was a spider held for a long time. I saw that the spider's diameter was about 1.5 meters, and its powerful six legs were running towards Sino. Its speed was no less than a 100-meter sprint. It had several patterns on its body, black and white, and fat The buttocks were illuminated by the light of the flashlight, and there were countless almost transparent bristles standing up, making people feel goose bumps all over their bodies.

Women are naturally afraid of fluffy things, especially reptiles such as spiders and snakes. Girls such as Michiko and Sierra screamed in horror when they saw such a super-large spider. I didn't expect that there was such a big guy we waited for at night. This big guy seemed to move quickly and almost came to Sino in the blink of an eye. At this time, I didn't have time to think too much and quickly raised my gun and fired two shots at the spider's leg.

The sound of gunfire was so harsh in this silent night sky, which made people feel a little deafening, but the spider's leg was not very strong. It was just broken by my two shots. Now the spider only has one leg left, but this does not seem to affect its speed. It has arrived at Sino's side by this time. He spit out silk almost quickly in his mouth, wrapped the whole Sino, and then ran down the mountain.

This happened almost in an instant, and everyone was stunned. It turned out that Sandy's disappearance was the same as Sino. It was not that they didn't have time to react, but that the spider looked so toxic that it was almost too late to make people shout or even struggle. But at this time, the spider hung Sino. I was worried that shooting would hurt him by mistake, so I waved to several people and said, "Quickly, chase, you must catch up with it, and never shoot." Before I finished speaking, I first chased after him, and then the monkey, the magic stick and the doctor followed me.

After chasing for a long time, the spider's speed was too fast, and the mountain road was rough, and we ran far less than it. Then I turned my head and said to the magic stick, "Now go back and protect those people, and leave the rest to my doctor and the three of us." The stick was stunned, and then said reluctantly, "Why don't you let the doctor and the monkey go back? Why do you let me go back?"

At this time, I was a little anxious and said, "Let you go back. There is so much nonsense. The monkey and I have guns, and the doctor also has a flying knife. You just hold a military stab. Don't you know that guy is a master of long-range attacks? If you go, it's equivalent to adding trouble to us. Go back and protect them first. If one of those people loses a hair, I can't forgive you."

After listening to my words, the magic stick had to stand still. The three of us did not stop and chased directly, while the god stick stood on the hillside and shouted, "Be careful!" I didn't even look back or pay attention to the magic stick, and then quickly chased after it. After chasing to the foot of the mountain, the huge spider disappeared after two times in front of the mountain. This made the three of us anxious. We quickly ran over and observed carefully, but found no trace of the spider at all.

"It won't be lost like this, will it? What fucking bad luck!" The monkey complained a little. I shook my head and said, "I have injured the spider. He has one leg missing. He must go back to the nest first. Let's find a trace first, and then find it to find a way to save Sino and Sandy." The doctor nodded, and then we began to look for even a little clue nearby.

In a long time, I heard the doctor shouting from the distance, "You two come here. There are some traces here." The monkey and I quickly copied him and walked over, and then saw that there seemed to be a light green ** on the rocks. This ** was colorless and tasteless, but it looked like it should have been left by that guy. This should have been left by the spider. Let's follow the traces and find its old nest.

The doctor and the monkey nodded, and then we began to look for this pale green trace. I don't know how long we walked. I looked at my watch, and nearly two hours have passed since it happened, that is to say, it is now nearly midnight. The monkey did not rest during the day. The doctor and I slept until night during the day, but at this time, we pulled the two of them out to look for spiders at night. It seems that if this matter spreads, they will not be laughed at.

I don't know how far we have walked in the dark. In short, when we look back, we will see the Mang mountains. If it hadn't been for the north needle, I'm afraid it would be difficult to go back even if it was dawn now. While walking, he heard the doctor say, "The traces have been going up here. It seems that we have found the right place."

I quickly looked at these light green traces. Indeed, these light green traces have been going up at this time, straight to the top of a mountain. I looked up and observed the situation of the mountain. It didn't look very high. At best, it was only three or four hundred meters high. In such a towering place around the mountains, here is not It can only be regarded as a small hill.

After looking at the terrain, I said, "This peak doesn't look conspicuous, but have you noticed that the vegetation here seems to be more lush than other places, and it is overgrown with weeds. We must be careful not to avoid being taken away by the spider. At that time, we should not call the ground every day. ." The monkey nodded and said, "It's strange to say that such a big spider can be cultivated in this deep mountain. I guess such a big spider is about to become a monster. No wonder even people as big as Sino have arrived. It seems that we must be careful."

The doctor smiled and said, "Where are the monsters in the world, but if you say that such a big spider is really rare, it is only here in the world. And this kind of spider should be a prehistoric animal. It seems that there are really many species without extinction here. We must be careful. Maybe there will be some rare species that we will encounter, so we must be more careful.

I actually agree with the doctor's words. After all, there are few people here, and no human beings have set foot in this place for almost tens of millions of years, so his original ecology will be maintained very well. So far, I'm not sure whether the so-called Shambhala kingdom exists, but the only thing that is certain is this The place is really poor. It can cultivate such a big spider. Of course, there is also the super-large snow leopard. Maybe there will be some super creatures waiting for us, so we must be vigilant. Otherwise, I'm afraid that we are not enough for these mutants here.

As we are afraid of getting higher and higher, there is almost no place to walk in this mountain. I, the monkey and the doctor can only climb, but as time goes by, our clothes have been hung in many places by those thorns, and each of us are tired and out of breath. The doctor gasped and finally said, "No, I can't stand it." As soon as his words fell, my sense of danger suddenly came to my mind again.

Or the same sentence, collect