treasure hunter

Chapter 20: Sandy's disappearance

"What's going on? Why are there still these things here?" The monkey pointed to the mural on the stone wall and said. I shook my head and said, "I don't know, but it should be very early to look at the age of these murals, at least a thousand years old. We don't know who or which ethnic group left these murals, but I think it should be more appropriate to tell Professor Taylor about this kind of thing. After all, he specializes in these. ."

The monkey nodded and then looked at some other murals and found nothing. This cave has also come to an end. It seems that nothing has been found, and there is no trace of Sandy at all. The monkey and I quickly came out of the inside and told Professor Taylor about the murals and the situation found in it. After hearing this, Professor Taylor was very excited and said that he wanted to go inside to have a look. We agreed to him, and then the monkey and the stick went up the cave first, and then brought Professor Taylor up.

This time, the monkey and I didn't go up, so we stood at the cave to guard to prevent the snow leopard from suddenly coming back. After about an hour, Professor Taylor and the magic stick came out of the hole, and then we took him down. Professor Taylor was obviously very excited. I didn't ask anything, Professor Taylor didn't say anything, and then we returned to the camp.

After returning to the camp, it was already dawn. Several people and I looked around. There was indeed no Sandy. How could this guy disappear for no reason? We all felt a little incredible. After all, without any signs or traces, a living man disappeared out of thin air. If there was an accident, wouldn't he shout? If not, where did he go?

All of us feel a little unpredictable about Sandy's disappearance, but only I know that Sandy is likely to be in danger, because the sixth sense I have exercised for many years is very strong. The strong feeling of danger after approaching seems to be still in my heart, perhaps because of that feeling It led to Sandy's disappearance.

Then I suggested that I would not move forward today, just to find Sandy, and I must find a way to find him. Although some people disagreed, after all, I spoke, and the monkey and the god stick stared at each other, but no one dared to disagree. Then the monkey and I expanded the area of the search, but there was no clue until the sun was to the west, so we had to return to the camp.

After returning to the camp, I discussed with the monkey that I came to the vigil tonight and must find a way to find out the reason for Sandy's disappearance. Naturally, the monkey would not doubt my ability, and he also believed in my sixth sense, because with my sixth sense, the team had escaped some dangerous trap many times. Well.

I began to rest when I returned to the camp, because I had to watch the night, so I must have a good rest. I didn't wake up until about 11 p.m. When I got out of the sleeping bag, I saw the monkey and the magic stick chatting under the bonfire, and the doctor and Michiko probably had already rested. I asked the two of them to rest, and I would do the rest. At this time, the doctor also got out of his sleeping bag and said, "I will rest in your short rest time. I will vigil with you tonight."

I looked at the monkey, and the monkey nodded. It seemed that they were still a little worried about my vigil. I nodded and let the two of them go to rest. Then the doctor and I began to clean up the pots and stoves. The two of them cooked some food before they began to sit quietly by the bonfire. You said to me. One word.

I looked at a bag in the doctor's hand and smiled and said, "Is that a scalpel?" The doctor nodded and then handed me the bag. I looked at it and saw that this small cloth bag was full of scalpels, which looked like a flying knife. Then the doctor smiled and said, "I used to contact flying knives in the dormitory when I was free at school. At that time, because of watching the TV series "Xiao Li Flying Knife" , so I wanted to be such a hero, but later I found that it was impossible.

I smiled and said, "The chivalrous man is not so easy to practice!" The doctor smiled and said, "Yes, it is impossible to be chivalrous and righteous, but later I found this truth. When I thought it was impossible to become a hero, I had practiced into a real little Li Feidao. Ha ha, isn't it ridiculous!" I looked at the doctor and then shook my head and said, "How can it be? It's good to have a skill. After all, sometimes this technology is likely to save my life."

The doctor nodded, then pulled out these scalpels and whispered to me, "You are the first person to see my flying knife. Give me some advice!" I nodded and looked at the doctor with interest. The doctor held the flying knife in the palm of his hand, and then pointed to a bush with only a small thumb three meters away and said, "Do you believe my knife can pass through that bush at this distance?"

I didn't say anything. After all, the doctor's flying knife technology is used in front of me for the first time. I can't talk nonsense. The doctor instructed me to be more cautious. Then he gently raised his right hand and threw the scalpel out suddenly. He saw a cold light faster than a meteor. With a click, he not only shot through the bush, but also cut it off, and the remaining strength of the scalpel flew three meters away before falling to the ground.

I completely admire the doctor's flying knife. I didn't expect that the doctor did not look very strong, but the explosive power of his arms is so amazing. I know that it is quite difficult to do this technique, because I also practiced it when I was young, but I have never succeeded. Maybe practicing flying knife also requires a talent. The doctor then stood up and smiled and said, "How's it going?" Is it okay?"

I nodded and said, "What does it mean? It's quite okay." I said with a smile. The doctor shook his head and said nothing, and then walked towards the fallen scalpel. I knew he was going to pick it up. I didn't say anything. I broke the dead branches around me and put them into the bonfire. Then I looked up and saw the doctor bent down to pick up the scalpel. At this moment, the familiar sixth sense suddenly alerted me. Almost in an instant, I stood up, holding the * in my hand and carefully looking around.

"Doctor, be careful." I said loudly to the doctor, and the doctor also quickly returned to me, took the scalpel in his hand, then quarreled with the cloth bag on the ground, tied the sharp scalpels to his waist, and took one left and right. It seemed that once there was a abnormal movement, the two scalpels would fly out directly to hit the target.

"What's wrong?" The doctor asked in a low voice. I shook my head and looked at the dark space around me and said, "I don't know. I just had a feeling of dangerous proximity. I also felt it when Sandy disappeared last night. I feel that the dangerous thing is near us now and peeping at us." The doctor nodded and carefully observed the surrounding grass and trees, but unfortunately, the surroundings have completely fallen into darkness. With our eyesight, we can see the situation within ten meters at most, and we can't see anything outside this range.

I looked around carefully. At this time, I could hardly see anything except the mountain wind and the trees like ghost claws, but that feeling has not disappeared. It seems that that kind of thing is still staring at us. Maybe it is staring at me. Gradually, my sense of dangerous proximity became stronger and stronger, as if the unknown was gradually approaching us, and had targeted me and one of the doctors.

"Doctor, be careful. I feel that that kind of thing is approaching. I think we should be back to back. It's very convenient to defend." The doctor nodded. I could see some sweat oozing on his face, so I heard the doctor whisper, "Shall we all wake them up?" I shook my head and said, "It's not necessary for the time being. That kind of thing hasn't appeared yet, and I'm afraid it will shock that kind of thing if there are many people. The most important thing now is to find a way to bring it out before we can find Sandy."

The doctor thought for a moment and said, "Otherwise, if we are separated now, maybe that kind of thing will appear, don't you think?" I shook my head and said, "No, because I feel that that kind of thing is near us now and is slowly approaching us, and it doesn't worry about whether the two of us are dangerous or not. Now it seems that this unknown monster should be a big guy."

"Be careful!" At this time, I suddenly felt that the sense of danger suddenly became stronger, as if a sniper aimed at me and the doctor, and then pushed the doctor hard and pushed it aside. Then, I pulled the trigger in the direction of the danger. Bang! Bang! Pa!" Three shots in a row, the bullets elongated in an instant, and advanced rapidly in the air with a red tongue of fire, shooting just in the position I wanted to shoot. Fortunately, my shooting has not regressed during this period of time, and I correctly focused on the target.

The target I hit was the branch of a big tree. At this time, the big tree is more than ten meters away from us. I can only faintly see the black trunk and the huge crown, and I can't see what is hidden in the crown, and the direction of my shooting is the crown part of the big tree.

At this moment, I saw a sudden sound in the darkness that could not be seen clearly in the canopy. The sound was like a snake, but it was not. It seemed that it was a creature in a position, and not far in front of us, a black thread as thin as hair fell to the ground at this time, which was a thin line. But there is something like a thorn on the head.

Collection, you need to collect it!