treasure hunter

Chapter 25: Snow Leopard Friendship

I looked at Michiko and smiled and said, "It's late. It's time for us to rest, and the snow leopard should go back." After saying that, I jumped off the big stone, and the snow leopard also jumped down with me.

I patted the snow leopard on the head and said, "Okay, it's time for me to go to bed. You can also go back. Thank you for your gift!" I pointed to the hare caught by the snow leopard. Maybe the snow leopard really understood what I said, rubbed my trouser legs with a huge head, and then ran to the mountain.

I looked at the figure of the snow leopard disappearing in the dark, and then smiled and said to Michiko, "Well, it's time for us to go back. It's getting late now, and it's time to rest." A trace of resentment flashed in Michiko's eyes, but I didn't seem to feel it and walked towards the camp.

Back to the camp, I saw that the magic stick had rested. Only Professor Taylor and Robert, and Robert's girlfriend Haili, were all by the bonfire.

I looked at the three of them and smiled, "What's wrong? Are you three going to vigil tonight? Professor Taylor shook his head and pointed to a stone beside him and said, "Mr. Wenlong, please sit down. I have something to tell you." I nodded, and then sat down next to Professor Taylor. At this time, Robert and Haili seemed to have an almost excited expression in their eyes looking at me, which made me a little confused.

I heard Professor Taylor say in some blunt Chinese: "Mr. Wenlong, you know, Sandy's death makes me feel helpless, and I also regret this action, but it has happened and I have to face it, but at the same time thank you and your friends for your help. Thank you again." After saying that, look at me.

I smiled and waved my hand and said, "It doesn't matter, take people's money*. Now that I have promised you something, of course I will try my best to do it. I am also responsible for Sandy's death. It's my dereliction of duty as a team leader who didn't find him in time."

Professor Taylor shook his head and sighed. None of us said anything. At this time, Haili, sitting next to Robert, gently pulled his arm. Robert nodded, and then said something to Professor Taylor beside him in English. Professor Taylor looked a little embarrassed. Just as Professor Taylor was about to speak, a voice suddenly came from behind me saying, "Impossible, absolutely impossible. ."

I could tell that it was Michiko's voice. Then I saw Professor Taylor looking at me and Michiko with a red face. I frowned and said, "What's impossible?"

Michiko looked at Robert and Haili, and then said to me, "Robert told Professor Taylor that he wanted to buy your snow leopard." What? Buy a snow leopard?" After hearing this, I frowned and Michiko nodded and said, "Yes, and he also said that as long as you offer a price."

I looked at Haili and Robert with a sneer, and then said to Professor Taylor, "Professor Taylor, I'm afraid that's why you don't rest and wait for me?" Professor Taylor blushed but didn't say anything.

I continued: "Professor Taylor, I don't know what Robert gave you, but it makes you think that the respectable old scholar whispered to a young man, but please tell this boy that the snow leopard belongs to nature and does not belong to me, so please don't beat the snow leopard, otherwise , no matter what his identity is, I will teach him the same lesson.

Professor Taylor blushed and then stood up and said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Wenlong, it's my fault. In fact, I know that I shouldn't have said such a thing, but..."

Professor Taylor paused for a moment and then said, "I'm sorry again." After saying that, he turned around and walked towards his sleeping bag. I know that Professor Taylor must be a little difficult to say, otherwise I'm afraid that this Burrot and Haili will not repeatedly embarrass Professor Taylor.

Then I looked at Michiko who sat next to me and said, "They all went to rest. Who will come to watch the night?" Michiko pointed to herself and said, "I'm here. You've been working hard enough these days. Let me help you stay all night."

I smiled and just wanted to speak, and I saw Haili beside Robert suddenly stand up and muttering in English. Then Michiko's face became more and more ugly, and then she suddenly stood up and said something loudly in English.

I saw that the two women were about to quarrel, worried about disturbing the people who were sleeping in the tent. Then Haili turned her head and walked towards her tent. Robert pointed to Michiko's nose and said a word. Naturally, I didn't understand, and then Robert chased after Haili.

I looked at Michiko sitting beside me angrily and quickly smiled and asked, "What were you talking about just now? So angry."

Michiko snorted, "This Haili really needs repair. If there is a chance, I really want to teach them a good lesson." What the hell is going on? I continue to ask. Michiko looked at me and said, "It's not because of you. Haili said that she likes the snow leopard very much. Anyway, she has to find a way to get it, and she also said that whether you sell it or not, as long as she goes back, she will send someone here to find a way to catch the snow leopard."

I looked coldly at Haili's tent. At this time, Robert was comforting Haili in the tent, as if Haili was very angry. I then asked, "What did you say?" Haili shook her head and said, "I repeated your words to him again, saying that the snow leopard is nature and does not belong to anyone. It only belongs to the mountains here. I advise her not to do such a stupid thing, so as not to harm others and herself."

I nodded and said, "It seems that you are talking more than that, right? I remember you said a lot." Michiko blushed and said, "She scolded me just now, so that's why I responded to her so excitedly." I said "Oh" and didn't ask again.

Looking up at the starry sky, and then said to Michiko, "It's very late. You can rest early. I'll come to the vigil." Michiko shook his head and said, "No, I said I'll come to the vigil. Go and have a rest."

I shook my head with a smile and said, "No, I want you to be a girl to watch the night. In case something happens, I can't afford it." After saying that, he looked at her and said, "Go ahead, I have no problem."

Michiko saw that I insisted on vigil, so she had to nod and said, "Well, then be careful." I nodded and watched Michiko return to my tent. Then I shook my head and smiled. I saw that the starry sky was so bright that this kind of scenery could not be seen in the prosperous city.

After a while, I stood up. During the day, several of them had picked up a lot of firewood. Then I walked aside and brought the firewood and filled some firewood in the bonfire. Looking at the rabbit on my side, I suddenly felt a little hungry. Then I went to the equipment bag next to my sleeping bag and pulled out a machete, dropped the hare on the tree and began to peel it. Then I washed it in the stream under the mountain and returned to the camp and began to barbecue.

After working for a while, it was basically a little more than a night. I loaded the rabbit into the fire for barbecue and filled it with a piece of firewood from time to time. In a while, the fragrance of rabbit's meat floated out. At this time, there was almost no movement in the whole camp except for the crackling sound of firewood burning, and everyone was sleeping peacefully.

After I tested the rabbit meat, I put some seasonings to continue the test. It was not until the fragrance of rabbit meat filled the whole camp that I smelled it under my nose with satisfaction. It was really fragrant.

Just as I wanted to eat, I heard a voice sound from behind me and said, "Look at you, and you will know that you enjoy such a beautiful and delicious food that you don't even ask your brothers to share." I listened to this resentful woman's voice and knew it was a magic stick, and I didn't look back and said, "If you want to eat, come and sit down."

Sure enough, in less than three seconds, I saw the magic stick come to the bonfire and sit down, with a saliva flowing in his mouth: "Hey, I know you are not the kind of person who eats alone." After saying that, he stretched out his big hand and pulled off the hind leg of a rabbit and chewed it.

The magic stick said while eating, "It's delicious. The wild animals in this mountain are delicious. It's really delicious." After saying that, he seemed to remember something. He stood up and trotted back to his tent. In a short time, he came over with a bottle of Erguotou and said, "It's so delicious that you have wine."

I saw the magic stick drinking while eating meat, and then I joined the ranks. It didn't take long. This hare has been eaten by the two of us, leaving only a pile of skeletons. Then the magic stick instigated his fingers contentedly, and his eyes almost narrowed into a seam and said, "Wenlong, I really can't see that you still have the ability to subdue these mountain spirits and beasts, which is only in the novel."

I looked at the magic stick and then smiled and said, "Actually, it's not because I have immortal skills. I think those so-called immortal skills are just accidental. The snow leopard is a spiritual species. Among other words, I said that I saved its life, but it did not hesitate to save my life at the cost. This kind of The spirit can't even be done by some people, so I think it's an honor for me and the snow leopard to be friends, not an ability.

The magic stick said with an expression of disbelief, "Ode, don't get it from nowhere. You have to be good. But can you tell any snow leopard friend that we will help our buddies hunt when we have nothing in the future, and our buddies won't treat it badly. We will give it these bones to eat. What do you think?"

I saw that the fox tail of the magic stick finally appeared, and then smiled and said, "Do you think it likes to eat bones so much? It is a beast. The beast likes raw meat. How can it care about your bones? Besides, we will leave in two days. When we leave, I think my friendship with the snow leopard will end here!"