treasure hunter

Chapter 26: Lotus Peak

Chapter 26: Lotus Peak

Three days later, Sino has fully recovered. According to the results of Professor Taylor's research during this period, we still have to go west, which should not be far from the legendary kingdom of Shambhala. We packed up and continued on the road, but strangely, the journal has been following us far away. It may be worried that there are more people in our group, so it follows us far away.

The magic stick came to me and looked back at the snow leopard and said to me, "Wen Long, if it really doesn't work, you can take this snow leopard back. Think about it, this snow leopard treats you as a friend. How about you? Don't you also regard it as a friend? Since everyone is friends, why don't you just take it back? You can't afford it. Isn't it just a matter of a few kilograms of meat a day? If you don't have money, I'll give it to you."

I smiled helplessly and said, "That's not what I'm worried about. Think about it, it belongs to the mountains and wild here. Come back to the city with me. Not to mention how much panic it will be caused by the appearance of such a large beast in the city. Can he adapt to the life in the city? After all, there is no place for the air, environment and other reasons, so I can't take it back. That's harmful to it.

The magic stick shook his head helplessly and said, "What you said makes sense, so what should you do? You can't let me watch you and it always suffer from this kind of lovesickness!" I heard what the magic stick said and gently beat him and said, "It's just nonsense. I will come to see it regularly in the future. I don't think it will forget me. Similarly, it's impossible for me to forget it as a friend." After saying that, I looked at the snow leopard at a long distance.

In this way, every time in the dead of night, the snow leopard always brings me a hare or other wild animals. We have walked in these vast mountains for nearly seven days. After these seven days, almost all of us are tired and a little weak. The injury on my leg has been few days. It also began to attack and hurt faintly, but I insisted that only when I rested at night, the snow leopard accompanied me and my unprecedented sense of security could make me sleep well.

These days, we have visited countless peaks and lakes. When we walked to the eleventh day, we finally saw six snowy mountains, which were arranged in the shape of lotus, and there was the highest peak in the middle, much more than the other six mountains. I think that snowy mountain is really like a fairyland, so fascinating and desirable.

At this time, Professor Taylor looked excited and pointed to the huge snowy mountain and said, "That is, it should be the legendary kingdom of Shambhala, just deep in the mountains, a desirable place." Looking at Professor Taylor's appearance, I couldn't help laughing. I didn't expect this strange old scholar Ye You to be so excited. Then we began to walk towards the lotus-like peak.

As the saying goes, look at the mountain and run to the dead horse. Although it seems that those snowy mountains are not far ahead of us, it's really enough for us to walk. We walked for another two days, and it was not until the third day that we really reached the foot of the snowy mountain. Looking at the snow-capped mountain, everyone suddenly felt an ethereal in their hearts. The ethereal seemed to wash their brains with very pure water, and all of us felt that this was a real paradise.

Professor Taylor stood at the foot of the mountain with an excited look and looked at the towering snowy mountain. I guess if Professor Taylor had wings, I'm afraid he would fly to see the kingdom of Shambhala in the snowy mountain now. But unfortunately, the sun is already west. If we decide to climb the snowy mountain now and want to climb over it, I'm afraid it will be dark before we reach the top of the mountain. At that time, we can't tell the direction. Our clothes are relatively thin, and I'm afraid we will freeze to death on it.

So I decided to rest here for the time being, and we will set off to climb the mountain before dawn tomorrow. Then several of us began to cook. After dinner, we began to rest separately. I had to hold a vigil first. After they all rested, I was a little lonely. Looking at the sun in the sky to the west and the moon that had risen quietly rising, it seemed that tonight was another big sunny day.

I sat by a huge stone and rested. Looking at the stars that had risen in the sky, I quickly found a lot of firewood and began to make a fire. After the bonfire was lit, the cold air around it warmed up a lot. In a short time, I saw the snow leopard come to me with a pheasant hanging and gently put the pheasant on the ground. The snow leopard lay quietly beside me. I gently stroked its head a few times with a smile, and then checked the wound under its neck.

At this time, the wound under its neck has been completely healed, and some hair has begun to grow. The black spotted snow leopard is now even more beautiful, because I often give it some roasted game, and now its mouth has fed me a lot. I lost a large pot of boiling water, then treated the hair of the pheasant, then washed the pheasant thoroughly, put some seasonings on it and began to stew.

Of course, we also found a lot of edible wild vegetables along the way, including some wild mushrooms and so on. Of course, we naturally less nourish some better game such as monkey heads. Stew these things with the pheasant and add some seasonings. In a while, the fragrance came from the pot. The smell of the mouth-watering pheasant meat came out from it and gradually echoed throughout the valley.

I guess it's almost time. I opened the lid of the pot and tasted it. Not to mention the delicious taste of game, I can't even forget the aroma for the rest of my life. I first fed a large chicken leg to the snow leopard. The snow leopard was also very tasty. Naturally, I was very happy to see it eating so happily. Then I called several people and ate a large pot of wild animals together.

In a few days, Michiko, the doctor and the monkey are familiar with the snow leopard. Although the snow leopard is still a little wary of them, it does not have such a heavy defensive psychology, but as long as the magic stick appears, the snow leopard will roar at him in a low voice. It seems that they are not interested in the god stick, almost every Once I gently comforted it, and then it calmed down to eat. This magic stick was very unhappy and scolded it as a beast every time.

But strangely, it only eats what I feed it. No matter what good things others throw at it, he only smells it and doesn't even lick it. It makes everyone happy every time. Of course, it also makes me happy. After all, everyone has a vanity. I also know that although the snow leopard follows us every day, it will go out to hunt at night, so I don't worry about whether it can be full. As for this midnight snack at night, it is just a tooth sacrifice.

I think it's almost time. Now it's basically time for me to rest. It's time for him to watch the night. Then I gently patted the snow leopard's head and let him hunt by himself. I went back to the sleeping bag to rest, and the others also went back to sleep one after another. In the bag, only the magic stick is left to guard the night by the bonfire, and he holds the military thorn in his hand. It seems that he likes this weapon very much.

In the middle of the night, I was sleeping soundly, and suddenly heard a howling of a beast. I was awakened by this howling, because I could hear it almost every day for more than ten days, but only during the day, it was the victory of the snow leopard after catching its prey, but it never made it again at night. This howling, even when hunting, is probably worried about disturbing me to rest, but the howling I just heard seemed to be very tragic, as if it was fighting with another giant creature and howling injured.

I crawled out of my sleeping bag, and the pistol in my hand had already been bolted. At this time, the magic stick also came to me in horror and said, "What happened just now? It seems to be the sound of a snow leopard. I nodded and said coldly, "You look at the camp here. I'll go and have a look." The magic stick waved his hand and said, "I'll go with you, too. I want to see what dares to fight with us." As soon as I was about to talk, I saw that the doctor and the monkey had already come out of the sleeping bag and said with a surprised face, "What happened just now?"

I was worried about what happened to the snow leopard, and finally let the doctor and Sino stay in the camp. After all, I was a little worried that no one was in the camp. Then I asked the magic stick and the monkey to follow me. The three people ran quickly in the direction of the snow leopard's roaring just now. At this time, I don't know what happened to the snow leopard and why Cai's voice sounds frightening. Is it really nothing but an accident?

The snow leopard has actually not gone far, because I know that it has been looking for food around me. Of course, I can hear that the place where the snow leopard makes a sound is not too far from us. It should be on the hillside of the lotus-shaped snow mountain in front of us. At this time, I was a little anxious and strode up the mountain.

The monkey and the magic stick also spared no effort to climb up the mountainside. My leg began to hurt faintly. After all, I haven't dared to do too much these days, just worry about the wound breaking, but now that the snow leopard has an accident, I can no longer worry about my legs and climb up the hillside hard.