treasure hunter

Chapter 30: Corpse

As soon as I was about to say a few words to ask Professor Taylor to follow us down the mountain, I heard a strange noise not far in front of me. Then, I heard a click, which seemed to be the sound of ice cracking, and I saw the thick ice corpse that Professor Taylor had observed in front of me cracking at this time.

"Damn it, this zongzi wants to cheat the corpse!" The magic stick shouted, and I didn't think it was that simple, and then shouted to everyone, "Come on, run!" As soon as my words fell, several people who had been stunned on the spot ran quickly. I asked Michiko to take the lead and take them out of this hole first and wait for us on the way down the mountain. Here was me, the stick and the monkey. After Sino and the doctor broke up, they helped them out.

After I ordered, the monkey and the magic stick had already stood beside me in line. The monkey and I had already taken out a pistol in our hand, and the magic stick had already held the black and shiny military thorn in our hand and looked coldly at the cracking corpse in front of us.

I really regret that I didn't even take Professor Taylor down the mountain. Now it's better. What could have been avoided has happened, but now it's too late to regret. It's happened. I have to adapt to it. I hope I can delay these special harmful things as much as possible and let those people hurry up. Go out, in that case, we will have a chance to go out.

Suddenly, the magic stick shouted, "Damn it, how can I forget for his mother? There are no snow ghosts here at all. It's all made by this thing." I quickly asked, "What's the matter? To make a long story short The stick shouted, "These things are all his mother's corpses. Don't you think that they brought these zombies here? The terrain here is fucking similar to the devil's ditch, and the snow leopard is also injured by this kind of thing.

After the explanation of the magic stick, I suddenly remembered that zombies are powerful, and generally like to suck blood and have sharp teeth. Last night, the injury on the snow leopard should also be done by zombies, but why did the snow leopard come here? I don't understand, but the only explanation is that the snow leopard came here last night, and its scenic spots or yangqi sent out these zombies. As a result, the zombies survived. After fighting, the snow leopard was injured and fled down the mountain.

Is the snow leopard trying to give us a warning? Or other hints? I don't understand, but I don't have time to think so much now. At this moment, there was a bang, and the old man's body covered with thick ice was completely broken, revealing the old man's true face. At this time, the kind-looking old man showed a row of sharp teeth, and almost a foot-long black nails quickly grew out, especially on his hands and face. At this time, he had grown more than ten centimeters of white hair. It seemed that this zombie should be a white-haired zombie.

"Fuck, it's a white-haired zongzi. Be careful." Several of us nodded. At this time, we saw the body that had turned into a big rice dumplings stand up from the ground, with very wide eyes, and there were only white eyes and no black pupils. When the white-haired Zongzi saw several of us standing on the spot, it seemed to smell the smell of meaningful people, and then turned around and rushed to us.

The magic stick was not worried at all at this time, and then rushed up quickly, lifted the military thorn in his hand, and stabbed the neck of the white-haired zongzi. The white-haired zongzi did not seem to be afraid of the military thorn in the hand of the magic stick, and heard a sound. The military thorn of the divine stick seemed to pierce a person's belly and pierced the neck of the white-haired zongzi.

The white-haired rice dumplings did not continue to walk forward at all. It seemed to feel that the magic stick with very heavy oxygen was in front of it, and a pair of big hands full of black nails grabbed the shoulder of the magic stick. The magic stick snorted coldly and quickly lowered his head. The white-haired zongzi grabbed the empty space, and then the divine stick kicked on the white-haired zongzi's chest.

The power of the magic stick is really great. Usually, whether it is wrestling or wrestling, except me, the monkey and the doctor are not his opponents at all, and I can only compete with the magic stick at most. Now the magic stick kicked hard on the white-haired zongzi. It must have used all its strength, but the selling of the zongzi only took two steps back, but the magic stick fell to the ground and hit a sitting body. The magic stick immediately grinned. It looked very painful, and the military thorn also remained on the neck of the white-haired zongzi. It hasn't been pulled out.

The white-haired Zongzi seemed to know that the magic stick had arrived and rushed towards the magic stick. With a pistol in my hand, I fired two shots at the eyes of the dumplings. These two shots could not stop the white-haired rice dumplings from rushing like a magic stick. In a hurry, I pulled out the machete with me and rushed towards the white-haired dumplings.

The white-haired zongzi didn't seem to feel my arrival. It just stared at the magic stick, raised the machete in his hand, cut it towards the neck of the white-haired zongzi, and heard a bang. The machete only cut one-third of it. The neck of the white-haired zongzi was too hard to understand it at all. I just The knife almost exhausted his strength, and his arms were a little numb, but now it seems that it can't cause fatal damage to this guy at all.

At this time, the magic stick has got up from the ground and shouted, "Don't stand stupidly. Run fast. This guy has been frozen for thousands of years, and now he has changed. His body is not much harder than his mother's iron. Our buddy is down today. Let's go." I nodded, regardless of the machete still stuck in Zongzi's neck. I quickly held the magic stick in one hand, and the two ran to the depths of the ice cave.

After the monkey broke with a pistol in his hand, he fired two shots at the head or body of the zombie every few steps to slightly stop its footsteps. At this time, I heard a click. The author of the body that the god stick fell down and touched was originally good on the cold ground. At this time, the thick ice covering his body also began to break. I was shocked. It seemed that these bodies could not hold out oxygen. Once touched, I'm afraid it would cause the body to change.

"Monkey, be careful not to touch these corpses." The monkey also found something wrong, nodded and quickly covered us and walked into the depths of the hole. It's getting darker and darker. We have been being chased by two white-haired dumplings. We don't have time to take out the flashlight from our backpacks. We can only see the road ahead through the sunshine of Hunan shining through the ice and keep running forward.

ran about 100 meters and saw that there seemed to be a light flashing in front of us. The three of us rushed over. At this time, we saw Michiko and several people standing anxiously in the freezing of corpses, watching us running far away and quickly greeted us and saying, "What's wrong? I just heard the sound of shooting. Is there anything else? Is the magic stick hurt?"

I didn't have time to answer her questions and asked loudly, "Why don't you rush over there?" When Michiko saw me roaring at her, his face suddenly looked bad: "I don't want to, but Professor Taylor said that he saw a very strange body and must be ready to study it. How can I persuade him not to leave? What can I do?"

After hearing this, I was furious and quickly walked to Sino, handed over the magic stick to him to guard, and asked the doctor to take everyone to leave quickly. I'm afraid the monkey behind me won't hold on for long. After I finished my anxious order, the doctor nodded and ran away with the crowd. Only then did I find Professor Taylor, who was still crouching to study the body. At this time, I was really angry with this old guy. He made all this. If it hadn't been for him, the magic stick wouldn't have hurt. If it hadn't been for him, I'm afraid that the white-haired zongzi just now wouldn't have changed.

At this moment, the monkey ran over quickly and gasped, "No, Brother Long, there are more than a dozen zombies in it. Run quickly. If you don't leave, it will be too late. The guns in our hands can't stop these things at all." I nodded, then picked up Professor Taylor, and then the two of us ran quickly out of the hole. Professor Taylor was carried on my shoulder and loudly asked me to put him down, and said that his research was not over yet.

I was so angry that I couldn't say a word. Before I ran out more than ten meters away, I heard the bang of the body that Professor Taylor had just studied. I don't need to look and know that this guy must have come out of the ice to chase us. Then the monkey and I accelerated our pace and ran ahead.

But unfortunately, we can only shuttle through these corpses that seem to be frozen into sugar-coated haws, and the only flashlight was also thrown by Professor Taylor when I carried them. We can only run ahead with a little dim light, and those white-haired dumplings seem to be chasing and don't let us breathe at all. Opportunity to rest.

My legs are also getting heavier and heavier. After all, Professor Taylor is carrying on his shoulders, and Professor Taylor is still not staying well, making noise and struggling, which makes me feel even more difficult. The monkey scolded loudly, "Don't shout anymore, and then call me to shoot you son of a bitch." As he spoke, the monkey actually fixed the gun in his hand on Professor Taylor's head.

Professor Taylor seemed to be afraid of the monkey's behavior, because his eyes had long been lost and he could not see the white-haired rice dumplings that had been chasing us behind him, but he could clearly see the gun in the monkey's hand and the monkey's already angry face at this time. Seeing the monkey like this, Professor Taylor stopped talking and had to let me carry it. He and several people ran out. As soon as I ran about half of the journey, I saw a black shadow rushing towards us. I said to myself, "It's over, this time it's completely over."