treasure hunter

Chapter 31: Front and Back Attack

The monkey and I kept running forward. At this time, a dark shadow in front of us rushed towards us, and my heart thumped. It seemed that we were really over. Then I prepared the gun and shot myself in the head if it didn't work. Even if I committed suicide, I didn't want to see myself killed by zombies.

At this time, I heard the shadow in front of me shouting loudly in English. I was stunned. When he came closer, I could see it clearly. It was Sino for a long time. At this time, Sino was holding a half-meter-long* in his hand, and his eyes were red and shouting at us. The monkey and I couldn't understand what he was talking about. Professor Taylor on my shoulder said to me, "He's telling you to go quickly. She's here to cut you off."

I nodded, then put Professor Taylor down and said to the monkey, "You take Professor Taylor first. I'll break up with Sino. Hurry up." The monkey nodded and then pulled Professor Taylor down. At this time, He Xinuo stood on his legs and stared at the few white-haired dumplings that were chasing me.

When they got close, they saw that Sino raised his shotgun and shot at the zombie running in the front. He heard a bang. The whole flower bloomed in front of the chest of the zombie in front of him, and his body also flew backwards, and suddenly hit a large number of zombies and corpses frozen into sugar-coated haws on the ground.

I nodded happily, patted Sino on the shoulder, and gave a thumbs up, "Well, let's go." Sino smiled and said nothing, but I couldn't understand what he wanted to say. Then the two ran out of the hole and looked back as they ran, but as long as the zombies caught up again, Sino would shoot. The power of this * was really amazing, which made me feel that this guy had a lot of hope of escape.

Sino and I ran to the exit quickly and watched everyone looking at the hole. I recycled them loudly and signaled them to run as soon as possible. Everyone ran down the mountain. As I expected, this is indeed a road straight down, but these roads have been covered with ice and snow at this time, and almost all of them are covered with ice. Fortunately, we are wearing snow shoes. The small nails on the soles of snow shoes prevent us from running safely and fast in such a place.

We keep going down the faintly identifiable steps, but each of us is very careful at this time, because our left side is like a cliff like a knife, and on the right side is a cliff. These are only about two meters wide. If you are not careful, it is really doomed.

I asked the magic stick and the monkey to run to the front, so that they could find the way quickly, while Sino and I stayed behind, because our team was old and young, men and women, so the speed of progress was inevitably much slower. Soon, we found the figures of white-haired zongzi again. They chased us. It seemed that there were not many zongzi this time. Maybe it was because of Sino's shotgun just now that made these inhumane guys die a lot.

There are about five or six zongzi that caught up with us this time. Their two unique huge teeth make people shine coldly in the dark. I looked at the surrounding terrain. This terrain is too beneficial to us now. These zombies are rushing to us, but they have no snow. Shoes fell down for a long way, and even fell down a cliff. For the zombies behind us, there is no great threat to us at this time.

When we were about to escape from the snow-covered peak on the top of the snowy mountain, I suddenly heard a chaos in front of me, and then I saw the crowd running back at this time. I was anxious. Could there be zombies in front of me? At this time, I was very anxious. I quickly left Sino to defend behind and ran forward to see what had happened and why these people came back.

I squeezed through the crowd. As soon as I walked five meters, I saw the monkey and the magic stick running back breathlessly, with panic on their faces. When the magic stick saw me, he quickly shouted, "Fuck, there are snow ghosts in front of me, and it's not one or two, it's a bunch of motherfuckers." What?" I was shocked. The more I was thirsty, the more salt I ate. What are I afraid of now?

Before I could say anything, I saw many black creatures with a height of three-year-old children on the cliff not far in front of me. I saw these little things shining green light in their eyes one by one with flashlights, which made people feel even cold.

The skin on their bodies is like the skin of 70s and 80s, wrinkled, and their arms are as thick as a hemp rod, but their palms are surprisingly large, even one-third larger than an adult's palms, and their nails look extremely sharp, and two small black skin legs bounce But it is very amazing, two or three meters away from each vertical jump.

These little things have no hair and are naked, but their eyes are very big. A row of sharp teeth trembling up and down like jagged teeth. It seems that they are very cold, but they want to see that our meat is very delicious. I feel a little numb to my scalp because of this kind of thing. There are too many. After a look, there are three or four hundred. With so many snow ghosts, I'm afraid we can't run out today.

"Damn, how can there be so much?" I cursed and then said to the stick, "Is there any way to rush out?" The god stick thought for a moment and said, "With fire, this little thing is most afraid of fire. As long as there is a fire source, these things will escape everywhere, but where can we find the source of fire now?"

I thought quickly and then said, "Use fire oil, quickly, fire oil." The magic stick shook his head and said, "Where is the fire and oil? Once it's done, won't we be able to get out?" I've always been right. Now even if we have fire oil, it's useless. If we sprinkle it on the ice to light it, it will die out in a while, and we can't rush out. Those snow ghosts are in front of us, and it's useless to sprinkle them behind us. We still have to meet the snow ghosts.

"Damn it, are you waiting to die here?" I scolded, and then my brain suddenly flashed and said, "Take off your clothes. Instead of being bitten to death by these little things, it's better to freeze to death. Everyone quickly take off your coats and pour in the fire oil. Let's run with our clothes. We can definitely scare these things. It will be safe after everyone runs out of the snow." I shouted, and then the first one took off the heavy cold suit.

"Damn, it's so cold!" As soon as I took off my cold suit, the cold air around me rushed into my body almost instantly, as if we were in a huge ice cellar. Then he quickly took out the fire oil from his backpack and poured it on his clothes. At this time, the terrible snow ghosts were less than ten meters away from us, and it seemed that several of them would come to us.

"Come on, come on, it's too late!" As soon as I finished my words, I heard a bang from behind me. I asked the magic stick to quickly light my clothes. Fang Yi and these little things approached, and then I quickly rushed back. At this time, I saw that Sino was holding a shotgun in his hand and had just put it down. It turned out that the zombies had also caught up with them at this time.

The doctor beside me also followed quickly, holding a coat in his hand. At this time, his coat had been lit and seemed to burn very fast. I know that this cloth is very flammable, and most of it is down, and it is even more so. Once it is lit, it will burn out in a few minutes. I shouted to the doctor, "Come on, take them quickly, hurry up."

The doctor shook his head and said, "No, let's go together. Call Sino and let's go together." I nodded, and then quickly came to Sino with the doctor. I saw something muttering in Sino, and then pointed to a zombie that was chasing us not far away. I nodded and said, "Good Sino, it seems that there is only one zombie, and our hope of escaping has greatly increased."

The doctor next to me immediately translated for Sino, but who knew that Sino said a phone call with a sad face at this time. I frowned and asked, "What's going on?" The doctor quickly said, "It's over. He has no bullets." It's really fucking unlucky." I said with a wry smile, and then looked ahead. At this time, the magic stick and the monkey had lit the clothes in their hands, and everyone ran down the mountain with the lit clothes in their hands.

After I saw the snow ghosts saw the flames, they fled quickly one by one, as if they had seen something terrible. Then I looked at the zombies close to us and shouted to the doctor, "You two run quickly. Hurry up, I'll break the back." After saying that, he lit the cold suit in his hand. When the doctor saw me like this, he had to pull the two of them to quickly run down the mountain. The doctor's cold suit was almost burned at this time, and it seemed that Sino had to take off his clothes to light it.

After lighting my clothes, I quickly retreated towards the bottom of the mountain. At this time, I was not worried about the snow ghosts, but most worried about the zombie. If the zombie catches with the crowd, I'm afraid that everyone will go to life. Then I looked at the cliff on the left and felt fierce in my heart that I couldn't let the zombie catch up with the monkey. Guys, I'd rather die with this guy.

I heard the footsteps behind me getting closer and closer, and at this time, almost all the cliffs were snow ghosts. Once the clothes in my hand burned out, I was afraid that these snow ghosts would coax me up and tear me to pieces. And the zombies behind him also followed me quickly. It seemed that he would not give up if he didn't catch up with me. I was really anxious at this time. Looking at the distant crowd and the exclamation of some people, my heart was fierce, and I quickly turned around and smiled at the chasing zombies.