treasure hunter

Chapter 33: Entering the Ancient City

Chapter 33: Entering the Ancient City

After a night, it finally dispersed. I looked at the stars in the sky and shook my head gently. I don't know why I actually thought of Lin Wanqing. I don't know what she is doing now. At this moment, the monkey who had not slept came to me and said, "Brother Long, what are you thinking?" I smiled and shook my head and said, "It's nothing. I just remember what happened to us in the army before."

After hearing this, the monkey was silent for a while and sighed gently and said, "Sometimes I also think of that time. I imagine that it was the happiest day. Although it is said that life is good now, I always feel that something is missing." I nodded. Since I was discharged from the army, I haven't had a good chat with the monkey. I took this opportunity to talk to him and ask him not to always learn some messy things from the magic stick.

As a result, we talked about the past, laughing and silent, because our previous days had joys and sorrows, of course, there were also happiness and pain. After chatting for a long time, the monkey said to me, "Bee, Brother Long, since you left, the woman named Lin Wanqing has come to our bar several times and asked me about your whereabouts. I said you have returned to your hometown and will be back in a while."

I nodded and said, "What else did she say?" The monkey looked at me with cunning eyes and said, "I didn't say anything else, but I can see that that woman seems to be a little interested in you. Hey, Brother Long, don't you want to step on two boats?" After saying that, the monkey looked at Michiko's tent.

I stared at him and said, "What are you talking about? Am I that kind of person? Besides, what kind of woman is Lin Wanqing? How noble can people like me as a soldier? It's still a small bar owner, you know? I'm afraid that the four of us have a lot of money together. Such a strong woman is still so beautiful. Unless she looks good at your brother Long.

After listening to this, the monkey said with an unhappy face, "What's wrong? Why is my brother Long not worthy of her? To tell you the truth, Brother Long, even if some women are five or six people in front of people, when they arrive at **, aren't they all the same? And I also heard that the more beautiful a woman is, the more**. At that time, as long as your brother Long shows his skills, won't Lin Wanqing obediently fall under your pomegranate skirt?

After listening to the monkey's words, I punched him with a smile and said, "You're just wearing a pomegranate skirt. Besides, I can see that Lin Wanqing is not that kind of woman." The monkey looked at my eyes, and then smiled gently and said, "What about Michiko? I can see that this woman really like you. If you don't want her, I guess she will have to look for life. You can't watch this beautiful woman jump into the Yellow River for you. Brother Long, I just found out now that you are a little unnatural.

"When did you become a love expert?" I stared at him and said. The monkey smiled and said, "There are no wet shoes when I often walk by the river. Didn't I learn from the magic stick?" I shook my head helplessly and said, "You two don't learn well when you are together. You can't even make a metaphor. Then those who are close to Zhu are red and those who are close to ink are black." The monkey's deep thumb looked at me with a worshipful face and said, "Ok, it's still our Brother Long, who can say this learned word."

I was almost stunned by him and shook my head and said, "Ok, don't flatter me. I'm going to rest. Be careful when you watch the night. Don't learn from Sandy, okay?" The monkey patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, don't you know me these two times? Go and have a rest. I heard from Professor Taylor that they plan to go down the mountain to see the ruins of the ancient city of Shambhala tomorrow. If you haven't recovered yet, Michiko will take them there.

"I know, I'm also going tomorrow. I'm a little worried about Michiko leading the team, and I'm basically fine." Then without waiting for the monkey to reply, he turned around and walked towards the tent. Entering the tent, I looked at some medicine on the edge of the pillow, a small note and a water jar full of warm water. Quickly open the note and see that Juanxiu's font on it reads, "Don't forget to take medicine!" I smiled. It seems that it was written by Michiko.

Then I took the medicine for a long time, and the sleepiness swept over again, and then I fell asleep. The next morning, I woke up and found that many people had already got up. At this time, the monkey came over with a pheasant at the site and said, "Brother Long, look, we have eaten game again today." I smiled and said, "S save some bullets. Maybe we will encounter something else. Let's not waste too much."

The monkey smiled and said, "Don't worry, there are still a lot. If you don't have it, I'll fire bullets for you in time." I smiled and didn't say anything, and then hit a set of punches on the hillside. At this time, I practiced to capture my hands when I was in the army. Although I don't need it now, I can also exercise after all. After a whole day's conditioning yesterday, I'm basically almost done. Now I have practiced another punch, and I feel that my body is basically complete. No problem.

Then he fought and gathered together for breakfast. At this time, Robert no longer had the kind of arrogance of the past few days. After experiencing life and death, people's personality will indeed change. Now he often talks to several people and looks very good, but his girlfriend doesn't seem to have changed at all. It seems to be the same as before.

I saw Professor Taylor brushing his teeth and walking beside him and said, "Professor Taylor, I heard that you are going down the mountain to visit the ancient city of Shambhala. I think I'd better go together to avoid any danger." After listening to me, Professor Taylor quickly rinsed his mouth and said, "How is your health? Otherwise, we will take a few days off, and our investigation basically starts from the periphery, not deep inside, and will take us there when you are completely recovered.

I smiled and said, "It doesn't matter. It's basically completely cured." Professor Taylor nodded and smiled, "I'm still a young man. If a person like me has a high fever, I don't think I can get better in three or five days." I smiled and then stood up with Professor Taylor and said, "It's almost time. Let's go down the mountain after breakfast. Let's just go to see the ancient city, and I think it's a little inconvenient for us to camp here. If it really doesn't work, let's go down to camp."

Prof Taylor nodded and smiled, "You are the captain. We all listen to your instructions. Even if you let us all go back to the ice hole now, we will go." I smiled bitterly and said, "Yes, I'm the captain, but the captain has a great responsibility. If one of you has an accident, my captain will be very incompetent." The more capable you are, the greater your responsibility will be. He raised his hand and said this with a smile and got into his tent.

Then we had breakfast. I wanted to tell everyone about camping at the foot of the mountain, and everyone agreed. Then we began to take action, stuffing everything into the backpack and extinguishing the bonfire to avoid causing any unnecessary fire. Then Let's go.

As the saying goes, it is easy to go up the mountain and difficult to go down the mountain, but it doesn't seem to be very practical to use here, because the hills here are very gentle. The undulating hills are full of green grass, and there are clear springs flowing down from the mountain. There are some forests in the distance, which look lush and vibrant. Then we are like suburbs. Walk down the mountain like swimming.

After turning around two or three small hills, a large area of open land appeared in front of us. The land has nearly two or three kilometers of factories and a width of more than 1,000 meters. There are many stone houses at the foot of the mountain, which looks relatively complete, and there is a piece of green grass everywhere, surrounded by Surrounded by six snowy mountains, this is a huge valley. Although the mountain is cold to the bone, it is indeed full of ice. I guess even if there is cold air, it will be blocked by these mountains.

There is also a not big hill in the middle, but there are many buildings along the hill, especially a hall, which looks magnificent. Although many years have passed, it is still so magnificent. Only then did I understand why the Potala Palace was built on the mountain for a long time. Our ancestors had the habit of building palaces on the mountain.

Everyone looked at this beautiful city like spring, like a picture, and couldn't help but exclaim that this place was indeed a paradise for human beings. Those legends are not completely false. At least it is so beautiful. It should have been a place that everyone yearned for a long time ago.

After watching for a long time, Professor Taylor said excitedly, "At this time, we have finally arrived at the Kingdom of Shambhala and finally reached the legendary pure land." Seeing him like this, I quickly walked to him and said, "Professor Taylor, don't be excited. Isn't the Kingdom of Shambhala right in front of us? Let's go down now." Professor Taylor nodded, then looked at me and held my hand and said, "Mr. Wenlong, thank you so much. Without you, I'm afraid I won't be able to go to this desirable place in my life."

I smiled and said, "Well, Professor Taylor, can't we not be so sensational? Hurry up." Professor Taylor nodded, and then I waved and everyone walked down the mountain. After walking for about half an hour, we finally arrived at the first building, which was a cabin made of stone, but most of the house had collapsed at this time, but strangely, the house did not have a door, as if it was open for us to go in and out at will, which was a little puzzling.