treasure hunter

Chapter 34: Ancient City Suspicious Cloud

We entered the stone house and saw that it was dilapidated everywhere. Our group entered here, and I was also surprised. Why is there no gate here? And there is no trace of a door on the door of the stone wall. Are these people really the legendary road that will not be closed at night? I don't believe that there will be such a country in the world, whether in history or in the past and future.

Professor Taylor was very happy. Instead of entering the house in a hurry, he kept looking at the wall carefully and told us not to touch the things here. We just stood in the courtyard and looked at Professor Taylor's excited and careful look. We were really at a loss for a moment and didn't know how to stay.

Although the magic stick did not move, it was still looking at the walls, and then frowned and said, "It's strange!" I stood beside him and asked, "What's wrong? What's so strange?" The magic stick pointed to the wall and said, "Look at the seams of these stones. Have you found anything you can find?" I looked at it for a long time and couldn't see anything strange. Then the magic stick said, "The materials used to connect the stones on these walls should be glutinous rice water, white ash and some other things, which are much better than modern cement."

I smiled and said, "What about that? Of course, building materials that are better than cement are needed. Why do you feel suspicious? It's very strong. Didn't you see it? The buildings in the whole city are basically not damaged, isn't it just right? The god stick shook his head and said, "No, you don't know. This kind of thing is generally used to build tombs, and these things are generally used in building tombs and tomb walls."

The doctor smiled and said, "I'm scared of you. What should I do? Not to mention this, let's talk about modern times. Cement is used to build high-rise buildings, but most of those cemeteries are also cement. Of course, the better the building materials are, the more popularized. What's so strange about this? The god stick shook his head and said, "I told you that you don't understand. In ancient times, it was strictly forbidden to use this kind of thing for any purpose except for building tombs, otherwise you would be killed."

The monkey smiled and said, "O all right, where is this? This is Tibet, and in such mountains, this is isolated from the world. Your so-called ancient systems can't appear here at all. The stick thought for a moment and said, "That's right. I'm isolated from the world here. Maybe I really want to say what you said, but since these people are isolated from the world, where did they learn this recipe? As far as I know, this recipe is a palace secret recipe that has existed since the beginning of Qin*, and it has only been used in the establishment of royal mausoleums. Why is it here?

Several people were asked by him, and they were speechless. Then I patted him gently on the shoulder with a smile and said, "Ok, magic stick, now I have learned to engage in in-depth debate. That's good." The magic stick was stunned and smiled gently and said, "Of course, who am I? No matter how bad it is, it's better than them." After saying that, the laughter asked in my ear, "What is a deep debate?" I almost laughed when I heard his words, and then pretended to be deep and said, "Buddha said no, no!"

We are joking loudly here. Professor Taylor, Sierra, Robert and his girlfriend Haili are taking pictures there. It seems that we need to leave something to go back to study. It took about half an hour to finish it. Several of us were a little bored here. The magic stick drank too much water in the morning and found a wall to pee. Professor Taylor looked at it for a while and chattered with the stick.

I followed up and persuaded him, and then Professor Taylor waved his hand and came to the side with some pain, "Well, I'll go in with Sierra and Robert. Haley will stay outside and you take care of it. We may take a little longer to enter the room, because we have to study the structure of the room and figure out Xiangba. What kind of architectural style was the Kingdom period? In addition to looking at it from the outside, we also need to conduct in-depth research.

I nodded, but it doesn't matter. After all, we came here to let Professor Taylor study these things. I then said to a few people: "Well, in order not to destroy your research results, I think we'd better go out." Professor Taylor looked at me and then nodded. Of course, I know what he meant. Haili stayed here to monitor us to prevent us from seeing money or damage. I simply went out so that he wouldn't be so worried.

Then several of us walked out and came to a hillside to have a look. I discussed whether to camp in this place with the god stick. The god stick nodded and said, "It's okay to camp, but I always feel that this city is not very good. Maybe I'm too worried." When I saw him frowning and saying these words, I quickly asked, "Why don't you feel well? Is it because of those building materials?"

The magic stick shook his head and said, "No, I always feel that this place is not like a place where living people once lived. I always feel that there is more of paradise, or tombs." I smiled and didn't say anything, and then arranged for everyone to start camping here. In a long time, all the tents were set up. The magic stick and the monkey had already gone to look for dry wood in order to make a fire at night. I also toured around the camp and made sure that there was no foreign matter before returning to the camp at ease.

As soon as I returned to the camp, I heard an exclamation in our room not far away. I was shocked. Did they encounter any accident in the stone house? Thinking of this, Michiko and Sino quickly rushed to the stone house under the hillside. The stone house is only more than 20 meters away from our camp at this time. Although the hillside is gentle, it is also uneven, so it took us three or two minutes to run to the stone house.

I rushed in first with a pistol in my hand. When I rushed into the stone house, I didn't find Professor Taylor. I didn't have time to look at the decorations in the stone house. Then I heard a sound in the room on the left and rushed inside. When I entered the room, I found that Professor Taylor, Sierra and Robert were fine. They were talking nicely, and as soon as they saw us coming in, Professor Taylor raised his head and said, "What's wrong?"

I shook my head and said, "It's nothing. I just heard someone shouting, so I rushed in and have a look. I'm worried that you are in danger." Professor Taylor was stunned at this time and said, "No, none of the three of us spoke loudly." I was stunned. The shouting just now was clearly heard, absolutely not bad, and it should be a woman's exclamation. Why did Professor Taylor say no? What's going on at this time? Are they hiding something from me?

I looked at several people with some suspicion, and then I carefully looked around. The surrounding decorations seemed to be scenes of human life, including pottery pots, rusty iron, and some organic things, of course, and others. Living utensils.

I looked around and didn't know why I suddenly had a bad feeling, but I couldn't say anything about this feeling. Then I suddenly found that there was a bed near the window sill, but this bed was similar to the kind of big bed used in the countryside when I was a child, and the area was only the size of a single bed, right here. Zhang** has a lot of cloth, silk fabrics, and some gold and silver utensils. What surprised me more is that there is a skeleton lying in this single sea.

At this time, the skull's head has been lifted. It seems that it has just been lifted, and the silk fabrics covering the skeleton have been seriously rotten. It seems that they will turn into dust with a slight blow. I looked at these things and then said to Professor Taylor, "Well, you continue to study. Maybe I'm too careful. We have camped on the hillside, and now it's almost noon. You'll almost come back for dinner."

Professor Taylor nodded, and then left Haili to help them clean up the things in the photo room. Only Michiko and I went back. Just as the two of us turned our heads, I suddenly asked Professor Taylor, "Yes, Professor Taylor, is that skeleton that you just found and opened the cover on its head?" Professor Taylor nodded when I asked, "Yes, it's Robert who just cleaned it up. What's wrong?" I shook my head to say that it was nothing, and then walked out of the stone house with Michiko.

"What's wrong? Did you find something?" Michiko followed me and asked. I shook my head and said, "I don't know, but I always have a strange feeling, as if Professor Taylor and they have something to hide from us, because the shout I just heard is absolutely correct. It came from the stone house, but Professor Taylor said that no one shouted. It seems that they must have something to hide from us. Look Let's be careful."

Michiko nodded, and then we returned to the camp. It didn't take long. The magic stick and the monkey returned to the camp with a large bundle of dry wood on their backs. I told both of them what happened just now. The monkey looked at the stone house coldly and said, "Don't worry, Brother Long, it doesn't matter if they hide anything from us. Our buddy has a gun in his hand, and even if he doesn't have a gun, he won't be afraid of them. I nodded without saying anything, and then the stick frowned and said, "How can I hear what you say is so evil? Isn't it really me? This is originally a super-large tomb group, isn't it?