Peach Blossom Suspect

Chapter 2 is all caused by the dish fairy

"Old man, eat slowly. No one will grab you. Eat slowly." An Qiaoya couldn't bear to eat so quickly at the age of an old man. He was as if he hadn't eaten for several lifetime. He was afraid that he would choke, so she poured out a cup of bitter gourd soup from the thermos. This bitter gourd soup was originally intended to be drunk when he couldn't sleep in the middle of the night and was hungry, but now it just came in handy. "Drink a few sips of soup, don't choke. ."

"Little girl, you are really careful." The old man did not refuse. He took the bitter gourd soup and drank it all in one bite. He grinned happily. His mouth without two front teeth looked a little kind.

"You can always eat slowly. If it's not enough, I still have it here. You can take it back to eat." An Qiaoya is a compassionate old man. When she saw that others were happy, she was happy. For a moment, she was in a good mood, so she stuffed all the food she had left, such as plums, biscuits, potato chips and other food into the old man's arms. "No, old man, take it. If it's not enough, you can come back tomorrow and I'll cook it for you.

"Ha ha ha... What a caring little girl." The old man Ren An Qiaoya pushed the thing into his arms. When he said this, he glanced at the other three girls who sat far away with a grateful face.

"You are flattered." An Qiaoya smiled shallowly and just wanted to hand over another cup of bitter gourd soup, but she didn't expect to be robbed halfway. She turned her head and found that the cup of soup was falling in the hands of Jasmine, who had been silent. "Mory, do you want to drink it too?"

"Joe," Jasmine stared at the old man coldly, pulled An Joya, and whispered in her ear with a solemn face, "Have you ever doubted the origin of this old man? Are you stupid to pay attention to others so casually?

"Uh...this..." An Qiaoya blinked and really thought about it seriously. Indeed, how could there be an old man coming out at this time, not to mention that he was an old gentleman who was hungry and had not eaten for most of his life. Although there was a mountain camp nearby, there was no major disaster. It can lead to the escape of refugees. Is it... that one?

Thinking so, An Qiaoya couldn't help turning her head to look at the old man, but accidentally met his smiling eyes. The kind look was really like her deceased grandfather. In an instant, there was no suspicion. An Qiaoya would rather believe that he was really a refugee and a real... person!

"Uh!" The old man burped loudly, patted his obviously protruding belly and said, "Old man, I finally had a full meal today. Thank you for your hospitality. The old man is very grateful."

"You're welcome." An Qiaoya grinned and grabbed Bao Wangwang's snow cake and stuffed it into the old man's arms. Of course, the latter accepted it withoutciation, and then unintentionally reached out and picked up the white porcelain plate placed on the white paper and looked at it thinly.

Xie Wanyu, who hid behind Weiwei, wanted to stop him, but on second thought, they didn't invite the dish fairy at all, so it doesn't matter whether they can pick up the plate, right? Let him go with this thought. So she didn't see that the small porcelain dish actually struggled desperately in the old man's hand as if it had life, and there was a seemingly miserable green smoke.

"Girls remember not to play this at night in the future, it will be dangerous." When the green smoke dissipated, the old man put the porcelain plate back on the paper.

"Where are you from, old man?" At the corner of her eyes, she saw the old man put down the porcelain plate, and Wei Wei suddenly said curiously?

"Ha ha..." The old man smiled a few times, "The old man has always been wandering around the world for his home. Where did he say that?"

"But you should have a hometown, right?" Xie Wanyu finally interrupted, but it sounded a little aggressive.

Fortunately, the old man didn't care. After laughing, he said, "The old man is an orphan as soon as I was born, and I don't have a hometown at all. If you insist on saying something, let's do it here." After saying that, he staggered up with a lot of "trophies" in his arms and grinned at Anjoya, "Girl, you are a kind-hearted person, and your good intentions will be rewarded. The old man ate so many things from you and can't repay it. I'll give you this little thing. He tremblingly took out a dirty-looking stone from his arms, took An Joya's hand and solemnly put it in her hand, and then carefully closed the five fingers. "This gadget will bring you unexpected surprises. I hope Miss Ann can take it well. Old man, I'm going to go first." After saying that, he turned around and walked out.

"Oh, wait for the old man... I can't accept this gift..." An Qiaoya hurriedly opened her mouth. She had just seen the faint firelight that it was not a gadget at all, but a stained turquoise eagle-shaped jade pendant. The eagle's eyes were extremely sharp, almost messy and beautiful. I guess it should be worth a lot of money.

"Old!" Anchoya stood up and chased out, but only saw the tents and tall weeds of his colleagues. How could there be the shadow of the old man? This... is a wide grassland at a glance. Not to mention people, no matter how fast the leopard is, it will be found, not to mention an old man who can't walk steadily? Thinking of this, everyone not only had a chill, but Weiwei and Xie Wanyu screamed and ran into their respective tents one after another. Even Jasmine, who had always been bold, looked a little blue, and the whole camp was boiling because of the sudden screams.

An Qiaoya looked foolishly at the warm jade in her hand. Through the jade, she could even clearly see the lines in her palm. Why did that old man give her such a valuable thing? Just for her worthless snacks? But... can't you buy more food with more money by selling this jade pendant?

is really puzzled. Anchoa shook his head, raised his hand to wipe the dust on it with his sleeve, and then habitually put it around his neck. But seeing the green eagle moving more and more in the moonlight, as if it were alive, the whole jade pendant emitted warm fluorescence, which was particularly dreamy and beautiful.

"Joe!" Molly shouted her name anxiously in front of the tent. Joe, come back quickly!"

"It's coming!" Anjoya answered loudly, and then turned her eyes away from the jade pendant hanging on her chest. She turned around and just wanted to take a step back to run back to the camp. A breeze with a strange floral fragrance drifted by. Angioa blinked and stopped to sniff hard. This smell... so familiar. Strange, is she confused? Why does she seem to see a huge ring with a reversed brilliance not far in front of her? It looks like it is made of stone, and the shape is a bit like the cosmic star gate in science fiction movies. Anjoya couldn't help getting closer again and excitedly reached out to touch the complicated patterns on it. It's a miracle~ Great discovery~ Get rich~

"Jasmine!" The corners of her mouth cracked bigger and bigger. An Qiaoya waved her excitedly to greet her. "Come on..." Before she finished speaking, a dull pain came from the back of her head. The huge impact force made her eyes bloom in front of her. Her eyes became more and more blurred. Molly's ears faintly screamed in fear. She wanted to open her mouth to comfort Jasmine that she was fine, but finally Yujiu couldn't support it. His hand holding the Xingmen loosened, and his whole body slid into the ring...

The strong white light rose to the sky. When everyone reacted, the huge ring that suddenly appeared had disappeared, and Anchoya, who rushed to the ring, also disappeared.


Jasscream resounded throughout the camp.

At this time, on the mid-air clouds not far from the whole camp, the old man in a red robe, with a long white beard and also white hair tied with red rope turned his head and said to the green snow-skinned girl lying down beside him, "How about it? Are you satisfied?"

"Uh-huh," the girl nodded, "very good," but then her tone changed again, gritted her teeth and roared, "But...MD! Who let the dead old man hit her on the head with a mace???
