Peach Blossom Suspect

Chapter 3 Splashing Dog Blood~

"An's woman, Qiao Ya's soul has returned, and her soul has returned..."

In the early morning, the annoying voice circled and circled in my ear like a fly, repeating a few words. Angioya really wanted to tell the dead fly to get out of here, but the whole consciousness was chaotic, and the strength of her body seemed to be drained, and she even wanted to open her eyes and look. It's extravagant, let alone swearing.

"Joa...Joa? Dad's good daughter, wake up~Joea..." A sobbly tenor was added to the noisy voice, crying and shaking her body desperately, God!

Anjoya almost vomited blood! Where's Dad's good daughter? Her father's honest and good citizen role model will never call her that, so she can be sure that the person who is using her as a rolling pin is definitely not her own father! Listening to the crying appearance, if she was not too clear that she could enjoy the treatment of "Five Sons Crying Tomb" before she reached that age, she would definitely think that she was dead and lying in the coffin to be worshipped.

"Joya, Dad's strange daughter, Dad can't bear to part with you... Joya..." The tenor continued to cry, and An Joya felt that her blood pressure should be about to break through the critical point. Is there any mistake! I can't bear to give up a P! She is not dead yet! Why are you crying?

I really couldn't stand the feeling of magic sound piercing my brain, and An Qiaoya struggled out of drowsiness. After trying several times, she opened her eyes slightly. The purpose was to hang the black and white cloth, and a vague figure shook back and forth in front of her, crying like a pig in her mouth. Yao Shou, what do you need to cry so miserably? Is she hopeless? Bah! If you are knocked unconscious, you can't be saved. Those doctors can commit suicide collectively. Fei Hua Tuo and Bian Que passed on your good medical skills. What a mess!

Gently turned his head, and the sharp pain immediately came from behind his head. Angioya, who had been afraid of pain since he was a child, immediately grinned and hummed, "Ouch...pain..." TMD! Who did it to her last night? It's so hard on a weak woman that she wants to kill her.

"Bang..." Suddenly, there was the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground, and then the noisy voice that had just been in her ear suddenly calmed down, and even the shadow that had been shaking in front of her for a long time suddenly retreated.

Anjoya blinked and tried to adapt to the sudden strong light.

Her eyes turned left and right, and a woman was stunned to find that she was lying in a rectangular box. The top of the box was not sealed. The light leaked from it. Strange, why did she feel like lying in a coffin?

stiffly raised his right hand and put it on the top edge of the box. Suddenly, he heard a neat and uniform gasp. Angioya paused, and then turned over and sat up.

Blinked like a layer of mist. Before she could figure out her situation, she suddenly heard a shout in her ear, and a yellow shadow immediately rushed to her face and stuck to her forehead fiercely, which was inseparable.

"Evil! Hurry up and exit Miss An's body, ah! Taishang Laojun is as anxious as a jade order! Demons from all sides withdraw! Withdraw! Withdraw!" That annoying voice again! Anjoya's face was blue, and her eyes stared at the fake stick with two mustaches and Taoist robes like the zombie Taoist priest in the movie, shaking like a ghost in front of her, shaking her mouth and saying words.

There was a fire in her chest. She was already had a headache enough to be hit in the back of the head, but now a fake Taoist priest treated her as a zombie and pretended to sing and dance in front of her. Finally, a woman couldn't help bursting.

fiercely pulled off the yellow charm on his forehead, Anjoya jumped out of the long box angrily, and then grabbed the mahogany sword that the Taoist priest waved and cut randomly, and folded it into two symmetrical halves with a click. The Taoist priest was stunned. After being stunned for a long time, he screamed and rushed out. As he ran, he kept shouting, "Wow, the body has changed~ Help~~"

"Damn it! Who came up with this idea? Unexpectedly, she found someone to fix her while she was unconscious, shit! It's better not to let her know who came up with the bad idea, otherwise she will beat the man into a pig's head until his mother can't recognize him!

Covering the painful back of her head, Anjoya looked up and looked around the whole room. Her eyes almost choked to death when she touched the big black "Dian" on white background, and the box she just jumped out, NND, which was simply a coffin! No wonder she was depressed. How could she be so suitable for a rectangular wooden box with soft cloth?

What an old man! She was just knocked unconscious by others. Is it necessary to make a spiritual hall for her?

Looking at the antique jade robe with complex patterns and buttons on her body with a depressed face, An Qiaoya couldn't help sighing. April Fool's Day has passed, okay? Is it such a great effort to help her shock her? Although she personally does not reject this kind of surprise, it is difficult to guarantee that her precious parents, who have been affected by feudal thought for decades, are willing to let their daughters accept this gift.

Wearing that strange robe, stroked the painful back of the head and staggered out of the inner room. As soon as I went out, I saw the same "surprise" - the old-fashioned four-door hall was full of black and white cloth, and there were various steamed buns and fresh vegetables on the table used to commemorate the dead in the middle of the hall. There is even a super pig head grinning worse than crying. In an iron basin surrounded by two people below, the unburned paper money is rising and white smoke. There are no stools and chairs that should have been in the hall, except the white futon covered with the ground.

Step around the bright door of the big brazier. As a result, before she was lucky enough to raise her feet to cross the antique threshold, a basin of smelly red ** splashed at her. If she guessed correctly... It was used to deal with ghosts and zombies... black dog blood!!!