Peach Blossom Suspect

Chapter 10 Don't touch the heartache of a beautiful man

At the end of the memory, Anchoa came to her senses.

"Gugu..." said that Cao Cao Cao arrived. At this time, there was a colic in her lower abdomen, and it was time to remind a woman to "give back to the earth" again.

He staggered and climbed out of bed, and Anjoya skillfully opened the door.

The big man standing outside the door took a step back and silently saw the young lady drifting away to the toilet.

When Angioya's figure disappeared around the corner, someone in the silent man in black finally couldn't help it. "Lead, do you think there will be any problem with Miss's running to the toilet every day?"

"What can happen?" Tie Zhong didn't raise his eyes, straightened his body and asked a faint question like the god of the door.

"Will it be laxative?" The man in black put forward his own opinion.

"No," the door was expressionless.

"Are you eating too much?" The man in black asked in a low voice.


Tie Zhongheng went to a meaningful glance, which means: as long as you know, you don't have to say it.

So everyone was silent again.

On the other side, An Qiaoya, who did not know that her image had plummeted in the eyes of the people in black, was coming out of the toilet with a painful face after solving the three major problems in life. After washing his hands, he began to walk back slowly. Because of squatting for too long, the problem of low blood pressure has occurred again. With her dizzy eyes, she can only hold the wall of the house and shake it one step. It looks like it will fall down at any time.

NND! This body is too weak. After making up so many things, it will be anemic. An's daughter despised her ex-Miss An fiercely in her heart and didn't know how to leave a good shell for her, which made her so embarrassed now.

She staggered in the snow with a deep foot and a shallow foot. Although she could call the spring breeze to help her, An Qiaoya, who has been independent and does not like to contact people since childhood, would rather choose to rely on herself.

She has long been used to living alone, so when she is free, she usually pushes away the spring breeze, puts such a big living person standing in her room with big eyes, and everything seems to be monitored, making her uncomfortable.

The white snow is still drifting, and the whole hidden cottage is shrouded in a holy white light. The pine trees in the distance are still hanging transparent rims that are rarely seen in the 21st century. The faint light emitted by the goose yellow sun is refracted into a shining rainbow, which is not as beautiful as human things. But now Anjoa is not in the mood to enjoy such a beautiful scenery at all--


The earth-shaking sneezing knocked down a lot of snow on the tree. Fortunately, she stood far away, otherwise she would be buried alive.

Fortunately, she shrank her neck and tightened her white mink coat, but the next second, An Joya immediately found that she had begun to runny nose. Living in the south since she was a child, she still doesn't seem to be able to adapt to the weather in the north.

Looking at no one around, An Qiaoya was about to reach out and wipe off the things under his nose, but his coldly raised hand was pulled, and his originally low head was also forced to be raised.

An Qiaoya opened her mouth stupidly and looked at the beautiful man who appeared in front of her. He held a handkerchief and had a gloomy face, but his hands were surprisingly gentle to help her wipe the two tubes of water stains under her nose.

A green jade robe, with long black and soft hair tied high with golden double rings. The angular face and the sword eyebrows flying into the temples. Although the eyebrows are as high as the Himalayas, they are still shocking. The star-like eyes contain anger and reproach. Of course, they are more concerned. The bridge of the nose is high, which makes the whole face feel very three-dimensional, and the thin lips are squeezed for some reason. , all of them are exquisite masterpieces of God, which is simply so handsome that it explodes! It is said that there are many handsome men in ancient times. It seems that this is true! Angioya is so happy. It seems that the dream of abducting a handsome man as a husband is not too far away~ Wow ha ha ha ha... A woman fell into infinite YY~~

"What are you thinking about?" Seeing Anchoya staring straight at his face without saying a sound, the handsome man stopped wiping and lowered most of his body to look at Anchoa, who was only as tall as his shoulder, "Joya?"

Joa...Joa! The handsome man is calling her!!! And the sound is still so low and magnetic~~ Anjoya blinked, and happiness is about to fly to the sky. Quickly adjust the muscles on your face and try to pull out what you think is the most touching and charming smile. Just as you want to start a romantic--

"Why are you looking at the third brother like this?" The handsome man stretched out his hand and touched An Joya's head and frowned slightly. "Is it too cold and tired?"

The sky is finally full of people, so the sky with two wings on her back kicked her into hell...

The happiness picture just outlined turned dark in an instant. With a heavy blow, the picture broke into rotten glass...

"Third brother..." He shouted lightly and looked down. Sure enough, the legendary black gloves were firmly hanging on the handsome man's hand. Anjoya burst into tears.

God! It's easy for me. I was dumped so many times in my last life. I finally came here to like a handsome man, but you turned him into my third brother... 55555555... I won't live!

"Joa? Joya!" An Shengjie, the third young master of the An family, saw his little sister petrified in place and kept trembling all over. He thought that she was sick again. Without saying a word, he immediately picked her up and ran to the room with light skills.

"Three young master!" The sharp-eyed Tie Zhong and others saw An Shengjie running with An Qiaoya in their arms, and bowed their heads and bowed.

"Hmm." An Shengjie answered with a cold face almost inaudible, hurriedly kicked open the door, moved extremely gently to put An Qiaoya into **, and then pulled the brocade beside her to cover her.

After hesitation, he took off his right hand glove and freed three slender fingers to put on Anjoa's wrist.

And someone who was "overly sad" simply closed his eyes and died. There is a fierce struggle in my heart. Do you want to pinch it? Can you pinch it?

The pulse is a little abnormal. Except that it has not recovered from the wind and cold, everything can't be better, but... his eyes moved to the pale little face of ** people, and An Shengjie's eyebrows couldn't help but make a few more knots.

"Miss, is she... all right?" Tie Zhong stood not far from the inner room and asked inside through the screen. His expressionless face became more and more serious. In his opinion, although the young lady went to the toilet and they couldn't serve as men, it was still his own responsibility if something happened, and he couldn't absolve himself.

An Shengjie's eyes by the bed darkened and put An Joya's hand back into the quilt. After putting on his gloves, he immediately turned out and saw that Tie Zhong, who looked ashamed, did not say anything, but stood at the round table with both hands and looked at the white snow outside the window.

"It's okay. It's just freezing. Ask the kitchen to make a bowl of ginger soup."

"...yes." Tie Zhong was slightly stunned. Although he wondered why the three young master, who had always been unable to tolerate his subordinates from making mistakes, did not do anything, he still reacted very quickly. After holding his fist and bowing, he walked out of the room and closed the door by the way.

An Shengjie turned back to the inner room, and Shiran lifted the hem of his robe and easily sat on the chair by the bed. He stared straight at the person who was as stiff as the dead with his eyes closed, and his thin lips evoked a joking smile. "The play is over, and it's not up yet."

Anchoya heard it and thought that her acting skills had regressed? Why did he see that he pretended to be dead so quickly?

Of course, after thinking about it, she doesn't plan to wake up for the time being. She doesn't want to face the handsome face that can't YY, otherwise she will collapse.

"Is it still installed?" An Shengjie listened to the deliberately pretending louder and heavier laughter, which became more meaningful. "If I don't get up, I will prescribe you some extremely bitter medicine and tell the people in the kitchen to boil it for you every day..." Then...

"Okay, okay, can't I wake up?" In the 21st century, she claimed to be a funny goddess (insert: this title is self-appointed by my daughter, and she has nothing to do with my mother~~ float away~). Of course, she can guess what An Shengjie is going to say next. Of course, she has to behave better if she doesn't want to take medicine every day to vomit.

Sitting up straight from the bed like a corpse, An Qiaoya curled her lips and looked at the brother who was obviously cold but made people feel happy with a smile. Why is such a rare handsome man her third brother? Resentment~

"What? So don't want to see him as a brother?" An Shengjie looked at An Qiaoya's face wrinkled into a ball of steamed buns, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help raising slightly.

Although he was surprised that the quiet and well-behaved girl like a porcelain doll in the square would suddenly change so big, in his opinion, it may not be a good thing. Because I feel very happy just to see her face with rich expressions that can't hide anything. Even he can't tell why.

"No." Angioya took over sullenly. She can't wait to see him every day, of course, provided that he is not her third brother.

With a flat mouth, a woman dragged out from behind her and held the Bikachu pillow she asked the spring breeze to sew for her in her arms, and then leaned back comfortably. It was really comfortable.

"What is this?" An Shengjie looked at the two long ears and a curved tail held in An Qiaoya's arms, with round eyes, rabbit mouth and two blush yellow cloth balls on his flat face. In his opinion, the cloth was really ugly enough.

But this opening is very useful.

As soon as she heard that someone was interested in what she liked, Anjoya immediately became energetic. With her eyes shining, she raised the difficult version of Bikachu in front of An Shengjie and hurriedly introduced, "This is Bikachu, a cute pet elf, whose specialty is discharge and thunder. Look at the two reds on its face. The point is to collect electrical energy. It can collect 100,000 volts of electricity. It usually gives people electricity outside and tender inside. It's amazing! And it's more cute. Do you know how it's called? Anchoya mysteriously approached An Shengjie and asked.

After listening to An Qiaoya's happy description, An Shengjie's face changed slightly without a trace of joy, but he covered it up very well, "What do you call?"

"Hey, that's what it's called. Listen carefully." Anjoa hugged Bikachu and stood in front of him. In the scholar TV, Bikachu shouted loudly: "Bikachu! Bika Bikachu~~" After saying that, he smiled and rolled around happily. ( Is it so funny? Daughter, why don't you know when your smile has become so low??? ==||)

And An Shengjie frowned at An Qiaoya, who had no image and laughed, and a pair of deep eyes flashed. I don't know what he was thinking.

"Eh, third brother, why don't you laugh? Don't you think Bikachu is cute?" Later, a woman finally found that she was alone in H from beginning to end, and the guy who looked like Pan An sat aside and watched her without saying a word.

"No, it's cute." An Shengjie cast a meaningful glance and then stood up. "You're also tired. Take a break first. I won't bother you for you."

"Oh...okay, bye!" Anchoya waved to the long figure who was about to step out of the inner room, and did not find that she had shamefully lifted her old bottom.

An San Shao paused for a moment, but then stepped out of the house without hesitation.

"Look at the young lady." Leaving such a sentence to Tiezhong at the door and waiting for his response, An Shengjie has left with great strides.