Peach Blossom Suspect

Chapter 23 The Lord fell, and the reindeer rescued

(Pray for PP and collection~ Otherwise, it's okay to give comments~ Call for comments and comments... I bit my tongue... I'm embarrassing~)

It doesn't matter. I was shocked. It turned out that the man's face was full of blood. At this time, he had been frozen into ice slag by the cold weather. The redness covered most of his face, and even a few strands of hair closer to his forehead were wrapped in blood and entangled with blood. The whole shape looks very effective for the Halloween Ghost King.

The only thing that is not red on his face is his lips. The two thin lips are as white as ghosts. At first glance, they thought they were coated with flour.

The eyes swept down and suddenly found several slender wounds on the man's chest that looked like a blade. The longest one was winding from his right shoulder to his left waist. Although the blood vessels would suddenly contract and stop the blood flow in extremely cold conditions, if you look closely, it is not difficult to find a large area of dark red that has been solidified on it. . It is proving the fact that an unknown person has lost too much blood and may burp to see the Lord of Hell at any time.

"Hey, wake up, wake up." Reaching out and patting the man's face, intending to awaken his mind with pain, but it didn't seem to work well, which can be proved by the fact that he was still unconscious after she slapped him more than a dozen times.

"Get up, don't fall asleep. If you continue to faint like this, you can only wait to be an ice sculpture. Do you understand?"

Anchoya roared angrily. Although she didn't major in medicine in college, she still knows the minimum common sense after reading novels and TV for so many years. If those who are trapped in the snow lose consciousness and fall into a coma, it means that they have stepped into the ghost door with half a foot, and the probability of survivors is close. Yu Ling.

fiercely picked up the ear in front of him and rotated 180 degrees, and then lay in the man's ear and continued to shout, "No matter who you are, I can't leave you alone if you saved my life. Wake up quickly, do you hear me? No matter how tired and sleepy you are, you can't fall down. Hello..."


Although this muffled hum was weak and close to mosquitoes, Angioya with the tip of his ear still heard it.

"Are you awake?" Holding up her hands excitedly, Anjoya looked at the closed eyes expectantly.

"..." But after waiting for a long time, the man did not make any sound again, and the ups and downs of his chest became weaker and weaker.

An Joa was shocked. Did he just return to the light? Now is the time to really get ready to hang up???

"Hey, hold on, don't die. What should I do if you die? Wake up!" Anjoya tightened the man's shoulder with her hands and shook it desperately. "Wake up. I'm still counting on you to take me out of here. Don't die yet!"

The man still has no reaction at all.

Anchoa fell on the snow disappointedly and wrapped her crooked feet with her hands, regardless of being frozen. Is it true that God is going to kill them?

I couldn't help stretching out my hand to hold the same cold and blood-stained big hand, which was really big, more than twice as big as her hand. Angioya imagined that if the hand was closed, she would not be able to see it. Unfortunately, she should not have a chance to verify it.

Snowflakes began to float in the air again, which was very beautiful.

There were bursts of pain in his chest because of the cold. Anjoya pulled the long arm full of red ice slag and put his head on it. He opened his eyes wide and looked at the falling white hexagon.

"Well, I didn't expect to die with you. Well, I finally have a companion. My name is Anjoya. How about you?

An Joya turned her head and looked at the red face seriously. For some reason, maybe she knew that she was dying, but she felt more relaxed than ever before. I'm very happy that you saved me. I wanted to repay you well, but now it seems that I won't live long. Or," with a barely naughty smile on the corners of her mouth, she looked at him and said solemnly, "Why don't I promise you? Let's go to hell to be a couple, hehe..."


"If you don't say it, I will take it as an acquiescence." Angioya continued to say to herself, "Although I can't see you clearly now, I believe you should be a good person, and you are also in good shape~ You should have practiced it, right? ...I tell you that I'm also a good woman~ It's a blessing in your life to get my physical permission..."

she chattered about all her strengths and weaknesses and experiences from childhood to adulthood, regardless of whether the person could hear it or not, Anjoa said so stubbornly, because she was not sure whether she would suddenly cry or go crazy at some point.

The snow gradually fell on the two people, and Anchoya kept talking, but the voice was getting smaller and slower.


There seemed to be a bell sound from afar, and he couldn't hold it. An Qiaoya suddenly opened his eyes that were about to close, "The sound of bells?" But if you listen carefully, you can't hear anything.

"Is it my hallucination? Dream of Santa Claus at this time... hehe..." With a self-deprecating smile, his tired eyes closed again.


The crisp sound of bells reappeared, and it was getting closer and closer. Anjoya thought she was hallucinating again, so she didn't bother to pay attention to it. It was not until the bell appeared loudly beside her, and it was not until the wet and warm touch of small animals licking on her face that Anchoa suddenly realized that this was not her own illusion!

Opening his eyes, he happened to meet a pair of big clear eyes. The owner of the eyes, a deer-shaped animal with big horns and a circle of semi-brown hairs on its head, is actively and excitedly licking her face. It has a bell-shaped object the size of a baby's fist on its neck, and now it is clear with its movements. Crisp sound. It was the sound of bells that Anchoa heard.

To be honest, Anchoya has studied it for a long time and can't figure out what kind of deer it is. Sika deer is impossible. Is that an elk? But the elk should not live in the snow. Speaking of its shape, er, it should be a reindeer. After all, the deer with bells around its neck and long hair on its neck is Santa's mount - the symbol of the reindeer. Some young man: the benefits of overhead - everything~~)

Seeing her wake up, the furry reindeer immediately raised its head and waved the huge horns on her head to signal Anchoa to look back.

Anchoya sat up stiffly with her frozen body and looked along its sight, but it was a three-year-wide and one-long wooden board covered with animal fur, tied to the necks of the two reindeer with a rope.

"Do you... want us to sit on it?"

Two reindeer shook their huge heads and horns together.

An Qiaoya suddenly felt that she wanted to beat God and cry again.

It's saved!


It was not easy to get the man in black on the board. Under the full speed of the two reindeer, the two finally came to a simple cabin. The wooden house is not big, but it is built on a fairly large stone. The roof is covered with hay and leaves. Of course, it has been covered with snow at this moment. The door of the wooden house is very high, and there are about three or four classes on the ground.

Originally, I thought that the two reindeer were domesticated by a kind hunter, but I didn't expect that after arriving at the wooden house, not only did I not see the hunter's shadow, but even the two reindeer couldn't help but struggle to bite the rope on their bodies. An Qiaoya was dumbfoundedly watching them unloading the boards by themselves. After that, he opened the door of the cabin with a corner and swaggered in.

Huh? Then A press? These two reindeer... are really not ordinary humane.

While Anchoa sighed that the impermanence of life could also walk upright, two reindeer came out of the house at the same time, one of which had a piece of fur in its mouth.

The reindeer threw away the fur, and the other one also followed him forward and arched his mouth to help flatten the rectangular fur. Then a cooperative deer bit the clothes on the shoulder of the man in black lying on the board and pushed him down and pulled him towards the fur.

Seeing this silently, Anjoya suddenly realized that they were going to put on the fur to pull him into the door.

Thinking so, he quickly ran forward to help.

Two reindeer bit the fur blanket in front and pulled it forward, and Anchoa pushed hard in the back.

With all his strength to breastfeed, he pulled the man in black into the house, and it took him half a column of incense to lie face up on the board in a normal posture**.

The two deer are both tired and gasping, which shows how much a man has.

"Wow..." He took a heavy breath. An Qiaoya could no longer care whether the ** person would continue to lose temperature if he didn't cover the quilt. He threw himself to the ground and lay flat.

"Wow, tired... exhausted."

Two reindeer looked at Angioya, tilted their heads and thought about it, and then walked over. On the side of the deer, they tried to lick Angioya's face.

"Haha... It's so itchy... Don't make any noise, haha... Uh-huh... Good boy, don't...lick it anymore... Hahaha..." Anjoa stretched out her hands and pushed the two hairy heads to prevent the two wet tongues from continuing to create floods on her face.

"Okay, okay, I'm fine, I'm just tired," he sat up and stroked the hair on the reindeer's neck with his hands. Anchoya leaned his head against one of the reindeer. "Thank you. If it weren't for you, I really didn't know what to do."

Two reindeer came over and continued to lick her face.

"Okay, good boy, don't lick it anymore. If you lick my face again, I will really be licked by you. Now I'm hungry. I'm going to get the wild boar in first. Can you help me watch him?" Reach out and point to the man.

The reindeer nodded again, and Anchoya marveled that they really understood what they said. She couldn't help but look up and rubbed the two reindeer's faces. This is her habit. She likes to rub her cheeks with furry animals, because she really feels so comfortable.

When Anjoa carried the frozen wild boar body into the house, the two reindeer once again showed the invincible teamwork spirit between them. One was responsible for piling the wood in the corner of the house into the earthen kang with a big pot, and the other bit the ** man's clothes with their mouth, as if I'm looking for something.

Anjoya threw the wild boar aside, closed the door, and then swung to the bedside curiously.

"Are you looking for something?" She sat by the bed and touched the head of the reindeer.

"Roar..." The reindeer suddenly opened its mouth and let out a strange cry.

"Roar?!" What is that?

"Roar, roar..." The reindeer looked at the ** man and then lowered his head and pointed to the wood piled with kang, "Roar~"

"What you're looking for... Isn't it a fire fold?" jiong~

"Roar~" The reindeer shouted happily and then nodded, and the huge horn kept hitting Anchoa's thigh.

"Okay, okay, I know. I'll help you find it. You can go and rest first." Patting its head, Anchoa smiled and motioned it to leave. In my heart, I kept howling: Oh~~ These days, even the IQ of reindeer is so high that I actually know how to find a fire fold to light the fire... A tragic world!