Peach Blossom Suspect

Chapter 24 You saved me and I can only save you

The firelight illuminated the whole cabin, driving away the darkness and bringing warmth. The snow outside the wooden house is still continuing, and the whining north wind blows into people's hearts with a little hair. The wood in the kang made a crackling sound. There is a simple shelf on the kang, with an iron kettle hanging on it. Wild pork soup is rolling inside. The fragrance is scattered in a small space. One person and two deer are surrounding the kang to warm up, and the remaining one whose life and death is horizontally **, wearing three or four. The layer of animal skin looks like a monster with a human head.

"Hey, are you really not going to have a drink?" Anjoa is wearing a beast's skin and holding a bowl with a missing mouth in her hand. White smoke is floating out of it. "Although you are vegetarian, it's good to eat some meat in this weather."

"Roar..." The two reindeer moved their ears, raised their heads and shouted at her, full of disdain, and then lowered their heads and continued to nibble on the grass in front of them. It was really, green shiny grass!


Don't ask An Qiaoya where she got the grass on this snowy day, because she also wants to know. The two reindeers are like the mounts of the ground snakes and immortals in the forest, and they can find everything. Just like the pile of green young grass like new growth in spring, God knows which mountain Kara they came from. In addition, there was only one animal skin in the house. She just muttered that too little quilt would be cold. As a result, one of the reindeer immediately walked out of the door and soon returned at least three animal skins, and it was dry and Briefly processed!

Anchoa is carefully considering whether to show them a treasure map and ask them to help find the treasure.

Looking back at the man, he was silent and didn't know whether he was dead or alive.

She has just given him one of the 18 small life-sustaining pills given to her by An Shengjie, but it doesn't seem to work so far.

"Alas..." sighed, An Qiaoya looked at the smoke on the iron kettle, and her face could not collapse any more. I don't know if she will have a chance to return to the stockade in her life? She doesn't expect to go back to modern times, but at least don't let her stay alone in this ice and snow.

Is it possible that Father Ann has regretted that she can't replace his precious daughter? Otherwise, why throw her into the horrible forest where dogs don't poop, birds don't lay eggs and turtles don't go ashore?


"Do you think I'm really annoying?" Such a sentence suddenly came out without thinking, and Anjoya stroked the top of the head of the reindeer close to her and pinched its little ears.

"Roar..." This is the reindeer's answer.

"Alas..." He simply jumped on the neck and rubbed the soft hair with his face. "You are the best."

Mr. Reindeer didn't say anything, but turned his head and touched the head of the person who was still chewing the grass, leaving a few "potassium diulfide iodide" full of grassy smelling "ent as fire".

The atmosphere at this time is quiet and harmonious~~~

" cold..."

A weak and intermittent voice came from **, and the man of ** unconsciously moved his head and moaned.

Anjoya blinked and pulled out his ears. Mr. Reindeer shook his short tail and shook his head, one by one deer, and then--

A woman "sw" loosened her hands around Mr. Reindeer's neck, ran to the bed like a burning buttocks, and looked with surprise and joy as the man's thin lips that had turned from dark purple to lavender were slightly inciting.

"What, what did you say?" Anjoa put her ear to listen carefully, and said encouragingly, "Say it once, come on!"

"............cold...I'm so...cold...uh...cold..."

"Cold?!" Anjoya looked at the three layers of animal skin covering his body in astonishment, each of which was as thick as her two fingers together! Will it be cold like this? There is no reason!

He stretched out his back of his hand and probed his forehead with suspicion, "Whew! It's so hot!"

No way!" you..."

Do you have a fever in this situation? Is there any mistake!

"I'm a female, and I don't spend less time in the snow than you. I don't have a fever. What's your fever?" How's it now? Where does she want to find medicine for him? Xiaoshudan is absolutely not good. I just ate one and now I have a fever. God knows what will happen if I eat another one.

"Damn!" Anchoa angrily grabbed her two unformed braids, and turned around the room with a headache, and the two reindeer heads were about to faint.

And the ** man kept moaning in pain, and bean-sized sweat rolled down from his forehead, diluting the freshly melted blood crystals on his face. So cold... I'm so cold... cold..."

"Okay, don't say any more. Don't you see that I'm trying to figure it out?" Clueless and annoyed, Anchoya roared at the man of **, and by the way, she was shocked by the two sober reindeer in the room and bounced up one after another.


It seems that something fell out of the simple wooden cabinet next to it.

An Qiaoya fixed his eyes and saw that it was a shallow iron pot half smaller than the iron kettle on the kang. It seemed that the shape was quite suitable for boiling water.

His eyes moved to the face full of dark red blood of the sweating man again, and the light flashed in his mind, and An Qiaoya hit a high-five!

By the way, she just knew how to keep him warm and feed him life-saving pills, but she didn't think of helping him clean up and bandage the wound. During the day, the temperature was low in the snow, and the wound was frozen because of the low temperature. Now the temperature in the wooden house is rising, and it is difficult to guarantee that the wound on his body has now cracked again.

As for why he had a worse fever than her, a weak woman... Anjoya thought, it should be caused by inflammation of the wound.

It's easy to find the reason. Generally, the fever caused by inflammation of the wound usually only needs to be treated before the fever subsides. She still knows this.

It's not too late. An Qiaoya immediately ran to pick up the shallow iron pot. Without saying a word, she opened the door and ran out. On a thick snowy ground, she quickly grabbed a handful of snow and poured it into the pot, and then hurried back.

With a bang, she closed the wooden door hard. As soon as she turned around, she saw two reindeer huddled together in the corner of the wooden house and looking at her with uncertain eyes. Then a woman suddenly remembered that she seemed to be roaring fiercely.

"I'm sorry, I was not good just now. I shouldn't have shouted so loudly. I'm really sorry to scare you." Throwing the iron pot aside, Anjoya ran to the two reindeer and half squatted down, then touched their heads and apologized in a low voice.

At first, the two reindeer were a little resistant and wanted to retreat, but later they saw that Anjoya had no malice, so they gradually relaxed and licked her palm to forgive.

"Great! I knew you weren't that stingy people... Er, deer, I love you so much." The atmosphere returned to the peace before she lost her anger, and Anjoya excitedly muaed on the heads of the two reindeer.

"Well, guys, now we still have a heavy responsibility to complete." Enough sensibility, Angioya let go of the two reindeer, "Come and help. Let's help him with fever together!"


"Little Black," An Joya pointed to a reindeer with dark hair. "Now your name is Little Black. Could you please continue to help me add some firewood to the kang to make the fire burn more vigorously?"

"Roar..." Xiaohei nodded and turned to the corner of the room to look for firewood.

"goodboy!" Anchoa praised it and then looked at the white reindeer with a copper money on his forehead. "Okay, you, call me Xiaobai in the future. Now, please come here and help me," pointing to the man who pointed to **, "lift all the skins on his body, okay?"

Xiaobai nodded as if he didn't understand, but he also knew that it was right to run to the bedside.

"great! Everything is well arranged! So, let's boil water now!"

He clenched his fist and took a deep breath, "Anchoya, you can do it! Come on!"


It was not easy to boil the water. When Anjoya brought the pot of hot water to the bedside, although she was ready, she couldn't help shivering when she saw the tragic situation of **.

Due to the increase in the indoor temperature, as soon as the ice slag melted, the blood vessels also dilated. Several scars on the man's chest had burst, and the thick blood stained his black clothes into a very dark red, and some even flowed to **, making the animal skin a mess. The bloody smell is disgusting.

She doesn't have much feelings for the blood of animals, but she is extremely afraid of human blood. Anjoya refuses to study the blood of the man again. Her legs are soft and almost unsteady. She is afraid of human blood. Even if it is only a little bit, it is enough for her to tremble all over her body, not to mention that the whole blood is now in front of her.

Shaking his head in an attempt to shake off the dizzy discomfort, An Qiaoya forced himself to turn his head again and shook his hands several times before successfully helping the man untie his belt and coat, and then the snow-white coat and underwear that had changed color...

When the last layer of clothes was pulled open, An Qiaoya almost gasped and fell off the edge of the bed. Oh, my God, my God, it's so horrible! A lot of blood, she is dizzy!

"Roar..." Xiaohei and Xiaobai, who were watching behind her, knew that there was something wrong when they saw her like this. They quickly arched Angioya with their mouths and wanted to help her up.

"I...I don' problem, okay... okay..."

With a pale face, Anjoya put his hand on the necks of the two reindeer and stood up. But as soon as I saw **'s open chest, I couldn't help but turn green and retreat a few steps.

It's horrible!

In the past, even if she saw the living person in the movie being dismembered, she could happily eat French fries and dip in ketchup, but now just seeing the bloody chest is enough for her legs to tremble her tongue and knot her head and feel dizzy. Sure enough, the feeling of watching the scene is different.

Three long knife wounds with deep visible bones almost cut the whole chest. The dark red blood lingered out like no money, and the meat outside the wound turned out, looking really ferocious.

Fortunately, the three knives became shallow when they reached the abdominal cavity, so that some colorful intestines would not run out to greet her, otherwise she would have to faint on the spot, and then she would have to wait for everyone to die.

" cold..." The man muttered with his eyes closed. The two thick eyebrows bulged in the middle like a knot, and his lips began to turn white, and his expression was very painful.

"'s coming..."


"Just put up with it." Anjoa licked her dry lips and comforted him, regardless of whether the man really could hear it or not. "It won't be cold when I sort out the wound."